/* ======================================================================== (C) Copyright 2023 by Molly Rocket, Inc., All Rights Reserved. This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Please see https://computerenhance.com for more information ======================================================================== */ /* ======================================================================== LISTING 89 ======================================================================== */ enum json_token_type { Token_end_of_stream, Token_error, Token_open_brace, Token_open_bracket, Token_close_brace, Token_close_bracket, Token_comma, Token_colon, Token_string_literal, Token_number, Token_true, Token_false, Token_null, Token_count, }; struct json_token { json_token_type Type; buffer Value; }; struct json_element { buffer Label; buffer Value; json_element *FirstSubElement; json_element *NextSibling; }; struct json_parser { buffer Source; u64 At; b32 HadError; }; static b32 IsJSONDigit(buffer Source, u64 At) { TimeFunction; b32 Result = false; if(IsInBounds(Source, At)) { u8 Val = Source.Data[At]; Result = ((Val >= '0') && (Val <= '9')); } return Result; } static b32 IsJSONWhitespace(buffer Source, u64 At) { TimeFunction; b32 Result = false; if(IsInBounds(Source, At)) { u8 Val = Source.Data[At]; Result = ((Val == ' ') || (Val == '\t') || (Val == '\n') || (Val == '\r')); } return Result; } static b32 IsParsing(json_parser *Parser) { TimeFunction; b32 Result = !Parser->HadError && IsInBounds(Parser->Source, Parser->At); return Result; } static void Error(json_parser *Parser, json_token Token, char const *Message) { TimeFunction; Parser->HadError = true; fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: \"%.*s\" - %s\n", (u32)Token.Value.Count, (char *)Token.Value.Data, Message); } static void ParseKeyword(buffer Source, u64 *At, buffer KeywordRemaining, json_token_type Type, json_token *Result) { TimeFunction; if((Source.Count - *At) >= KeywordRemaining.Count) { buffer Check = Source; Check.Data += *At; Check.Count = KeywordRemaining.Count; if(AreEqual(Check, KeywordRemaining)) { Result->Type = Type; Result->Value.Count += KeywordRemaining.Count; *At += KeywordRemaining.Count; } } } static json_token GetJSONToken(json_parser *Parser) { TimeFunction; json_token Result = {}; buffer Source = Parser->Source; u64 At = Parser->At; while(IsJSONWhitespace(Source, At)) { ++At; } if(IsInBounds(Source, At)) { Result.Type = Token_error; Result.Value.Count = 1; Result.Value.Data = Source.Data + At; u8 Val = Source.Data[At++]; switch(Val) { case '{': {Result.Type = Token_open_brace;} break; case '[': {Result.Type = Token_open_bracket;} break; case '}': {Result.Type = Token_close_brace;} break; case ']': {Result.Type = Token_close_bracket;} break; case ',': {Result.Type = Token_comma;} break; case ':': {Result.Type = Token_colon;} break; case 'f': { ParseKeyword(Source, &At, CONSTANT_STRING("alse"), Token_false, &Result); } break; case 'n': { ParseKeyword(Source, &At, CONSTANT_STRING("ull"), Token_null, &Result); } break; case 't': { ParseKeyword(Source, &At, CONSTANT_STRING("rue"), Token_true, &Result); } break; case '"': { Result.Type = Token_string_literal; u64 StringStart = At; while(IsInBounds(Source, At) && (Source.Data[At] != '"')) { if(IsInBounds(Source, (At + 1)) && (Source.Data[At] == '\\') && (Source.Data[At + 1] == '"')) { // NOTE(casey): Skip escaped quotation marks ++At; } ++At; } Result.Value.Data = Source.Data + StringStart; Result.Value.Count = At - StringStart; if(IsInBounds(Source, At)) { ++At; } } break; case '-': case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': { u64 Start = At - 1; Result.Type = Token_number; // NOTE(casey): Move past a leading negative sign if one exists if((Val == '-') && IsInBounds(Source, At)) { Val = Source.Data[At++]; } // NOTE(casey): If the leading digit wasn't 0, parse any digits before the decimal point if(Val != '0') { while(IsJSONDigit(Source, At)) { ++At; } } // NOTE(casey): If there is a decimal point, parse any digits after the decimal point if(IsInBounds(Source, At) && (Source.Data[At] == '.')) { ++At; while(IsJSONDigit(Source, At)) { ++At; } } // NOTE(casey): If it's in scientific notation, parse any digits after the "e" if(IsInBounds(Source, At) && ((Source.Data[At] == 'e') || (Source.Data[At] == 'E'))) { ++At; if(IsInBounds(Source, At) && ((Source.Data[At] == '+') || (Source.Data[At] == '-'))) { ++At; } while(IsJSONDigit(Source, At)) { ++At; } } Result.Value.Count = At - Start; } break; default: { } break; } } Parser->At = At; return Result; } static json_element *ParseJSONList(json_parser *Parser, json_token_type EndType, b32 HasLabels); static json_element *ParseJSONElement(json_parser *Parser, buffer Label, json_token Value) { TimeFunction; b32 Valid = true; json_element *SubElement = 0; if(Value.Type == Token_open_bracket) { SubElement = ParseJSONList(Parser, Token_close_bracket, false); } else if(Value.Type == Token_open_brace) { SubElement = ParseJSONList(Parser, Token_close_brace, true); } else if((Value.Type == Token_string_literal) || (Value.Type == Token_true) || (Value.Type == Token_false) || (Value.Type == Token_null) || (Value.Type == Token_number)) { // NOTE(casey): Nothing to do here, since there is no additional data } else { Valid = false; } json_element *Result = 0; if(Valid) { Result = (json_element *)malloc(sizeof(json_element)); Result->Label = Label; Result->Value = Value.Value; Result->FirstSubElement = SubElement; Result->NextSibling = 0; } return Result; } static json_element *ParseJSONList(json_parser *Parser, json_token_type EndType, b32 HasLabels) { TimeFunction; json_element *FirstElement = {}; json_element *LastElement = {}; while(IsParsing(Parser)) { buffer Label = {}; json_token Value = GetJSONToken(Parser); if(HasLabels) { if(Value.Type == Token_string_literal) { Label = Value.Value; json_token Colon = GetJSONToken(Parser); if(Colon.Type == Token_colon) { Value = GetJSONToken(Parser); } else { Error(Parser, Colon, "Expected colon after field name"); } } else if(Value.Type != EndType) { Error(Parser, Value, "Unexpected token in JSON"); } } json_element *Element = ParseJSONElement(Parser, Label, Value); if(Element) { LastElement = (LastElement ? LastElement->NextSibling : FirstElement) = Element; } else if(Value.Type == EndType) { break; } else { Error(Parser, Value, "Unexpected token in JSON"); } json_token Comma = GetJSONToken(Parser); if(Comma.Type == EndType) { break; } else if(Comma.Type != Token_comma) { Error(Parser, Comma, "Unexpected token in JSON"); } } return FirstElement; } static json_element *ParseJSON(buffer InputJSON) { TimeFunction; json_parser Parser = {}; Parser.Source = InputJSON; json_element *Result = ParseJSONElement(&Parser, {}, GetJSONToken(&Parser)); return Result; } static void FreeJSON(json_element *Element) { TimeFunction; while(Element) { json_element *FreeElement = Element; Element = Element->NextSibling; FreeJSON(FreeElement->FirstSubElement); free(FreeElement); } } static json_element *LookupElement(json_element *Object, buffer ElementName) { TimeFunction; json_element *Result = 0; if(Object) { for(json_element *Search = Object->FirstSubElement; Search; Search = Search->NextSibling) { if(AreEqual(Search->Label, ElementName)) { Result = Search; break; } } } return Result; } static f64 ConvertJSONSign(buffer Source, u64 *AtResult) { TimeFunction; u64 At = *AtResult; f64 Result = 1.0; if(IsInBounds(Source, At) && (Source.Data[At] == '-')) { Result = -1.0; ++At; } *AtResult = At; return Result; } static f64 ConvertJSONNumber(buffer Source, u64 *AtResult) { TimeFunction; u64 At = *AtResult; f64 Result = 0.0; while(IsInBounds(Source, At)) { u8 Char = Source.Data[At] - (u8)'0'; if(Char < 10) { Result = 10.0*Result + (f64)Char; ++At; } else { break; } } *AtResult = At; return Result; } static f64 ConvertElementToF64(json_element *Object, buffer ElementName) { TimeFunction; f64 Result = 0.0; json_element *Element = LookupElement(Object, ElementName); if(Element) { buffer Source = Element->Value; u64 At = 0; f64 Sign = ConvertJSONSign(Source, &At); f64 Number = ConvertJSONNumber(Source, &At); if(IsInBounds(Source, At) && (Source.Data[At] == '.')) { ++At; f64 C = 1.0 / 10.0; while(IsInBounds(Source, At)) { u8 Char = Source.Data[At] - (u8)'0'; if(Char < 10) { Number = Number + C*(f64)Char; C *= 1.0 / 10.0; ++At; } else { break; } } } if(IsInBounds(Source, At) && ((Source.Data[At] == 'e') || (Source.Data[At] == 'E'))) { ++At; if(IsInBounds(Source, At) && (Source.Data[At] == '+')) { ++At; } f64 ExponentSign = ConvertJSONSign(Source, &At); f64 Exponent = ExponentSign*ConvertJSONNumber(Source, &At); Number *= pow(10.0, Exponent); } Result = Sign*Number; } return Result; } static u64 ParseHaversinePairs(buffer InputJSON, u64 MaxPairCount, haversine_pair *Pairs) { TimeFunction; u64 PairCount = 0; json_element *JSON = ParseJSON(InputJSON); json_element *PairsArray = LookupElement(JSON, CONSTANT_STRING("pairs")); if(PairsArray) { for(json_element *Element = PairsArray->FirstSubElement; Element && (PairCount < MaxPairCount); Element = Element->NextSibling) { haversine_pair *Pair = Pairs + PairCount++; Pair->X0 = ConvertElementToF64(Element, CONSTANT_STRING("x0")); Pair->Y0 = ConvertElementToF64(Element, CONSTANT_STRING("y0")); Pair->X1 = ConvertElementToF64(Element, CONSTANT_STRING("x1")); Pair->Y1 = ConvertElementToF64(Element, CONSTANT_STRING("y1")); } } FreeJSON(JSON); return PairCount; }