
503 lines
26 KiB

// $$\ $$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\
// $$ | $$ |$$ _____|$$ | $$ __$$\ $$ _____|$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\
// $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ / \__|
// $$$$$$$$ |$$$$$\ $$ | $$$$$$$ |$$$$$\ $$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$\
// $$ __$$ |$$ __| $$ | $$ ____/ $$ __| $$ __$$< \____$$\
// $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$\ $$ |
// $$ | $$ |$$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$ | $$$$$$$$\ $$ | $$ |\$$$$$$ |
// \__| \__|\________|\________|\__| \________|\__| \__| \______/
// dqn_helpers.h -- Helper functions/data structures
// [$PCG3] Dqn_PCG32 -- -- RNG from the PCG family
// [$JSON] Dqn_JSONBuilder -- DQN_JSON_BUILDER -- Construct json output
// [$BHEX] Dqn_Bin -- DQN_BIN -- Binary <-> hex helpers
// [$BSEA] Dqn_BinarySearch -- -- Binary search
// [$BITS] Dqn_Bit -- -- Bitset manipulation
// [$SAFE] Dqn_Safe -- -- Safe arithmetic, casts, asserts
// [$MISC] Misc -- -- Uncategorised helper functions
// [$DLIB] Dqn_Library -- -- Globally shared runtime data for this library
// [$PROF] Dqn_Profiler -- DQN_PROFILER -- Profiler that measures using a timestamp counter
// NOTE: [$PCGX] Dqn_PCG32 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
struct Dqn_PCG32 { uint64_t state; };
#if !defined(DQN_NO_JSON_BUILDER)
// NOTE: [$JSON] Dqn_JSONBuilder ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
enum Dqn_JSONBuilderItem
struct Dqn_JSONBuilder
bool use_stdout; // When set, ignore the string builder and dump immediately to stdout
Dqn_Str8Builder string_builder; // (Internal)
int indent_level; // (Internal)
int spaces_per_indent; // The number of spaces per indent level
Dqn_JSONBuilderItem last_item;
#endif // !defined(DQN_NO_JSON_BUIDLER)
#if !defined(DQN_NO_BIN)
// NOTE: [$BHEX] Dqn_Bin ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
struct Dqn_BinHexU64Str8
char data[2 /*0x*/ + 16 /*hex*/ + 1 /*null-terminator*/];
uint8_t size;
enum Dqn_BinHexU64Str8Flags
Dqn_BinHexU64Str8Flags_No0xPrefix = 1 << 0, /// Remove the 0x prefix from the string
Dqn_BinHexU64Str8Flags_UppercaseHex = 1 << 1, /// Use uppercase ascii characters for hex
#endif // !defined(DQN_NO_BIN)
// NOTE: [$BSEA] Dqn_BinarySearch //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
template <typename T>
using Dqn_BinarySearchLessThanProc = bool(T const &lhs, T const &rhs);
template <typename T>
bool Dqn_BinarySearch_DefaultLessThan(T const &lhs, T const &rhs);
enum Dqn_BinarySearchType
// Index of the match. If no match is found, found is set to false and the
// index is set to the index where the match should be inserted/exist, if
// it were in the array (in practice this turns out to be the first or
// [last index + 1] of the array).
// Index of the first element in the array that is `element >= find`. If no such
// item is found or the array is empty, then, the index is set to the array
// size and found is set to `false`.
// For example:
// int array[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
// Dqn_BinarySearchResult result = Dqn_BinarySearch(array, DQN_ARRAY_UCOUNT(array), 4, Dqn_BinarySearchType_LowerBound);
// printf("%zu\n", result.index); // Prints index '4'
// Index of the first element in the array that is `element > find`. If no such
// item is found or the array is empty, then, the index is set to the array
// size and found is set to `false`.
// For example:
// int array[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
// Dqn_BinarySearchResult result = Dqn_BinarySearch(array, DQN_ARRAY_UCOUNT(array), 4, Dqn_BinarySearchType_UpperBound);
// printf("%zu\n", result.index); // Prints index '5'
struct Dqn_BinarySearchResult
bool found;
Dqn_usize index;
// NOTE: [$MISC] Misc //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
struct Dqn_U64Str8
char data[27+1]; // NOTE(dqn): 27 is the maximum size of uint64_t including a separtor
uint8_t size;
enum Dqn_U64ByteSizeType
struct Dqn_U64ByteSize
Dqn_U64ByteSizeType type;
Dqn_Str8 suffix; // "KiB", "MiB", "GiB" .. e.t.c
Dqn_f64 bytes;
enum Dqn_U64AgeUnit
Dqn_U64AgeUnit_Sec = 1 << 0,
Dqn_U64AgeUnit_Min = 1 << 1,
Dqn_U64AgeUnit_Hr = 1 << 2,
Dqn_U64AgeUnit_Day = 1 << 3,
Dqn_U64AgeUnit_Week = 1 << 4,
Dqn_U64AgeUnit_Year = 1 << 5,
Dqn_U64AgeUnit_HMS = Dqn_U64AgeUnit_Sec | Dqn_U64AgeUnit_Min | Dqn_U64AgeUnit_Hr,
Dqn_U64AgeUnit_All = Dqn_U64AgeUnit_HMS | Dqn_U64AgeUnit_Day | Dqn_U64AgeUnit_Week | Dqn_U64AgeUnit_Year,
#if !defined(DQN_NO_PROFILER)
// NOTE: [$PROF] Dqn_Profiler //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
struct Dqn_ProfilerAnchor
// Inclusive refers to the time spent to complete the function call
// including all children functions.
// Exclusive refers to the time spent in the function, not including any
// time spent in children functions that we call that are also being
// profiled. If we recursively call into ourselves, the time we spent in
// our function is accumulated.
uint64_t tsc_inclusive;
uint64_t tsc_exclusive;
uint16_t hit_count;
Dqn_Str8 name;
struct Dqn_ProfilerZone
uint16_t anchor_index;
uint64_t begin_tsc;
uint16_t parent_zone;
uint64_t elapsed_tsc_at_zone_start;
#if defined(__cplusplus)
struct Dqn_ProfilerZoneScope
Dqn_ProfilerZoneScope(Dqn_Str8 name, uint16_t anchor_index);
Dqn_ProfilerZone zone;
#define Dqn_Profiler_ZoneScope(name) auto DQN_UNIQUE_NAME(profile_zone_) = Dqn_ProfilerZoneScope(DQN_STR8(name), __COUNTER__ + 1)
#define Dqn_Profiler_ZoneScopeWithIndex(name, anchor_index) auto DQN_UNIQUE_NAME(profile_zone_) = Dqn_ProfilerZoneScope(DQN_STR8(name), anchor_index)
enum Dqn_ProfilerAnchorBuffer
struct Dqn_Profiler
Dqn_ProfilerAnchor anchors[2][DQN_PROFILER_ANCHOR_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t active_anchor_buffer;
uint16_t parent_zone;
#endif // !defined(DQN_NO_PROFILER)
// NOTE: [$JOBQ] Dqn_JobQueue ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
typedef void (Dqn_JobQueueFunc)(void *user_context);
struct Dqn_Job
Dqn_Arena *arena;
Dqn_JobQueueFunc *func;
void *user_context;
struct Dqn_JobQueueSPMC
Dqn_OSMutex mutex;
Dqn_OSSemaphore thread_wait_for_job_semaphore;
Dqn_OSSemaphore wait_for_completion_semaphore;
uint32_t threads_waiting_for_completion;
Dqn_Job jobs[32];
Dqn_b32 quit;
uint32_t quit_exit_code;
uint32_t volatile read_index;
uint32_t volatile complete_index;
uint32_t volatile write_index;
// NOTE: [$DLIB] Dqn_Library ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Book-keeping data for the library and allow customisation of certain features
// provided.
struct Dqn_Library
bool lib_init; // True if the library has been initialised via `Dqn_Library_Init`
Dqn_TicketMutex lib_mutex;
Dqn_Str8 exe_dir; // The directory of the current executable
Dqn_Arena arena;
Dqn_ChunkPool pool; // Uses 'arena' for malloc-like allocations
Dqn_ArenaCatalog arena_catalog;
bool slow_verification_checks; // Enable expensive library verification checks
// NOTE: Logging ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Dqn_LogProc * log_callback; // Set this pointer to override the logging routine
void * log_user_data;
bool log_to_file; // Output logs to file as well as standard out
Dqn_OSFile log_file; // TODO(dqn): Hmmm, how should we do this... ?
Dqn_TicketMutex log_file_mutex; // Is locked when instantiating the log_file for the first time
bool log_no_colour; // Disable colours in the logging output
// NOTE: Leak Tracing //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#if defined(DQN_LEAK_TRACKING)
Dqn_DSMap<Dqn_DebugAlloc> alloc_table;
Dqn_TicketMutex alloc_table_mutex;
Dqn_Arena alloc_table_arena;
// NOTE: Win32 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32)
LARGE_INTEGER win32_qpc_frequency;
Dqn_TicketMutex win32_bcrypt_rng_mutex;
void * win32_bcrypt_rng_handle;
bool win32_sym_initialised;
// NOTE: OS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
uint32_t os_page_size;
uint32_t os_alloc_granularity;
// NOTE: Profiler //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#if !defined(DQN_NO_PROFILER)
Dqn_Profiler *profiler;
Dqn_Profiler profiler_default_instance;
} extern *g_dqn_library;
enum Dqn_LibraryOnInit
// NOTE: [$PCGX] Dqn_PCG32 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
DQN_API Dqn_PCG32 Dqn_PCG32_Init (uint64_t seed);
DQN_API uint32_t Dqn_PCG32_Next (Dqn_PCG32 *rng);
DQN_API uint64_t Dqn_PCG32_Next64 (Dqn_PCG32 *rng);
DQN_API uint32_t Dqn_PCG32_Range (Dqn_PCG32 *rng, uint32_t low, uint32_t high);
DQN_API Dqn_f32 Dqn_PCG32_NextF32 (Dqn_PCG32 *rng);
DQN_API Dqn_f64 Dqn_PCG32_NextF64 (Dqn_PCG32 *rng);
DQN_API void Dqn_PCG32_Advance (Dqn_PCG32 *rng, uint64_t delta);
#if !defined(DQN_NO_JSON_BUILDER)
// NOTE: [$JSON] Dqn_JSONBuilder ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#define Dqn_JSONBuilder_Object(builder) \
DQN_DEFER_LOOP(Dqn_JSONBuilder_ObjectBegin(builder), \
#define Dqn_JSONBuilder_ObjectNamed(builder, name) \
DQN_DEFER_LOOP(Dqn_JSONBuilder_ObjectBeginNamed(builder, name), \
#define Dqn_JSONBuilder_Array(builder) \
DQN_DEFER_LOOP(Dqn_JSONBuilder_ArrayBegin(builder), \
#define Dqn_JSONBuilder_ArrayNamed(builder, name) \
DQN_DEFER_LOOP(Dqn_JSONBuilder_ArrayBeginNamed(builder, name), \
DQN_API Dqn_JSONBuilder Dqn_JSONBuilder_Init (Dqn_Arena *arena, int spaces_per_indent);
DQN_API Dqn_Str8 Dqn_JSONBuilder_Build (Dqn_JSONBuilder const *builder, Dqn_Arena *arena);
DQN_API void Dqn_JSONBuilder_KeyValue (Dqn_JSONBuilder *builder, Dqn_Str8 key, Dqn_Str8 value);
DQN_API void Dqn_JSONBuilder_KeyValueF (Dqn_JSONBuilder *builder, Dqn_Str8 key, char const *value_fmt, ...);
DQN_API void Dqn_JSONBuilder_ObjectBeginNamed (Dqn_JSONBuilder *builder, Dqn_Str8 name);
DQN_API void Dqn_JSONBuilder_ObjectEnd (Dqn_JSONBuilder *builder);
DQN_API void Dqn_JSONBuilder_ArrayBeginNamed (Dqn_JSONBuilder *builder, Dqn_Str8 name);
DQN_API void Dqn_JSONBuilder_ArrayEnd (Dqn_JSONBuilder *builder);
DQN_API void Dqn_JSONBuilder_Str8Named (Dqn_JSONBuilder *builder, Dqn_Str8 key, Dqn_Str8 value);
DQN_API void Dqn_JSONBuilder_LiteralNamed (Dqn_JSONBuilder *builder, Dqn_Str8 key, Dqn_Str8 value);
DQN_API void Dqn_JSONBuilder_U64Named (Dqn_JSONBuilder *builder, Dqn_Str8 key, uint64_t value);
DQN_API void Dqn_JSONBuilder_I64Named (Dqn_JSONBuilder *builder, Dqn_Str8 key, int64_t value);
DQN_API void Dqn_JSONBuilder_F64Named (Dqn_JSONBuilder *builder, Dqn_Str8 key, double value, int decimal_places);
DQN_API void Dqn_JSONBuilder_BoolNamed (Dqn_JSONBuilder *builder, Dqn_Str8 key, bool value);
#define Dqn_JSONBuilder_ObjectBegin(builder) Dqn_JSONBuilder_ObjectBeginNamed(builder, DQN_STR8(""))
#define Dqn_JSONBuilder_ArrayBegin(builder) Dqn_JSONBuilder_ArrayBeginNamed(builder, DQN_STR8(""))
#define Dqn_JSONBuilder_Str8(builder, value) Dqn_JSONBuilder_Str8Named(builder, DQN_STR8(""), value)
#define Dqn_JSONBuilder_Literal(builder, value) Dqn_JSONBuilder_LiteralNamed(builder, DQN_STR8(""), value)
#define Dqn_JSONBuilder_U64(builder, value) Dqn_JSONBuilder_U64Named(builder, DQN_STR8(""), value)
#define Dqn_JSONBuilder_I64(builder, value) Dqn_JSONBuilder_I64Named(builder, DQN_STR8(""), value)
#define Dqn_JSONBuilder_F64(builder, value) Dqn_JSONBuilder_F64Named(builder, DQN_STR8(""), value)
#define Dqn_JSONBuilder_Bool(builder, value) Dqn_JSONBuilder_BoolNamed(builder, DQN_STR8(""), value)
#endif // !defined(DQN_NO_JSON_BUILDER)
#if !defined(DQN_NO_BIN)
// NOTE: [$BHEX] Dqn_Bin ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// TODO(doyle): I'm not happy with this API. Its ugly and feels complicated
// because I designed it as a C-API first (e.g. ptr + length) vs just accepting
// that Dqn_Str8/Dqn_Slice is a superior API to design for first.
DQN_API char const * Dqn_Bin_HexBufferTrim0x (char const *hex, Dqn_usize size, Dqn_usize *real_size);
DQN_API Dqn_Str8 Dqn_Bin_HexTrim0x (Dqn_Str8 string);
DQN_API Dqn_BinHexU64Str8 Dqn_Bin_U64ToHexU64Str8 (uint64_t number, uint32_t flags);
DQN_API Dqn_Str8 Dqn_Bin_U64ToHex (Dqn_Arena *arena, uint64_t number, uint32_t flags);
DQN_API uint64_t Dqn_Bin_HexToU64 (Dqn_Str8 hex);
DQN_API uint64_t Dqn_Bin_HexPtrToU64 (char const *hex, Dqn_usize size);
DQN_API Dqn_Str8 Dqn_Bin_BytesToHexArena (Dqn_Arena *arena, void const *src, Dqn_usize size);
DQN_API char * Dqn_Bin_BytesToHexBufferArena (Dqn_Arena *arena, void const *src, Dqn_usize size);
DQN_API bool Dqn_Bin_BytesToHexBuffer (void const *src, Dqn_usize src_size, char *dest, Dqn_usize dest_size);
DQN_API Dqn_usize Dqn_Bin_HexBufferToBytesUnchecked (char const *hex, Dqn_usize hex_size, void *dest, Dqn_usize dest_size);
DQN_API Dqn_usize Dqn_Bin_HexBufferToBytes (char const *hex, Dqn_usize hex_size, void *dest, Dqn_usize dest_size);
DQN_API char * Dqn_Bin_HexBufferToBytesArena (Dqn_Arena *arena, char const *hex, Dqn_usize hex_size, Dqn_usize *real_size);
DQN_API Dqn_usize Dqn_Bin_HexToBytesUnchecked (Dqn_Str8 hex, void *dest, Dqn_usize dest_size);
DQN_API Dqn_usize Dqn_Bin_HexToBytes (Dqn_Str8 hex, void *dest, Dqn_usize dest_size);
DQN_API Dqn_Str8 Dqn_Bin_HexToBytesArena (Dqn_Arena *arena, Dqn_Str8 hex);
#endif // !defined(DQN_NO_BIN)
// NOTE: [$BSEA] Dqn_BinarySearch //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
template <typename T> bool Dqn_BinarySearch_DefaultLessThan(T const &lhs, T const &rhs);
template <typename T> Dqn_BinarySearchResult Dqn_BinarySearch (T const *array,
Dqn_usize array_size,
T const &find,
Dqn_BinarySearchType type = Dqn_BinarySearchType_Match,
Dqn_BinarySearchLessThanProc<T> less_than = Dqn_BinarySearch_DefaultLessThan);
// NOTE: [$BITS] Dqn_Bit ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
DQN_API void Dqn_Bit_UnsetInplace (Dqn_usize *flags, Dqn_usize bitfield);
DQN_API void Dqn_Bit_SetInplace (Dqn_usize *flags, Dqn_usize bitfield);
DQN_API bool Dqn_Bit_IsSet (Dqn_usize bits, Dqn_usize bits_to_set);
DQN_API bool Dqn_Bit_IsNotSet (Dqn_usize bits, Dqn_usize bits_to_check);
// NOTE: [$SAFE] Dqn_Safe //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
DQN_API int64_t Dqn_Safe_AddI64 (int64_t a, int64_t b);
DQN_API int64_t Dqn_Safe_MulI64 (int64_t a, int64_t b);
DQN_API uint64_t Dqn_Safe_AddU64 (uint64_t a, uint64_t b);
DQN_API uint64_t Dqn_Safe_MulU64 (uint64_t a, uint64_t b);
DQN_API uint64_t Dqn_Safe_SubU64 (uint64_t a, uint64_t b);
DQN_API uint32_t Dqn_Safe_SubU32 (uint32_t a, uint32_t b);
DQN_API int Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastUSizeToInt (Dqn_usize val);
DQN_API int8_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastUSizeToI8 (Dqn_usize val);
DQN_API int16_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastUSizeToI16 (Dqn_usize val);
DQN_API int32_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastUSizeToI32 (Dqn_usize val);
DQN_API int64_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastUSizeToI64 (Dqn_usize val);
DQN_API int Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastU64ToInt (uint64_t val);
DQN_API unsigned int Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastU64ToUInt (uint64_t val);
DQN_API uint8_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastU64ToU8 (uint64_t val);
DQN_API uint16_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastU64ToU16 (uint64_t val);
DQN_API uint32_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastU64ToU32 (uint64_t val);
DQN_API uint8_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastUSizeToU8 (Dqn_usize val);
DQN_API uint16_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastUSizeToU16 (Dqn_usize val);
DQN_API uint32_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastUSizeToU32 (Dqn_usize val);
DQN_API uint64_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastUSizeToU64 (Dqn_usize val);
DQN_API int Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToInt (Dqn_isize val);
DQN_API int8_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToI8 (Dqn_isize val);
DQN_API int16_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToI16 (Dqn_isize val);
DQN_API int32_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToI32 (Dqn_isize val);
DQN_API int64_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToI64 (Dqn_isize val);
DQN_API unsigned int Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToUInt (Dqn_isize val);
DQN_API uint8_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToU8 (Dqn_isize val);
DQN_API uint16_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToU16 (Dqn_isize val);
DQN_API uint32_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToU32 (Dqn_isize val);
DQN_API uint64_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastISizeToU64 (Dqn_isize val);
DQN_API Dqn_isize Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastI64ToISize (int64_t val);
DQN_API int8_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastI64ToI8 (int64_t val);
DQN_API int16_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastI64ToI16 (int64_t val);
DQN_API int32_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastI64ToI32 (int64_t val);
DQN_API int8_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastIntToI8 (int val);
DQN_API int16_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastIntToI16 (int val);
DQN_API uint8_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastIntToU8 (int val);
DQN_API uint16_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastIntToU16 (int val);
DQN_API uint32_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastIntToU32 (int val);
DQN_API uint64_t Dqn_Safe_SaturateCastIntToU64 (int val);
// NOTE: [$MISC] Misc //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
DQN_API int Dqn_FmtBuffer3DotTruncate (char *buffer, int size, DQN_FMT_ATTRIB char const *fmt, ...);
DQN_API Dqn_U64Str8 Dqn_U64ToStr8 (uint64_t val, char separator);
DQN_API Dqn_U64ByteSize Dqn_U64ToByteSize (uint64_t bytes, Dqn_U64ByteSizeType type);
DQN_API Dqn_Str8 Dqn_U64ToByteSizeStr8 (Dqn_Arena *arena, uint64_t bytes, Dqn_U64ByteSizeType desired_type);
DQN_API Dqn_Str8 Dqn_U64ByteSizeTypeString (Dqn_U64ByteSizeType type);
DQN_API Dqn_Str8 Dqn_U64ToAge (Dqn_Arena *arena, uint64_t age_s, Dqn_usize type);
// NOTE: [$PROF] Dqn_Profiler //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#define Dqn_Profiler_BeginZone(name) Dqn_Profiler_BeginZoneWithIndex(DQN_STR8(name), __COUNTER__ + 1)
DQN_API Dqn_ProfilerZone Dqn_Profiler_BeginZoneWithIndex (Dqn_Str8 name, uint16_t anchor_index);
DQN_API void Dqn_Profiler_EndZone (Dqn_ProfilerZone zone);
DQN_API Dqn_ProfilerAnchor *Dqn_Profiler_AnchorBuffer (Dqn_ProfilerAnchorBuffer buffer);
DQN_API void Dqn_Profiler_SwapAnchorBuffer ();
DQN_API void Dqn_Profiler_Dump (uint64_t tsc_per_second);
// NOTE: [$JOBQ] Dqn_JobQueue ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
DQN_API Dqn_JobQueueSPMC Dqn_OS_JobQueueSPMCInit ();
DQN_API bool Dqn_OS_JobQueueSPMCAddArray (Dqn_JobQueueSPMC *job_queue, Dqn_Job *jobs, uint32_t count);
DQN_API bool Dqn_OS_JobQueueSPMCAdd (Dqn_JobQueueSPMC *job_queue, Dqn_Job job);
DQN_API void Dqn_OS_JobQueueSPMCWaitForCompletion (Dqn_JobQueueSPMC *job_queue);
DQN_API int32_t Dqn_OS_JobQueueSPMCThread (Dqn_OSThread *thread);
// NOTE: Dqn_Library ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
DQN_API Dqn_Library * Dqn_Library_Init (Dqn_LibraryOnInit on_init);
DQN_API void Dqn_Library_SetPointer (Dqn_Library *library);
#if !defined(DQN_NO_PROFILER)
DQN_API void Dqn_Library_SetProfiler (Dqn_Profiler *profiler);
DQN_API void Dqn_Library_SetLogCallback (Dqn_LogProc *proc, void *user_data);
DQN_API void Dqn_Library_DumpThreadContextArenaStat (Dqn_Str8 file_path);
DQN_API Dqn_Arena * Dqn_Library_AllocArenaF (Dqn_usize reserve, Dqn_usize commit, uint8_t arena_flags, char const *fmt, ...);
// NOTE: [$BSEA] Dqn_BinarySearch //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
template <typename T>
bool Dqn_BinarySearch_DefaultLessThan(T const &lhs, T const &rhs)
bool result = lhs < rhs;
return result;
template <typename T>
Dqn_BinarySearchResult Dqn_BinarySearch(T const *array,
Dqn_usize array_size,
T const &find,
Dqn_BinarySearchType type,
Dqn_BinarySearchLessThanProc<T> less_than)
Dqn_BinarySearchResult result = {};
if (!array || array_size <= 0)
return result;
T const *end = array + array_size;
T const *first = array;
T const *last = end;
while (first != last) {
Dqn_usize count = last - first;
T const *it = first + (count / 2);
bool advance_first = false;
if (type == Dqn_BinarySearchType_UpperBound)
advance_first = !less_than(find, it[0]);
advance_first = less_than(it[0], find);
if (advance_first)
first = it + 1;
last = it;
switch (type) {
case Dqn_BinarySearchType_Match: {
result.found = first != end && !less_than(find, *first);
} break;
case Dqn_BinarySearchType_LowerBound: /*FALLTHRU*/
case Dqn_BinarySearchType_UpperBound: {
result.found = first != end;
} break;
result.index = first - array;
return result;