
387 lines
16 KiB

// NOTE: Table Of Contents =========================================================================
// Index | Disable #define | Description
// =================================================================================================
// [$DLIB] Dqn_Library | | Library run-time behaviour configuration
// [$BITS] Dqn_Bit | | Bitset manipulation
// [$SAFE] Dqn_Safe | | Safe arithmetic, casts, asserts
// [$TCTX] Dqn_ThreadContext | | Per-thread data structure e.g. temp arenas
// [$BSEA] Dqn_BinarySearch | | Binary search
// =================================================================================================
// NOTE: [$DLIB] Dqn_Library =======================================================================
// Book-keeping data for the library and allow customisation of certain features
// provided.
// NOTE: API =======================================================================================
// @proc Dqn_Library_SetLogCallback
// @desc Update the default logging function, all logging functions will run through
// this callback
// @param[in] proc The new logging function, set to nullptr to revert back to
// the default logger.
// @param[in] user_data A user defined parameter to pass to the callback
// @proc Dqn_Library_SetLogFile
// @param[in] file Pass in nullptr to turn off writing logs to disk, otherwise
// point it to the FILE that you wish to write to.
// @proc Dqn_Library_DumpThreadContextArenaStat
// @desc Dump the per-thread arena statistics to the specified file
struct Dqn_Library
bool lib_init;
Dqn_TicketMutex lib_mutex;
Dqn_LogProc *log_callback; ///< Set this pointer to override the logging routine
void * log_user_data;
bool log_to_file; ///< Output logs to file as well as standard out
void * log_file; ///< TODO(dqn): Hmmm, how should we do this... ?
Dqn_TicketMutex log_file_mutex; ///< Is locked when instantiating the log_file for the first time
bool log_no_colour; ///< Disable colours in the logging output
/// The backup arena to use if no arena is passed into Dqn_Library_Init
Dqn_Arena arena_catalog_backup_arena;
Dqn_ArenaCatalog arena_catalog;
#if defined(DQN_LEAK_TRACING)
Dqn_TicketMutex alloc_table_mutex;
Dqn_DSMap<Dqn_LeakTrace> alloc_table;
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
LARGE_INTEGER win32_qpc_frequency;
Dqn_TicketMutex win32_bcrypt_rng_mutex;
void *win32_bcrypt_rng_handle;
Dqn_TicketMutex thread_context_mutex;
Dqn_ArenaStat thread_context_arena_stats[256];
uint8_t thread_context_arena_stats_count;
} extern dqn_library;
// NOTE: Properties ================================================================================
DQN_API Dqn_Library *Dqn_Library_Init (Dqn_Arena *arena);
DQN_API void Dqn_Library_SetLogCallback (Dqn_LogProc *proc, void *user_data);
DQN_API void Dqn_Library_SetLogFile (void *file);
DQN_API void Dqn_Library_DumpThreadContextArenaStat(Dqn_String8 file_path);
// NOTE: Leak Trace ================================================================================
#if defined(DQN_LEAK_TRACING)
DQN_API void Dqn_Library_LeakTraceAdd (Dqn_CallSite call_site, void *ptr, Dqn_usize size);
DQN_API void Dqn_Library_LeakTraceMarkFree (Dqn_CallSite call_site, void *ptr);
#define Dqn_Library_LeakTraceAdd(...)
#define Dqn_Library_LeakTraceMarkFree(...)
// NOTE: [$BITS] Dqn_Bit ===========================================================================
DQN_API void Dqn_Bit_UnsetInplace(uint32_t *flags, uint32_t bitfield);
DQN_API void Dqn_Bit_SetInplace (uint32_t *flags, uint32_t bitfield);
DQN_API bool Dqn_Bit_IsSet (uint32_t bits, uint32_t bits_to_set);
DQN_API bool Dqn_Bit_IsNotSet (uint32_t bits, uint32_t bits_to_check);
// NOTE: [$SAFE] Dqn_Safe ==========================================================================
// @proc Dqn_Safe_AddI64, Dqn_Safe_MulI64
// @desc Add/multiply 2 I64's together, safe asserting that the operation does
// not overflow.
// @return The result of operation, INT64_MAX if it overflowed.
// @proc Dqn_Safe_AddU64, Dqn_Safe_MulU64
// @desc Add/multiply 2 U64's together, safe asserting that the operation does
// not overflow.
// @return The result of operation, UINT64_MAX if it overflowed.
// @proc Dqn_Safe_SubU64, Dqn_Safe_SubU32
// @desc Subtract 2xU64 or 2xU32's together, safe asserting that the operation
// does not overflow.
// @return The result of operation, 0 if it overflowed.
// @proc Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastUSizeToInt,
// Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastUSizeToI8,
// Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastUSizeToI16,
// Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastUSizeToI32,
// Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastUSizeToI64
// Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastU64ToUInt,
// Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastU64ToU8,
// Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastU64ToU16,
// Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastU64ToU32,
// Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastUSizeToU8,
// Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastUSizeToU16,
// Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastUSizeToU32,
// Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastUSizeToU64
// Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToInt,
// Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToI8,
// Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToI16,
// Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToI32,
// Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToI64,
// int Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToUInt,
// Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToU8,
// Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToU16,
// Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToU32,
// Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToU64,
// Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastI64ToISize,
// Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastI64ToI8,
// Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastI64ToI16,
// Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastI64ToI32,
// Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastIntToI8,
// Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastIntToU8,
// Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastIntToU16,
// Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastIntToU32,
// Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastIntToU64,
// @desc Truncate the lhs operand to the right clamping the result to the max
// value of the desired data type. Safe asserts if clamping occurs.
// The following sentinel values are returned when saturated,
// USize -> Int: INT_MAX
// USize -> I8: INT8_MAX
// USize -> I16: INT16_MAX
// USize -> I32: INT32_MAX
// USize -> I64: INT64_MAX
// U64 -> UInt: UINT_MAX
// U64 -> U8: UINT8_MAX
// U64 -> U16: UINT16_MAX
// U64 -> U32: UINT32_MAX
// USize -> U8: UINT8_MAX
// USize -> U16: UINT16_MAX
// USize -> U32: UINT32_MAX
// USize -> U64: UINT64_MAX
// ISize -> Int: INT_MIN or INT_MAX
// ISize -> I8: INT8_MIN or INT8_MAX
// ISize -> I16: INT16_MIN or INT16_MAX
// ISize -> I32: INT32_MIN or INT32_MAX
// ISize -> I64: INT64_MIN or INT64_MAX
// ISize -> UInt: 0 or UINT_MAX
// ISize -> U8: 0 or UINT8_MAX
// ISize -> U16: 0 or UINT16_MAX
// ISize -> U32: 0 or UINT32_MAX
// ISize -> U64: 0 or UINT64_MAX
// I64 -> I8: INT8_MIN or INT8_MAX
// I64 -> I16: INT16_MIN or INT16_MAX
// I64 -> I32: INT32_MIN or INT32_MAX
// Int -> I8: INT8_MIN or INT8_MAX
// Int -> I16: INT16_MIN or INT16_MAX
// Int -> U8: 0 or UINT8_MAX
// Int -> U16: 0 or UINT16_MAX
// Int -> U32: 0 or UINT32_MAX
// Int -> U64: 0 or UINT64_MAX
DQN_API int64_t Dqn_Safe_AddI64 (int64_t a, int64_t b);
DQN_API int64_t Dqn_Safe_MulI64 (int64_t a, int64_t b);
DQN_API uint64_t Dqn_Safe_AddU64 (uint64_t a, uint64_t b);
DQN_API uint64_t Dqn_Safe_MulU64 (uint64_t a, uint64_t b);
DQN_API uint64_t Dqn_Safe_SubU64 (uint64_t a, uint64_t b);
DQN_API uint32_t Dqn_Safe_SubU32 (uint32_t a, uint32_t b);
DQN_API int Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastUSizeToInt (Dqn_usize val);
DQN_API int8_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastUSizeToI8 (Dqn_usize val);
DQN_API int16_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastUSizeToI16 (Dqn_usize val);
DQN_API int32_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastUSizeToI32 (Dqn_usize val);
DQN_API int64_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastUSizeToI64 (Dqn_usize val);
DQN_API unsigned int Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastU64ToUInt (uint64_t val);
DQN_API uint8_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastU64ToU8 (uint64_t val);
DQN_API uint16_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastU64ToU16 (uint64_t val);
DQN_API uint32_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastU64ToU32 (uint64_t val);
DQN_API uint8_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastUSizeToU8 (Dqn_usize val);
DQN_API uint16_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastUSizeToU16 (Dqn_usize val);
DQN_API uint32_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastUSizeToU32 (Dqn_usize val);
DQN_API uint64_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastUSizeToU64 (Dqn_usize val);
DQN_API int Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToInt (Dqn_isize val);
DQN_API int8_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToI8 (Dqn_isize val);
DQN_API int16_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToI16 (Dqn_isize val);
DQN_API int32_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToI32 (Dqn_isize val);
DQN_API int64_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToI64 (Dqn_isize val);
DQN_API unsigned int Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToUInt(Dqn_isize val);
DQN_API uint8_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToU8 (Dqn_isize val);
DQN_API uint16_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToU16 (Dqn_isize val);
DQN_API uint32_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToU32 (Dqn_isize val);
DQN_API uint64_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToU64 (Dqn_isize val);
DQN_API Dqn_isize Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastI64ToISize (int64_t val);
DQN_API int8_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastI64ToI8 (int64_t val);
DQN_API int16_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastI64ToI16 (int64_t val);
DQN_API int32_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastI64ToI32 (int64_t val);
DQN_API int8_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastIntToI8 (int val);
DQN_API int16_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastIntToI16 (int val);
DQN_API uint8_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastIntToU8 (int val);
DQN_API uint16_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastIntToU16 (int val);
DQN_API uint32_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastIntToU32 (int val);
DQN_API uint64_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastIntToU64 (int val);
// NOTE: [$TCTX] Dqn_ThreadContext =================================================================
// Each thread is assigned in their thread-local storage (TLS) scratch and
// permanent arena allocators. These can be used for allocations with a lifetime
// scoped to the lexical scope or for storing data permanently using the arena
// paradigm.
// TLS in this implementation is implemented using the `thread_local` C/C++
// keyword.
// @proc Dqn_Thread_GetContext
// @desc Get the current thread's context- this contains all the metadata for managing
// the thread scratch data. In general you probably want Dqn_Thread_GetScratch()
// which ensures you get a usable scratch arena for temporary allocations
// without having to worry about selecting the right arena from the state.
// @proc Dqn_Thread_GetScratch
// @desc Retrieve the per-thread temporary arena allocator that is reset on scope
// exit.
// The scratch arena must be deconflicted with any existing arenas in the
// function to avoid trampling over each other's memory. Consider the situation
// where the scratch arena is passed into the function. Inside the function, if
// the same arena is reused then, if both arenas allocate, when the inner arena
// is reset, this will undo the passed in arena's allocations in the function.
// @param[in] conflict_arena A pointer to the arena currently being used in the
// function
struct Dqn_ThreadContext
Dqn_b32 init;
Dqn_Arena *arena; ///< Per thread arena
Dqn_Allocator allocator; ///< Allocator that uses the arena
/// Temp memory arena's for the calling thread
Dqn_Arena *temp_arenas[DQN_THREAD_CONTEXT_ARENAS];
/// Allocators that use the corresponding arena from the thread context.
/// Provided for convenience when interfacing with allocator interfaces.
Dqn_Allocator temp_allocators[DQN_THREAD_CONTEXT_ARENAS];
Dqn_ArenaStat temp_arenas_stat[DQN_THREAD_CONTEXT_ARENAS];
struct Dqn_ThreadScratch
Dqn_ThreadScratch(DQN_LEAK_TRACE_FUNCTION Dqn_ThreadContext *context, uint8_t context_index);
/// Index into the arena/allocator/stat array in the thread context
/// specifying what arena was assigned.
uint8_t index;
Dqn_Allocator allocator;
Dqn_Arena *arena;
Dqn_b32 destructed = false; /// Detect copies of the scratch
Dqn_ArenaTempMemory temp_memory;
#if defined(DQN_LEAK_TRACING)
Dqn_CallSite leak_site__;
// NOTE: Context ===================================================================================
#define Dqn_Thread_GetContext() Dqn_Thread_GetContext_(DQN_LEAK_TRACE_NO_COMMA)
#define Dqn_Thread_GetScratch(conflict_arena) Dqn_Thread_GetScratch_(DQN_LEAK_TRACE conflict_arena)
DQN_API uint32_t Dqn_Thread_GetID();
// NOTE: Internal ==================================================================================
DQN_API Dqn_ThreadContext *Dqn_Thread_GetContext_(DQN_LEAK_TRACE_FUNCTION_NO_COMMA);
DQN_API Dqn_ThreadScratch Dqn_Thread_GetScratch_(DQN_LEAK_TRACE_FUNCTION void const *conflict_arena);
// NOTE: [$BSEA] Dqn_BinarySearch ==================================================================
template <typename T>
using Dqn_BinarySearchLessThanProc = bool(T const &lhs, T const &rhs);
template <typename T>
DQN_FORCE_INLINE bool Dqn_BinarySearch_DefaultLessThan(T const &lhs, T const &rhs);
enum Dqn_BinarySearchType
/// Index of the match. If no match is found, found is set to false and the
/// index is set to 0
/// Index after the match. If no match is found, found is set to false and
/// the index is set to one past the closest match.
struct Dqn_BinarySearchResult
bool found;
Dqn_usize index;
template <typename T>
Dqn_BinarySearch(T const *array,
Dqn_usize array_size,
T const &find,
Dqn_BinarySearchType type = Dqn_BinarySearchType_Match,
Dqn_BinarySearchLessThanProc<T> less_than = Dqn_BinarySearch_DefaultLessThan);
template <typename T> DQN_FORCE_INLINE bool Dqn_BinarySearch_DefaultLessThan(T const &lhs, T const &rhs)
bool result = lhs < rhs;
return result;
template <typename T>
Dqn_BinarySearch(T const *array,
Dqn_usize array_size,
T const &find,
Dqn_BinarySearchType type,
Dqn_BinarySearchLessThanProc<T> less_than)
Dqn_BinarySearchResult result = {};
Dqn_usize head = 0;
Dqn_usize tail = array_size - 1;
if (array && array_size > 0) {
while (!result.found && head <= tail) {
Dqn_usize mid = (head + tail) / 2;
T const &value = array[mid];
if (less_than(find, value)) {
tail = mid - 1;
if (mid == 0)
} else if (less_than(value, find)) {
head = mid + 1;
} else {
result.found = true;
result.index = mid;
if (type == Dqn_BinarySearchType_OnePastMatch)
result.index = result.found ? result.index + 1 : tail + 1;
DQN_ASSERT(type == Dqn_BinarySearchType_Match);
return result;