#if defined(__clang__) #pragma once #include "feely_pona_unity.h" #endif static bool operator==(FP_GameEntityHandle const &lhs, FP_GameEntityHandle const &rhs) { bool result = lhs.id == rhs.id; return result; } static bool operator!=(FP_GameEntityHandle const &lhs, FP_GameEntityHandle const &rhs) { bool result = !(lhs == rhs); return result; } static Dqn_M2x3 FP_Game_CameraModelViewM2x3(FP_GameCamera camera, TELY_Platform *platform) { Dqn_M2x3 result = Dqn_M2x3_Identity(); if (platform) { Dqn_V2 rotate_origin = camera.world_pos - (Dqn_V2_InitV2I(platform->core.window_size) * .5f); result = Dqn_M2x3_Mul(result, Dqn_M2x3_Translate(rotate_origin)); result = Dqn_M2x3_Mul(result, Dqn_M2x3_Rotate(camera.rotate_rads)); result = Dqn_M2x3_Mul(result, Dqn_M2x3_Scale(camera.scale)); result = Dqn_M2x3_Mul(result, Dqn_M2x3_Translate(-rotate_origin + camera.world_pos)); } return result; } static FP_GameEntity *FP_Game_GetEntity(FP_Game *game, FP_GameEntityHandle handle) { FP_GameEntity *result = nullptr; if (!game) return result; result = game->entities.data; uint64_t index_from_handle = handle.id & FP_GAME_ENTITY_HANDLE_INDEX_MASK; if (index_from_handle >= game->entities.size) return result; FP_GameEntity *candidate = game->entities.data + index_from_handle; if (candidate->handle == handle) result = candidate; return result; } static bool FP_Game_DFSPreOrderWalkEntityTree(FP_Game *game, FP_GameEntityIterator *it, FP_GameEntity *root) { if (!game || !it || !root) return false; it->last_visited = it->entity; if (it->init) { it->iteration_count++; } else { it->init = true; it->entity = root; it->entity_parent = it->entity->parent; it->entity_next = it->entity->next; it->entity_first_child = it->entity->first_child; } if (it->entity_first_child) { it->entity = it->entity_first_child; it->entity_parent = it->entity->parent; it->entity_next = it->entity->next; it->entity_first_child = it->entity->first_child; } else { while (it->entity->handle != root->handle) { if (it->entity_next) { it->entity = it->entity_next; it->entity_parent = it->entity->parent; it->entity_next = it->entity->next; it->entity_first_child = it->entity->first_child; break; } else { if (!it->entity_parent) break; it->entity = it->entity_parent; it->entity_parent = it->entity->parent; it->entity_next = it->entity->next; it->entity_first_child = it->entity->first_child; } } } return it->entity->handle != root->handle; } static bool FP_Game_DFSPostOrderWalkEntityTree(FP_Game *game, FP_GameEntityIterator *it, FP_GameEntity *root) { if (!game || !it || !root) return false; bool ascending_tree = it->entity ? (it->last_visited == it->entity->last_child) : false; it->last_visited = it->entity; if (it->init) { it->iteration_count++; } else { it->init = true; it->entity = root; it->entity_parent = it->entity->parent; it->entity_next = it->entity->next; it->entity_first_child = it->entity->first_child; } // NOTE: Descend to deepest leaf node if (it->entity_first_child && !ascending_tree) { while (it->entity_first_child) { it->entity = it->entity_first_child; it->entity_parent = it->entity->parent; it->entity_next = it->entity->next; it->entity_first_child = it->entity->first_child; } } else { // NOTE: We are at the leaf node, try going across if (it->entity != root && it->entity_next) { it->entity = it->entity_next; it->entity_parent = it->entity->parent; it->entity_next = it->entity->next; it->entity_first_child = it->entity->first_child; ascending_tree = false; } // NOTE: Try descend again if (it->entity_first_child && !ascending_tree) { while (it->entity_first_child) { it->entity = it->entity_first_child; it->entity_parent = it->entity->parent; it->entity_next = it->entity->next; it->entity_first_child = it->entity->first_child; } } // NOTE: If we could not move further across or down then we've // exhausted the tree, start moving up. if (it->last_visited == it->entity) { it->entity = it->entity_parent; it->entity_parent = it->entity->parent; it->entity_next = it->entity->next; it->entity_first_child = it->entity->first_child; } } return it->entity->handle != root->handle; } // NOTE: Parent entity static void FP_Game_PushParentEntity(FP_Game *game, FP_GameEntityHandle handle) { DQN_ASSERTF(game->parent_entity_stack.size >= 1, "Sentinel/nil entity has not been assigned as the 0th slot yet"); if (game) Dqn_FArray_Add(&game->parent_entity_stack, handle); } static void FP_Game_PopParentEntity(FP_Game *game) { // NOTE: 0th slot is reserved for the nil entity if (game && game->parent_entity_stack.size > 1) Dqn_FArray_PopBack(&game->parent_entity_stack, 1); } static FP_GameEntityHandle FP_Game_ActiveParentEntity(FP_Game const *game) { FP_GameEntityHandle result = {}; if (!game || !game->parent_entity_stack.size) return result; result = game->parent_entity_stack.data[game->parent_entity_stack.size - 1]; return result; } static FP_GameEntity *FP_Game_ActiveParentEntityPointer(FP_Game const *game) { FP_GameEntityHandle handle = FP_Game_ActiveParentEntity(game); FP_GameEntity *result = FP_Game_GetEntity(DQN_CAST(FP_Game *)game, handle); return result; } static FP_GameEntity *FP_Game_MakeEntityPointerFV(FP_Game *game, DQN_FMT_STRING_ANNOTATE char const *fmt, va_list args) { FP_GameEntity *result = nullptr; if (!game) return result; DQN_ASSERTF(game->entities.size > 0, "Sentinel/nil entity has not been initialised yet"); DQN_ASSERTF(game->root_entity, "Sentinel/nil entity has not been assigned yet"); result = game->root_entity; // TODO(doyle): Root entity or ... the nil entity? if (game->entity_free_list) { result = game->entity_free_list; game->entity_free_list = game->entity_free_list->next; result->next = nullptr; } else { if (game->entities.size >= (FP_GAME_ENTITY_HANDLE_INDEX_MAX + 1)) return result; result = Dqn_VArray_Make(&game->entities, Dqn_ZeroMem_Yes); if (!result) return result; result->handle.id = (game->entities.size - 1) & FP_GAME_ENTITY_HANDLE_INDEX_MASK; } result->size_scale = Dqn_V2_InitNx1(1); result->parent = FP_Game_ActiveParentEntityPointer(game); result->name = TELY_ChunkPool_AllocFmtFV(game->chunk_pool, fmt, args); // NOTE: Attach entity as a child to the parent FP_GameEntity *parent = result->parent; if (parent->first_child) parent->last_child->next = result; else parent->first_child = result; result->prev = parent->last_child; parent->last_child = result; DQN_ASSERT(!result->next); DQN_ASSERT(result->handle.id); DQN_ASSERT(result->parent->handle == game->parent_entity_stack.data[game->parent_entity_stack.size - 1]); return result; } static FP_GameEntity *FP_Game_MakeEntityPointerF(FP_Game *game, DQN_FMT_STRING_ANNOTATE char const *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); FP_GameEntity *result = FP_Game_MakeEntityPointerFV(game, fmt, args); va_end(args); return result; } static FP_GameEntityHandle FP_Game_MakeEntityF(FP_Game *game, DQN_FMT_STRING_ANNOTATE char const *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); FP_GameEntity *entity = FP_Game_MakeEntityPointerF(game, fmt, args); va_end(args); FP_GameEntityHandle result = {}; if (entity) result = entity->handle; return result; } static bool FP_Game_IsNilEntity(FP_GameEntity *entity) { bool result = entity ? ((entity->handle.id & FP_GAME_ENTITY_HANDLE_INDEX_MASK) == 0) : true; return result; } static void FP_Game_DetachEntityIntoFreeList(FP_Game *game, FP_GameEntityHandle handle) { FP_GameEntity *entity = FP_Game_GetEntity(game, handle); if (FP_Game_IsNilEntity(entity)) return; // NOTE: Entities in the entity tree always have a parent (except for the // nil/root entity). If an entity is passed in to this function and there's // no parent, it's most likely you passed in an entity already in the free // list (in which case only the next pointer will be set). This is most // likely a mistake so we guard against it here. if (!DQN_CHECK(entity->parent)) return; uint64_t const entity_index_from_handle = entity->handle.id & FP_GAME_ENTITY_HANDLE_INDEX_MASK; DQN_ASSERT(entity_index_from_handle < game->entities.size); uint64_t const entity_generation_raw = entity->handle.id & FP_GAME_ENTITY_HANDLE_GENERATION_MASK; uint64_t const entity_generation = entity_generation_raw >> FP_GAME_ENTITY_HANDLE_GENERATION_RSHIFT; uint64_t const new_entity_generation = entity_generation + 1; // NOTE: De-attach entity from adjacent children if (entity->prev) entity->prev->next = entity->next; if (entity->next) entity->next->prev = entity->prev; // NOTE: De-attach from parent FP_GameEntity *parent = entity->parent; if (parent->first_child == entity) parent->first_child = entity->next; if (parent->last_child == entity) parent->last_child = entity->prev; if (entity->name.size) TELY_ChunkPool_Dealloc(game->chunk_pool, entity->name.data); FP_SentinelList_Deinit(&entity->spawn_list, game->chunk_pool); FP_SentinelList_Deinit(&entity->waypoints, game->chunk_pool); if (new_entity_generation > entity_generation) { // NOTE: Update the incremented handle disassociating all prior handles // to this entity which would reference older generation values *entity = {}; entity->handle.id = entity_index_from_handle | (new_entity_generation << FP_GAME_ENTITY_HANDLE_GENERATION_RSHIFT); // NOTE: Attach entity to the free list entity->next = game->entity_free_list; entity->prev = nullptr; game->entity_free_list = entity; } else { // NOTE: We've cycled through all possible generations for this handle // We will not increment it and freeze it so it is no longer allocated // out. This prevents code that is still holding onto *really* old // handles } } static void FP_Game_DeleteEntity(FP_Game *game, FP_GameEntityHandle handle) { uint64_t index_from_handle = handle.id & FP_GAME_ENTITY_HANDLE_INDEX_MASK; if (!game || !DQN_CHECK(index_from_handle < game->entities.size)) return; FP_GameEntity *root = game->entities.data + index_from_handle; if (root->handle != handle) return; // NOTE: The iterator snaps a copy of all the internal n-ary tree pointers // so as we delete we do not accidentally invalidate any of the pointers. for (FP_GameEntityIterator it = {}; FP_Game_DFSPostOrderWalkEntityTree(game, &it, root); ) { DQN_ASSERT(it.entity != root); FP_GameEntity *entity = it.entity; FP_Game_DetachEntityIntoFreeList(game, entity->handle); } FP_Game_DetachEntityIntoFreeList(game, root->handle); } static Dqn_V2 FP_Game_CalcEntityWorldPos(FP_Game const *game, FP_GameEntityHandle handle) { Dqn_V2 result = {}; if (!game) return result; for (FP_GameEntity const *entity = FP_Game_GetEntity(DQN_CAST(FP_Game *) game, handle); entity != game->root_entity; entity = entity->parent) { result += entity->local_pos; } return result; } static Dqn_Rect FP_Game_CalcEntityLocalHitBox(FP_Game const *game, FP_GameEntityHandle handle) { FP_GameEntity *entity = FP_Game_GetEntity(DQN_CAST(FP_Game *)game, handle); Dqn_V2 half_hit_box_size = entity->local_hit_box_size * .5f; Dqn_Rect result = Dqn_Rect_InitV2x2(entity->local_hit_box_offset - half_hit_box_size, entity->local_hit_box_size); return result; } static Dqn_Rect FP_Game_CalcEntityWorldHitBox(FP_Game const *game, FP_GameEntityHandle handle) { FP_GameEntity *entity = FP_Game_GetEntity(DQN_CAST(FP_Game *) game, handle); Dqn_V2 world_pos = FP_Game_CalcEntityWorldPos(game, handle); Dqn_Rect local_hit_box = FP_Game_CalcEntityLocalHitBox(game, entity->handle); Dqn_Rect result = Dqn_Rect_InitV2x2(world_pos + local_hit_box.pos, local_hit_box.size); return result; } static Dqn_Rect FP_Game_CalcEntityAttackWorldHitBox(FP_Game const *game, FP_GameEntityHandle handle) { FP_GameEntity *entity = FP_Game_GetEntity(DQN_CAST(FP_Game *) game, handle); Dqn_V2 world_pos = FP_Game_CalcEntityWorldPos(game, handle); Dqn_V2 half_hit_box_size = entity->attack_box_size * .5f; Dqn_Rect result = Dqn_Rect_InitV2x2(world_pos + entity->attack_box_offset - half_hit_box_size, entity->attack_box_size); return result; } static Dqn_Rect FP_Game_CalcEntityArrayWorldBoundingBox(FP_Game const *game, FP_GameEntityHandle const *handles, Dqn_usize count) { Dqn_Rect result = {}; if (!game || !handles) return result; DQN_FOR_UINDEX(index, count) { FP_GameEntityHandle handle = handles[index]; FP_GameEntity const *entity = FP_Game_GetEntity(DQN_CAST(FP_Game *) game, handle); Dqn_Rect bbox = FP_Game_CalcEntityLocalHitBox(game, entity->handle); for (FP_GameShape const &shape_ : entity->shapes) { FP_GameShape const *shape = &shape_; switch (shape->type) { case FP_GameShapeType_None: { } break; case FP_GameShapeType_Circle: { Dqn_Rect rect = Dqn_Rect_InitV2x2(shape->p1 - shape->circle_radius, Dqn_V2_InitNx1(shape->circle_radius * 2.f)); bbox = Dqn_Rect_Union(bbox, rect); } break; case FP_GameShapeType_Rect: /*FALLTHRU*/ case FP_GameShapeType_Line: { Dqn_V2 min = Dqn_V2_Min(shape->p1, shape->p2); Dqn_V2 max = Dqn_V2_Max(shape->p1, shape->p2); Dqn_Rect rect = Dqn_Rect_InitV2x2(min, max - min); if (shape->type == FP_GameShapeType_Rect) rect.pos -= rect.size * .5f; bbox = Dqn_Rect_Union(bbox, rect); } break; } } bbox.pos += FP_Game_CalcEntityWorldPos(game, entity->handle); if (index) result = Dqn_Rect_Union(result, bbox); else result = bbox; } return result; } static Dqn_Rect FP_Game_CalcEntityWorldBoundingBox(FP_Game *game, FP_GameEntityHandle handle) { Dqn_Rect result = FP_Game_CalcEntityArrayWorldBoundingBox(game, &handle, 1); return result; } // Reset the timers and animation for the current action and set the duration // for the new action. static void FP_Game_EntityActionReset(FP_Game *game, FP_GameEntityHandle entity_handle, uint64_t duration_ms, TELY_AssetAnimatedSprite sprite) { FP_GameEntity *entity = FP_Game_GetEntity(game, entity_handle); if (!entity) return; entity->action.sprite = sprite; entity->action.started_at_clock_ms = game->clock_ms; entity->action.end_at_clock_ms = DQN_MAX(duration_ms, game->clock_ms + duration_ms); } static Dqn_V2I FP_Game_WorldPosToTilePos(FP_Game *game, Dqn_V2 world_pos) { Dqn_V2I result = Dqn_V2I_InitNx2(world_pos.x / game->tile_size, world_pos.y / game->tile_size); return result; } static Dqn_V2 FP_Game_TilePosToWorldPos(FP_Game *game, Dqn_V2I tile_pos) { Dqn_V2 result = Dqn_V2_InitNx2(tile_pos.x * game->tile_size, tile_pos.y * game->tile_size); return result; } static Dqn_Slice FP_Game_AStarPathFind(FP_Game *game, Dqn_Arena *arena, TELY_Platform *platform, FP_GameEntityHandle entity, Dqn_V2I dest_tile) { Dqn_Profiler_ZoneScopeWithIndex("FP_Update: A*", FP_ProfileZone_FPUpdate_AStar); Dqn_usize tile_count_x = DQN_CAST(Dqn_usize)(platform->core.window_size.w / game->tile_size); Dqn_usize tile_count_y = DQN_CAST(Dqn_usize)(platform->core.window_size.h / game->tile_size); Dqn_Slice result = {}; if (dest_tile.x < 0 || dest_tile.x > tile_count_x || dest_tile.y < 0 || dest_tile.y > tile_count_y) return result; Dqn_DSMap astar_info = Dqn_DSMap_Init(128); DQN_DEFER { Dqn_DSMap_Deinit(&astar_info); }; // NOTE: Enumerate the entities that are collidable ============================================ bool dest_tile_is_non_traversable = false; auto zone_enum_collidables = Dqn_Profiler_BeginZoneWithIndex(DQN_STRING8("FP_Update: A* enumerate collidables"), FP_ProfileZone_FPUpdate_AStarEnumerateCollidables); for (FP_GameEntityIterator it = {}; FP_Game_DFSPreOrderWalkEntityTree(game, &it, game->root_entity); ) { FP_GameEntity const *walk_entity = it.entity; if (entity == walk_entity->handle) continue; if ((walk_entity->flags & FP_GameEntityFlag_NonTraversable) == 0) continue; // NOTE: Mark tiles that the entity is on as non-traversable Dqn_Rect bounding_box = FP_Game_CalcEntityWorldBoundingBox(game, walk_entity->handle); Dqn_RectMinMax min_max = Dqn_Rect_MinMax(bounding_box); Dqn_V2I min_tile = FP_Game_WorldPosToTilePos(game, min_max.min); Dqn_V2I max_tile = FP_Game_WorldPosToTilePos(game, min_max.max); for (int32_t y = min_tile.y; y < max_tile.y; y++) { for (int32_t x = min_tile.x; x < max_tile.x; x++) { uint64_t tile_u64 = (DQN_CAST(uint64_t)y << 32) | (DQN_CAST(uint64_t)x << 0); FP_GameAStarNode *node = Dqn_DSMap_MakeKeyU64(&astar_info, tile_u64).value; node->non_traversable = true; node->tile = Dqn_V2I_InitNx2(x, y); if (node->tile == dest_tile) dest_tile_is_non_traversable = true; } } } Dqn_Profiler_EndZone(zone_enum_collidables); // NOTE: Setup A* state ======================================================================== Dqn_V2 entity_world_pos = FP_Game_CalcEntityWorldPos(game, entity); Dqn_V2I src_tile = FP_Game_WorldPosToTilePos(game, entity_world_pos); Dqn_FArray frontier = {}; Dqn_FArray_Add(&frontier, src_tile); // NOTE: Initialise the starting cost uint64_t src_tile_u64 = (DQN_CAST(uint64_t)src_tile.y << 32) | (DQN_CAST(uint64_t)src_tile.x << 0); Dqn_DSMap_MakeKeyU64(&astar_info, src_tile_u64).value->tile = src_tile; // NOTE: Do the A* process ===================================================================== Dqn_usize last_successful_manhattan_dist = UINT64_MAX; Dqn_V2I last_successful_tile = src_tile; auto zone_astar_expand = Dqn_Profiler_BeginZoneWithIndex(DQN_STRING8("FP_Update: A* expand"), FP_ProfileZone_FPUpdate_AStarExpand); while (frontier.size) { Dqn_Profiler_ZoneScopeWithIndex("FP_Update: A* neighbours", FP_ProfileZone_FPUpdate_AStarExploreNeighbours); Dqn_V2I curr_tile = Dqn_FArray_PopFront(&frontier, 1); if (curr_tile == dest_tile) break; Dqn_FArray neighbours = {}; { Dqn_V2I left = Dqn_V2I_InitNx2(curr_tile.x - 1, curr_tile.y); Dqn_V2I right = Dqn_V2I_InitNx2(curr_tile.x + 1, curr_tile.y); Dqn_V2I top = Dqn_V2I_InitNx2(curr_tile.x, curr_tile.y - 1); Dqn_V2I bottom = Dqn_V2I_InitNx2(curr_tile.x, curr_tile.y + 1); if (left.x >= 0) Dqn_FArray_Add(&neighbours, left); if (right.x <= tile_count_x) Dqn_FArray_Add(&neighbours, right); if (top.y >= 0) Dqn_FArray_Add(&neighbours, top); if (bottom.y <= tile_count_y) Dqn_FArray_Add(&neighbours, bottom); } uint64_t const curr_tile_u64 = (DQN_CAST(uint64_t)curr_tile.y << 32) | (DQN_CAST(uint64_t)curr_tile.x << 0); Dqn_usize const curr_cost = Dqn_DSMap_FindKeyU64(&astar_info, curr_tile_u64).value->cost; for (Dqn_V2I next_tile : neighbours) { // NOTE: Calculate cost to move to this neighbouring tile. Dqn_usize new_cost = curr_cost + 1; uint64_t next_tile_u64 = (DQN_CAST(uint64_t)next_tile.y << 32) | (DQN_CAST(uint64_t)next_tile.x << 0); Dqn_DSMapResult next_cost_result = Dqn_DSMap_MakeKeyU64(&astar_info, next_tile_u64); next_cost_result.value->tile = next_tile; // NOTE: We got as close as possible, we know it's impossible to // reach, we will stop here. // TODO(doyle): Doesn't work in the general case, what if there's a // 2 consecutive blocks that are not traversable, we will never // realise that if (dest_tile == next_tile && dest_tile_is_non_traversable) { Dqn_FArray_Clear(&frontier); break; } if (next_cost_result.value->non_traversable) continue; // NOTE: If we have already visited this node before, we only keep the cost if it's cheaper if (next_cost_result.found && new_cost >= next_cost_result.value->cost) continue; // NOTE: Update the node cost value and the heuristic (estimated cost to the end) Dqn_usize manhattan_dist = DQN_ABS(dest_tile.x - next_tile.x) + DQN_ABS(dest_tile.y - next_tile.y); next_cost_result.value->cost = new_cost; next_cost_result.value->came_from = curr_tile; next_cost_result.value->heuristic = new_cost + manhattan_dist; // NOTE: Store the last node we visited that had the best cost. // We may end up with a partial path find that could only get // part-way to the solution which this variable will track for us. if (manhattan_dist < last_successful_manhattan_dist) { last_successful_manhattan_dist = manhattan_dist; last_successful_tile = next_tile; } // TODO(doyle): Find the insert location into the frontier bool inserted = false; DQN_FOR_UINDEX(index, frontier.size) { Dqn_V2I frontier_tile = frontier.data[index]; uint64_t frontier_tile_u64 = DQN_CAST(uint64_t)frontier_tile.y << 32 | DQN_CAST(uint64_t)frontier_tile.x << 0; Dqn_usize frontier_heuristic = Dqn_DSMap_FindKeyU64(&astar_info, frontier_tile_u64).value->heuristic; if (next_cost_result.value->heuristic >= frontier_heuristic) continue; Dqn_FArray_Insert(&frontier, index, next_tile); inserted = true; break; } if (inserted) continue; Dqn_FArray_Add(&frontier, next_tile); } } Dqn_Profiler_EndZone(zone_astar_expand); #if 0 TELY_Renderer *renderer = &platform->renderer; for (uint32_t old_index = 1 /*Sentinel*/; old_index < astar_info.occupied; old_index++) { Dqn_DSMapSlot const *slot = astar_info.slots + old_index; FP_GameAStarNode const *node = &slot->value; Dqn_V2 pos = FP_Game_TilePosToWorldPos(game, node->tile) + (game->tile_size * .5f); TELY_Render_CircleColourV4(renderer, pos, 4.f, TELY_RenderShapeMode_Fill, TELY_COLOUR_BLUE_CADET_V4); } #endif Dqn_usize slice_size = 0; for (Dqn_V2I it = last_successful_tile; it != src_tile; slice_size++) { uint64_t key_u64 = (DQN_CAST(uint64_t)it.y << 32) | (DQN_CAST(uint64_t)it.x << 0); it = Dqn_DSMap_FindKeyU64(&astar_info, key_u64).value->came_from; } result = Dqn_Slice_Alloc(arena, slice_size, Dqn_ZeroMem_No); slice_size = 0; for (Dqn_V2I it = last_successful_tile; it != src_tile; ) { result.data[slice_size++] = it; uint64_t key_u64 = (DQN_CAST(uint64_t)it.y << 32) | (DQN_CAST(uint64_t)it.x << 0); it = Dqn_DSMap_FindKeyU64(&astar_info, key_u64).value->came_from; } DQN_ASSERT(result.size == slice_size); return result; } // NOTE: Spawning code ============================================================================= static FP_GameEntityHandle FP_Game_EntityAddWallAtTile(FP_Game *game, Dqn_String8 name, Dqn_V2I tile_pos, Dqn_V2I size_in_tiles) { Dqn_V2 size = Dqn_V2_InitV2I(size_in_tiles * DQN_CAST(int32_t) game->tile_size); Dqn_V2 world_pos = FP_Game_TilePosToWorldPos(game, tile_pos); world_pos += size * .5f; FP_GameEntity *entity = FP_Game_MakeEntityPointerF(game, name.data); entity->local_pos = world_pos; entity->local_hit_box_size = Dqn_V2_InitV2I(size_in_tiles * DQN_CAST(int32_t)game->tile_size); entity->flags |= FP_GameEntityFlag_Clickable; entity->flags |= FP_GameEntityFlag_MoveByKeyboard; entity->flags |= FP_GameEntityFlag_MoveByMouse; entity->flags |= FP_GameEntityFlag_NonTraversable; FP_GameShape *wall = Dqn_FArray_Make(&entity->shapes, Dqn_ZeroMem_Yes); wall->type = FP_GameShapeType_Rect; wall->p2 = entity->local_hit_box_size; wall->colour = TELY_COLOUR_GREEN_DARK_KHAKI_V4; FP_GameEntityHandle result = entity->handle; return result; } static FP_GameEntityHandle FP_Game_EntityAddMob(FP_Game *game, Dqn_V2 pos) { FP_GameEntity *entity = FP_Game_MakeEntityPointerF(game, "Mob"); entity->type = FP_EntityType_Smoochie; entity->local_pos = pos; entity->size_scale = Dqn_V2_InitNx1(.25f); entity->local_hit_box_size = Dqn_V2_InitNx2(428, 471) * entity->size_scale; entity->flags |= FP_GameEntityFlag_Clickable; entity->flags |= FP_GameEntityFlag_MoveByKeyboard; entity->flags |= FP_GameEntityFlag_MoveByMouse; entity->flags |= FP_GameEntityFlag_NonTraversable; FP_GameEntityHandle result = entity->handle; return result; }