
516 lines
24 KiB

// NOTE: Table Of Contents =========================================================================
// Index | Disable #define | Description
// =================================================================================================
// [$FSYS] Dqn_Fs | | Filesystem helpers
// [$DATE] Dqn_Date | | Date-time helpers
// [$W32H] Win32 Min Header | DQN_NO_WIN32_MIN_HEADER | Minimal windows.h subset
// [$WIND] Dqn_Win | | Windows OS helpers
// [$WINN] Dqn_WinNet | DQN_NO_WINNET | Windows internet download/query helpers
// [$OSYS] Dqn_OS | DQN_NO_WIN | Operating-system APIs
// =================================================================================================
// NOTE: [$FSYS] Dqn_Fs ============================================================================
// NOTE: FS Manipulation =======================================================
// TODO(dqn): We should have a Dqn_String8 interface and a CString interface
// NOTE: API ===================================================================
// @proc Dqn_FsDelete
// @desc Delete the item specified at the path. This function *CAN* not delete directories unless
// the directory is empty.
// @return True if deletion was successful, false otherwise
enum Dqn_FsInfoType
struct Dqn_FsInfo
bool exists;
Dqn_FsInfoType type;
uint64_t create_time_in_s;
uint64_t last_write_time_in_s;
uint64_t last_access_time_in_s;
uint64_t size;
DQN_API bool Dqn_Fs_Exists (Dqn_String8 path);
DQN_API bool Dqn_Fs_DirExists(Dqn_String8 path);
DQN_API Dqn_FsInfo Dqn_Fs_GetInfo (Dqn_String8 path);
DQN_API bool Dqn_Fs_Copy (Dqn_String8 src, Dqn_String8 dest, bool overwrite);
DQN_API bool Dqn_Fs_MakeDir (Dqn_String8 path);
DQN_API bool Dqn_Fs_Move (Dqn_String8 src, Dqn_String8 dest, bool overwrite);
DQN_API bool Dqn_Fs_Delete (Dqn_String8 path);
// NOTE: R/W Entire File ===========================================================================
// NOTE: API =======================================================================================
// @proc Dqn_Fs_WriteString8, Dqn_Fs_WriteCString8
// @desc Write the string to a file at the path overwriting if necessary.
// @proc Dqn_Fs_ReadString8, Dqn_Fs_ReadCString8
// @desc Read the file at the path to a string.
#define Dqn_Fs_ReadCString8(path, path_size, file_size, allocator) Dqn_Fs_ReadCString8_(DQN_LEAK_TRACE path, path_size, file_size, allocator)
#define Dqn_Fs_ReadString8(path, allocator) Dqn_Fs_ReadString8_(DQN_LEAK_TRACE path, allocator)
DQN_API bool Dqn_Fs_WriteCString8(char const *file_path, Dqn_usize file_path_size, char const *buffer, Dqn_usize buffer_size);
DQN_API bool Dqn_Fs_WriteString8 (Dqn_String8 file_path, Dqn_String8 buffer);
// NOTE: Internal ==================================================================================
DQN_API char *Dqn_Fs_ReadCString8_(DQN_LEAK_TRACE_FUNCTION char const *path, Dqn_usize path_size, Dqn_usize *file_size, Dqn_Allocator allocator);
DQN_API Dqn_String8 Dqn_Fs_ReadString8_ (DQN_LEAK_TRACE_FUNCTION Dqn_String8 path, Dqn_Allocator allocator);
// NOTE: R/W Stream API ============================================================================
// NOTE: API =======================================================================================
// @proc Dqn_Fs_OpenFile
// @desc Open a handle to the file
// @proc Dqn_Fs_WriteFile
// @desc Append to the file specified by the handle with the given buffer.
// @proc Dqn_Fs_CloseFile
// @desc Close the file at specified by the handle
struct Dqn_FsFile
void *handle;
char error[512];
uint16_t error_size;
enum Dqn_FsFileOpen
Dqn_FsFileOpen_CreateAlways, ///< Create file if it does not exist, otherwise, zero out the file and open
Dqn_FsFileOpen_OpenIfExist, ///< Open file at path only if it exists
Dqn_FsFileOpen_OpenAlways, ///< Open file at path, create file if it does not exist
enum Dqn_FsFileAccess
Dqn_FsFileAccess_Read = 1 << 0,
Dqn_FsFileAccess_Write = 1 << 1,
Dqn_FsFileAccess_Execute = 1 << 2,
Dqn_FsFileAccess_AppendOnly = 1 << 3, ///< This flag cannot be combined with any other acess mode
Dqn_FsFileAccess_ReadWrite = Dqn_FsFileAccess_Read | Dqn_FsFileAccess_Write,
Dqn_FsFileAccess_All = Dqn_FsFileAccess_ReadWrite | Dqn_FsFileAccess_Execute,
DQN_API Dqn_FsFile Dqn_Fs_OpenFile (Dqn_String8 path, Dqn_FsFileOpen open_mode, uint32_t access);
DQN_API bool Dqn_Fs_WriteFile(Dqn_FsFile *file, char const *buffer, Dqn_usize size);
DQN_API void Dqn_Fs_CloseFile(Dqn_FsFile *file);
// NOTE: File system paths =========================================================================
// Helper data structure for building paths suitable for OS consumption.
// NOTE: API =======================================================================================
// @proc Dqn_FsPath_AddRef, Dqn_FsPath_Add
// @desc Append a path to the file path. The passed in path can be specify
// both a single level or multiple directories with different path separators.
// The path will be decomposed into individual sections in the function.
// For example passing
// - "path/to/your/desired/folder" is valid
// - "path" is valid
// - "path/to\your/desired\folder" is valid
// @proc Dqn_FsPath_Pop
// @desc Remove the last appended path level from the current path stored in
// the FsPath.
// For example "path/to/your/desired/folder" popped produces
// "path/to/your/desired"
// @proc Dqn_FsPath_ConvertString8
// @desc Convert the path specified in the string to the OS native separated
// path.
#if !defined(Dqn_FsPathOSSeperator)
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
#define Dqn_FsPathOSSeperator "\\"
#define Dqn_FsPathOSSeperator "/"
#define Dqn_FsPathOSSeperatorString DQN_STRING8(Dqn_FsPathOSSeperator)
struct Dqn_FsPathLink
Dqn_String8 string;
Dqn_FsPathLink *next;
Dqn_FsPathLink *prev;
struct Dqn_FsPath
Dqn_FsPathLink *head;
Dqn_FsPathLink *tail;
Dqn_usize string_size;
uint16_t links_size;
DQN_API bool Dqn_FsPath_AddRef (Dqn_Arena *arena, Dqn_FsPath *fs_path, Dqn_String8 path);
DQN_API bool Dqn_FsPath_Add (Dqn_Arena *arena, Dqn_FsPath *fs_path, Dqn_String8 path);
DQN_API bool Dqn_FsPath_Pop (Dqn_FsPath *fs_path);
DQN_API Dqn_String8 Dqn_FsPath_BuildWithSeparator(Dqn_Arena *arena, Dqn_FsPath const *fs_path, Dqn_String8 path_separator);
DQN_API Dqn_String8 Dqn_FsPath_ConvertString8 (Dqn_Arena *arena, Dqn_String8 path);
#define Dqn_FsPath_BuildFwdSlash(arena, fs_path) Dqn_FsPath_BuildWithSeparator(arena, fs_path, DQN_STRING8("/"))
#define Dqn_FsPath_BuildBackSlash(arena, fs_path) Dqn_FsPath_BuildWithSeparator(arena, fs_path, DQN_STRING8("\\"))
#if !defined(Dqn_FsPath_Build)
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
#define Dqn_FsPath_Build(arena, fs_path) Dqn_FsPath_BuildBackSlash(arena, fs_path)
#define Dqn_FsPath_Build(arena, fs_path) Dqn_FsPath_BuildFwdSlash(arena, fs_path)
// NOTE: [$DATE] Dqn_Date ==========================================================================
// NOTE: API =======================================================================================
// @proc Dqn_Date_EpochTime
// @desc Produce the time elapsed since the Unix epoch
// (e.g. 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) in seconds
struct Dqn_DateHMSTimeString
uint8_t date_size;
uint8_t hms_size;
struct Dqn_DateHMSTime
uint8_t day;
uint8_t month;
int16_t year;
uint8_t hour;
uint8_t minutes;
uint8_t seconds;
DQN_API Dqn_DateHMSTime Dqn_Date_HMSLocalTimeNow ();
DQN_API Dqn_DateHMSTimeString Dqn_Date_HMSLocalTimeStringNow(char date_separator = '-', char hms_separator = ':');
DQN_API Dqn_DateHMSTimeString Dqn_Date_HMSLocalTimeString (Dqn_DateHMSTime time, char date_separator = '-', char hms_separator = ':');
DQN_API uint64_t Dqn_Date_EpochTime ();
// NOTE: [$W32H] Win32 Min Header ==================================================================
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
#if !defined(DQN_NO_WIN32_MIN_HEADER) && !defined(_INC_WINDOWS)
#if defined(DQN_COMPILER_W32_MSVC)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4201) // warning C4201: nonstandard extension used: nameless struct/union
// Taken from Windows.h
// typedef unsigned long DWORD;
// typedef unsigned short WORD;
// typedef int BOOL;
// typedef void * HWND;
// typedef void * HANDLE;
// typedef long NTSTATUS;
typedef void * HMODULE;
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned long LowPart;
long HighPart;
struct {
unsigned long LowPart;
long HighPart;
} u;
uint64_t QuadPart;
#if defined(DQN_COMPILER_W32_MSVC)
#pragma warning(pop)
#endif // !defined(DQN_NO_WIN32_MIN_HEADER) && !defined(_INC_WINDOWS)
// NOTE: [$WIND] Dqn_Win ===========================================================================
// NOTE: API =======================================================================================
// @proc Dqn_Win_LastErrorToBuffer, Dqn_Win_LastError
// @desc Retrieve the latest error code and message Windows produced for the
// most recent Win32 API call.
// @proc Dqn_Win_MakeProcessDPIAware
// @desc Call once at application start-up to ensure that the application is
// DPI aware on Windows and ensure that application UI is scaled up
// appropriately for the monitor.
struct Dqn_WinErrorMsg
unsigned long code;
char data[DQN_KILOBYTES(64) - 1]; // Maximum error size
unsigned long size;
DQN_API void Dqn_Win_LastErrorToBuffer(Dqn_WinErrorMsg *msg);
DQN_API Dqn_WinErrorMsg Dqn_Win_LastError();
DQN_API void Dqn_Win_MakeProcessDPIAware();
// NOTE: Windows String8 <-> String16 ===========================================
// Convert a UTF8 <-> UTF16 string.
// The exact size buffer required for this function can be determined by
// calling this function with the 'dest' set to null and 'dest_size' set to 0,
// the return size is the size required for conversion not-including space for
// the null-terminator. This function *always* null-terminates the input
// buffer.
// Returns the number of u8's (for UTF16->8) OR u16's (for UTF8->16)
// written/required for conversion. 0 if there was a conversion error and can be
// queried using 'Dqn_Win_LastError'
DQN_API int Dqn_Win_CString8ToCString16 (char const *src, int src_size, wchar_t *dest, int dest_size);
DQN_API int Dqn_Win_String8ToCString16 (Dqn_String8 src, wchar_t *dest, int dest_size);
DQN_API Dqn_String16 Dqn_Win_String8ToString16Allocator (Dqn_String8 src, Dqn_Allocator allocator);
DQN_API int Dqn_Win_CString16ToCString8 (wchar_t const *src, int src_size, char *dest, int dest_size);
DQN_API Dqn_String8 Dqn_Win_CString16ToString8Allocator(wchar_t const *src, int src_size, Dqn_Allocator allocator);
DQN_API int Dqn_Win_String16ToCString8 (Dqn_String16 src, char *dest, int dest_size);
DQN_API Dqn_String8 Dqn_Win_String16ToString8Allocator (Dqn_String16 src, Dqn_Allocator allocator);
// NOTE: Path navigatoin ===========================================================================
// NOTE: API =======================================================================================
// @proc Dqn_Win_EXEDirW, Dqn_Win_EXEDirWArena
// @desc Evaluate the current executable's directory that is running when this
// function is called.
// @param[out] buffer The buffer to write the executable directory into. Set
// this to null to calculate the required buffer size for the directory.
// @param[in] size The size of the buffer given. Set this to 0 to calculate the
// required buffer size for the directory.
// @return The length of the executable directory string. If this return value
// exceeds the capacity of the 'buffer', the 'buffer' is untouched.
// @proc Dqn_Win_WorkingDir, Dqn_Win_WorkingDirW
// @param[in] suffix (Optional) A suffix to append to the current working directory
// @proc Dqn_Win_FolderIterate, Dqn_Win_FolderWIterate
// @desc Iterate the files in the specified folder at the path
#if 0
for (Dqn_WinFolderIterator it = {}; Dqn_Win_FolderIterate("C:/your/path/", &it); ) {
printf("%.*s\n", DQN_STRING_FMT(it.file_name));
struct Dqn_Win_FolderIteratorW
void *handle;
Dqn_String16 file_name;
wchar_t file_name_buf[512];
struct Dqn_Win_FolderIterator
void *handle;
Dqn_String8 file_name;
char file_name_buf[512];
DQN_API Dqn_usize Dqn_Win_EXEDirW (wchar_t *buffer, Dqn_usize size);
DQN_API Dqn_String16 Dqn_Win_EXEDirWArena (Dqn_Arena *arena);
DQN_API Dqn_String8 Dqn_Win_WorkingDir (Dqn_Allocator allocator, Dqn_String8 suffix);
DQN_API Dqn_String16 Dqn_Win_WorkingDirW (Dqn_Allocator allocator, Dqn_String16 suffix);
DQN_API bool Dqn_Win_FolderIterate (Dqn_String8 path, Dqn_Win_FolderIterator *it);
DQN_API bool Dqn_Win_FolderWIterate(Dqn_String16 path, Dqn_Win_FolderIteratorW *it);
#if !defined(DQN_NO_WINNET)
// NOTE: [$WINN] Dqn_WinNet ========================================================================
// TODO(dqn): Useful options to expose in the handle
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wininet/option-flags
// INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECT_RETRIES -- default is 5 retries
// NOTE: API =======================================================================================
// @proc Dqn_Win_NetHandleInitHTTPMethod, Dqn_Win_NetHandleInitHTTPMethodCString
// @desc Setup a handle to the URL with the given HTTP verb.
// This function is the same as calling Dqn_Win_NetHandleInit() followed by
// Dqn_Win_NetHandleSetHTTPMethod().
// @param http_method The HTTP request type, e.g. "GET" or "POST" e.t.c
// @proc Dqn_Win_NetHandleSetHTTPMethod
// @desc Set the HTTP request method for the given handle. This function can
// be used on a pre-existing valid handle that has at the minimum been
// initialised.
enum Dqn_WinNetHandleState
// The number of bytes each pump of the connection downloads at most. If this is
// zero we default to DQN_WIN_NET_HANDLE_DOWNLOAD_SIZE.
struct Dqn_WinNetHandle
// NOTE: We copy out the host name because it needs to be null-terminated.
// Luckily, we can assume a DNS domain won't exceed 256 characters so this
// will generally always work.
char host_name[256];
int host_name_size;
// NOTE: Everything after the domain/host name part of the string i.e. the
// '/test' part of the full url 'mywebsite.com/test'.
// TODO(dqn): I don't want to make our network API allocate here so we don't
// copy the string since we require that the string is null-terminated so
// then taking a pointer to the input string should work .. maybe this is
// ok?
char *url;
int url_size;
// NOTE: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wininet/setting-and-retrieving-internet-options#scope-of-hinternet-handle
// These handles have three levels:
// The root HINTERNET handle (created by a call to InternetOpen) would contain all the Internet options that affect this instance of WinINet.
// HINTERNET handles that connect to a server (created by a call to InternetConnect)
// HINTERNET handles associated with a resource or enumeration of resources on a particular server.
// More detailed information about the HINTERNET dependency is listed here
// NOTE: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wininet/appendix-a-hinternet-handles
void *internet_open_handle;
void *internet_connect_handle;
void *http_handle;
Dqn_WinNetHandleState state;
enum Dqn_WinNetHandleRequestHeaderFlag
struct Dqn_WinNetHandleResponse
Dqn_String8 raw_headers;
Dqn_String8 *headers;
Dqn_usize headers_size;
// NOTE: Headers pulled from the 'raw_headers' for convenience
uint64_t content_length;
Dqn_String8 content_type;
DQN_API Dqn_WinNetHandle Dqn_Win_NetHandleInitCString (char const *url, int url_size);
DQN_API Dqn_WinNetHandle Dqn_Win_NetHandleInit (Dqn_String8 url);
DQN_API Dqn_WinNetHandle Dqn_Win_NetHandleInitHTTPMethodCString (char const *url, int url_size, char const *http_method);
DQN_API Dqn_WinNetHandle Dqn_Win_NetHandleInitHTTPMethod (Dqn_String8 url, Dqn_String8 http_method);
DQN_API void Dqn_Win_NetHandleClose (Dqn_WinNetHandle *handle);
DQN_API bool Dqn_Win_NetHandleIsValid (Dqn_WinNetHandle const *handle);
DQN_API void Dqn_Win_NetHandleSetUserAgentCString (Dqn_WinNetHandle *handle, char const *user_agent, int user_agent_size);
DQN_API bool Dqn_Win_NetHandleSetHTTPMethod (Dqn_WinNetHandle *handle, char const *method);
DQN_API bool Dqn_Win_NetHandleSetRequestHeaderCString8(Dqn_WinNetHandle *handle, char const *header, int header_size, uint32_t mode);
DQN_API bool Dqn_Win_NetHandleSetRequestHeaderString8 (Dqn_WinNetHandle *handle, Dqn_String8 header, uint32_t mode);
DQN_API Dqn_WinNetHandleResponse Dqn_Win_NetHandleSendRequest (Dqn_WinNetHandle *handle, Dqn_Allocator allocator, char const *post_data, unsigned long post_data_size);
DQN_API bool Dqn_Win_NetHandlePump (Dqn_WinNetHandle *handle, char *dest, int dest_size, size_t *download_size);
DQN_API char * Dqn_Win_NetHandlePumpCString8 (Dqn_WinNetHandle *handle, Dqn_Arena *arena, size_t *download_size);
DQN_API Dqn_String8 Dqn_Win_NetHandlePumpString8 (Dqn_WinNetHandle *handle, Dqn_Arena *arena);
DQN_API void Dqn_Win_NetHandlePumpToCRTFile (Dqn_WinNetHandle *handle, FILE *file);
DQN_API char * Dqn_Win_NetHandlePumpToAllocCString (Dqn_WinNetHandle *handle, size_t *download_size);
DQN_API Dqn_String8 Dqn_Win_NetHandlePumpToAllocString (Dqn_WinNetHandle *handle);
#endif // !defined(DQN_NO_WINNET)
#endif // defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
// NOTE: [$OSYS] Dqn_OS ============================================================================
// NOTE: API =======================================================================================
// @proc Dqn_OS_SecureRNGBytes
// @desc Generate cryptographically secure bytes
// @proc Dqn_OS_EXEDir
// @desc Retrieve the executable directory without the trailing '/' or
// ('\' for windows). If this fails an empty string is returned.
/// Record time between two time-points using the OS's performance counter.
struct Dqn_OSTimer
uint64_t start;
uint64_t end;
DQN_API bool Dqn_OS_SecureRNGBytes (void *buffer, uint32_t size);
DQN_API Dqn_String8 Dqn_OS_EXEDir (Dqn_Allocator allocator);
DQN_API void Dqn_OS_SleepMs (Dqn_uint milliseconds);
DQN_API uint64_t Dqn_OS_PerfCounterNow ();
DQN_API Dqn_f64 Dqn_OS_PerfCounterS (uint64_t begin, uint64_t end);
DQN_API Dqn_f64 Dqn_OS_PerfCounterMs (uint64_t begin, uint64_t end);
DQN_API Dqn_f64 Dqn_OS_PerfCounterMicroS(uint64_t begin, uint64_t end);
DQN_API Dqn_f64 Dqn_OS_PerfCounterNs (uint64_t begin, uint64_t end);
DQN_API Dqn_OSTimer Dqn_OS_TimerBegin ();
DQN_API void Dqn_OS_TimerEnd (Dqn_OSTimer *timer);
DQN_API Dqn_f64 Dqn_OS_TimerS (Dqn_OSTimer timer);
DQN_API Dqn_f64 Dqn_OS_TimerMs (Dqn_OSTimer timer);
DQN_API Dqn_f64 Dqn_OS_TimerMicroS (Dqn_OSTimer timer);
DQN_API Dqn_f64 Dqn_OS_TimerNs (Dqn_OSTimer timer);
// OS_TimedBlock provides a extremely primitive way of measuring the duration of
// code blocks, by sprinkling DQN_OS_TIMED_BLOCK_RECORD("record label"), you can
// measure the time between the macro and the next record call.
// Example: Record the duration of the for-loop below and print it at the end.
int main()
DQN_OS_TIMED_BLOCK_INIT("Profiling Region", 32); // name, records to allocate
for (int unused1_ = 0; unused1_ < 1000000; unused1_++)
for (int unused2_ = 0; unused2_ < 1000000; unused2_++)
return 0;
struct Dqn_OSTimedBlock
char const *label;
uint64_t tick;
// Initialise a timing block region,
#define DQN_OS_TIMED_BLOCK_INIT(label, size) \
Dqn_OSTimedBlock timings_[size]; \
Dqn_usize timings_size_ = 0; \
// Add a timing record at the current location this macro is invoked.
// DQN_OS_TIMED_BLOCK_INIT must have been called in a scope visible to the macro
// prior.
// label: The label to give to the timing record
#define DQN_OS_TIMED_BLOCK_RECORD(label) timings_[timings_size_++] = {label, Dqn_OS_PerfCounterNow()}
// Dump the timing block via Dqn_Log
DQN_ASSERTF(timings_size_ < sizeof(timings_) / sizeof(timings_[0]), \
"Timings array indexed out-of-bounds, use a bigger size"); \
for (int timings_index_ = 0; timings_index_ < (timings_size_ - 1); timings_index_++) { \
Dqn_OSTimedBlock t1 = timings_[timings_index_ + 0]; \
Dqn_OSTimedBlock t2 = timings_[timings_index_ + 1]; \
DQN_LOG_D("%s -> %s: %fms", t1.label, t2.label, Dqn_OS_PerfCounterMs(t1.tick, t2.tick)); \
} \
if (timings_size_ >= 1) { \
Dqn_OSTimedBlock t1 = timings_[0]; \
Dqn_OSTimedBlock t2 = timings_[timings_size_ - 1]; \
DQN_LOG_D("%s -> %s (total): %fms", t1.label, t2.label, Dqn_OS_PerfCounterMs(t1.tick, t2.tick));\