2023-08-25 20:35:04 +10:00

2182 lines
82 KiB

// NOTE: [$PRIN] Dqn_Print =========================================================================
DQN_API Dqn_PrintStyle Dqn_Print_StyleColour(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, Dqn_PrintBold bold)
Dqn_PrintStyle result = {};
result.bold = bold;
result.colour = true;
result.r = r;
result.g = g;
result.b = b;
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_PrintStyle Dqn_Print_StyleColourU32(uint32_t rgb, Dqn_PrintBold bold)
uint8_t r = (rgb >> 24) & 0xFF;
uint8_t g = (rgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
uint8_t b = (rgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
Dqn_PrintStyle result = Dqn_Print_StyleColour(r, g, b, bold);
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_PrintStyle Dqn_Print_StyleBold()
Dqn_PrintStyle result = {};
result.bold = Dqn_PrintBold_Yes;
return result;
DQN_API void Dqn_Print_Std(Dqn_PrintStd std_handle, Dqn_String8 string)
DQN_ASSERT(std_handle == Dqn_PrintStd_Out || std_handle == Dqn_PrintStd_Err);
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
// NOTE: Get the output handles from kernel
// =========================================================================
DQN_THREAD_LOCAL void *std_out_print_handle = nullptr;
DQN_THREAD_LOCAL void *std_err_print_handle = nullptr;
DQN_THREAD_LOCAL bool std_out_print_to_console = false;
DQN_THREAD_LOCAL bool std_err_print_to_console = false;
if (!std_out_print_handle) {
unsigned long mode = 0; (void)mode;
std_out_print_handle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
std_out_print_to_console = GetConsoleMode(std_out_print_handle, &mode) != 0;
std_err_print_handle = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE);
std_err_print_to_console = GetConsoleMode(std_err_print_handle, &mode) != 0;
// NOTE: Select the output handle
// =========================================================================
void *print_handle = std_out_print_handle;
bool print_to_console = std_out_print_to_console;
if (std_handle == Dqn_PrintStd_Err) {
print_handle = std_err_print_handle;
print_to_console = std_err_print_to_console;
// NOTE: Write the string
// =========================================================================
DQN_ASSERT(string.size < DQN_CAST(unsigned long)-1);
unsigned long bytes_written = 0; (void)bytes_written;
if (print_to_console) {
WriteConsoleA(print_handle, string.data, DQN_CAST(unsigned long)string.size, &bytes_written, nullptr);
} else {
WriteFile(print_handle, string.data, DQN_CAST(unsigned long)string.size, &bytes_written, nullptr);
fprintf(std_handle == Dqn_PrintStd_Out ? stdout : stderr, "%.*s", DQN_STRING_FMT(string));
DQN_API void Dqn_Print_StdStyle(Dqn_PrintStd std_handle, Dqn_PrintStyle style, Dqn_String8 string)
if (string.data && string.size) {
if (style.colour)
Dqn_Print_Std(std_handle, Dqn_Print_ESCColourFgString(style.r, style.g, style.b));
if (style.bold == Dqn_PrintBold_Yes)
Dqn_Print_Std(std_handle, Dqn_Print_ESCBoldString);
Dqn_Print_Std(std_handle, string);
if (style.colour || style.bold == Dqn_PrintBold_Yes)
Dqn_Print_Std(std_handle, Dqn_Print_ESCResetString);
DQN_FILE_SCOPE char *Dqn_Print_VSPrintfChunker_(const char *buf, void *user, int len)
Dqn_String8 string = {};
string.data = DQN_CAST(char *)buf;
string.size = len;
Dqn_PrintStd std_handle = DQN_CAST(Dqn_PrintStd)DQN_CAST(uintptr_t)user;
Dqn_Print_Std(std_handle, string);
return (char *)buf;
DQN_API void Dqn_Print_StdF(Dqn_PrintStd std_handle, char const *fmt, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
Dqn_Print_StdFV(std_handle, fmt, args);
DQN_API void Dqn_Print_StdFStyle(Dqn_PrintStd std_handle, Dqn_PrintStyle style, char const *fmt, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
Dqn_Print_StdFVStyle(std_handle, style, fmt, args);
DQN_API void Dqn_Print_StdFV(Dqn_PrintStd std_handle, char const *fmt, va_list args)
char buffer[STB_SPRINTF_MIN];
STB_SPRINTF_DECORATE(vsprintfcb)(Dqn_Print_VSPrintfChunker_, DQN_CAST(void *)DQN_CAST(uintptr_t)std_handle, buffer, fmt, args);
DQN_API void Dqn_Print_StdFVStyle(Dqn_PrintStd std_handle, Dqn_PrintStyle style, char const *fmt, va_list args)
if (fmt) {
if (style.colour)
Dqn_Print_Std(std_handle, Dqn_Print_ESCColourFgString(style.r, style.g, style.b));
if (style.bold == Dqn_PrintBold_Yes)
Dqn_Print_Std(std_handle, Dqn_Print_ESCBoldString);
Dqn_Print_StdFV(std_handle, fmt, args);
if (style.colour || style.bold == Dqn_PrintBold_Yes)
Dqn_Print_Std(std_handle, Dqn_Print_ESCResetString);
DQN_API void Dqn_Print_StdLn(Dqn_PrintStd std_handle, Dqn_String8 string)
Dqn_Print_Std(std_handle, string);
Dqn_Print_Std(std_handle, DQN_STRING8("\n"));
DQN_API void Dqn_Print_StdLnF(Dqn_PrintStd std_handle, char const *fmt, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
Dqn_Print_StdLnFV(std_handle, fmt, args);
DQN_API void Dqn_Print_StdLnFV(Dqn_PrintStd std_handle, char const *fmt, va_list args)
Dqn_Print_StdFV(std_handle, fmt, args);
Dqn_Print_Std(std_handle, DQN_STRING8("\n"));
DQN_API void Dqn_Print_StdLnStyle(Dqn_PrintStd std_handle, Dqn_PrintStyle style, Dqn_String8 string)
Dqn_Print_StdStyle(std_handle, style, string);
Dqn_Print_Std(std_handle, DQN_STRING8("\n"));
DQN_API void Dqn_Print_StdLnFStyle(Dqn_PrintStd std_handle, Dqn_PrintStyle style, char const *fmt, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
Dqn_Print_StdLnFVStyle(std_handle, style, fmt, args);
DQN_API void Dqn_Print_StdLnFVStyle(Dqn_PrintStd std_handle, Dqn_PrintStyle style, char const *fmt, va_list args)
Dqn_Print_StdFVStyle(std_handle, style, fmt, args);
Dqn_Print_Std(std_handle, DQN_STRING8("\n"));
DQN_API Dqn_String8 Dqn_Print_ESCColourString(Dqn_PrintESCColour colour, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b)
DQN_THREAD_LOCAL char buffer[32];
buffer[0] = 0;
Dqn_String8 result = {};
result.size = STB_SPRINTF_DECORATE(snprintf)(buffer,
colour == Dqn_PrintESCColour_Fg ? 38 : 48,
r, g, b);
result.data = buffer;
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_String8 Dqn_Print_ESCColourU32String(Dqn_PrintESCColour colour, uint32_t value)
uint8_t r = DQN_CAST(uint8_t)(value >> 24);
uint8_t g = DQN_CAST(uint8_t)(value >> 16);
uint8_t b = DQN_CAST(uint8_t)(value >> 8);
Dqn_String8 result = Dqn_Print_ESCColourString(colour, r, g, b);
return result;
// TODO(doyle): Use our temp scratch arenas instead of a massive array on the
// stack.
// NOTE: Max size from MSDN, using \\? syntax, but the ? bit can be expanded
// even more so the max size is kind of not well defined.
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32) && !defined(DQN_OS_WIN32_MAX_PATH)
#define DQN_OS_WIN32_MAX_PATH 32767 + 128 /*fudge*/
#if !defined(DQN_NO_FS)
// NOTE: [$FSYS] Dqn_Fs ============================================================================
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
DQN_API uint64_t Dqn__WinFileTimeToSeconds(FILETIME const *time)
ULARGE_INTEGER time_large_int = {};
time_large_int.u.LowPart = time->dwLowDateTime;
time_large_int.u.HighPart = time->dwHighDateTime;
uint64_t result = (time_large_int.QuadPart / 10000000ULL) - 11644473600ULL;
return result;
DQN_API bool Dqn_Fs_Exists(Dqn_String8 path)
bool result = false;
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
wchar_t path16[DQN_OS_WIN32_MAX_PATH];
int path16_size = Dqn_Win_String8ToCString16(path, path16, DQN_ARRAY_ICOUNT(path16));
if (path16_size) {
WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA attrib_data = {};
if (GetFileAttributesExW(path16, GetFileExInfoStandard, &attrib_data)) {
result = (attrib_data.dwFileAttributes != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) &&
!(attrib_data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY);
#elif defined(DQN_OS_UNIX)
struct stat stat_result;
if (lstat(path.data, &stat_result) != -1)
result = S_ISREG(stat_result.st_mode) || S_ISLNK(stat_result.st_mode);
#error Unimplemented
return result;
DQN_API bool Dqn_Fs_DirExists(Dqn_String8 path)
bool result = false;
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
wchar_t path16[DQN_OS_WIN32_MAX_PATH];
int path16_size = Dqn_Win_String8ToCString16(path, path16, DQN_ARRAY_ICOUNT(path16));
if (path16_size) {
WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA attrib_data = {};
if (GetFileAttributesExW(path16, GetFileExInfoStandard, &attrib_data)) {
result = (attrib_data.dwFileAttributes != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) &&
(attrib_data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY);
#elif defined(DQN_OS_UNIX)
struct stat stat_result;
if (lstat(path.data, &stat_result) != -1)
result = S_ISDIR(stat_result.st_mode);
#error Unimplemented
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_FsInfo Dqn_Fs_GetInfo(Dqn_String8 path)
Dqn_FsInfo result = {};
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA attrib_data = {};
wchar_t path16[DQN_OS_WIN32_MAX_PATH];
Dqn_Win_String8ToCString16(path, path16, DQN_ARRAY_ICOUNT(path16));
if (!GetFileAttributesExW(path16, GetFileExInfoStandard, &attrib_data))
return result;
result.exists = true;
result.create_time_in_s = Dqn__WinFileTimeToSeconds(&attrib_data.ftCreationTime);
result.last_access_time_in_s = Dqn__WinFileTimeToSeconds(&attrib_data.ftLastAccessTime);
result.last_write_time_in_s = Dqn__WinFileTimeToSeconds(&attrib_data.ftLastWriteTime);
LARGE_INTEGER large_int = {};
large_int.u.HighPart = DQN_CAST(int32_t)attrib_data.nFileSizeHigh;
large_int.u.LowPart = attrib_data.nFileSizeLow;
result.size = (uint64_t)large_int.QuadPart;
if (attrib_data.dwFileAttributes != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) {
if (attrib_data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
result.type = Dqn_FsInfoType_Directory;
} else {
result.type = Dqn_FsInfoType_File;
#elif defined(DQN_OS_UNIX)
struct stat file_stat;
if (lstat(path.data, &file_stat) != -1) {
result.exists = true;
result.size = file_stat.st_size;
result.last_access_time_in_s = file_stat.st_atime;
result.last_write_time_in_s = file_stat.st_mtime;
// TODO(dqn): Seems linux does not support creation time via stat. We
// shoddily deal with this.
result.create_time_in_s = DQN_MIN(result.last_access_time_in_s, result.last_write_time_in_s);
#error Unimplemented
return result;
DQN_API bool Dqn_Fs_Copy(Dqn_String8 src, Dqn_String8 dest, bool overwrite)
bool result = false;
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
Dqn_ThreadScratch scratch = Dqn_Thread_GetScratch(nullptr);
Dqn_String16 src16 = Dqn_Win_String8ToString16Allocator(src, Dqn_Arena_Allocator(scratch.arena));
Dqn_String16 dest16 = Dqn_Win_String8ToString16Allocator(dest, Dqn_Arena_Allocator(scratch.arena));
int fail_if_exists = overwrite == false;
result = CopyFileW(src16.data, dest16.data, fail_if_exists) != 0;
if (!result) {
Dqn_WinErrorMsg error = Dqn_Win_LastError();
Dqn_Log_ErrorF("Copy file failed [src=\"%.*s\", dest=\"%.*s\", reason=\"%.*s\"]",
#elif defined(DQN_OS_UNIX)
int src_fd = open(src.data, O_RDONLY);
int dest_fd = open(dest.data, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | (overwrite ? O_TRUNC : 0));
if (src_fd != -1 && dest_fd != -1) {
struct stat stat_existing;
fstat(src_fd, &stat_existing);
Dqn_usize bytes_written = sendfile64(dest_fd, src_fd, 0, stat_existing.st_size);
result = (bytes_written == stat_existing.st_size);
if (src_fd != -1)
if (dest_fd != -1)
#error Unimplemented
return result;
DQN_API bool Dqn_Fs_MakeDir(Dqn_String8 path)
Dqn_ThreadScratch scratch = Dqn_Thread_GetScratch(nullptr);
bool result = true;
Dqn_usize path_indexes_size = 0;
uint16_t path_indexes[64] = {};
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
Dqn_String16 path16 = Dqn_Win_String8ToString16Allocator(path, Dqn_Arena_Allocator(scratch.arena));
// NOTE: Go back from the end of the string to all the directories in the
// string, and try to create them. Since Win32 API cannot create
// intermediate directories that don't exist in a path we need to go back
// and record all the directories until we encounter one that exists.
// From that point onwards go forwards and make all the directories
// inbetween by null-terminating the string temporarily, creating the
// directory and so forth until we reach the end.
// If we find a file at some point in the path we fail out because the
// series of directories can not be made if a file exists with the same
// name.
for (Dqn_usize index = path16.size - 1; index < path16.size; index--) {
bool first_char = index == (path16.size - 1);
wchar_t ch = path16.data[index];
if (ch == '/' || ch == '\\' || first_char) {
WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA attrib_data = {};
wchar_t temp = path16.data[index];
if (!first_char) path16.data[index] = 0; // Temporarily null terminate it
bool successful = GetFileAttributesExW(path16.data, GetFileExInfoStandard, &attrib_data); // Check
if (!first_char) path16.data[index] = temp; // Undo null termination
if (successful) {
if (attrib_data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
// NOTE: We found a directory, we can stop here and start
// building up all the directories that didn't exist up to
// this point.
} else {
// NOTE: There's something that exists in at this path, but
// it's not a directory. This request to make a directory is
// invalid.
return false;
} else {
// NOTE: There's nothing that exists at this path, we can create
// a directory here
path_indexes[path_indexes_size++] = DQN_CAST(uint16_t)index;
for (Dqn_usize index = path_indexes_size - 1; result && index < path_indexes_size; index--) {
uint16_t path_index = path_indexes[index];
wchar_t temp = path16.data[path_index];
if (index != 0) path16.data[path_index] = 0;
result |= (CreateDirectoryW(path16.data, nullptr) == 0);
if (index != 0) path16.data[path_index] = temp;
#elif defined(DQN_OS_UNIX)
Dqn_String8 copy = Dqn_String8_Copy(scratch.arena, path);
for (Dqn_usize index = copy.size - 1; index < copy.size; index--) {
bool first_char = index == (copy.size - 1);
char ch = copy.data[index];
if (ch == '/' || first_char) {
char temp = copy.data[index];
if (!first_char) copy.data[index] = 0; // Temporarily null terminate it
bool is_file = Dqn_Fs_Exists(copy);
if (!first_char) copy.data[index] = temp; // Undo null termination
if (is_file) {
// NOTE: There's something that exists in at this path, but
// it's not a directory. This request to make a directory is
// invalid.
return false;
} else {
if (Dqn_Fs_DirExists(copy)) {
// NOTE: We found a directory, we can stop here and start
// building up all the directories that didn't exist up to
// this point.
} else {
// NOTE: There's nothing that exists at this path, we can
// create a directory here
path_indexes[path_indexes_size++] = DQN_CAST(uint16_t)index;
for (Dqn_usize index = path_indexes_size - 1; result && index < path_indexes_size; index--) {
uint16_t path_index = path_indexes[index];
char temp = copy.data[path_index];
if (index != 0) copy.data[path_index] = 0;
result |= mkdir(copy.data, 0774) == 0;
if (index != 0) copy.data[path_index] = temp;
#error Unimplemented
return result;
DQN_API bool Dqn_Fs_Move(Dqn_String8 src, Dqn_String8 dest, bool overwrite)
bool result = false;
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
Dqn_ThreadScratch scratch = Dqn_Thread_GetScratch(nullptr);
Dqn_String16 src16 = Dqn_Win_String8ToString16Allocator(src, Dqn_Arena_Allocator(scratch.arena));
Dqn_String16 dest16 = Dqn_Win_String8ToString16Allocator(dest, Dqn_Arena_Allocator(scratch.arena));
unsigned long flags = MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED;
if (overwrite) {
result = MoveFileExW(src16.data, dest16.data, flags) != 0;
if (!result) {
Dqn_Log_ErrorF("Failed to move file [from=%.*s, to=%.*s, reason=%.*s]",
#elif defined(DQN_OS_UNIX)
// See: https://github.com/gingerBill/gb/blob/master/gb.h
bool file_moved = true;
if (link(src.data, dest.data) == -1)
// NOTE: Link can fail if we're trying to link across different volumes
// so we fall back to a binary directory.
file_moved |= Dqn_Fs_Copy(src, dest, overwrite);
if (file_moved)
result = (unlink(src.data) != -1); // Remove original file
#error Unimplemented
return result;
DQN_API bool Dqn_Fs_Delete(Dqn_String8 path)
bool result = false;
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
wchar_t path16[DQN_OS_WIN32_MAX_PATH];
int path16_size = Dqn_Win_String8ToCString16(path, path16, DQN_ARRAY_ICOUNT(path16));
if (path16_size) {
result = DeleteFileW(path16);
if (!result)
result = RemoveDirectoryW(path16);
#elif defined(DQN_OS_UNIX)
result = remove(path.data) == 0;
#error Unimplemented
return result;
// NOTE: R/W Entire File ===========================================================================
DQN_API char *Dqn_Fs_ReadCString8(char const *path, Dqn_usize path_size, Dqn_usize *file_size, Dqn_Allocator allocator)
char *result = nullptr;
if (!path)
return result;
if (path_size <= 0)
path_size = Dqn_CString8_Size(path);
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
// NOTE: Convert to UTF16
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dqn_ThreadScratch scratch = Dqn_Thread_GetScratch(allocator.user_context);
Dqn_String8 path8 = Dqn_String8_Init(path, path_size);
Dqn_String16 path16 = Dqn_Win_String8ToString16Allocator(path8, scratch.allocator);
Dqn_WinErrorMsg error_msg = {};
// NOTE: Get the file handle
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void *file_handle = CreateFileW(/*LPCWSTR lpFileName*/ path16.data,
/*DWORD dwDesiredAccess*/ GENERIC_READ,
/*DWORD dwShareMode*/ 0,
/*LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes*/ nullptr,
/*DWORD dwCreationDisposition*/ OPEN_EXISTING,
/*HANDLE hTemplateFile*/ nullptr);
if (file_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
Dqn_Log_ErrorF("Failed to open file for reading [file=%.*s, reason=%.*s]", DQN_STRING_FMT(path8), DQN_STRING_FMT(error_msg));
return nullptr;
DQN_DEFER { CloseHandle(file_handle); };
// NOTE: Query the file size
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
LARGE_INTEGER win_file_size;
if (!GetFileSizeEx(file_handle, &win_file_size)) {
Dqn_Log_ErrorF("Failed to query file size [file=%.*s, reason=%.*s]", DQN_STRING_FMT(path8), DQN_STRING_FMT(error_msg));
return nullptr;
unsigned long const bytes_desired = DQN_CAST(unsigned long)win_file_size.QuadPart;
if (!DQN_CHECKF(bytes_desired == win_file_size.QuadPart,
"Current implementation doesn't support >4GiB, implement Win32 overlapped IO")) {
return nullptr;
// NOTE: Read the file from disk
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
result = DQN_CAST(char *)Dqn_Allocator_Alloc(allocator,
unsigned long bytes_read = 0;
unsigned long read_result = ReadFile(/*HANDLE hFile*/ file_handle,
/*LPVOID lpBuffer*/ result,
/*DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead*/ bytes_desired,
/*LPDWORD lpNumberOfByesRead*/ &bytes_read,
/*LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped*/ nullptr);
if (read_result == 0) {
Dqn_Allocator_Dealloc(allocator, result, bytes_desired);
Dqn_Log_ErrorF("'ReadFile' failed to load file to memory [file=%.*s, reason=%.*s]", DQN_STRING_FMT(path8), DQN_STRING_FMT(error_msg));
return nullptr;
if (bytes_read != bytes_desired) {
Dqn_Allocator_Dealloc(allocator, result, bytes_desired);
Dqn_Log_ErrorF("'ReadFile' failed to read all bytes into file [file=%.*s, bytes_desired=%u, bytes_read=%u, reason=%.*s]",
return nullptr;
if (file_size) {
*file_size = Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastI64ToISize(bytes_read);
Dqn_usize file_size_ = 0;
if (!file_size)
file_size = &file_size_;
FILE *file_handle = fopen(path, "rb");
if (!file_handle) {
Dqn_Log_ErrorF("Failed to open file '%s' using fopen\n", path);
return result;
DQN_DEFER { fclose(file_handle); };
fseek(file_handle, 0, SEEK_END);
*file_size = ftell(file_handle);
if (DQN_CAST(long)(*file_size) == -1L) {
Dqn_Log_ErrorF("Failed to determine '%s' file size using ftell\n", file);
return result;
result = DQN_CAST(char *)Dqn_Allocator_Alloc(allocator,
if (!result) {
Dqn_Log_ErrorF("Failed to allocate %td bytes to read file '%s'\n", *file_size + 1, file);
return result;
result[*file_size] = 0;
if (fread(result, DQN_CAST(size_t)(*file_size), 1, file_handle) != 1) {
Dqn_Allocator_Dealloc(allocator, result, *file_size);
Dqn_Log_ErrorF("Failed to read %td bytes into buffer from '%s'\n", *file_size, file);
return result;
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_String8 Dqn_Fs_Read(Dqn_String8 path, Dqn_Allocator allocator)
Dqn_usize file_size = 0;
char * string = Dqn_Fs_ReadCString8(path.data, path.size, &file_size, allocator);
Dqn_String8 result = Dqn_String8_Init(string, file_size);
return result;
DQN_API bool Dqn_Fs_WriteCString8(char const *path, Dqn_usize path_size, char const *buffer, Dqn_usize buffer_size)
bool result = false;
if (!path || !buffer || buffer_size <= 0)
return result;
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
if (path_size <= 0)
path_size = Dqn_CString8_Size(path);
Dqn_ThreadScratch scratch = Dqn_Thread_GetScratch(nullptr);
Dqn_String8 path8 = Dqn_String8_Init(path, path_size);
Dqn_String16 path16 = Dqn_Win_String8ToString16Allocator(path8, scratch.allocator);
void *file_handle = CreateFileW(/*LPCWSTR lpFileName*/ path16.data,
/*DWORD dwDesiredAccess*/ GENERIC_WRITE,
/*DWORD dwShareMode*/ 0,
/*LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes*/ nullptr,
/*DWORD dwCreationDisposition*/ CREATE_ALWAYS,
/*HANDLE hTemplateFile*/ nullptr);
if (file_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
Dqn_Log_ErrorF("Failed to open file for writing [file=%.*s, reason=%.*s]", DQN_STRING_FMT(path8), DQN_STRING_FMT(Dqn_Win_LastError()));
return result;
DQN_DEFER { CloseHandle(file_handle); };
unsigned long bytes_written = 0;
result = WriteFile(file_handle, buffer, DQN_CAST(unsigned long)buffer_size, &bytes_written, nullptr /*lpOverlapped*/);
DQN_ASSERT(bytes_written == buffer_size);
return result;
// TODO(dqn): Use OS apis
FILE *file_handle = nullptr;
fopen_s(&file_handle, path, "w+b");
if (!file_handle) {
Dqn_Log_ErrorF("Failed to 'fopen' to get the file handle [file=%s]", path);
return result;
DQN_DEFER { fclose(file_handle); };
result = fwrite(buffer, buffer_size, 1 /*count*/, file_handle) == 1 /*count*/;
if (!result)
Dqn_Log_ErrorF("Failed to 'fwrite' memory to file [file=%s]", path);
return result;
DQN_API bool Dqn_Fs_Write(Dqn_String8 file_path, Dqn_String8 buffer)
bool result = Dqn_Fs_WriteCString8(file_path.data, file_path.size, buffer.data, buffer.size);
return result;
// NOTE: R/W Stream API ============================================================================
DQN_API Dqn_FsFile Dqn_Fs_OpenFile(Dqn_String8 path, Dqn_FsFileOpen open_mode, uint32_t access)
Dqn_FsFile result = {};
if (!Dqn_String8_IsValid(path) || path.size <= 0)
return result;
if ((access & ~Dqn_FsFileAccess_All) || ((access & Dqn_FsFileAccess_All) == 0)) {
return result;
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
unsigned long create_flag = 0;
switch (open_mode) {
case Dqn_FsFileOpen_CreateAlways: create_flag = CREATE_ALWAYS; break;
case Dqn_FsFileOpen_OpenIfExist: create_flag = OPEN_EXISTING; break;
case Dqn_FsFileOpen_OpenAlways: create_flag = OPEN_ALWAYS; break;
default: DQN_INVALID_CODE_PATH; return result;
unsigned long access_mode = 0;
if (access & Dqn_FsFileAccess_AppendOnly) {
DQN_ASSERTF((access & ~Dqn_FsFileAccess_AppendOnly) == 0,
"Append can only be applied exclusively to the file, other access modes not permitted");
access_mode = FILE_APPEND_DATA;
} else {
if (access & Dqn_FsFileAccess_Read)
access_mode |= GENERIC_READ;
if (access & Dqn_FsFileAccess_Write)
access_mode |= GENERIC_WRITE;
if (access & Dqn_FsFileAccess_Execute)
access_mode |= GENERIC_EXECUTE;
Dqn_ThreadScratch scratch = Dqn_Thread_GetScratch(nullptr);
Dqn_String16 path16 = Dqn_Win_String8ToString16Allocator(path, scratch.allocator);
void *handle = CreateFileW(/*LPCWSTR lpFileName*/ path16.data,
/*DWORD dwDesiredAccess*/ access_mode,
/*DWORD dwShareMode*/ 0,
/*LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes*/ nullptr,
/*DWORD dwCreationDisposition*/ create_flag,
/*HANDLE hTemplateFile*/ nullptr);
if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
Dqn_WinErrorMsg msg = Dqn_Win_LastError();
result.error_size =
DQN_CAST(uint16_t) Dqn_SNPrintFDotTruncate(result.error,
"Open file failed: %.*s for \"%.*s\"",
return result;
if (access & Dqn_FsFileAccess_Execute) {
result.error_size = DQN_CAST(uint16_t) Dqn_SNPrintFDotTruncate(
"Open file failed: execute access not supported for \"%.*s\"",
DQN_INVALID_CODE_PATH; // TODO: Not supported via fopen
return result;
// NOTE: fopen interface is not as expressive as the Win32
// We will fopen the file beforehand to setup the state/check for validity
// before closing and reopening it if valid with the correct request access
// permissions.
void *handle = nullptr;
switch (open_mode) {
case Dqn_FsFileOpen_CreateAlways: handle = fopen(path, "w"); break;
case Dqn_FsFileOpen_OpenIfExist: handle = fopen(path, "r"); break;
case Dqn_FsFileOpen_OpenAlways: handle = fopen(path, "a"); break;
default: DQN_INVALID_CODE_PATH; break;
if (!handle) {
result.error_size = DQN_CAST(uint16_t) Dqn_SNPrintF2DotsOnOverflow(
"Open file failed: Could not open file in requested mode %d for \"%.*s\"",
return result;
char const *fopen_mode = nullptr;
if (access & Dqn_FsFileAccess_AppendOnly) {
fopen_mode = "a+";
} else if (access & Dqn_FsFileAccess_Write) {
fopen_mode = "w+";
} else if (access & Dqn_FsFileAccess_Read) {
fopen_mode = "r+";
void *handle = fopen(path, fopen_mode);
if (!handle) {
result.error_size = DQN_CAST(uint16_t) Dqn_SNPrintF2DotsOnOverflow(
"Open file failed: Could not open file in fopen mode \"%s\" for \"%.*s\"",
return result;
result.handle = handle;
return result;
DQN_API bool Dqn_Fs_WriteFile(Dqn_FsFile *file, char const *buffer, Dqn_usize size)
if (!file || !file->handle || !buffer || size <= 0 || file->error_size)
return false;
bool result = true;
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
char const *end = buffer + size;
for (char const *ptr = buffer; result && ptr != end; ) {
unsigned long write_size = DQN_CAST(unsigned long)DQN_MIN((unsigned long)-1, end - ptr);
unsigned long bytes_written = 0;
result = WriteFile(file->handle, ptr, write_size, &bytes_written, nullptr /*lpOverlapped*/) != 0;
ptr += bytes_written;
if (!result) {
Dqn_WinErrorMsg msg = Dqn_Win_LastError();
file->error_size =
DQN_CAST(uint16_t) Dqn_SNPrintFDotTruncate(file->error,
"Write file failed: %.*s for %.*s",
result = fwrite(buffer, DQN_CAST(Dqn_usize)size, 1 /*count*/, file->handle) == 1 /*count*/;
return result;
DQN_API void Dqn_Fs_CloseFile(Dqn_FsFile *file)
if (!file || !file->handle || file->error_size)
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
*file = {};
#endif // !defined(DQN_NO_FS)
DQN_API bool Dqn_FsPath_AddRef(Dqn_Arena *arena, Dqn_FsPath *fs_path, Dqn_String8 path)
if (!arena || !fs_path || !Dqn_String8_IsValid(path))
return false;
if (path.size <= 0)
return true;
Dqn_String8 const delimiter_array[] = {
for (;;) {
Dqn_String8BinarySplitResult delimiter = Dqn_String8_BinarySplitArray(path, delimiter_array, DQN_ARRAY_UCOUNT(delimiter_array));
for (; delimiter.lhs.data; delimiter = Dqn_String8_BinarySplitArray(delimiter.rhs, delimiter_array, DQN_ARRAY_UCOUNT(delimiter_array))) {
if (delimiter.lhs.size <= 0)
Dqn_FsPathLink *link = Dqn_Arena_New(arena, Dqn_FsPathLink, Dqn_ZeroMem_Yes);
if (!link)
return false;
link->string = delimiter.lhs;
link->prev = fs_path->tail;
if (fs_path->tail) {
fs_path->tail->next = link;
} else {
fs_path->head = link;
fs_path->tail = link;
fs_path->links_size += 1;
fs_path->string_size += delimiter.lhs.size;
if (!delimiter.lhs.data)
return true;
DQN_API bool Dqn_FsPath_Add(Dqn_Arena *arena, Dqn_FsPath *fs_path, Dqn_String8 path)
Dqn_String8 copy = Dqn_String8_Copy(Dqn_Arena_Allocator(arena), path);
bool result = Dqn_FsPath_AddRef(arena, fs_path, copy);
return result;
DQN_API bool Dqn_FsPath_AddF(Dqn_Arena *arena, Dqn_FsPath *fs_path, char const *fmt, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
Dqn_String8 path = Dqn_String8_InitFV(Dqn_Arena_Allocator(arena), fmt, args);
bool result = Dqn_FsPath_AddRef(arena, fs_path, path);
return result;
DQN_API bool Dqn_FsPath_Pop(Dqn_FsPath *fs_path)
if (!fs_path)
return false;
if (fs_path->tail) {
fs_path->links_size -= 1;
fs_path->string_size -= fs_path->tail->string.size;
fs_path->tail = fs_path->tail->prev;
if (fs_path->tail) {
fs_path->tail->next = nullptr;
} else {
fs_path->head = nullptr;
} else {
return true;
DQN_API Dqn_String8 Dqn_FsPath_Convert(Dqn_Arena *arena, Dqn_String8 path)
Dqn_FsPath fs_path = {};
Dqn_FsPath_AddRef(arena, &fs_path, path);
Dqn_String8 result = Dqn_FsPath_Build(arena, &fs_path);
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_String8 Dqn_FsPath_ConvertF(Dqn_Arena *arena, char const *fmt, ...)
Dqn_ThreadScratch scratch = Dqn_Thread_GetScratch(arena);
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
Dqn_String8 path = Dqn_String8_InitFV(scratch.allocator, fmt, args);
Dqn_String8 result = Dqn_FsPath_Convert(arena, path);
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_String8 Dqn_FsPath_BuildWithSeparator(Dqn_Arena *arena, Dqn_FsPath const *fs_path, Dqn_String8 path_separator)
Dqn_String8 result = {};
if (!fs_path || fs_path->links_size <= 0)
return result;
// NOTE: Each link except the last one needs the path separator appended to it, '/' or '\\'
Dqn_usize string_size = fs_path->string_size + ((fs_path->links_size - 1) * path_separator.size);
result = Dqn_String8_Allocate(Dqn_Arena_Allocator(arena), string_size, Dqn_ZeroMem_No);
if (result.data) {
char *dest = result.data;
for (Dqn_FsPathLink *link = fs_path->head; link; link = link->next) {
Dqn_String8 string = link->string;
DQN_MEMCPY(dest, string.data, string.size);
dest += string.size;
if (link != fs_path->tail) {
DQN_MEMCPY(dest, path_separator.data, path_separator.size);
dest += path_separator.size;
result.data[string_size] = 0;
return result;
// NOTE: [$DATE] Dqn_Date ==========================================================================
DQN_API Dqn_DateHMSTime Dqn_Date_HMSLocalTimeNow()
Dqn_DateHMSTime result = {};
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
SYSTEMTIME sys_time;
result.hour = DQN_CAST(uint8_t)sys_time.wHour;
result.minutes = DQN_CAST(uint8_t)sys_time.wMinute;
result.seconds = DQN_CAST(uint8_t)sys_time.wSecond;
result.day = DQN_CAST(uint8_t)sys_time.wDay;
result.month = DQN_CAST(uint8_t)sys_time.wMonth;
result.year = DQN_CAST(int16_t)sys_time.wYear;
struct timespec ts;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);
// NOTE: localtime_r is used because it is thread safe
// See: https://linux.die.net/man/3/localtime
// According to POSIX.1-2004, localtime() is required to behave as though
// tzset(3) was called, while localtime_r() does not have this requirement.
// For portable code tzset(3) should be called before localtime_r().
for (static bool once = true; once; once = false)
struct tm time = {};
localtime_r(&ts.tv_sec, &time);
result.hour = time.tm_hour;
result.minutes = time.tm_min;
result.seconds = time.tm_sec;
result.day = DQN_CAST(uint8_t)time.tm_mday;
result.month = DQN_CAST(uint8_t)time.tm_mon + 1;
result.year = 1900 + DQN_CAST(int16_t)time.tm_year;
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_DateHMSTimeString Dqn_Date_HMSLocalTimeString(Dqn_DateHMSTime time, char date_separator, char hms_separator)
Dqn_DateHMSTimeString result = {};
result.hms_size = DQN_CAST(uint8_t) STB_SPRINTF_DECORATE(snprintf)(result.hms,
result.date_size = DQN_CAST(uint8_t) STB_SPRINTF_DECORATE(snprintf)(result.date,
DQN_ASSERT(result.hms_size < DQN_ARRAY_UCOUNT(result.hms));
DQN_ASSERT(result.date_size < DQN_ARRAY_UCOUNT(result.date));
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_DateHMSTimeString Dqn_Date_HMSLocalTimeStringNow(char date_separator, char hms_separator)
Dqn_DateHMSTime time = Dqn_Date_HMSLocalTimeNow();
Dqn_DateHMSTimeString result = Dqn_Date_HMSLocalTimeString(time, date_separator, hms_separator);
return result;
DQN_API uint64_t Dqn_Date_EpochTime()
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
const uint64_t UNIX_TIME_START = 0x019DB1DED53E8000; //January 1, 1970 (start of Unix epoch) in "ticks"
const uint64_t TICKS_PER_SECOND = 10'000'000; // Filetime returned is in intervals of 100 nanoseconds
FILETIME file_time;
LARGE_INTEGER date_time;
date_time.LowPart = file_time.dwLowDateTime;
date_time.HighPart = file_time.dwHighDateTime;
uint64_t result = (date_time.QuadPart - UNIX_TIME_START) / TICKS_PER_SECOND;
#elif defined(DQN_OS_UNIX)
uint64_t result = time(nullptr);
#error Unimplemented
return result;
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
#if !defined(DQN_NO_WIN)
// NOTE: [$WIND] Dqn_Win ===========================================================================
DQN_API void Dqn_Win_LastErrorToBuffer(Dqn_WinErrorMsg *msg)
msg->code = GetLastError();
msg->data[0] = 0;
void *module_to_get_errors_from = nullptr;
if (msg->code >= 12000 && msg->code <= 12175) { // WinINET Errors
module_to_get_errors_from = GetModuleHandleA("wininet.dll");
msg->size = FormatMessageA(flags,
module_to_get_errors_from, // LPCVOID lpSource,
msg->code, // unsigned long dwMessageId,
0, // unsigned long dwLanguageId,
msg->data, // LPSTR lpBuffer,
DQN_ARRAY_ICOUNT(msg->data), // unsigned long nSize,
nullptr); // va_list * Arguments
if (msg->size >= 2 &&
(msg->data[msg->size - 2] == '\r' && msg->data[msg->size - 1] == '\n')) {
msg->size -= 2;
DQN_API Dqn_WinErrorMsg Dqn_Win_LastError()
Dqn_WinErrorMsg result = {};
return result;
DQN_API void Dqn_Win_MakeProcessDPIAware()
typedef bool SetProcessDpiAwareProc(void);
typedef bool SetProcessDpiAwarenessProc(PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS);
typedef bool SetProcessDpiAwarenessContextProc(void * /*DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT*/);
// NOTE(doyle): Taken from cmuratori/refterm snippet on DPI awareness. It
// appears we can make this robust by just loading user32.dll and using
// GetProcAddress on the DPI function. If it's not there, we're on an old
// version of windows, so we can call an older version of the API.
void *lib_handle = LoadLibraryA("user32.dll");
if (auto *set_process_dpi_awareness_context = DQN_CAST(SetProcessDpiAwarenessContextProc *)GetProcAddress(DQN_CAST(HMODULE)lib_handle, "SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext")) {
} else if (auto *set_process_dpi_awareness = DQN_CAST(SetProcessDpiAwarenessProc *)GetProcAddress(DQN_CAST(HMODULE)lib_handle, "SetProcessDpiAwareness")) {
} else if (auto *set_process_dpi_aware = DQN_CAST(SetProcessDpiAwareProc *)GetProcAddress(DQN_CAST(HMODULE)lib_handle, "SetProcessDpiAware")) {
DQN_API void Dqn_Win_DumpLastError_(Dqn_CallSite call_site, char const *fmt, ...)
// TODO(dqn): Hmmm .. should this be a separate log or part of the above
// macro. If so we need to make the logging macros more flexible.
Dqn_WinErrorMsg msg = Dqn_Win_LastError();
if (fmt) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
Dqn_Log_TypeFVCallSite(Dqn_LogType_Error, call_site, fmt, args);
if (msg.size)
Dqn_Log_TypeFCallSite(Dqn_LogType_Error, call_site, "Last Windows error [msg=%.*s]", DQN_STRING_FMT(msg));
Dqn_Log_TypeFCallSite(Dqn_LogType_Error, call_site, "Failed to dump last error, no error message found [format_message_error=%d, msg_error=%d]", GetLastError(), msg.code);
// NOTE: Windows UTF8 to String16
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DQN_API int Dqn_Win_CString8ToCString16(const char *src, int src_size, wchar_t *dest, int dest_size)
int result = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0 /*dwFlags*/, src, src_size, dest, dest_size);
if (result && dest && dest_size > 0)
dest[DQN_MIN(result, dest_size - 1)] = 0; // Null-terminate the buffer
return result;
DQN_API int Dqn_Win_String8ToCString16(Dqn_String8 src, wchar_t *dest, int dest_size)
int result = 0;
int src_size = Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToInt(src.size);
if (src_size)
result = Dqn_Win_CString8ToCString16(src.data, src_size, dest, dest_size);
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_String16 Dqn_Win_String8ToString16Allocator(Dqn_String8 src, Dqn_Allocator allocator)
Dqn_String16 result = {};
int required = Dqn_Win_String8ToCString16(src, nullptr, 0);
if (required > 0) {
result.data = Dqn_Allocator_NewArray(allocator, wchar_t, required + 1, Dqn_ZeroMem_No);
if (result.data) {
result.size = Dqn_Win_String8ToCString16(src, result.data, required + 1);
DQN_ASSERT(result.size == DQN_CAST(Dqn_usize)required);
return result;
// NOTE: Windows String16 To UTF8
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DQN_API int Dqn_Win_CString16ToCString8(const wchar_t* src, int src_size, char *dest, int dest_size)
int result = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0 /*dwFlags*/, src, src_size, dest, dest_size, nullptr, nullptr);
if (result && dest && dest_size > 0)
dest[DQN_MIN(result, dest_size - 1)] = 0;
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_String8 Dqn_Win_CString16ToString8Allocator(const wchar_t* src, int src_size, Dqn_Allocator allocator)
Dqn_String8 result = {};
int required = Dqn_Win_CString16ToCString8(src, src_size, nullptr, 0);
if (required > 0) {
// NOTE: String allocate ensures there's one extra byte for
// null-termination already so no-need to +1 the required size
result = Dqn_String8_Allocate(allocator, DQN_CAST(Dqn_usize)required, Dqn_ZeroMem_No);
if (Dqn_String8_IsValid(result)) {
int next_required = Dqn_Win_CString16ToCString8(src, src_size, result.data, required + 1);
DQN_ASSERT(required == next_required);
return result;
DQN_API int Dqn_Win_String16ToCString8(Dqn_String16 src, char *dest, int dest_size)
int result = 0;
int src_size = Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToInt(src.size);
if (src_size) {
result = Dqn_Win_CString16ToCString8(src.data, src_size, dest, dest_size);
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_String8 Dqn_Win_String16ToString8Allocator(Dqn_String16 src, Dqn_Allocator allocator)
Dqn_String8 result = {};
int src_size = Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToInt(src.size);
if (src_size) {
result = Dqn_Win_CString16ToString8Allocator(src.data, src_size, allocator);
return result;
// NOTE: Windows Executable Directory
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DQN_API Dqn_usize Dqn_Win_EXEDirW(wchar_t *buffer, Dqn_usize size)
wchar_t module_path[DQN_OS_WIN32_MAX_PATH];
Dqn_usize module_size = DQN_CAST(Dqn_usize)GetModuleFileNameW(nullptr /*module*/, module_path, DQN_ARRAY_UCOUNT(module_path));
Dqn_usize result = 0;
for (Dqn_usize index = module_size - 1; !result && index < module_size; index--)
result = module_path[index] == '\\' ? index : 0;
if (!buffer || size < result) {
return result;
DQN_MEMCPY(buffer, module_path, sizeof(wchar_t) * result);
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_String16 Dqn_Win_EXEDirWArena(Dqn_Arena *arena)
wchar_t dir[DQN_OS_WIN32_MAX_PATH];
Dqn_usize dir_size = Dqn_Win_EXEDirW(dir, DQN_ARRAY_ICOUNT(dir));
DQN_HARD_ASSERTF(dir_size <= DQN_ARRAY_ICOUNT(dir), "How the hell?");
Dqn_String16 result = {};
if (dir_size > 0) {
result.data = Dqn_Arena_NewArrayCopyZ(arena, wchar_t, dir, dir_size);
if (result.data) {
result.size = dir_size;
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_String8 Dqn_Win_WorkingDir(Dqn_Allocator allocator, Dqn_String8 suffix)
Dqn_ThreadScratch scratch = Dqn_Thread_GetScratch(allocator.user_context);
Dqn_String16 suffix16 = Dqn_Win_String8ToString16Allocator(suffix, Dqn_Arena_Allocator(scratch.arena));
Dqn_String16 dir16 = Dqn_Win_WorkingDirW(Dqn_Arena_Allocator(scratch.arena), suffix16);
Dqn_String8 result = Dqn_Win_String16ToString8Allocator(dir16, allocator);
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_String16 Dqn_Win_WorkingDirW(Dqn_Allocator allocator, Dqn_String16 suffix)
DQN_ASSERT(suffix.size >= 0);
Dqn_String16 result = {};
Dqn_ThreadScratch scratch = Dqn_Thread_GetScratch(allocator.user_context);
// NOTE: required_size is the size required *including* the null-terminator
unsigned long required_size = GetCurrentDirectoryW(0, nullptr);
unsigned long desired_size = required_size + DQN_CAST(unsigned long) suffix.size;
wchar_t *scratch_w_path = Dqn_Arena_NewArray(scratch.arena, wchar_t, desired_size, Dqn_ZeroMem_No);
if (!scratch_w_path)
return result;
unsigned long bytes_written_wo_null_terminator = GetCurrentDirectoryW(desired_size, scratch_w_path);
if ((bytes_written_wo_null_terminator + 1) != required_size) {
// TODO(dqn): Error
return result;
wchar_t *w_path = Dqn_Allocator_NewArray(allocator, wchar_t, desired_size, Dqn_ZeroMem_No);
if (!w_path)
return result;
if (suffix.size) {
DQN_MEMCPY(w_path, scratch_w_path, sizeof(*scratch_w_path) * bytes_written_wo_null_terminator);
DQN_MEMCPY(w_path + bytes_written_wo_null_terminator, suffix.data, sizeof(suffix.data[0]) * suffix.size);
w_path[desired_size] = 0;
result = Dqn_String16{w_path, DQN_CAST(Dqn_usize)(desired_size - 1)};
return result;
DQN_API bool Dqn_Win_FolderWIterate(Dqn_String16 path, Dqn_Win_FolderIteratorW *it)
WIN32_FIND_DATAW find_data = {};
if (it->handle) {
if (FindNextFileW(it->handle, &find_data) == 0)
return false;
} else {
it->handle = FindFirstFileExW(path.data, /*LPCWSTR lpFileName,*/
FindExInfoStandard, /*FINDEX_INFO_LEVELS fInfoLevelId,*/
&find_data, /*LPVOID lpFindFileData,*/
FindExSearchNameMatch, /*FINDEX_SEARCH_OPS fSearchOp,*/
nullptr, /*LPVOID lpSearchFilter,*/
FIND_FIRST_EX_LARGE_FETCH /*unsigned long dwAdditionalFlags)*/);
if (it->handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
return false;
it->file_name_buf[0] = 0;
it->file_name = Dqn_String16{it->file_name_buf, 0};
do {
if (find_data.cFileName[0] == '.' || (find_data.cFileName[0] == '.' && find_data.cFileName[1] == '.'))
it->file_name.size = Dqn_CString16_Size(find_data.cFileName);
DQN_ASSERT(it->file_name.size < (DQN_ARRAY_UCOUNT(it->file_name_buf) - 1));
DQN_MEMCPY(it->file_name.data, find_data.cFileName, it->file_name.size * sizeof(wchar_t));
it->file_name_buf[it->file_name.size] = 0;
} while (FindNextFileW(it->handle, &find_data) != 0);
return it->file_name.size > 0;
DQN_API bool Dqn_Win_FolderIterate(Dqn_String8 path, Dqn_Win_FolderIterator *it)
if (!Dqn_String8_IsValid(path) || !it || path.size <= 0)
return false;
wchar_t path16[DQN_OS_WIN32_MAX_PATH + 1];
path16[0] = 0;
Dqn_usize path16_size = 0;
Dqn_Win_FolderIteratorW wide_it = {};
if (it->handle) {
wide_it.handle = it->handle;
} else {
bool needs_asterisks = Dqn_String8_EndsWith(path, DQN_STRING8("\\")) ||
Dqn_String8_EndsWith(path, DQN_STRING8("/"));
bool has_glob = Dqn_String8_EndsWith(path, DQN_STRING8("\\*")) ||
Dqn_String8_EndsWith(path, DQN_STRING8("/*"));
path16_size = Dqn_Win_String8ToCString16(path, path16, DQN_ARRAY_UCOUNT(path16));
if (path16_size <= 0) // Conversion error
return false;
if (!has_glob) {
// NOTE: We are missing the glob for enumerating the files, we will
// add those characters in this branch, so overwrite the null
// character, add the glob and re-null terminate the buffer.
Dqn_usize space = DQN_OS_WIN32_MAX_PATH - path16_size;
if (needs_asterisks) {
if (space < 2)
return false;
path16[path16_size++] = L'*';
} else {
if (space < 3)
return false;
path16[path16_size++] = L'\\';
path16[path16_size++] = L'*';
path16[path16_size++] = 0;
DQN_ASSERT(path16_size <= DQN_OS_WIN32_MAX_PATH);
bool result = Dqn_Win_FolderWIterate(Dqn_String16{path16, path16_size}, &wide_it);
it->handle = wide_it.handle;
if (result) {
int size = Dqn_Win_String16ToCString8(wide_it.file_name, it->file_name_buf, DQN_ARRAY_ICOUNT(it->file_name_buf));
it->file_name = Dqn_String8_Init(it->file_name_buf, size);
return result;
#endif // !defined(DQN_NO_WIN)
#if !defined(DQN_NO_WINNET)
// NOTE: [$WINN] Dqn_WinNet ========================================================================
DQN_API Dqn_WinNetHandle Dqn_Win_NetHandleInitCString(char const *url, int url_size)
URL_COMPONENTSA components = {};
components.dwStructSize = sizeof(components);
components.dwHostNameLength = url_size;
components.dwUrlPathLength = url_size;
// Seperate the URL into bits and bobs
Dqn_WinNetHandle result = {};
if (!InternetCrackUrlA(url, url_size, 0 /*flags*/, &components)) {
Dqn_Log_ErrorF("InternetCrackUrlA failed [reason=%.*s]", DQN_STRING_FMT(Dqn_Win_LastError()));
return result;
if (url[url_size] != 0) {
Dqn_Log_ErrorF("URL '%.*s' must be null-terminated", url_size, url);
return result;
if (components.dwHostNameLength > (DQN_ARRAY_UCOUNT(result.host_name) - 1)) {
Dqn_Log_ErrorF("Host name is longer than the maximum supported [max=%d]", DQN_ARRAY_UCOUNT(result.host_name) - 1);
return result;
result.host_name_size = components.dwHostNameLength;
DQN_MEMCPY(result.host_name, components.lpszHostName, result.host_name_size);
result.host_name[result.host_name_size] = 0;
result.url_size = components.dwUrlPathLength;
result.url = components.lpszUrlPath;
// Create the Win32 networking handles we need
result.internet_open_handle = InternetOpenA("Generic/Win32",
nullptr /*proxy*/,
nullptr /*proxy bypass*/,
0 /*flags*/);
result.internet_connect_handle = InternetConnectA(result.internet_open_handle,
nullptr /*username*/,
nullptr /*password*/,
0 /*flags*/,
0 /*context*/);
result.state = Dqn_WinNetHandleState_Initialised;
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_WinNetHandle Dqn_Win_NetHandleInit(Dqn_String8 url)
Dqn_WinNetHandle result = Dqn_Win_NetHandleInitCString(url.data, DQN_CAST(int)url.size);
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_WinNetHandle Dqn_Win_NetHandleInitHTTPMethodCString(char const *url, int url_size, char const *http_method)
Dqn_WinNetHandle result = Dqn_Win_NetHandleInitCString(url, url_size);
Dqn_Win_NetHandleSetHTTPMethod(&result, http_method);
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_WinNetHandle Dqn_Win_NetHandleInitHTTPMethod(Dqn_String8 url, Dqn_String8 http_method)
Dqn_WinNetHandle result = Dqn_Win_NetHandleInit(url);
Dqn_Win_NetHandleSetHTTPMethod(&result, http_method.data);
return result;
DQN_API void Dqn_Win_NetHandleClose(Dqn_WinNetHandle *handle)
if (!Dqn_Win_NetHandleIsValid(handle))
handle->internet_open_handle = nullptr;
handle->internet_connect_handle = nullptr;
handle->http_handle = nullptr;
DQN_API bool Dqn_Win_NetHandleIsValid(Dqn_WinNetHandle const *handle)
bool result = handle && handle->state >= Dqn_WinNetHandleState_Initialised;
return result;
DQN_API void Dqn_Win_NetHandleSetUserAgentCString(Dqn_WinNetHandle *handle, char const *user_agent, int user_agent_size)
if (!Dqn_Win_NetHandleIsValid(handle))
InternetSetOptionA(handle->internet_open_handle, INTERNET_OPTION_USER_AGENT, (void *)user_agent, user_agent_size);
DQN_API bool Dqn_Win_NetHandleSetHTTPMethod(Dqn_WinNetHandle *handle,
char const *http_verb)
if (!Dqn_Win_NetHandleIsValid(handle))
return false;
if (handle->http_handle) {
handle->http_handle = nullptr;
handle->state = Dqn_WinNetHandleState_Initialised;
if (handle->state != Dqn_WinNetHandleState_Initialised)
return false;
handle->http_handle = HttpOpenRequestA(handle->internet_connect_handle,
nullptr /*http version*/,
nullptr /*referrer*/,
0 /*context*/);
handle->state = Dqn_WinNetHandleState_HttpMethodReady;
return true;
DQN_API bool Dqn_Win_NetHandleSetRequestHeaderCString8(Dqn_WinNetHandle *handle,
char const *header,
uint32_t header_size,
uint32_t mode)
if (!Dqn_Win_NetHandleIsValid(handle) || !header || header_size <= 0)
return false;
if (mode >= Dqn_WinNetHandleRequestHeaderFlag_Count)
return false;
if (handle->state < Dqn_WinNetHandleState_HttpMethodReady)
return false;
if (!DQN_CHECK(handle->http_handle))
return false;
unsigned long modifier = 0;
if (mode == 0) {
} else if (mode == Dqn_WinNetHandleRequestHeaderFlag_Add) {
} else if (mode == Dqn_WinNetHandleRequestHeaderFlag_AddIfNew) {
} else if (mode == Dqn_WinNetHandleRequestHeaderFlag_Replace) {
} else {
Dqn_Log_ErrorF("Unrecognised flag for adding a request header");
return false;
bool result = HttpAddRequestHeadersA(
return result;
DQN_API bool Dqn_Win_NetHandleSetRequestHeaderString8(Dqn_WinNetHandle *handle, Dqn_String8 header, uint32_t mode)
bool result = Dqn_Win_NetHandleSetRequestHeaderCString8(handle, header.data, Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToUInt(header.size), mode);
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_WinNetHandleResponse Dqn_Win_NetHandleSendRequest(Dqn_WinNetHandle *handle, Dqn_Allocator allocator, char const *post_data, unsigned long post_data_size)
Dqn_WinNetHandleResponse result = {};
if (!Dqn_Win_NetHandleIsValid(handle))
return result;
if (handle->state != Dqn_WinNetHandleState_HttpMethodReady)
return result;
if (!handle->http_handle)
return result;
if (!HttpSendRequestA(handle->http_handle, nullptr /*headers*/, 0 /*headers length*/, (char *)post_data, post_data_size)) {
handle->state = Dqn_WinNetHandleState_RequestFailed;
Dqn_Log_ErrorF("Failed to send request to %.*s [reason=%.*s]",
return result;
handle->state = Dqn_WinNetHandleState_RequestGood;
unsigned long buffer_size = 0;
int query_result = HttpQueryInfoA(handle->http_handle, HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF, nullptr, &buffer_size, nullptr);
return result;
result.raw_headers = Dqn_String8_Allocate(allocator, buffer_size, Dqn_ZeroMem_No);
if (!result.raw_headers.data)
return result;
query_result = HttpQueryInfoA(handle->http_handle, HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF, result.raw_headers.data, &buffer_size, nullptr);
if (!query_result) {
Dqn_Allocator_Dealloc(allocator, result.raw_headers.data, buffer_size);
return result;
Dqn_String8 delimiter = DQN_STRING8("\r\n");
Dqn_usize splits_required = Dqn_String8_Split(result.raw_headers, delimiter, nullptr, 0);
result.headers = Dqn_Allocator_NewArray(allocator, Dqn_String8, splits_required, Dqn_ZeroMem_No);
result.headers_size = Dqn_String8_Split(result.raw_headers, delimiter, result.headers, splits_required);
bool found_content_type = false;
bool found_content_length = false;
for (Dqn_usize header_index = 0; header_index < result.headers_size; header_index++) {
Dqn_String8 header = result.headers[header_index];
Dqn_String8BinarySplitResult key_value_split = Dqn_String8_BinarySplit(header, DQN_STRING8(":"));
Dqn_String8 value = key_value_split.lhs;
Dqn_String8 key = key_value_split.rhs;
key = Dqn_String8_TrimWhitespaceAround(key);
value = Dqn_String8_TrimWhitespaceAround(value);
if (Dqn_String8_EqInsensitive(key, DQN_STRING8("Content-Type"))) {
if (!found_content_type) {
found_content_type = true;
result.content_type = value;
} else if (Dqn_String8_EqInsensitive(key, DQN_STRING8("Content-Length"))) {
if (!found_content_length) {
found_content_length = true;
result.content_length = Dqn_String8_ToU64(value, 0 /*separator*/).value;
if (found_content_type && found_content_length)
return result;
DQN_API bool Dqn_Win_NetHandlePump(Dqn_WinNetHandle *handle,
char *dest,
int dest_size,
size_t *download_size)
if (!Dqn_Win_NetHandleIsValid(handle))
return false;
if (handle->state != Dqn_WinNetHandleState_RequestGood)
return false;
bool result = true;
unsigned long bytes_read;
if (InternetReadFile(handle->http_handle, dest, dest_size, &bytes_read)) {
if (bytes_read == 0)
result = false;
*download_size = bytes_read;
} else {
*download_size = 0;
result = false;
if (!result) {
// NOTE: If it's false here, we've finished downloading/the pumping the
// handled finished. We can reset the handle state to allow the user to
// re-use this handle by calling the function again with new post data.
// IF they need to set a new URL/resource location then they need to
// make a new handle for that otherwise they can re-use this handle to
// hit that same end point.
handle->state = Dqn_WinNetHandleState_Initialised;
handle->http_handle = nullptr;
return result;
struct Dqn_Win_NetChunk
size_t size;
Dqn_Win_NetChunk *next;
DQN_API char *Dqn_Win_NetHandlePumpCString8(Dqn_WinNetHandle *handle, Dqn_Arena *arena, size_t *download_size)
if (handle->state != Dqn_WinNetHandleState_RequestGood)
return nullptr;
Dqn_ThreadScratch scratch = Dqn_Thread_GetScratch(arena);
size_t total_size = 0;
Dqn_Win_NetChunk *first_chunk = nullptr;
for (Dqn_Win_NetChunk *last_chunk = nullptr;;) {
Dqn_Win_NetChunk *chunk = Dqn_Arena_New(scratch.arena, Dqn_Win_NetChunk, Dqn_ZeroMem_Yes);
bool pump_result = Dqn_Win_NetHandlePump(handle, chunk->data, DQN_WIN_NET_HANDLE_DOWNLOAD_SIZE, &chunk->size);
if (chunk->size) {
total_size += chunk->size;
if (first_chunk) {
last_chunk->next = chunk;
last_chunk = chunk;
} else {
first_chunk = chunk;
last_chunk = chunk;
if (!pump_result)
char *result = Dqn_Arena_NewArray(arena, char, total_size + 1 /*null-terminator*/, Dqn_ZeroMem_No);
char *result_ptr = result;
for (Dqn_Win_NetChunk *chunk = first_chunk; chunk; chunk = chunk->next) {
DQN_MEMCPY(result_ptr, chunk->data, chunk->size);
result_ptr += chunk->size;
*download_size = total_size;
result[total_size] = 0;
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_String8 Dqn_Win_NetHandlePumpString8(Dqn_WinNetHandle *handle, Dqn_Arena *arena)
size_t size = 0;
char * download = Dqn_Win_NetHandlePumpCString8(handle, arena, &size);
Dqn_String8 result = Dqn_String8_Init(download, size);
return result;
DQN_API void Dqn_Win_NetHandlePumpToCRTFile(Dqn_WinNetHandle *handle, FILE *file)
for (bool keep_pumping = true; keep_pumping;) {
size_t buffer_size = 0;
keep_pumping = Dqn_Win_NetHandlePump(handle, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &buffer_size);
fprintf(file, "%.*s", (int)buffer_size, buffer);
DQN_API char *Dqn_Win_NetHandlePumpToAllocCString(Dqn_WinNetHandle *handle, size_t *download_size)
size_t total_size = 0;
Dqn_Win_NetChunk *first_chunk = nullptr;
for (Dqn_Win_NetChunk *last_chunk = nullptr;;) {
auto *chunk = DQN_CAST(Dqn_Win_NetChunk *)Dqn_VMem_Reserve(sizeof(Dqn_Win_NetChunk), Dqn_VMemCommit_Yes, Dqn_VMemPage_ReadWrite);
bool pump_result = Dqn_Win_NetHandlePump(handle, chunk->data, DQN_WIN_NET_HANDLE_DOWNLOAD_SIZE, &chunk->size);
if (chunk->size) {
total_size += chunk->size;
if (first_chunk) {
last_chunk->next = chunk;
last_chunk = chunk;
} else {
first_chunk = chunk;
last_chunk = chunk;
if (!pump_result)
auto *result = DQN_CAST(char *)Dqn_VMem_Reserve(total_size * sizeof(char), Dqn_VMemCommit_Yes, Dqn_VMemPage_ReadWrite);
char *result_ptr = result;
for (Dqn_Win_NetChunk *chunk = first_chunk; chunk;) {
DQN_MEMCPY(result_ptr, chunk->data, chunk->size);
result_ptr += chunk->size;
Dqn_Win_NetChunk *prev_chunk = chunk;
chunk = chunk->next;
Dqn_VMem_Release(prev_chunk, sizeof(*prev_chunk));
*download_size = total_size;
result[total_size] = 0;
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_String8 Dqn_Win_NetHandlePumpToAllocString(Dqn_WinNetHandle *handle)
size_t download_size = 0;
char * download = Dqn_Win_NetHandlePumpToAllocCString(handle, &download_size);
Dqn_String8 result = Dqn_String8_Init(download, download_size);
return result;
#endif // !defined(DQN_NO_WINNET)
#endif // defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
// NOTE: [$OSYS] Dqn_OS ============================================================================
DQN_API bool Dqn_OS_SecureRNGBytes(void *buffer, uint32_t size)
if (!buffer || size < 0)
return false;
if (size == 0)
return true;
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
bool init = true;
if (!g_dqn_library->win32_bcrypt_rng_handle)
wchar_t const BCRYPT_ALGORITHM[] = L"RNG";
long /*NTSTATUS*/ init_status = BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider(&g_dqn_library->win32_bcrypt_rng_handle, BCRYPT_ALGORITHM, nullptr /*implementation*/, 0 /*flags*/);
if (!g_dqn_library->win32_bcrypt_rng_handle || init_status != 0)
Dqn_Log_ErrorF("Failed to initialise random number generator, error: %d", init_status);
init = false;
if (!init)
return false;
long gen_status = BCryptGenRandom(g_dqn_library->win32_bcrypt_rng_handle, DQN_CAST(unsigned char *)buffer, size, 0 /*flags*/);
if (gen_status != 0)
Dqn_Log_ErrorF("Failed to generate random bytes: %d", gen_status);
return false;
DQN_ASSERTF(size <= 32,
"We can increase this by chunking the buffer and filling 32 bytes at a time. *Nix guarantees 32 "
"bytes can always be fulfilled by this system at a time");
// TODO(doyle): https://github.com/jedisct1/libsodium/blob/master/src/libsodium/randombytes/sysrandom/randombytes_sysrandom.c
// TODO(doyle): https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/getrandom.2.html
int read_bytes = 0;
read_bytes = getrandom(buffer, size, 0);
// NOTE: EINTR can not be triggered if size <= 32 bytes
} while (read_bytes != size || errno == EAGAIN);
return true;
#if (defined(DQN_OS_WIN32) && !defined(DQN_NO_WIN)) || !defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
DQN_API Dqn_String8 Dqn_OS_EXEDir(Dqn_Allocator allocator)
Dqn_String8 result = {};
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
wchar_t exe_dir[DQN_OS_WIN32_MAX_PATH];
Dqn_usize exe_dir_size = Dqn_Win_EXEDirW(exe_dir, DQN_ARRAY_ICOUNT(exe_dir));
result = Dqn_Win_CString16ToString8Allocator(exe_dir, DQN_CAST(int)exe_dir_size, allocator);
#elif defined(DQN_OS_UNIX)
int required_size_wo_null_terminator = 0;
for (int try_size = 128;
try_size *= 2)
auto scoped_arena = Dqn_ArenaTempMemoryScope(arena);
char *try_buf = Dqn_Arena_NewArray(arena, char, try_size, Dqn_ZeroMem_No);
int bytes_written = readlink("/proc/self/exe", try_buf, try_size);
if (bytes_written == -1)
// Failed, we're unable to determine the executable directory
else if (bytes_written == try_size)
// Try again, if returned size was equal- we may of prematurely
// truncated according to the man pages
// readlink will give us the path to the executable. Once we
// determine the correct buffer size required to get the full file
// path, we do some post-processing on said string and extract just
// the directory.
// TODO(dqn): It'd be nice if there's some way of keeping this
// try_buf around, memcopy the byte and trash the try_buf from the
// arena. Instead we just get the size and redo the call one last
// time after this "calculate" step.
DQN_ASSERTF(bytes_written < try_size, "bytes_written can never be greater than the try size, function writes at most try_size");
required_size_wo_null_terminator = bytes_written;
for (int index_of_last_slash = bytes_written;
index_of_last_slash >= 0;
if (try_buf[index_of_last_slash] == '/')
// NOTE: We take the index of the last slash and not
// (index_of_last_slash + 1) because we want to exclude the
// trailing backslash as a convention of this library.
required_size_wo_null_terminator = index_of_last_slash;
if (required_size_wo_null_terminator)
Dqn_ArenaTempMemory scope = Dqn_Arena_BeginTempMemory(arena);
char *exe_path = Dqn_Arena_NewArray(arena, char, required_size_wo_null_terminator + 1, Dqn_ZeroMem_No);
exe_path[required_size_wo_null_terminator] = 0;
int bytes_written = readlink("/proc/self/exe", exe_path, required_size_wo_null_terminator);
if (bytes_written == -1)
// Note that if read-link fails again can be because there's
// a potential race condition here, our exe or directory could have
// been deleted since the last call, so we need to be careful.
result = Dqn_String8_Init(exe_path, required_size_wo_null_terminator);
#error Unimplemented
return result;
DQN_API void Dqn_OS_SleepMs(Dqn_uint milliseconds)
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
struct timespec ts;
ts.tv_sec = milliseconds / 1000;
ts.tv_nsec = (milliseconds % 1000) * 1'000'000;
nanosleep(&ts, nullptr);
DQN_FILE_SCOPE void Dqn_OS_PerfCounter_Init()
// TODO(doyle): Move this to Dqn_Library_Init
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
if (g_dqn_library->win32_qpc_frequency.QuadPart == 0)
DQN_API Dqn_f64 Dqn_OS_PerfCounterS(uint64_t begin, uint64_t end)
uint64_t ticks = end - begin;
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
Dqn_f64 result = ticks / DQN_CAST(Dqn_f64)g_dqn_library->win32_qpc_frequency.QuadPart;
Dqn_f64 result = ticks / 1'000'000'000;
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_f64 Dqn_OS_PerfCounterMs(uint64_t begin, uint64_t end)
uint64_t ticks = end - begin;
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
Dqn_f64 result = (ticks * 1'000) / DQN_CAST(Dqn_f64)g_dqn_library->win32_qpc_frequency.QuadPart;
Dqn_f64 result = ticks / DQN_CAST(Dqn_f64)1'000'000;
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_f64 Dqn_OS_PerfCounterMicroS(uint64_t begin, uint64_t end)
uint64_t ticks = end - begin;
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
Dqn_f64 result = (ticks * 1'000'000) / DQN_CAST(Dqn_f64)g_dqn_library->win32_qpc_frequency.QuadPart;
Dqn_f64 result = ticks / DQN_CAST(Dqn_f64)1'000;
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_f64 Dqn_OS_PerfCounterNs(uint64_t begin, uint64_t end)
uint64_t ticks = end - begin;
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
Dqn_f64 result = (ticks * 1'000'000'000) / DQN_CAST(Dqn_f64)g_dqn_library->win32_qpc_frequency.QuadPart;
Dqn_f64 result = ticks;
return result;
DQN_API uint64_t Dqn_OS_PerfCounterFrequency()
uint64_t result = 0;
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
LARGE_INTEGER integer = {};
result = integer.QuadPart;
// NOTE: On Linux we use clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW) which
// increments at nanosecond granularity.
result = 1'000'000'000;
return result;
DQN_API uint64_t Dqn_OS_PerfCounterNow()
uint64_t result = 0;
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
LARGE_INTEGER integer = {};
result = integer.QuadPart;
struct timespec ts;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &ts);
result = DQN_CAST(uint64_t)ts.tv_sec * 1'000'000'000 + DQN_CAST(uint64_t)ts.tv_nsec;
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_OSTimer Dqn_OS_TimerBegin()
Dqn_OSTimer result = {};
result.start = Dqn_OS_PerfCounterNow();
return result;
DQN_API void Dqn_OS_TimerEnd(Dqn_OSTimer *timer)
timer->end = Dqn_OS_PerfCounterNow();
DQN_API Dqn_f64 Dqn_OS_TimerS(Dqn_OSTimer timer)
Dqn_f64 result = Dqn_OS_PerfCounterS(timer.start, timer.end);
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_f64 Dqn_OS_TimerMs(Dqn_OSTimer timer)
Dqn_f64 result = Dqn_OS_PerfCounterMs(timer.start, timer.end);
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_f64 Dqn_OS_TimerMicroS(Dqn_OSTimer timer)
Dqn_f64 result = Dqn_OS_PerfCounterMicroS(timer.start, timer.end);
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_f64 Dqn_OS_TimerNs(Dqn_OSTimer timer)
Dqn_f64 result = Dqn_OS_PerfCounterNs(timer.start, timer.end);
return result;
DQN_API uint64_t Dqn_OS_EstimateTSCPerSecond(uint64_t duration_ms_to_gauge_tsc_frequency)
uint64_t os_frequency = Dqn_OS_PerfCounterFrequency();
uint64_t os_target_elapsed = duration_ms_to_gauge_tsc_frequency * os_frequency / 1000ULL;
uint64_t tsc_begin = Dqn_CPU_TSC();
uint64_t os_elapsed = 0;
for (uint64_t os_begin = Dqn_OS_PerfCounterNow(); os_elapsed < os_target_elapsed; )
os_elapsed = Dqn_OS_PerfCounterNow() - os_begin;
uint64_t tsc_end = Dqn_CPU_TSC();
uint64_t tsc_elapsed = tsc_end - tsc_begin;
uint64_t result = tsc_elapsed / os_elapsed * os_frequency;
return result;
// NOTE: [$TCTX] Dqn_ThreadContext =================================================================
Dqn_ThreadScratch::Dqn_ThreadScratch(Dqn_ThreadContext *context, uint8_t context_index)
index = context_index;
allocator = context->temp_allocators[index];
arena = context->temp_arenas[index];
temp_memory = Dqn_Arena_BeginTempMemory(arena);
temp_arenas_stat[index] = arena->stats;
DQN_ASSERT(destructed == false);
Dqn_Arena_EndTempMemory(temp_memory, /*cancel*/ false);
destructed = true;
DQN_API uint32_t Dqn_Thread_GetID()
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
unsigned long result = GetCurrentThreadId();
pid_t result = gettid();
assert(gettid() >= 0);
return (uint32_t)result;
DQN_API Dqn_ThreadContext *Dqn_Thread_GetContext()
DQN_THREAD_LOCAL Dqn_ThreadContext result = {};
if (!result.init) {
result.init = true;
DQN_ASSERTF(g_dqn_library->lib_init, "Library must be initialised by calling Dqn_Library_Init(nullptr)");
// NOTE: Setup permanent arena
Dqn_ArenaCatalog *catalog = &g_dqn_library->arena_catalog;
result.allocator = Dqn_Arena_Allocator(result.arena);
result.arena = Dqn_ArenaCatalog_AllocF(catalog,
DQN_GIGABYTES(1) /*size*/,
DQN_KILOBYTES(64) /*commit*/,
"Thread %u Arena",
// NOTE: Setup temporary arenas
for (uint8_t index = 0; index < DQN_THREAD_CONTEXT_ARENAS; index++) {
result.temp_arenas[index] = Dqn_ArenaCatalog_AllocF(catalog,
DQN_GIGABYTES(1) /*size*/,
DQN_KILOBYTES(64) /*commit*/,
"Thread %u Temp Arena %u",
result.temp_allocators[index] = Dqn_Arena_Allocator(result.temp_arenas[index]);
return &result;
// TODO: Is there a way to handle conflict arenas without the user needing to
// manually pass it in?
DQN_API Dqn_ThreadScratch Dqn_Thread_GetScratch(void const *conflict_arena)
static_assert(DQN_THREAD_CONTEXT_ARENAS < (uint8_t)-1, "We use UINT8_MAX as a sentinel value");
Dqn_ThreadContext *context = Dqn_Thread_GetContext();
uint8_t context_index = (uint8_t)-1;
for (uint8_t index = 0; index < DQN_THREAD_CONTEXT_ARENAS; index++) {
Dqn_Arena *arena = context->temp_arenas[index];
if (!conflict_arena || arena != conflict_arena) {
context_index = index;
DQN_ASSERT(context_index != (uint8_t)-1);
return Dqn_ThreadScratch(context, context_index);