@echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion where /q cl || ( echo MSVC's cl is not found - please run this from the MSVC x64 native tools command prompt exit /b 1 ) set code_dir=%~dp0 set build_dir=!code_dir!\build if not exist !build_dir! mkdir !build_dir! set common_compile_flags=-W4 -O2 set common_linker_flags=-link -nologo REM Build the metaprogram pushd !build_dir! cl !common_compile_flags! !code_dir!\bt_secp256k1_metaprogram.cpp !common_linker_flags! || ( echo Build script failed because the metaprogram failed to build successfully exit ) popd REM Code generate the single file header !build_dir!\bt_secp256k1_metaprogram.exe !code_dir!\secp256k1 || ( echo Build script failed because the metaprogram did not run successfully exit )