
433 lines
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; NOTE(casey): This is not meant to be a real compliance test for 8086
; disassemblers. It's just a reasonable selection of opcodes and patterns
; to use as a first pass in making sure a disassembler handles a large
; cross-section of the encoding. To be absolutely certain you haven't
; missed something, you would need a more exhaustive listing!
bits 16
mov si, bx
mov dh, al
mov cl, 12
mov ch, -12
mov cx, 12
mov cx, -12
mov dx, 3948
mov dx, -3948
mov al, [bx + si]
mov bx, [bp + di]
mov dx, [bp]
mov ah, [bx + si + 4]
mov al, [bx + si + 4999]
mov [bx + di], cx
mov [bp + si], cl
mov [bp], ch
mov ax, [bx + di - 37]
mov [si - 300], cx
mov dx, [bx - 32]
mov [bp + di], byte 7
mov [di + 901], word 347
mov bp, [5]
mov bx, [3458]
mov ax, [2555]
mov ax, [16]
mov [2554], ax
mov [15], ax
push word [bp + si]
push word [3000]
push word [bx + di - 30]
push cx
push ax
push dx
push cs
pop word [bp + si]
pop word [3]
pop word [bx + di - 3000]
pop sp
pop di
pop si
pop ds
xchg ax, [bp - 1000]
xchg [bx + 50], bp
xchg ax, ax
xchg ax, dx
xchg ax, sp
xchg ax, si
xchg ax, di
xchg cx, dx
xchg si, cx
xchg cl, ah
in al, 200
in al, dx
in ax, dx
out 44, ax
out dx, al
lea ax, [bx + di + 1420]
lea bx, [bp - 50]
lea sp, [bp - 1003]
lea di, [bx + si - 7]
lds ax, [bx + di + 1420]
lds bx, [bp - 50]
lds sp, [bp - 1003]
lds di, [bx + si - 7]
les ax, [bx + di + 1420]
les bx, [bp - 50]
les sp, [bp - 1003]
les di, [bx + si - 7]
add cx, [bp]
add dx, [bx + si]
add [bp + di + 5000], ah
add [bx], al
add sp, 392
add si, 5
add ax, 1000
add ah, 30
add al, 9
add cx, bx
add ch, al
adc cx, [bp]
adc dx, [bx + si]
adc [bp + di + 5000], ah
adc [bx], al
adc sp, 392
adc si, 5
adc ax, 1000
adc ah, 30
adc al, 9
adc cx, bx
adc ch, al
inc ax
inc cx
inc dh
inc al
inc ah
inc sp
inc di
inc byte [bp + 1002]
inc word [bx + 39]
inc byte [bx + si + 5]
inc word [bp + di - 10044]
inc word [9349]
inc byte [bp]
sub cx, [bp]
sub dx, [bx + si]
sub [bp + di + 5000], ah
sub [bx], al
sub sp, 392
sub si, 5
sub ax, 1000
sub ah, 30
sub al, 9
sub cx, bx
sub ch, al
sbb cx, [bp]
sbb dx, [bx + si]
sbb [bp + di + 5000], ah
sbb [bx], al
sbb sp, 392
sbb si, 5
sbb ax, 1000
sbb ah, 30
sbb al, 9
sbb cx, bx
sbb ch, al
dec ax
dec cx
dec dh
dec al
dec ah
dec sp
dec di
dec byte [bp + 1002]
dec word [bx + 39]
dec byte [bx + si + 5]
dec word [bp + di - 10044]
dec word [9349]
dec byte [bp]
neg ax
neg cx
neg dh
neg al
neg ah
neg sp
neg di
neg byte [bp + 1002]
neg word [bx + 39]
neg byte [bx + si + 5]
neg word [bp + di - 10044]
neg word [9349]
neg byte [bp]
cmp bx, cx
cmp dh, [bp + 390]
cmp [bp + 2], si
cmp bl, 20
cmp byte [bx], 34
cmp ax, 23909
mul al
mul cx
mul word [bp]
mul byte [bx + di + 500]
imul ch
imul dx
imul byte [bx]
imul word [9483]
div bl
div sp
div byte [bx + si + 2990]
div word [bp + di + 1000]
idiv ax
idiv si
idiv byte [bp + si]
idiv word [bx + 493]
not ah
not bl
not sp
not si
not word [bp]
not byte [bp + 9905]
shl ah, 1
shr ax, 1
sar bx, 1
rol cx, 1
ror dh, 1
rcl sp, 1
rcr bp, 1
shl word [bp + 5], 1
shr byte [bx + si - 199], 1
sar byte [bx + di - 300], 1
rol word [bp], 1
ror word [4938], 1
rcl byte [3], 1
rcr word [bx], 1
shl ah, cl
shr ax, cl
sar bx, cl
rol cx, cl
ror dh, cl
rcl sp, cl
rcr bp, cl
shl word [bp + 5], cl
shr word [bx + si - 199], cl
sar byte [bx + di - 300], cl
rol byte [bp], cl
ror byte [4938], cl
rcl byte [3], cl
rcr word [bx], cl
and al, ah
and ch, cl
and bp, si
and di, sp
and al, 93
and ax, 20392
and [bp + si + 10], ch
and [bx + di + 1000], dx
and bx, [bp]
and cx, [4384]
and byte [bp - 39], 239
and word [bx + si - 4332], 10328
test bx, cx
test dh, [bp + 390]
test [bp + 2], si
test bl, 20
test byte [bx], 34
test ax, 23909
or al, ah
or ch, cl
or bp, si
or di, sp
or al, 93
or ax, 20392
or [bp + si + 10], ch
or [bx + di + 1000], dx
or bx, [bp]
or cx, [4384]
or byte [bp - 39], 239
or word [bx + si - 4332], 10328
xor al, ah
xor ch, cl
xor bp, si
xor di, sp
xor al, 93
xor ax, 20392
xor [bp + si + 10], ch
xor [bx + di + 1000], dx
xor bx, [bp]
xor cx, [4384]
xor byte [bp - 39], 239
xor word [bx + si - 4332], 10328
rep movsb
rep cmpsb
rep scasb
rep lodsb
rep movsw
rep cmpsw
rep scasw
rep lodsw
; NOTE(casey): Special thanks (as always!) to Mārtiņš Možeiko for figuring out why NASM
; wouldn't compile "rep stds" instructions. It was because it was a misprint in the 8086
; manual! It was really just "rep stos", which of course is still in x64, and NASM
; assembles it just fine.
rep stosb
rep stosw
call [39201]
call [bp - 100]
call sp
call ax
jmp ax
jmp di
jmp [12]
jmp [4395]
ret -7
ret 500
je label
jl label
jle label
jb label
jbe label
jp label
jo label
js label
jne label
jnl label
jg label
jnb label
ja label
jnp label
jno label
jns label
loop label
loopz label
loopnz label
jcxz label
int 13
lock not byte [bp + 9905]
lock xchg [100], al
mov al, cs:[bx + si]
mov bx, ds:[bp + di]
mov dx, es:[bp]
mov ah, ss:[bx + si + 4]
and ss:[bp + si + 10], ch
or ds:[bx + di + 1000], dx
xor bx, es:[bp]
cmp cx, es:[4384]
test byte cs:[bp - 39], 239
sbb word cs:[bx + si - 4332], 10328
lock not byte CS:[bp + 9905]
; NOTE(casey): These were not in the original homework set, but have been added since, as people
; found instruction encodings that were not previously covered
call 123:456
jmp 789:34
; TODO(casey): I would like to uncomment this, but as far as I can tell, NASM doesn't recognize the ESC instruction :(
; so even if I just force the assembler to output the bits here, our disasm will fail to assemble because it will (correctly!)
; print the esc instruction and NASM will error because it doesn't know what that is.
; esc 938,ax
; TODO(casey): According to NASM, "rep movsb" is "not lockable". However the 8086 manual seems to think it is, and
; even describes what happens when you you lock a rep: the lock is held for the duration of the rep operation. So...
; yeah. Not sure why this doesn't work in NASM:
; lock rep movsb