#ifndef RAYLIB_SIMD_H #define RAYLIB_SIMD_H #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif RLAPI void RaylibSIMD_ImageDraw (Image *dst, Image src, Rectangle srcRec, Rectangle dstRec, Color tint); RLAPI Image RaylibSIMD_GenImageColor (int width, int height, Color color); RLAPI void RaylibSIMD_ImageDrawRectangleRec(Image *dst, Rectangle rec, Color color); RLAPI void RaylibSIMD_ImageDrawRectangle (Image *dst, int posX, int posY, int width, int height, Color color); RLAPI void RaylibSIMD_ImageClearBackground (Image *dst, Color color); #if defined(__cplusplus) } #endif // extern "C" #endif // RAYLIB_SIMD_H #ifdef RAYLIB_SIMD_IMPLEMENTATION #include #if defined(_MSC_VER) #define RS_COMPILER_MSVC #elif defined(__clang__) #define RS_COMPILER_CLANG #elif defined(__GNUC__) #define RS_COMPILER_GCC #endif #ifdef RS_COMPILER_MSVC #include #elif defined(RS_COMPILER_CLANG) || defined(RS_COMPILER_GCC) #include #else #error "SIMD Implementation Required" #endif #define RS_FILE_SCOPE static #define RS_MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define RS_MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define RS_CAST(x) (x) RS_FILE_SCOPE uint32_t RaylibSIMD__ColorToU32(Color color) { uint32_t result = (RS_CAST(uint32_t) color.r << 0) | (RS_CAST(uint32_t) color.g << 8) | (RS_CAST(uint32_t) color.b << 16) | (RS_CAST(uint32_t) color.a << 24); return result; } RS_FILE_SCOPE void RaylibSIMD__SoftwareBlendPixel(unsigned char const *src_ptr, unsigned char *dest_ptr, Color tint, float src_alpha_min) { float const INV_255 = 1.f / 255.f; uint32_t src_pixel = *RS_CAST(uint32_t *)src_ptr; uint32_t dest_pixel = *RS_CAST(uint32_t *)dest_ptr; float src_r = RS_CAST(float)((src_pixel >> 0) & 0xFF); float src_g = RS_CAST(float)((src_pixel >> 8) & 0xFF); float src_b = RS_CAST(float)((src_pixel >> 16) & 0xFF); float src_a = RS_CAST(float)((src_pixel >> 24) & 0xFF); src_a = RS_MAX(src_a, src_alpha_min); float dest_r = RS_CAST(float)((dest_pixel >> 0) & 0xFF); float dest_g = RS_CAST(float)((dest_pixel >> 8) & 0xFF); float dest_b = RS_CAST(float)((dest_pixel >> 16) & 0xFF); float dest_a = RS_CAST(float)((dest_pixel >> 24) & 0xFF); float src_r01 = src_r * INV_255; float src_g01 = src_g * INV_255; float src_b01 = src_b * INV_255; float src_a01 = src_a * INV_255; float tint_r01 = tint.r * INV_255; float tint_g01 = tint.g * INV_255; float tint_b01 = tint.b * INV_255; float tint_a01 = tint.a * INV_255; float src_tint_r01 = tint_r01 * src_r01; float src_tint_g01 = tint_g01 * src_g01; float src_tint_b01 = tint_b01 * src_b01; float src_tint_a01 = tint_a01 * src_a01; float dest_r01 = dest_r * INV_255; float dest_g01 = dest_g * INV_255; float dest_b01 = dest_b * INV_255; float dest_a01 = dest_a * INV_255; float blend_a01 = src_tint_a01 + dest_a01 * (1.0f - src_tint_a01); float inv_blend_a01 = 1.f / blend_a01; float blend_r01 = ((src_tint_r01 * src_tint_a01) + (dest_r01 * dest_a01 * (1.f - src_tint_a01))) * inv_blend_a01; float blend_g01 = ((src_tint_g01 * src_tint_a01) + (dest_g01 * dest_a01 * (1.f - src_tint_a01))) * inv_blend_a01; float blend_b01 = ((src_tint_b01 * src_tint_a01) + (dest_b01 * dest_a01 * (1.f - src_tint_a01))) * inv_blend_a01; float blend_a = blend_a01 * 255.f; float blend_r = blend_r01 * 255.f; float blend_g = blend_g01 * 255.f; float blend_b = blend_b01 * 255.f; unsigned char blend_r255 = RS_CAST(unsigned char)blend_r; unsigned char blend_g255 = RS_CAST(unsigned char)blend_g; unsigned char blend_b255 = RS_CAST(unsigned char)blend_b; unsigned char blend_a255 = RS_CAST(unsigned char)blend_a; uint32_t blend_pixel = (RS_CAST(uint32_t)blend_r255 & 0xFF) << 0 | (RS_CAST(uint32_t)blend_g255 & 0xFF) << 8 | (RS_CAST(uint32_t)blend_b255 & 0xFF) << 16 | (RS_CAST(uint32_t)blend_a255 & 0xFF) << 24; *(RS_CAST(uint32_t *)dest_ptr) = blend_pixel; } typedef enum { RaylibSIMD_ImageDrawMode_Original, RaylibSIMD_ImageDrawMode_Flattened, RaylibSIMD_ImageDrawMode_SIMD, } RaylibSIMD_ImageDrawMode; void RaylibSIMD_ImageDraw(Image *dst, Image src, Rectangle srcRec, Rectangle dstRec, Color tint) { // Security check to avoid program crash if ((dst->data == NULL) || (dst->width == 0) || (dst->height == 0) || (src.data == NULL) || (src.width == 0) || (src.height == 0)) return; if (dst->mipmaps > 1) { TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "Image drawing only applied to base mipmap level"); } if (dst->format >= COMPRESSED_DXT1_RGB) { TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "Image drawing not supported for compressed formats"); } else { Image srcMod = { 0 }; // Source copy (in case it was required) Image *srcPtr = &src; // Pointer to source image bool useSrcMod = false; // Track source copy required // Source rectangle out-of-bounds security checks if (srcRec.x < 0) { srcRec.width += srcRec.x; srcRec.x = 0; } if (srcRec.y < 0) { srcRec.height += srcRec.y; srcRec.y = 0; } if ((srcRec.x + srcRec.width) > src.width) srcRec.width = src.width - srcRec.x; if ((srcRec.y + srcRec.height) > src.height) srcRec.height = src.height - srcRec.y; // Check if source rectangle needs to be resized to destination rectangle // In that case, we make a copy of source and we apply all required transform if (((int)srcRec.width != (int)dstRec.width) || ((int)srcRec.height != (int)dstRec.height)) { srcMod = ImageFromImage(src, srcRec); // Create image from another image ImageResize(&srcMod, (int)dstRec.width, (int)dstRec.height); // Resize to destination rectangle srcRec = (Rectangle){ 0.f, 0.f, (float)srcMod.width, (float)srcMod.height }; srcPtr = &srcMod; useSrcMod = true; } // Destination rectangle out-of-bounds security checks if (dstRec.x < 0) { srcRec.x = -dstRec.x; srcRec.width += dstRec.x; dstRec.x = 0; } else if ((dstRec.x + srcRec.width) > dst->width) srcRec.width = dst->width - dstRec.x; if (dstRec.y < 0) { srcRec.y = -dstRec.y; srcRec.height += dstRec.y; dstRec.y = 0; } else if ((dstRec.y + srcRec.height) > dst->height) srcRec.height = dst->height - dstRec.y; if (dst->width < srcRec.width) srcRec.width = (float)dst->width; if (dst->height < srcRec.height) srcRec.height = (float)dst->height; // This blitting method is quite fast! The process followed is: // for every pixel -> [get_src_format/get_dst_format -> blend -> format_to_dst] // Some optimization ideas: // [x] Avoid creating source copy if not required (no resize required) // [x] Optimize ImageResize() for pixel format (alternative: ImageResizeNN()) // [x] Optimize ColorAlphaBlend() to avoid processing (alpha = 0) and (alpha = 1) // [x] Optimize ColorAlphaBlend() for faster operations (maybe avoiding divs?) // [x] Consider fast path: no alpha blending required cases (src has no alpha) // [x] Consider fast path: same src/dst format with no alpha -> direct line copy // [-] GetPixelColor(): Return Vector4 instead of Color, easier for ColorAlphaBlend() bool blendRequired = true; // Fast path: Avoid blend if source has no alpha to blend if ((tint.a == 255) && ((srcPtr->format == UNCOMPRESSED_GRAYSCALE) || (srcPtr->format == UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8) || (srcPtr->format == UNCOMPRESSED_R5G6B5))) blendRequired = false; int strideDst = GetPixelDataSize(dst->width, 1, dst->format); int bytesPerPixelDst = strideDst/(dst->width); int strideSrc = GetPixelDataSize(srcPtr->width, 1, srcPtr->format); int bytesPerPixelSrc = strideSrc/(srcPtr->width); unsigned char *pSrcBase = (unsigned char *)srcPtr->data + ((int)srcRec.y*srcPtr->width + (int)srcRec.x)*bytesPerPixelSrc; unsigned char *pDstBase = (unsigned char *)dst->data + ((int)dstRec.y*dst->width + (int)dstRec.x)*bytesPerPixelDst; float const INV_255 = 1.f / 255.f; RaylibSIMD_ImageDrawMode draw_mode = RaylibSIMD_ImageDrawMode_Original; if (dst->format == UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8A8 && (srcPtr->format == UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8A8 || srcPtr->format == UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8 || srcPtr->format == UNCOMPRESSED_R5G6B5)) { draw_mode = RaylibSIMD_ImageDrawMode_SIMD; } switch(draw_mode) { case RaylibSIMD_ImageDrawMode_Original: { Color colSrc, colDst, blend; for (int y = 0; y < (int)srcRec.height; y++) { unsigned char *pSrc = pSrcBase; unsigned char *pDst = pDstBase; // Fast path: Avoid moving pixel by pixel if no blend required and same format if (!blendRequired && (srcPtr->format == dst->format)) memcpy(pDst, pSrc, (size_t)srcRec.width*bytesPerPixelSrc); else { for (int x = 0; x < (int)srcRec.width; x++) { colSrc = GetPixelColor(pSrc, srcPtr->format); colDst = GetPixelColor(pDst, dst->format); // Fast path: Avoid blend if source has no alpha to blend if (blendRequired) blend = ColorAlphaBlend(colDst, colSrc, tint); else blend = colSrc; SetPixelColor(pDst, blend, dst->format); pDst += bytesPerPixelDst; pSrc += bytesPerPixelSrc; } } pSrcBase += strideSrc; pDstBase += strideDst; } } break; case RaylibSIMD_ImageDrawMode_Flattened: { unsigned char *src_row = RS_CAST(unsigned char *)pSrcBase; unsigned char *dest_row = RS_CAST(unsigned char *)pDstBase; float const src_alpha_min = (srcPtr->format == UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8) ? 255.f : 0.f; for (int y = 0; y < (int)srcRec.height; y++) { unsigned char *src_ptr = src_row; unsigned char *dest_ptr = dest_row; for (int x = 0; x < (int)srcRec.width; x++) { RaylibSIMD__SoftwareBlendPixel(src_ptr, dest_ptr, tint, src_alpha_min); src_ptr += bytesPerPixelSrc; dest_ptr += bytesPerPixelDst; } src_row += strideSrc; dest_row += strideDst; } } break; case RaylibSIMD_ImageDrawMode_SIMD: { // NOTE: The general approach to SIMD the drawing loop is to // pull out each pixel into each available f32 SIMD lane to // do color blends in a [0, 1] 32 bit float space. // For example a __m128 consists of 4x32 bit lanes. // // SIMD Register // {[Pixel1] [Pixel2] [Pixel3] [Pixel4]} // // Followed by pulling each color component from pixels 1, 2, // 3 and 4 into a SIMD lane to perform the color blend. // // {[R1] [R2] [R3] [R4]} Register 1 // {[G1] [G2] [G3] [G4]} .. // {[B1] [B2] [B3] [B4]} .. // {[A1] [A2] [A3] [A4]} .. // // We collate the same colors of each pixel into the lanes // because the required blend equation is the same across the // same color components. __m128 const inv_255_4x = _mm_set1_ps(INV_255); __m128 const tint_r01_4x = _mm_set1_ps(tint.r * INV_255); __m128 const tint_g01_4x = _mm_set1_ps(tint.g * INV_255); __m128 const tint_b01_4x = _mm_set1_ps(tint.b * INV_255); __m128 const tint_a01_4x = _mm_set1_ps(tint.a * INV_255); __m128 const one_4x = _mm_set1_ps(1.f); __m128 const u255_4x = _mm_set1_ps(255.f); __m128i const hex_0xFF_4x = _mm_set1_epi32(0xFF); float src_alpha_min = 0.f; __m128i src_pixels_shuffle = _mm_set_epi8(15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0); // No-op shuffle. int r_bit_shift = 0; int g_bit_shift = 8; int b_bit_shift = 16; int a_bit_shift = 24; __m128i r_mask_4x = _mm_set1_epi32(0xFF); __m128i g_mask_4x = _mm_set1_epi32(0xFF); __m128i b_mask_4x = _mm_set1_epi32(0xFF); __m128i a_mask_4x = _mm_set1_epi32(0xFF); __m128 src_r_to_01_space_coefficient = _mm_set1_ps(INV_255); __m128 src_g_to_01_space_coefficient = _mm_set1_ps(INV_255); __m128 src_b_to_01_space_coefficient = _mm_set1_ps(INV_255); __m128 src_a_to_01_space_coefficient = _mm_set1_ps(INV_255); if (srcPtr->format == UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8) { // NOTE: We load 4 pixels x 4 colors at a time. But if the // source image is RGB, then the 4th color loaded in each // pixel is going to be the RED component of the next pixel. // // Pixels[] = {RGB, RGB, RGB, RGB, ...} // // For example, naively loading the next pixels in a 3BPP // byte stream, produces in a 128 bit SIMD register // // Pixel | 1 2 3 4 5 6* // Register | {[RGBR] [GBRG] [BRGB] [RGBR]} // ^ // | // +---- This is the start of the 2nd pixel. // // * Note that only the red channel of the 6th pixel gets loaded. // // The 2nd pixel needs to be moved into the SIMD lane. // and so forth for subsequent pixels. We shift the color // channels to correctly set up the SIMD lane, like so. // // Pixel | 1 2 3 4 // Register | {[RGB.] [RGB.] [RGB.] [RGB.]]} // // We do this by shuffling the loaded bits into place // duplicating the red channel and copying onwards. In the // RGBA case, we do a no-op shuffle that preserves positions // of all color components to avoid branches in the blitting // hot path. src_alpha_min = 255.f; src_pixels_shuffle = _mm_setr_epi8(0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10, 11, 12); } else if (srcPtr->format == UNCOMPRESSED_R5G6B5) { // NOTE: For a 128bit SIMD register with 4 lanes of 32 bits, // we can store 2 pixels per register. // // RGB565 Pixel // Bits | 01234 | 56789 10 | 11 12 13 14 15 // Color Bits | RRRRR | GGGGG G | B B B B B // // Register | {[P1, P2] [P3, P4] [P5, P6] [P7, P8]} // // See UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8 for reason for shuffle. Our // desired pattern is 1 pixel per lane for color blending in // [0, 1] normalized 32bit float space. // // Register | {[P1] [P2] [P3] [P4]} // Bits | [0:15] [16:31] [32:46] [46:61] // Bytes | [0:1] [2:3] [4:5] [6:7] r_bit_shift = 11; g_bit_shift = 5; b_bit_shift = 0; r_mask_4x = _mm_set1_epi32(0b011111); g_mask_4x = _mm_set1_epi32(0b111111); b_mask_4x = _mm_set1_epi32(0b011111); src_alpha_min = 255.f; src_pixels_shuffle = _mm_setr_epi8(0, 1, 0, 1, // Lane 1 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 7); src_r_to_01_space_coefficient = _mm_set1_ps(1.f/31.f); src_g_to_01_space_coefficient = _mm_set1_ps(1.f/63.f); src_b_to_01_space_coefficient = _mm_set1_ps(1.f/31.f); } __m128 const src_alpha_min_4x = _mm_set1_ps(src_alpha_min); // NOTE: Divide by float because we blend in [0,1] 32 bit float space // Each color component requires 1 SIMD lane to perform such blend. int const PIXELS_PER_SIMD_WRITE = sizeof(__m128) / sizeof(float); int const src_bits_per_pixel = RaylibSIMD__FormatToBitsPerPixel(srcPtr->format); int const src_bytes_per_pixel = src_bits_per_pixel / 8; int const src_bytes_per_simd_write = PIXELS_PER_SIMD_WRITE * src_bytes_per_pixel; int const dest_bytes_per_simd_write = PIXELS_PER_SIMD_WRITE * bytesPerPixelDst; int const simd_iterations = RS_CAST(int) srcRec.width / PIXELS_PER_SIMD_WRITE; // NOTE: Divison here rounds down fractional pixels int const total_simd_pixels = simd_iterations * PIXELS_PER_SIMD_WRITE; int const remaining_iterations = srcRec.width - total_simd_pixels; // NOTE: Ensure pixels fractionally written to are dealt with unsigned char const *src_row = RS_CAST(unsigned char const *)pSrcBase; unsigned char *dest_row = RS_CAST(unsigned char *)pDstBase; for (int y = 0; y < (int)srcRec.height; y++) { unsigned char *src_ptr = src_row; unsigned char *dest_ptr = dest_row; for (int x = 0; x < simd_iterations; x++) { unsigned char *dest = dest_ptr; // NOTE: Extract Pixels From Buffer __m128i src_pixels_4x = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)src_ptr); __m128i dest_pixels_4x = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)dest_ptr); __m128i src_pixels_4x_shuffled = _mm_shuffle_epi8(src_pixels_4x, src_pixels_shuffle); // NOTE: Advance Pixel Buffer src_ptr += src_bytes_per_simd_write; dest_ptr += dest_bytes_per_simd_write; // NOTE: Unpack Source & Dest Pixel Layout for SIMD // From {ABGR1, ABGR2, ABGR3, ABGR3} to {RRRR} {GGGG} {BBBB} {AAAA} where each // new {...} is one SIMD register with u32x4 lanes of the same color component. // // 1. Shift colour component to lowest 8 bits // 2. Isolate the color component // __m128i src0123_r_int = _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi32(src_pixels_4x_shuffled, r_bit_shift), r_mask_4x); __m128i src0123_g_int = _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi32(src_pixels_4x_shuffled, g_bit_shift), g_mask_4x); __m128i src0123_b_int = _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi32(src_pixels_4x_shuffled, b_bit_shift), b_mask_4x); __m128i src0123_a_int = _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi32(src_pixels_4x_shuffled, a_bit_shift), a_mask_4x); __m128i dest0123_r_int = _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi32(dest_pixels_4x, 0), hex_0xFF_4x); __m128i dest0123_g_int = _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi32(dest_pixels_4x, 8), hex_0xFF_4x); __m128i dest0123_b_int = _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi32(dest_pixels_4x, 16), hex_0xFF_4x); __m128i dest0123_a_int = _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi32(dest_pixels_4x, 24), hex_0xFF_4x); // NOTE: Convert to SIMD f32x4 __m128 src0123_r = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(src0123_r_int); __m128 src0123_g = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(src0123_g_int); __m128 src0123_b = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(src0123_b_int); __m128 src0123_a = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(src0123_a_int); // NOTE: For 3BPP Images the src_alpha_min_4x is set to 255 to completely overwrite dest. // For 4BPP Images the src_alpha_min_4x is set to 0 (i.e. no-op) src0123_a = _mm_max_ps(src0123_a, src_alpha_min_4x); __m128 dest0123_r = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(dest0123_r_int); __m128 dest0123_g = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(dest0123_g_int); __m128 dest0123_b = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(dest0123_b_int); __m128 dest0123_a = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(dest0123_a_int); // NOTE: Source Pixels to Normalized [0, 1] Float Space __m128 src0123_r01 = _mm_mul_ps(src0123_r, src_r_to_01_space_coefficient); __m128 src0123_g01 = _mm_mul_ps(src0123_g, src_g_to_01_space_coefficient); __m128 src0123_b01 = _mm_mul_ps(src0123_b, src_b_to_01_space_coefficient); __m128 src0123_a01 = _mm_mul_ps(src0123_a, src_a_to_01_space_coefficient); // NOTE: Tint Source Pixels __m128 src0123_tinted_r01 = _mm_mul_ps(src0123_r01, tint_r01_4x); __m128 src0123_tinted_g01 = _mm_mul_ps(src0123_g01, tint_g01_4x); __m128 src0123_tinted_b01 = _mm_mul_ps(src0123_b01, tint_b01_4x); __m128 src0123_tinted_a01 = _mm_mul_ps(src0123_a01, tint_a01_4x); // NOTE: Dest Pixels to Normalized [0, 1] Float Space __m128 dest0123_r01 = _mm_mul_ps(dest0123_r, inv_255_4x); __m128 dest0123_g01 = _mm_mul_ps(dest0123_g, inv_255_4x); __m128 dest0123_b01 = _mm_mul_ps(dest0123_b, inv_255_4x); __m128 dest0123_a01 = _mm_mul_ps(dest0123_a, inv_255_4x); // NOTE: Porter Duff Blend // NOTE: Blend Alpha // i.e. blend_a = src_a + (dest_a * (1 - src_a)) __m128 blend0123_a01 = _mm_add_ps(src0123_tinted_a01, _mm_mul_ps(dest0123_a01, _mm_sub_ps(one_4x, src0123_tinted_a01))); __m128 inv_blend0123_a01 = _mm_div_ps(one_4x, blend0123_a01); // NOTE: Blend Colors // i.e. blend_r = ((src_r * a) + (dest_r * dest_a * (1.f - src_a))) / blend_a; __m128 blend0123_r01 = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(src0123_tinted_r01, src0123_tinted_a01), _mm_mul_ps(dest0123_r01, _mm_mul_ps(dest0123_a01, _mm_sub_ps(one_4x, src0123_tinted_a01)))), inv_blend0123_a01); __m128 blend0123_g01 = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(src0123_tinted_g01, src0123_tinted_a01), _mm_mul_ps(dest0123_g01, _mm_mul_ps(dest0123_a01, _mm_sub_ps(one_4x, src0123_tinted_a01)))), inv_blend0123_a01); __m128 blend0123_b01 = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(src0123_tinted_b01, src0123_tinted_a01), _mm_mul_ps(dest0123_b01, _mm_mul_ps(dest0123_a01, _mm_sub_ps(one_4x, src0123_tinted_a01)))), inv_blend0123_a01); // NOTE: Convert Blend to [0, 255] F32 Space __m128 blend0123_a = _mm_mul_ps(blend0123_a01, u255_4x); __m128 blend0123_r = _mm_mul_ps(blend0123_r01, u255_4x); __m128 blend0123_g = _mm_mul_ps(blend0123_g01, u255_4x); __m128 blend0123_b = _mm_mul_ps(blend0123_b01, u255_4x); // NOTE: Convert Blend to [0, 255] Integer Space __m128i blended0123_a_int = _mm_cvtps_epi32(blend0123_a); __m128i blended0123_r_int = _mm_cvtps_epi32(blend0123_r); __m128i blended0123_g_int = _mm_cvtps_epi32(blend0123_g); __m128i blended0123_b_int = _mm_cvtps_epi32(blend0123_b); // NOTE: Repack The Pixel // From {RRRR} {GGGG} {BBBB} {AAAA} to {ABGR ABGR ABGR ABGR} // Each blend has the color component converted to 8 bits sitting in the low bits of the SIMD lane. // Shift the colors into place and or them together to get the final output // // blended0123_r_int = {[0,0,0,R], [0,0,0,R], [0,0,0,R], [0,0,0,R]} // blended0123_g_int = {[0,0,0,G], [0,0,0,G], [0,0,0,G], [0,0,0,G]} // blended0123_b_int = {[0,0,0,B], [0,0,0,B], [0,0,0,B], [0,0,0,B]} // blended0123_b_int = {[0,0,0,A], [0,0,0,A], [0,0,0,A], [0,0,0,A]} // pixel0123 = {[A,B,G,R], [A,B,G,R], [A,B,G,R], [A,B,G,R]} // __m128i pixel0123 = _mm_or_si128(blended0123_r_int, _mm_or_si128(_mm_or_si128(_mm_slli_epi32(blended0123_g_int, 8), _mm_slli_epi32(blended0123_b_int, 16)), _mm_slli_epi32(blended0123_a_int, 24))); _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)dest, pixel0123); } // NOTE: Remaining iterations are done serially. for (int x = 0; x < remaining_iterations; x++) { RaylibSIMD__SoftwareBlendPixel(src_ptr, dest_ptr, tint, src_alpha_min); src_ptr += bytesPerPixelSrc; dest_ptr += bytesPerPixelDst; } src_row += strideSrc; dest_row += strideDst; } } } if (useSrcMod) UnloadImage(srcMod); // Unload source modified image } } Image RaylibSIMD_GenImageColor(int width, int height, Color color) { Image image = {0}; image.data = RS_CAST(Color *) RL_MALLOC(width * height * sizeof(Color)); image.width = width; image.height = height; image.format = UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8A8; image.mipmaps = 1; RaylibSIMD_ImageDrawRectangleRec(&image, (Rectangle){0, 0, width, height}, color); return image; } RS_FILE_SCOPE int RaylibSIMD__FormatToBitsPerPixel(int format) { int result = 4; switch (format) { case UNCOMPRESSED_GRAYSCALE: result = 8; break; case UNCOMPRESSED_GRAY_ALPHA: case UNCOMPRESSED_R5G6B5: case UNCOMPRESSED_R5G5B5A1: case UNCOMPRESSED_R4G4B4A4: result = 16; break; case UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8A8: result = 32; break; case UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8: result = 24; break; case UNCOMPRESSED_R32: result = 32; break; case UNCOMPRESSED_R32G32B32: result = 32*3; break; case UNCOMPRESSED_R32G32B32A32: result = 32*4; break; case COMPRESSED_DXT1_RGB: case COMPRESSED_DXT1_RGBA: case COMPRESSED_ETC1_RGB: case COMPRESSED_ETC2_RGB: case COMPRESSED_PVRT_RGB: case COMPRESSED_PVRT_RGBA: result = 4; break; case COMPRESSED_DXT3_RGBA: case COMPRESSED_DXT5_RGBA: case COMPRESSED_ETC2_EAC_RGBA: case COMPRESSED_ASTC_4x4_RGBA: result = 8; break; case COMPRESSED_ASTC_8x8_RGBA: result = 2; break; default: break; } return result; } Rectangle RaylibSIMD__RectangleIntersection(Rectangle a, Rectangle b) { float a_max_x = a.x + a.width; float a_max_y = a.y + a.height; float b_max_x = b.x + b.width; float b_max_y = b.y + b.height; Rectangle result = {0}; int intersects = (a.x <= b_max_x && a_max_x >= b.x) && (a.y <= b_max_y && a_max_y >= b.y); if (intersects) { result.x = RS_MAX(a.x, b.x); result.y = RS_MAX(a.y, b.y); result.width = RS_MIN(a_max_x, b_max_x) - result.x; result.height = RS_MIN(a_max_y, b_max_y) - result.y; } return result; } // Draw rectangle within an image void RaylibSIMD_ImageDrawRectangleRec(Image *dst, Rectangle rec, Color color) { // Security check to avoid program crash if ((dst->data == NULL) || (dst->width == 0) || (dst->height == 0)) return; // TODO(doyle): Grayscale, Gray Alpha, R5G6B5, R5G5B5A1, R4G4B4A4 haven't // been tested yet but, I wrote this function to technically be agnostic of // the storage format. It probably works but should be checked. __m128i color_4x = {0}; switch(dst->format) { default: break; case UNCOMPRESSED_GRAYSCALE: { float r01 = RS_CAST(float) color.r / 255.0f; float g01 = RS_CAST(float) color.g / 255.0f; float b01 = RS_CAST(float) color.b / 255.0f; unsigned char gray = RS_CAST(unsigned char)((r01 * 0.299f + g01 * 0.587f + b01 * 0.114f) * 255.0f); color_4x = _mm_set1_epi8(gray); } break; case UNCOMPRESSED_GRAY_ALPHA: { float r01 = RS_CAST(float) color.r / 255.0f; float g01 = RS_CAST(float) color.g / 255.0f; float b01 = RS_CAST(float) color.b / 255.0f; unsigned char gray = RS_CAST(unsigned char)((r01 * 0.299f + g01 * 0.587f + b01 * 0.114f) * 255.0f); color_4x = _mm_setr_epi8(gray, color.a, gray, color.a, gray, color.a, gray, color.a, gray, color.a, gray, color.a, gray, color.a, gray, color.a); } break; case UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8A8: { uint32_t color_u32 = RaylibSIMD__ColorToU32(color); color_4x = _mm_set1_epi32(color_u32); } break; case UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8: { char r = RS_CAST(char)color.r; char g = RS_CAST(char)color.g; char b = RS_CAST(char)color.b; color_4x = _mm_setr_epi8(r, g, b, r, g, b, r, g, b, r, g, b, r, g, b, r); } break; case UNCOMPRESSED_R5G6B5: case UNCOMPRESSED_R5G5B5A1: case UNCOMPRESSED_R4G4B4A4: { float r01 = RS_CAST(float) color.r / 255.0f; float g01 = RS_CAST(float) color.g / 255.0f; float b01 = RS_CAST(float) color.b / 255.0f; float a01 = RS_CAST(float) color.a / 255.0f; uint16_t rgba = 0; if (dst->format == UNCOMPRESSED_R5G6B5) { char r = RS_CAST(char)(r01 * 31.f); char g = RS_CAST(char)(g01 * 63.f); char b = RS_CAST(char)(b01 * 31.f); rgba = r << 11 | g << 5 | b << 0; } else if (dst->format == UNCOMPRESSED_R5G5B5A1) { char r = RS_CAST(char)(r01 * 31.f); char g = RS_CAST(char)(g01 * 31.f); char b = RS_CAST(char)(b01 * 31.f); char a = RS_CAST(char)(a01 * 31.f); rgba = r << 11 | g << 6 | b << 1 | a << 0; } else if (dst->format == UNCOMPRESSED_R4G4B4A4) { char r = RS_CAST(char)(r01 * 15.f); char g = RS_CAST(char)(g01 * 15.f); char b = RS_CAST(char)(b01 * 15.f); char a = RS_CAST(char)(a01 * 15.f); rgba = r << 12 | g << 8 | b << 4 | a << 0; } color_4x = _mm_set1_epi32((rgba << 0) | (rgba << 16)); } break; } Rectangle dst_rect = (Rectangle){0, 0, dst->width, dst->height}; rec = RaylibSIMD__RectangleIntersection(dst_rect, rec); int const bits_per_pixel = RaylibSIMD__FormatToBitsPerPixel(dst->format); int const bytes_per_pixel = bits_per_pixel / 8; int const pixels_per_simd_write = sizeof(__m128i) / bytes_per_pixel; int const bytes_per_simd_write = pixels_per_simd_write * bytes_per_pixel; int const simd_iterations = RS_CAST(int)(rec.width * bytes_per_pixel) / sizeof(__m128i); int const remaining_iterations = rec.width - (pixels_per_simd_write * simd_iterations); int const stride = dst->width * bytes_per_pixel; int const row_offset = (rec.y * stride) + rec.x * bytes_per_pixel; for (int y = 0; y < RS_CAST(int)rec.height; y++) { unsigned char *dest = RS_CAST(unsigned char *)dst->data + (row_offset + (stride * y)); for (int iteration = 0; iteration < simd_iterations; iteration++) { _mm_storeu_si128(RS_CAST(__m128i *)dest, color_4x); dest += bytes_per_simd_write; } for (int iteration = 0; iteration < remaining_iterations; iteration++) { SetPixelColor(dest, color, dst->format); dest += bytes_per_pixel; } } } void RaylibSIMD_ImageDrawRectangle(Image *dst, int posX, int posY, int width, int height, Color color) { RaylibSIMD_ImageDrawRectangleRec(dst, (Rectangle){RS_CAST(float)posX, RS_CAST(float)posY, RS_CAST(float)width, RS_CAST(float)height}, color); } void RaylibSIMD_ImageClearBackground(Image *dst, Color color) { RaylibSIMD_ImageDrawRectangleRec(dst, (Rectangle){0, 0, dst->width, dst->height}, color); } #endif // RAYLIB_SIMD_IMPLEMENTATION