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2023-06-25 12:30:56 +00:00
/* ========================================================================
(C) Copyright 2023 by Molly Rocket, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software.
Please see for more information
======================================================================== */
/* ========================================================================
======================================================================== */
/* NOTE(casey): _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS is here because otherwise we cannot
call fopen(). If we replace fopen() with fopen_s() to avoid the warning,
then the code doesn't compile on Linux anymore, since fopen_s() does not
exist there.
What exactly the CRT maintainers were thinking when they made this choice,
I have no idea. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef uint32_t u32;
typedef uint64_t u64;
typedef double f64;
#define U64Max UINT64_MAX
#include "listing_0065_haversine_formula.cpp"
struct random_series
u64 A, B, C, D;
static u64 RotateLeft(u64 V, int Shift)
u64 Result = ((V << Shift) | (V >> (64-Shift)));
return Result;
static u64 RandomU64(random_series *Series)
u64 A = Series->A;
u64 B = Series->B;
u64 C = Series->C;
u64 D = Series->D;
u64 E = A - RotateLeft(B, 27);
A = (B ^ RotateLeft(C, 17));
B = (C + D);
C = (D + E);
D = (E + A);
Series->A = A;
Series->B = B;
Series->C = C;
Series->D = D;
return D;
static random_series Seed(u64 Value)
random_series Series = {};
// NOTE(casey): This is the seed pattern for JSF generators, as per the original post
Series.A = 0xf1ea5eed;
Series.B = Value;
Series.C = Value;
Series.D = Value;
u32 Count = 20;
return Series;
static f64 RandomInRange(random_series *Series, f64 Min, f64 Max)
f64 t = (f64)RandomU64(Series) / (f64)U64Max;
f64 Result = (1.0 - t)*Min + t*Max;
return Result;
static FILE *Open(long long unsigned PairCount, char *Label, char *Extension)
char Temp[256];
sprintf(Temp, "data_%llu_%s.%s", PairCount, Label, Extension);
FILE *Result = fopen(Temp, "wb");
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open \"%s\" for writing.\n", Temp);
return Result;
static f64 RandomDegree(random_series *Series, f64 Center, f64 Radius, f64 MaxAllowed)
f64 MinVal = Center - Radius;
if(MinVal < -MaxAllowed)
MinVal = -MaxAllowed;
f64 MaxVal = Center + Radius;
if(MaxVal > MaxAllowed)
MaxVal = MaxAllowed;
f64 Result = RandomInRange(Series, MinVal, MaxVal);
return Result;
int main(int ArgCount, char **Args)
if(ArgCount == 4)
u64 ClusterCountLeft = U64Max;
f64 MaxAllowedX = 180;
f64 MaxAllowedY = 90;
f64 XCenter = 0;
f64 YCenter = 0;
f64 XRadius = MaxAllowedX;
f64 YRadius = MaxAllowedY;
char *MethodName = Args[1];
if(strcmp(MethodName, "cluster") == 0)
ClusterCountLeft = 0;
else if(strcmp(MethodName, "uniform") != 0)
MethodName = "uniform";
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Unrecognized method name. Using 'uniform'.\n");
u64 SeedValue = atoll(Args[2]);
random_series Series = Seed(SeedValue);
u64 MaxPairCount = (1ULL << 34);
u64 PairCount = atoll(Args[3]);
if(PairCount < MaxPairCount)
u64 ClusterCountMax = 1 + (PairCount / 64);
FILE *FlexJSON = Open(PairCount, "flex", "json");
FILE *HaverAnswers = Open(PairCount, "haveranswer", "f64");
if(FlexJSON && HaverAnswers)
fprintf(FlexJSON, "{\"pairs\":[\n");
f64 Sum = 0;
f64 SumCoef = 1.0 / (f64)PairCount;
for(u64 PairIndex = 0; PairIndex < PairCount; ++PairIndex)
if(ClusterCountLeft-- == 0)
ClusterCountLeft = ClusterCountMax;
XCenter = RandomInRange(&Series, -MaxAllowedX, MaxAllowedX);
YCenter = RandomInRange(&Series, -MaxAllowedY, MaxAllowedY);
XRadius = RandomInRange(&Series, 0, MaxAllowedX);
YRadius = RandomInRange(&Series, 0, MaxAllowedY);
f64 X0 = RandomDegree(&Series, XCenter, XRadius, MaxAllowedX);
f64 Y0 = RandomDegree(&Series, YCenter, YRadius, MaxAllowedY);
f64 X1 = RandomDegree(&Series, XCenter, XRadius, MaxAllowedX);
f64 Y1 = RandomDegree(&Series, YCenter, YRadius, MaxAllowedY);
f64 EarthRadius = 6372.8;
f64 HaversineDistance = ReferenceHaversine(X0, Y0, X1, Y1, EarthRadius);
Sum += SumCoef*HaversineDistance;
char *JSONSep = (PairIndex == (PairCount - 1)) ? "\n" : ",\n";
fprintf(FlexJSON, " {\"x0\":%.16f, \"y0\":%.16f, \"x1\":%.16f, \"y1\":%.16f}%s", X0, Y0, X1, Y1, JSONSep);
fwrite(&HaversineDistance, sizeof(HaversineDistance), 1, HaverAnswers);
fprintf(FlexJSON, "]}\n");
fwrite(&Sum, sizeof(Sum), 1, HaverAnswers);
fprintf(stdout, "Method: %s\n", MethodName);
fprintf(stdout, "Random seed: %llu\n", SeedValue);
fprintf(stdout, "Pair count: %llu\n", PairCount);
fprintf(stdout, "Expected sum: %.16f\n", Sum);
if(FlexJSON) fclose(FlexJSON);
if(HaverAnswers) fclose(HaverAnswers);
fprintf(stderr, "To avoid accidentally generating massive files, number of pairs must be less than %llu.\n", MaxPairCount);
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [uniform/cluster] [random seed] [number of coordinate pairs to generate]\n", Args[0]);
return 0;