/* ======================================================================== (C) Copyright 2023 by Molly Rocket, Inc., All Rights Reserved. This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Please see https://computerenhance.com for more information ======================================================================== */ /* ======================================================================== LISTING 101 ======================================================================== */ /* NOTE(casey): _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS is here because otherwise we cannot call fopen(). If we replace fopen() with fopen_s() to avoid the warning, then the code doesn't compile on Linux anymore, since fopen_s() does not exist there. What exactly the CRT maintainers were thinking when they made this choice, I have no idea. */ #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include #include #include #include #include typedef uint8_t u8; typedef uint32_t u32; typedef uint64_t u64; typedef int32_t b32; typedef float f32; typedef double f64; #define ArrayCount(Array) (sizeof(Array)/sizeof((Array)[0])) struct haversine_pair { f64 X0, Y0; f64 X1, Y1; }; #define PROFILER 1 #include "listing_0100_bandwidth_profiler.cpp" #include "listing_0065_haversine_formula.cpp" #include "listing_0068_buffer.cpp" #include "listing_0094_profiled_lookup_json_parser.cpp" static buffer ReadEntireFile(char *FileName) { TimeFunction; buffer Result = {}; FILE *File = fopen(FileName, "rb"); if(File) { #if _WIN32 struct __stat64 Stat; _stat64(FileName, &Stat); #else struct stat Stat; stat(FileName, &Stat); #endif Result = AllocateBuffer(Stat.st_size); if(Result.Data) { TimeBandwidth("fread", Result.Count); if(fread(Result.Data, Result.Count, 1, File) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to read \"%s\".\n", FileName); FreeBuffer(&Result); } } fclose(File); } else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to open \"%s\".\n", FileName); } return Result; } static f64 SumHaversineDistances(u64 PairCount, haversine_pair *Pairs) { TimeBandwidth(__func__, PairCount*sizeof(haversine_pair)); f64 Sum = 0; f64 SumCoef = 1 / (f64)PairCount; for(u64 PairIndex = 0; PairIndex < PairCount; ++PairIndex) { haversine_pair Pair = Pairs[PairIndex]; f64 EarthRadius = 6372.8; f64 Dist = ReferenceHaversine(Pair.X0, Pair.Y0, Pair.X1, Pair.Y1, EarthRadius); Sum += SumCoef*Dist; } return Sum; } int main(int ArgCount, char **Args) { BeginProfile(); int Result = 1; if((ArgCount == 2) || (ArgCount == 3)) { buffer InputJSON = ReadEntireFile(Args[1]); u32 MinimumJSONPairEncoding = 6*4; u64 MaxPairCount = InputJSON.Count / MinimumJSONPairEncoding; if(MaxPairCount) { buffer ParsedValues = AllocateBuffer(MaxPairCount * sizeof(haversine_pair)); if(ParsedValues.Count) { haversine_pair *Pairs = (haversine_pair *)ParsedValues.Data; u64 PairCount = ParseHaversinePairs(InputJSON, MaxPairCount, Pairs); f64 Sum = SumHaversineDistances(PairCount, Pairs); Result = 0; fprintf(stdout, "Input size: %llu\n", InputJSON.Count); fprintf(stdout, "Pair count: %llu\n", PairCount); fprintf(stdout, "Haversine sum: %.16f\n", Sum); if(ArgCount == 3) { buffer AnswersF64 = ReadEntireFile(Args[2]); if(AnswersF64.Count >= sizeof(f64)) { f64 *AnswerValues = (f64 *)AnswersF64.Data; fprintf(stdout, "\nValidation:\n"); u64 RefAnswerCount = (AnswersF64.Count - sizeof(f64)) / sizeof(f64); if(PairCount != RefAnswerCount) { fprintf(stdout, "FAILED - pair count doesn't match %llu.\n", RefAnswerCount); } f64 RefSum = AnswerValues[RefAnswerCount]; fprintf(stdout, "Reference sum: %.16f\n", RefSum); fprintf(stdout, "Difference: %.16f\n", Sum - RefSum); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } } } FreeBuffer(&ParsedValues); } else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Malformed input JSON\n"); } FreeBuffer(&InputJSON); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [haversine_input.json]\n", Args[0]); fprintf(stderr, " %s [haversine_input.json] [answers.f64]\n", Args[0]); } if(Result == 0) { EndAndPrintProfile(); } return Result; } ProfilerEndOfCompilationUnit;