
1068 lines
43 KiB

// NOTE: Table Of Contents =========================================================================
// Index | Disable #define | Description
// =================================================================================================
// [$VARR] Dqn_VArray | DQN_NO_VARRAY | Array backed by virtual memory arena
// [$FARR] Dqn_FArray | DQN_NO_FARRAY | Fixed-size arrays
// [$DMAP] Dqn_DSMap | DQN_NO_DSMAP | Hashtable, 70% max load, PoT size, linear probe, chain repair
// [$LIST] Dqn_List | DQN_NO_LIST | Chunked linked lists, append only
// =================================================================================================
#if !defined(DQN_NO_VARRAY)
// NOTE: [$VARR] Dqn_VArray ========================================================================
// An array that is backed by virtual memory by reserving addressing space and
// comitting pages as items are allocated in the array. This array never
// reallocs, instead you should reserve the upper bound of the memory you will
// possibly ever need (e.g. 16GB) and let the array commit physical pages on
// demand. On 64 bit operating systems you are given 48 bits of addressable
// space giving you 256 TB of reservable memory. This gives you practically
// an unlimited array capacity that avoids reallocs and only consumes memory
// that is actually occupied by the array.
// Each page that is committed into the array will be at page/allocation
// granularity which are always cache aligned. This array essentially retains
// all the benefits of normal arrays,
// - contiguous memory
// - O(1) random access
// - O(N) iterate
// In addition to no realloc on expansion or shrinking.
// @proc Dqn_VArray_InitByteSize, Dqn_VArray_Init
// @desc Initialise an array with the requested byte size or item capacity
// respectively. The returned array may have a higher capacity than the
// requested amount since requested memory from the OS may have a certain
// alignment requirement (e.g. on Windows reserve/commit are 64k/4k aligned).
// @proc Dqn_VArray_IsValid
// @desc Verify if the array has been initialised
// @proc Dqn_VArray_Make, Dqn_VArray_Add
// @desc Allocate items into the array
// 'Make' creates the `count` number of requested items
// 'Add' adds the array of items into the array
// @return The array of items allocated. Null pointer if the array is invalid
// or the array has insufficient space for the requested items.
// @proc Dqn_VArray_EraseRange
// @desc Erase the next `count` items at `begin_index` in the array. `count`
// can be positive or negative which dictates the if we erase forward from the
// `begin_index` or in reverse.
// This operation will invalidate all pointers to the array!
// @param erase The erase method, stable erase will shift all elements after
// the erase ranged into the range. Unstable erase will copy the tail elements
// into the range to delete.
// @proc Dqn_VArray_Clear
// @desc Set the size of the array to 0
// @proc Dqn_VArray_Reserve
// @desc Ensure that the requested number of items are backed by physical
// pages from the OS. Calling this pre-emptively will minimise syscalls into
// the kernel to request memory. The requested items will be rounded up to the
// in bytes to the allocation granularity of OS allocation APIs hence the
// reserved space may be greater than the requested amount (e.g. this is 4k
// on Windows).
// TODO(doyle)
// Add an API for shrinking the array by decomitting pages back to the OS.
template <typename T> struct Dqn_VArray
Dqn_ArenaBlock *block; ///< Block of memory from the allocator for this array
T *data; ///< Pointer to the start of the array items in the block of memory
Dqn_usize size; ///< Number of items currently in the array
Dqn_usize max; ///< Maximum number of items this array can store
T *begin() { return data; }
T *end () { return data + size; }
T const *begin() const { return data; }
T const *end () const { return data + size; }
enum Dqn_VArrayErase
DQN_API template <typename T> Dqn_VArray<T> Dqn_VArray_InitByteSize(Dqn_Arena *arena, Dqn_usize byte_size);
DQN_API template <typename T> Dqn_VArray<T> Dqn_VArray_Init (Dqn_Arena *arena, Dqn_usize max);
DQN_API template <typename T> bool Dqn_VArray_IsValid (Dqn_VArray<T> const *array);
DQN_API template <typename T> T * Dqn_VArray_Make (Dqn_VArray<T> *array, Dqn_usize count, Dqn_ZeroMem zero_mem);
DQN_API template <typename T> T * Dqn_VArray_Add (Dqn_VArray<T> *array, T const *items, Dqn_usize count);
DQN_API template <typename T> void Dqn_VArray_EraseRange (Dqn_VArray<T> *array, Dqn_usize begin_index, Dqn_isize count, Dqn_VArrayErase erase);
DQN_API template <typename T> void Dqn_VArray_Clear (Dqn_VArray<T> *array);
DQN_API template <typename T> void Dqn_VArray_Reserve (Dqn_VArray<T> *array, Dqn_usize count);
#endif // !defined(DQN_NO_VARRAY)
#if !defined(DQN_NO_DSMAP)
// NOTE: [$DMAP] Dqn_DSMap =========================================================================
// A hash table configured using the presets recommended by Demitri Spanos
// from the Handmade Network (HMN),
// - power of two capacity
// - grow by 2x on load >= 75%
// - open-addressing with linear probing
// - separate large values (esp. variable length values) into a separate table
// - use a well-known hash function: MurmurHash3 (or xxhash, city, spooky ...)
// - chain-repair on delete (rehash items in the probe chain after delete)
// - shrink by 1/2 on load < 25% (suggested by Martins Mmozeiko of HMN)
// Source: discord.com/channels/239737791225790464/600063880533770251/941835678424129597
// This hash-table stores slots (values) separate from the hash mapping. Hashes
// are mapped to slots using the hash-to-slot array which is an array of slot
// indexes. This array intentionally only stores indexes to maximise usage
// of the cache line. Linear probing on collision will only cost a couple of
// cycles to fetch from L1 cache the next slot index to attempt.
// The slots array stores values contiguously, non-sorted allowing iteration of
// the map. On element erase, the last element is swapped into the deleted
// element causing the non-sorted property of this table.
// The 0th slot (DQN_DS_MAP_SENTINEL_SLOT) in the slots array is reserved for a
// sentinel value, e.g. all zeros value. After map initialisation the 'occupied'
// value of the array will be set to 1 to exclude the sentinel from the
// capacity of the table. Skip the first value if you are iterating the hash
// table!
// This hash-table accept either a U64 or a buffer (ptr + len) as the key. In
// practice this covers a majority of use cases (with string, buffer and number
// keys). It also allows us to minimise our C++ templates to only require 1
// variable which is the Value part of the hash-table simplifying interface
// complexity and cruft brought by C++.
// Keys are value-copied into the hash-table. If the key uses a pointer to a
// buffer, this buffer must be valid throughout the lifetime of the hash table!
// - All maps must be created by calling `DSMap_Init()` with the desired size
// and the memory allocated for the table can be freed by called
// `DSMap_Deinit()`.
// - Functions that return a pointer or boolean will always return null or false
// if the passed in map is invalid e.g. `DSMap_IsValid()` returns false.
// @proc Dqn_DSMap_Init
// @param size[in] The number of slots in the table. This size must be a
// power-of-two or otherwise an assert will be triggered.
// @return The hash table. On memory allocation failure, the table will be
// zero initialised whereby calling Dqn_DSMap_IsValid() will return false.
// @proc Dqn_DSMap_Deinit
// @desc Free the memory allocated by the table
// @proc Dqn_DSMap_IsValid
// @desc Verify that the table is in a valid state (e.g. initialised
// correctly).
// @proc Dqn_DSMap_Hash
// @desc Hash the input key using the custom hash function if it's set on the
// map, otherwise uses the default hashing function (32bit Murmur3).
// @proc Dqn_DSMap_HashToSlotIndex
// @desc Calculate the index into the map's `slots` array from the given hash.
// @proc Dqn_DSMap_FindSlot, Dqn_DSMap_Find
// @desc Find the slot in the map's `slots` array corresponding to the given
// key and hash. If the map does not contain the key, a null pointer is
// returned.
// `Find` returns the value.
// `FindSlot` returns the map's hash table slot.
// @proc Dqn_DSMap_MakeSlot, Dqn_DSMap_Make, Dqn_DSMap_Set, Dqn_DSMap_SetSlot
// @desc Same as `DSMap_Find*` except if the key does not exist in the table,
// a hash-table slot will be made.
// `Make` assigns the key to the table and returns the hash table slot's value.
// `Set` assigns the key-value to the table and returns the hash table slot's value.
// `MakeSlot` assigns the key to the table and returns the hash table slot.
// `SetSlot` assigns the key-value to the table and returns the hash table slot.
// If by adding the key-value pair to the table puts the table over 75% load,
// the table will be grown to 2x the current the size before insertion
// completes.
// @param found[out] Pass a pointer to a bool. The bool will be set to true
// if the item already existed in the map before, or false if the item was
// just created by this call.
// @proc Dqn_DSMap_Resize
// @desc Resize the table and move all elements to the new map.
// the elements currently set in the
// @param size[in] New size of the table, must be a power of two.
// @return False if memory allocation fails, or the requested size is smaller
// than the current number of elements in the map to resize. True otherwise.
// @proc Dqn_DSMap_Erase
// @desc Remove the key-value pair from the table. If by erasing the key-value
// pair from the table puts the table under 25% load, the table will be shrunk
// by 1/2 the current size after erasing. The table will not shrink below the
// initial size that the table was initialised as.
// @proc Dqn_DSMap_KeyCStringLit, Dqn_DSMap_KeyU64, Dqn_DSMap_KeyBuffer,
// Dqn_DSMap_KeyString8 Dqn_DSMap_KeyString8Copy
// @desc Create a hash-table key given
// `KeyCStringLit` a cstring literal
// `KeyU64` a u64
// `KeyBuffer` a (ptr+len) slice of bytes
// `KeyString8` a Dqn_String8 string
// `KeyString8Copy` a Dqn_String8 string that is copied first using the allocator
// If the key points to an array of bytes, the lifetime of those bytes *must*
// remain valid throughout the lifetime of the map as the pointers are value
// copied into the hash table!
// @proc Dqn_DSMap_KeyU64NoHash
// @desc Create a hash-table key given the uint64. This u64 is *not* hashed to
// map values into the table. This is useful if you already have a source of
// data that is already sufficiently uniformly distributed already (e.g.
// using 8 bytes taken from a SHA256 hash as the key).
// This value will be used directly but truncated to 32 bits as the table uses
// 32 bit hashes for mapping keys to values.
enum Dqn_DSMapKeyType
Dqn_DSMapKeyType_U64, ///< Use a U64 key that is `hash(u64) % size` to map into the table
Dqn_DSMapKeyType_U64NoHash, ///< Use a U64 key that is `u64 % size` to map into the table
Dqn_DSMapKeyType_Buffer, ///< Use a buffer key that is `hash(buffer) % size` to map into the table
struct Dqn_DSMapKey
Dqn_DSMapKeyType type;
uint32_t hash;
union Payload {
struct Buffer {
void const *data;
uint32_t size;
} buffer;
uint64_t u64;
} payload;
template <typename T> struct Dqn_DSMapSlot
Dqn_DSMapKey key; ///< Hash table lookup key
T value; ///< Hash table value
using Dqn_DSMapHashFunction = uint32_t(Dqn_DSMapKey key, uint32_t seed);
template <typename T> struct Dqn_DSMap
uint32_t *hash_to_slot; ///< Mapping from hash to a index in the slots array
Dqn_DSMapSlot<T> *slots; ///< Values of the array stored contiguously, non-sorted order
uint32_t size; ///< Total capacity of the map and is a power of two
uint32_t occupied; ///< Number of slots used in the hash table
Dqn_Allocator allocator; ///< Backing allocator for the hash table
uint32_t initial_size; ///< Initial map size, map cannot shrink on erase below this size
Dqn_DSMapHashFunction *hash_function; ///< Custom hashing function to use if field is set
uint32_t hash_seed; ///< Seed for the hashing function, when 0, DQN_DS_MAP_DEFAULT_HASH_SEED is used
// NOTE: Setup =====================================================================================
DQN_API template <typename T> Dqn_DSMap<T> Dqn_DSMap_Init (uint32_t size);
DQN_API template <typename T> void Dqn_DSMap_Deinit (Dqn_DSMap<T> *map);
DQN_API template <typename T> bool Dqn_DSMap_IsValid (Dqn_DSMap<T> const *map);
// NOTE: Hash ======================================================================================
DQN_API template <typename T> uint32_t Dqn_DSMap_Hash (Dqn_DSMap<T> const *map, Dqn_DSMapKey key);
DQN_API template <typename T> uint32_t Dqn_DSMap_HashToSlotIndex(Dqn_DSMap<T> const *map, Dqn_DSMapKey key);
// NOTE: Insert ====================================================================================
DQN_API template <typename T> Dqn_DSMapSlot<T> *Dqn_DSMap_FindSlot (Dqn_DSMap<T> const *map, Dqn_DSMapKey key);
DQN_API template <typename T> Dqn_DSMapSlot<T> *Dqn_DSMap_MakeSlot (Dqn_DSMap<T> *map, Dqn_DSMapKey key, bool *found);
DQN_API template <typename T> Dqn_DSMapSlot<T> *Dqn_DSMap_SetSlot (Dqn_DSMap<T> *map, Dqn_DSMapKey key, T const &value, bool *found);
DQN_API template <typename T> T * Dqn_DSMap_Find (Dqn_DSMap<T> const *map, Dqn_DSMapKey key);
DQN_API template <typename T> T * Dqn_DSMap_Make (Dqn_DSMap<T> *map, Dqn_DSMapKey key, bool *found);
DQN_API template <typename T> T * Dqn_DSMap_Set (Dqn_DSMap<T> *map, Dqn_DSMapKey key, T const &value, bool *found);
DQN_API template <typename T> bool Dqn_DSMap_Resize (Dqn_DSMap<T> *map, uint32_t size);
DQN_API template <typename T> bool Dqn_DSMap_Erase (Dqn_DSMap<T> *map, Dqn_DSMapKey key);
// NOTE: Table Keys ================================================================================
DQN_API template <typename T> Dqn_DSMapKey Dqn_DSMap_KeyBuffer (Dqn_DSMap<T> const *map, void const *data, uint32_t size);
DQN_API template <typename T> Dqn_DSMapKey Dqn_DSMap_KeyU64 (Dqn_DSMap<T> const *map, uint64_t u64);
DQN_API template <typename T> Dqn_DSMapKey Dqn_DSMap_KeyString8 (Dqn_DSMap<T> const *map, Dqn_String8 string);
DQN_API template <typename T> Dqn_DSMapKey Dqn_DSMap_KeyString8Copy (Dqn_DSMap<T> const *map, Dqn_Allocator allocator, Dqn_String8 string);
#define Dqn_DSMap_KeyCStringLit(map, string) Dqn_DSMap_KeyBuffer(map, string, sizeof((string))/sizeof((string)[0]) - 1)
DQN_API Dqn_DSMapKey Dqn_DSMap_KeyU64NoHash (uint64_t u64);
DQN_API bool Dqn_DSMap_KeyEquals (Dqn_DSMapKey lhs, Dqn_DSMapKey rhs);
DQN_API bool operator== (Dqn_DSMapKey lhs, Dqn_DSMapKey rhs);
#endif // !defined(DQN_NO_DSMAP)
#if !defined(DQN_NO_FARRAY)
// NOTE: [$FARR] Dqn_FArray ========================================================================
template <typename T, Dqn_usize N> struct Dqn_FArray
T data[N]; ///< Pointer to the start of the array items in the block of memory
Dqn_usize size; ///< Number of items currently in the array
T *begin() { return data; }
T *end () { return data + size; }
T const *begin() const { return data; }
T const *end () const { return data + size; }
enum Dqn_FArrayErase
DQN_API template <typename T, Dqn_usize N> Dqn_FArray<T, N> Dqn_FArray_Init (T const *array, Dqn_usize count);
DQN_API template <typename T, Dqn_usize N> bool Dqn_FArray_IsValid (Dqn_FArray<T, N> const *array);
DQN_API template <typename T, Dqn_usize N> T * Dqn_FArray_Make (Dqn_FArray<T, N> *array, Dqn_usize count, Dqn_ZeroMem zero_mem);
DQN_API template <typename T, Dqn_usize N> T * Dqn_FArray_Add (Dqn_FArray<T, N> *array, T const *items, Dqn_usize count);
DQN_API template <typename T, Dqn_usize N> void Dqn_FArray_EraseRange(Dqn_FArray<T, N> *array, Dqn_usize begin_index, Dqn_isize count, Dqn_FArrayErase erase);
DQN_API template <typename T, Dqn_usize N> void Dqn_FArray_Clear (Dqn_FArray<T, N> *array);
#endif // !defined(DQN_NO_FARRAY)
#if !defined(DQN_NO_LIST)
// NOTE: [$LIST] Dqn_List ==========================================================================
// @proc Dqn_List_At
// @param at_chunk[out] (Optional) The chunk that the index belongs to will
// be set in this parameter if given
// @return The element, or null pointer if it is not a valid index.
// @proc Dqn_List_Iterate
// @desc Produce an iterator for the data in the list
// @param[in] start_index The index to start iterating from
// @begincode
// Dqn_List<int> list = {};
// for (Dqn_ListIterator<int> it = {}; Dqn_List_Iterate(&list, &it, 0);)
// {
// int *item = it.data;
// }
// @endcode
template <typename T> struct Dqn_ListChunk
T *data;
Dqn_usize size;
Dqn_usize count;
Dqn_ListChunk<T> *next;
Dqn_ListChunk<T> *prev;
template <typename T> struct Dqn_ListIterator
Dqn_b32 init; // (Internal): True if Dqn_List_Iterate has been called at-least once on this iterator
Dqn_ListChunk<T> *chunk; // (Internal): The chunk that the iterator is reading from
Dqn_usize chunk_data_index; // (Internal): The index in the chunk the iterator is referencing
T *data; // (Read): Pointer to the data the iterator is referencing. Nullptr if invalid.
template <typename T> struct Dqn_List
Dqn_Arena *arena;
Dqn_usize count; // Cumulative count of all items made across all list chunks
Dqn_usize chunk_size; // When new ListChunk's are required, the minimum 'data' entries to allocate for that node.
Dqn_ListChunk<T> *head;
Dqn_ListChunk<T> *tail;
// NOTE: API =======================================================================================
DQN_API template <typename T> Dqn_List<T> Dqn_List_InitWithArena(Dqn_Arena *arena, Dqn_usize chunk_size = 128);
DQN_API template <typename T> T * Dqn_List_At (Dqn_List<T> *list, Dqn_usize index, Dqn_ListChunk<T> *at_chunk);
DQN_API template <typename T> bool Dqn_List_Iterate (Dqn_List<T> *list, Dqn_ListIterator<T> *it, Dqn_usize start_index);
// NOTE: Macros ====================================================================================
#define Dqn_List_Make(list, count) Dqn_List_Make_(DQN_LEAK_TRACE list, count)
#define Dqn_List_Add(list, count) Dqn_List_Add_(DQN_LEAK_TRACE list, count)
// NOTE: Internal ==================================================================================
DQN_API template <typename T> T * Dqn_List_Make_ (DQN_LEAK_TRACE_FUNCTION Dqn_List<T> *list, Dqn_usize count);
DQN_API template <typename T> T * Dqn_List_Add_ (DQN_LEAK_TRACE_FUNCTION Dqn_List<T> *list, Dqn_usize count);
#endif // !defined(DQN_NO_LIST)
#if !defined(DQN_NO_VARRAY)
// NOTE: [$VARR] Dqn_VArray ========================================================================
DQN_API template <typename T> Dqn_VArray<T> Dqn_VArray_InitByteSize(Dqn_Arena *arena, Dqn_usize byte_size)
Dqn_usize byte_size_64k_aligned = Dqn_PowerOfTwoAlign(byte_size, DQN_VMEM_RESERVE_GRANULARITY);
Dqn_VArray<T> result = {};
result.block = Dqn_Arena_Grow(arena, byte_size_64k_aligned, 0 /*commit*/, Dqn_ArenaBlockFlags_Private);
result.max = result.block->size / sizeof(T);
result.data = DQN_CAST(T *)Dqn_PowerOfTwoAlign((uintptr_t)result.block->memory, alignof(T));
return result;
DQN_API template <typename T> Dqn_VArray<T> Dqn_VArray_Init(Dqn_Arena *arena, Dqn_usize max)
Dqn_VArray<T> result = Dqn_VArray_InitByteSize<T>(arena, max * sizeof(T));
return result;
DQN_API template <typename T> bool Dqn_VArray_IsValid(Dqn_VArray<T> const *array)
bool result = array && array->data && array->size <= array->max && array->block;
return result;
DQN_API template <typename T> T *Dqn_VArray_Make(Dqn_VArray<T> *array, Dqn_usize count, Dqn_ZeroMem zero_mem)
if (!Dqn_VArray_IsValid(array))
return nullptr;
if (!DQN_CHECKF((array->size + count) < array->max, "Array is out of virtual memory"))
return nullptr;
// TODO: Use placement new? Why doesn't this work?
T *result = Dqn_Arena_NewArrayWithBlock(array->block, T, count, zero_mem);
if (result)
array->size += count;
return result;
DQN_API template <typename T> T *Dqn_VArray_Add(Dqn_VArray<T> *array, T const *items, Dqn_usize count)
T *result = Dqn_VArray_Make(array, count, Dqn_ZeroMem_No);
if (result)
DQN_MEMCPY(result, items, count * sizeof(T));
return result;
DQN_API template <typename T> void Dqn_VArray_EraseRange(Dqn_VArray<T> *array, Dqn_usize begin_index, Dqn_isize count, Dqn_VArrayErase erase)
if (!Dqn_VArray_IsValid(array) || array->size == 0 || count == 0)
// NOTE: Caculate the end index of the erase range
Dqn_isize abs_count = DQN_ABS(count);
Dqn_usize end_index = 0;
if (count < 0) {
end_index = begin_index - (abs_count - 1);
if (end_index > begin_index)
end_index = 0;
} else {
end_index = begin_index + (abs_count - 1);
if (end_index < begin_index)
end_index = array->size - 1;
// NOTE: Ensure begin_index < one_past_end_index
if (end_index < begin_index) {
Dqn_usize tmp = begin_index;
begin_index = end_index;
end_index = tmp;
// NOTE: Ensure indexes are within valid bounds
begin_index = DQN_MIN(begin_index, array->size);
end_index = DQN_MIN(end_index, array->size - 1);
// NOTE: Erase the items in the range [begin_index, one_past_end_index)
Dqn_usize one_past_end_index = end_index + 1;
Dqn_usize erase_count = one_past_end_index - begin_index;
if (erase_count) {
T *end = array->data + array->size;
T *dest = array->data + begin_index;
if (erase == Dqn_VArrayErase_Stable) {
T *src = dest + erase_count;
DQN_MEMMOVE(dest, src, (end - src) * sizeof(T));
} else {
T *src = end - erase_count;
DQN_MEMCPY(dest, src, (end - src) * sizeof(T));
array->size -= erase_count;
DQN_API template <typename T> void Dqn_VArray_Clear(Dqn_VArray<T> *array)
if (array)
array->size = 0;
DQN_API template <typename T> void Dqn_VArray_Reserve(Dqn_VArray<T> *array, Dqn_usize count)
if (!Dqn_VArray_IsValid(array) || count == 0)
Dqn_Arena_CommitFromBlock(array->block, count * sizeof(T), Dqn_ArenaCommit_EnsureSpace);
#endif // !defined(DQN_NO_VARRAY)
#if !defined(DQN_NO_DSMAP)
// NOTE: [$DMAP] Dqn_DSMap =========================================================================
uint32_t const DQN_DS_MAP_DEFAULT_HASH_SEED = 0x8a1ced49;
uint32_t const DQN_DS_MAP_SENTINEL_SLOT = 0;
template <typename T>
Dqn_DSMap<T> Dqn_DSMap_Init(uint32_t size)
Dqn_DSMap<T> result = {};
if (DQN_CHECKF((size & (size - 1)) == 0, "Power-of-two size required")) {
result.hash_to_slot = Dqn_Allocator_NewArray(result.allocator, uint32_t, size, Dqn_ZeroMem_Yes);
if (result.hash_to_slot) {
result.slots = Dqn_Allocator_NewArray(result.allocator, Dqn_DSMapSlot<T>, size, Dqn_ZeroMem_Yes);
if (result.slots) {
result.occupied = 1; // For sentinel
result.size = size;
result.initial_size = size;
} else {
Dqn_Allocator_Dealloc(result.allocator, result.hash_to_slot, size * sizeof(*result.hash_to_slot));
return result;
template <typename T>
void Dqn_DSMap_Deinit(Dqn_DSMap<T> *map)
if (!map)
if (map->slots)
Dqn_Allocator_Dealloc(map->allocator, map->slots, sizeof(*map->slots) * map->size);
if (map->hash_to_slot)
Dqn_Allocator_Dealloc(map->allocator, map->hash_to_slot, sizeof(*map->hash_to_slot) * map->size);
*map = {};
template <typename T>
bool Dqn_DSMap_IsValid(Dqn_DSMap<T> const *map)
bool result = map &&
map->hash_to_slot && // Hash to slot mapping array must be allocated
map->slots && // Slots array must be allocated
(map->size & (map->size - 1)) == 0 && // Must be power of two size
map->occupied >= 1; // DQN_DS_MAP_SENTINEL_SLOT takes up one slot
return result;
template <typename T>
uint32_t Dqn_DSMap_Hash(Dqn_DSMap<T> const *map, Dqn_DSMapKey key)
uint32_t result = 0;
if (!map)
return result;
if (key.type == Dqn_DSMapKeyType_U64NoHash) {
result = DQN_CAST(uint32_t)key.payload.u64;
return result;
uint32_t seed = map->hash_seed ? map->hash_seed : DQN_DS_MAP_DEFAULT_HASH_SEED;
if (map->hash_function) {
map->hash_function(key, seed);
} else {
// NOTE: Courtesy of Demetri Spanos (which this hash table was inspired
// from), the following is a hashing function snippet provided for
// reliable, quick and simple quality hashing functions for hash table
// use.
// Source: https://github.com/demetri/scribbles/blob/c475464756c104c91bab83ed4e14badefef12ab5/hashing/ub_aware_hash_functions.c
char const *key_ptr = nullptr;
uint32_t len = 0;
uint32_t h = seed;
switch (key.type) {
case Dqn_DSMapKeyType_Invalid: break;
case Dqn_DSMapKeyType_Buffer:
key_ptr = DQN_CAST(char const *)key.payload.buffer.data;
len = key.payload.buffer.size;
case Dqn_DSMapKeyType_U64:
key_ptr = DQN_CAST(char const *)&key.payload.u64;
len = sizeof(key.payload.u64);
// Murmur3 32-bit without UB unaligned accesses
// uint32_t mur3_32_no_UB(const void *key, int len, uint32_t h)
// main body, work on 32-bit blocks at a time
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len / 4; i++) {
uint32_t k;
memcpy(&k, &key_ptr[i * 4], sizeof(k));
k *= 0xcc9e2d51;
k = ((k << 15) | (k >> 17)) * 0x1b873593;
h = (((h ^ k) << 13) | ((h ^ k) >> 19)) * 5 + 0xe6546b64;
// load/mix up to 3 remaining tail bytes into a tail block
uint32_t t = 0;
uint8_t *tail = ((uint8_t *)key_ptr) + 4 * (len / 4);
switch (len & 3) {
case 3: t ^= tail[2] << 16;
case 2: t ^= tail[1] << 8;
case 1: {
t ^= tail[0] << 0;
h ^= ((0xcc9e2d51 * t << 15) | (0xcc9e2d51 * t >> 17)) * 0x1b873593;
// finalization mix, including key length
h = ((h ^ len) ^ ((h ^ len) >> 16)) * 0x85ebca6b;
h = (h ^ (h >> 13)) * 0xc2b2ae35;
result = h ^ (h >> 16);
return result;
template <typename T>
uint32_t Dqn_DSMap_HashToSlotIndex(Dqn_DSMap<T> const *map, Dqn_DSMapKey key)
uint32_t result = DQN_DS_MAP_SENTINEL_SLOT;
if (!Dqn_DSMap_IsValid(map))
return result;
result = key.hash & (map->size - 1);
for (;;) {
if (map->hash_to_slot[result] == DQN_DS_MAP_SENTINEL_SLOT)
return result;
Dqn_DSMapSlot<T> *slot = map->slots + map->hash_to_slot[result];
if (slot->key.type == Dqn_DSMapKeyType_Invalid || (slot->key.hash == key.hash && slot->key == key))
return result;
result = (result + 1) & (map->size - 1);
template <typename T>
Dqn_DSMapSlot<T> *Dqn_DSMap_FindSlot(Dqn_DSMap<T> const *map, Dqn_DSMapKey key)
Dqn_DSMapSlot<T> const *result = nullptr;
if (Dqn_DSMap_IsValid(map)) {
uint32_t index = Dqn_DSMap_HashToSlotIndex(map, key);
if (map->hash_to_slot[index] != DQN_DS_MAP_SENTINEL_SLOT)
result = map->slots + map->hash_to_slot[index];
return DQN_CAST(Dqn_DSMapSlot<T> *)result;
template <typename T>
Dqn_DSMapSlot<T> *Dqn_DSMap_MakeSlot(Dqn_DSMap<T> *map, Dqn_DSMapKey key, bool *found)
Dqn_DSMapSlot<T> *result = nullptr;
if (Dqn_DSMap_IsValid(map)) {
uint32_t index = Dqn_DSMap_HashToSlotIndex(map, key);
if (map->hash_to_slot[index] == DQN_DS_MAP_SENTINEL_SLOT) {
// NOTE: Create the slot
map->hash_to_slot[index] = map->occupied++;
// NOTE: Check if resize is required
bool map_is_75pct_full = (map->occupied * 4) > (map->size * 3);
if (map_is_75pct_full) {
if (!Dqn_DSMap_Resize(map, map->size * 2))
return result;
result = Dqn_DSMap_MakeSlot(map, key, nullptr /*found*/);
} else {
result = map->slots + map->hash_to_slot[index];
// NOTE: Update the slot
result->key = key;
if (found)
*found = false;
} else {
result = map->slots + map->hash_to_slot[index];
if (found)
*found = true;
return result;
template <typename T>
Dqn_DSMapSlot<T> *Dqn_DSMap_SetSlot(Dqn_DSMap<T> *map, Dqn_DSMapKey key, T const &value, bool *found)
Dqn_DSMapSlot<T> *result = nullptr;
if (!Dqn_DSMap_IsValid(map))
return result;
result = Dqn_DSMap_MakeSlot(map, key, found);
result->value = value;
return result;
template <typename T>
T *Dqn_DSMap_Find(Dqn_DSMap<T> const *map, Dqn_DSMapKey key)
Dqn_DSMapSlot<T> const *slot = Dqn_DSMap_FindSlot(map, key);
T const *result = slot ? &slot->value : nullptr;
return DQN_CAST(T *)result;
template <typename T>
T *Dqn_DSMap_Make(Dqn_DSMap<T> *map, Dqn_DSMapKey key, bool *found)
Dqn_DSMapSlot<T> *slot = Dqn_DSMap_MakeSlot(map, key, found);
T *result = &slot->value;
return result;
template <typename T>
T *Dqn_DSMap_Set(Dqn_DSMap<T> *map, Dqn_DSMapKey key, T const &value, bool *found)
Dqn_DSMapSlot<T> *result = Dqn_DSMap_SetSlot(map, key, value, found);
return &result->value;
template <typename T>
bool Dqn_DSMap_Resize(Dqn_DSMap<T> *map, uint32_t size)
if (!Dqn_DSMap_IsValid(map) || size < map->occupied || size < map->initial_size)
return false;
Dqn_DSMap<T> new_map = Dqn_DSMap_Init<T>(size);
if (!Dqn_DSMap_IsValid(&new_map))
return false;
new_map.initial_size = map->initial_size;
for (uint32_t old_index = 1 /*Sentinel*/; old_index < map->occupied; old_index++) {
Dqn_DSMapSlot<T> *old_slot = map->slots + old_index;
if (old_slot->key.type != Dqn_DSMapKeyType_Invalid) {
Dqn_DSMap_Set(&new_map, old_slot->key, old_slot->value, nullptr /*found*/);
DQN_MEMCPY(new_map.slots, map->slots, sizeof(*map->slots) * map->occupied);
*map = new_map;
return true;
template <typename T>
bool Dqn_DSMap_Erase(Dqn_DSMap<T> *map, Dqn_DSMapKey key)
if (!Dqn_DSMap_IsValid(map))
return false;
uint32_t index = Dqn_DSMap_HashToSlotIndex(map, key);
uint32_t slot_index = map->hash_to_slot[index];
if (slot_index == DQN_DS_MAP_SENTINEL_SLOT)
return false;
// NOTE: Mark the slot as unoccupied
map->hash_to_slot[index] = DQN_DS_MAP_SENTINEL_SLOT;
map->slots[slot_index] = {}; // TODO: Optional?
if (map->occupied > 1 /*Sentinel*/) {
// NOTE: Repair the hash chain, e.g. rehash all the items after the removed
// element and reposition them if necessary.
for (uint32_t probe_index = index;;) {
probe_index = (probe_index + 1) & (map->size - 1);
if (map->hash_to_slot[probe_index] == DQN_DS_MAP_SENTINEL_SLOT)
Dqn_DSMapSlot<T> *probe = map->slots + map->hash_to_slot[probe_index];
uint32_t new_index = probe->key.hash & (map->size - 1);
if (index <= probe_index) {
if (index < new_index && new_index <= probe_index)
} else {
if (index < new_index || new_index <= probe_index)
map->hash_to_slot[index] = map->hash_to_slot[probe_index];
map->hash_to_slot[probe_index] = DQN_DS_MAP_SENTINEL_SLOT;
index = probe_index;
DQN_ASSERT(Dqn_DSMap_FindSlot(map, probe->key) == probe);
// NOTE: We have erased a slot from the hash table, this leaves a gap
// in our contiguous array. After repairing the chain, the hash mapping
// is correct.
// We will now fill in the vacant spot that we erased using the last
// element in the slot list.
if (map->occupied >= 3 /*Ignoring sentinel, at least 2 other elements to unstable erase*/) {
// NOTE: Copy in last slot to the erase slot
Dqn_DSMapSlot<T> *last_slot = map->slots + map->occupied - 1;
map->slots[slot_index] = *last_slot;
// NOTE: Update the hash-to-slot mapping for the value that was copied in
uint32_t hash_to_slot_index = Dqn_DSMap_HashToSlotIndex(map, last_slot->key);
map->hash_to_slot[hash_to_slot_index] = slot_index;
*last_slot = {}; // TODO: Optional?
bool map_is_below_25pct_full = (map->occupied * 4) < (map->size * 1);
if (map_is_below_25pct_full && (map->size / 2) >= map->initial_size)
Dqn_DSMap_Resize(map, map->size / 2);
return true;
template <typename T>
DQN_API Dqn_DSMapKey Dqn_DSMap_KeyBuffer(Dqn_DSMap<T> const *map, void const *data, uint32_t size)
Dqn_DSMapKey result = {};
result.type = Dqn_DSMapKeyType_Buffer;
result.payload.buffer.data = data;
result.payload.buffer.size = size;
result.hash = Dqn_DSMap_Hash(map, result);
return result;
template <typename T>
DQN_API Dqn_DSMapKey Dqn_DSMap_KeyU64(Dqn_DSMap<T> const *map, uint64_t u64)
Dqn_DSMapKey result = {};
result.type = Dqn_DSMapKeyType_U64;
result.payload.u64 = u64;
result.hash = Dqn_DSMap_Hash(map, result);
return result;
template <typename T>
DQN_API Dqn_DSMapKey Dqn_DSMap_KeyString8(Dqn_DSMap<T> const *map, Dqn_String8 string)
DQN_ASSERT(string.size > 0 && string.size <= UINT32_MAX);
Dqn_DSMapKey result = {};
result.type = Dqn_DSMapKeyType_Buffer;
result.payload.buffer.data = string.data;
result.payload.buffer.size = DQN_CAST(uint32_t)string.size;
result.hash = Dqn_DSMap_Hash(map, result);
return result;
template <typename T>
DQN_API Dqn_DSMapKey Dqn_DSMap_KeyString8Copy(Dqn_DSMap<T> const *map, Dqn_Allocator allocator, Dqn_String8 string)
Dqn_String8 copy = Dqn_String8_Copy(allocator, string);
Dqn_DSMapKey result = Dqn_DSMap_KeyString8(map, copy);
return result;
#endif // !defined(DQN_NO_DSMAP)
#if !defined(DQN_NO_FARRAY)
// NOTE: [$FARR] Dqn_FArray ========================================================================
DQN_API template <typename T, Dqn_usize N> Dqn_FArray<T, N> Dqn_FArray_Init(T const *array, Dqn_usize count)
Dqn_FArray<T, N> result = {};
bool added = Dqn_FArray_Add(&result, array, count);
return result;
DQN_API template <typename T, Dqn_usize N> bool Dqn_FArray_IsValid(Dqn_FArray<T, N> const *array)
bool result = array && array->size <= DQN_ARRAY_UCOUNT(array->data);
return result;
DQN_API template <typename T, Dqn_usize N> T *Dqn_FArray_Make(Dqn_FArray<T, N> *array, Dqn_usize count, Dqn_ZeroMem zero_mem)
if (!Dqn_FArray_IsValid(array))
return nullptr;
if (!DQN_CHECKF((array->size + count) < DQN_ARRAY_UCOUNT(array->data), "Array is out of memory"))
return nullptr;
// TODO: Use placement new? Why doesn't this work?
T *result = array->data + array->size;
array->size += count;
if (zero_mem == Dqn_ZeroMem_Yes)
DQN_MEMSET(result, DQN_MEMSET_BYTE, sizeof(*result) * count);
return result;
DQN_API template <typename T, Dqn_usize N> T *Dqn_FArray_Add(Dqn_FArray<T, N> *array, T const *items, Dqn_usize count)
T *result = Dqn_FArray_Make(array, count, Dqn_ZeroMem_No);
if (result)
DQN_MEMCPY(result, items, count * sizeof(T));
return result;
DQN_API template <typename T, Dqn_usize N> void Dqn_FArray_EraseRange(Dqn_FArray<T, N> *array, Dqn_usize begin_index, Dqn_isize count, Dqn_FArrayErase erase)
if (!Dqn_FArray_IsValid(array) || array->size == 0 || count == 0)
// NOTE: Caculate the end index of the erase range
Dqn_isize abs_count = DQN_ABS(count);
Dqn_usize end_index = 0;
if (count < 0) {
end_index = begin_index - (abs_count - 1);
if (end_index > begin_index)
end_index = 0;
} else {
end_index = begin_index + (abs_count - 1);
if (end_index < begin_index)
end_index = array->size - 1;
// NOTE: Ensure begin_index < one_past_end_index
if (end_index < begin_index) {
Dqn_usize tmp = begin_index;
begin_index = end_index;
end_index = tmp;
// NOTE: Ensure indexes are within valid bounds
begin_index = DQN_MIN(begin_index, array->size);
end_index = DQN_MIN(end_index, array->size - 1);
// NOTE: Erase the items in the range [begin_index, one_past_end_index)
Dqn_usize one_past_end_index = end_index + 1;
Dqn_usize erase_count = one_past_end_index - begin_index;
if (erase_count) {
T *end = array->data + array->size;
T *dest = array->data + begin_index;
if (erase == Dqn_FArrayErase_Stable) {
T *src = dest + erase_count;
DQN_MEMMOVE(dest, src, (end - src) * sizeof(T));
} else {
T *src = end - erase_count;
DQN_MEMCPY(dest, src, (end - src) * sizeof(T));
array->size -= erase_count;
DQN_API template <typename T, Dqn_usize N> void Dqn_FArray_Clear(Dqn_FArray<T, N> *array)
if (array)
array->size = 0;
#endif // !defined(DQN_NO_FARRAY)
#if !defined(DQN_NO_LIST)
// NOTE: [$LIST] Dqn_List ==========================================================================
template <typename T> DQN_API Dqn_List<T> Dqn_List_InitWithArena(Dqn_Arena *arena, Dqn_usize chunk_size)
Dqn_List<T> result = {};
result.arena = arena;
result.chunk_size = chunk_size;
return result;
template <typename T> DQN_API T *Dqn_List_Make_(DQN_LEAK_TRACE_FUNCTION Dqn_List<T> *list, Dqn_usize count)
if (list->chunk_size == 0)
list->chunk_size = 128;
if (!list->tail || (list->tail->count + count) > list->tail->size) {
auto *tail = (Dqn_ListChunk<T> * )Dqn_Arena_Allocate_(list->arena, sizeof(Dqn_ListChunk<T>), alignof(Dqn_ListChunk<T>), Dqn_ZeroMem_Yes DQN_LEAK_TRACE_ARG);
if (!tail)
return nullptr;
Dqn_usize items = DQN_MAX(list->chunk_size, count);
tail->data = DQN_CAST(T * )Dqn_Arena_Allocate_(list->arena, sizeof(T) * items, alignof(T), Dqn_ZeroMem_Yes DQN_LEAK_TRACE_ARG);
tail->size = items;
if (!tail->data)
return nullptr;
if (list->tail) {
list->tail->next = tail;
tail->prev = list->tail;
list->tail = tail;
if (!list->head)
list->head = list->tail;
T *result = list->tail->data + list->tail->count;
list->tail->count += count;
list->count += count;
return result;
template <typename T> DQN_API T *Dqn_List_Add_(DQN_LEAK_TRACE_FUNCTION Dqn_List<T> *list, T const &value)
T *result = Dqn_List_Make_(list, 1);
*result = value;
return result;
template <typename T> DQN_API bool Dqn_List_Iterate(Dqn_List<T> *list, Dqn_ListIterator<T> *it, Dqn_usize start_index)
bool result = false;
if (!list || !it || list->chunk_size <= 0)
return result;
if (!it->init) {
*it = {};
if (start_index == 0) {
it->chunk = list->head;
} else {
Dqn_List_At(list, start_index, &it->chunk);
if (list->chunk_size > 0)
it->chunk_data_index = start_index % list->chunk_size;
it->init = true;
if (it->chunk) {
if (it->chunk_data_index >= it->chunk->count) {
it->chunk = it->chunk->next;
it->chunk_data_index = 0;
if (it->chunk) {
it->data = it->chunk->data + it->chunk_data_index++;
result = true;
if (!it->chunk)
DQN_ASSERT(result == false);
return result;
template <typename T> DQN_API T *Dqn_List_At(Dqn_List<T> *list, Dqn_usize index, Dqn_ListChunk<T> **at_chunk)
if (!list || !list->chunk_size || index >= list->count)
return nullptr;
Dqn_usize total_chunks = list->count / (list->chunk_size + (list->chunk_size - 1));
Dqn_usize desired_chunk = index / list->chunk_size;
Dqn_usize forward_scan_dist = desired_chunk;
Dqn_usize backward_scan_dist = total_chunks - desired_chunk;
// NOTE: Linearly scan forwards/backwards to the chunk we need. We don't
// have random access to chunks
Dqn_usize current_chunk = 0;
Dqn_ListChunk<T> **chunk = nullptr;
if (forward_scan_dist <= backward_scan_dist) {
for (chunk = &list->head; *chunk && current_chunk != desired_chunk; *chunk = (*chunk)->next, current_chunk++) {
} else {
current_chunk = total_chunks;
for (chunk = &list->tail; *chunk && current_chunk != desired_chunk; *chunk = (*chunk)->prev, current_chunk--) {
T *result = nullptr;
if (*chunk) {
Dqn_usize relative_index = index % list->chunk_size;
result = (*chunk)->data + relative_index;
DQN_ASSERT(relative_index < (*chunk)->count);
if (result && at_chunk)
*at_chunk = *chunk;
return result;
#endif // !defined(DQN_NO_LIST)