#pragma once #include "dqn.h" /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ // $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$$\ $$ |\__$$ __|$$ __$$\ \_$$ _|$$$\ $$ |$$ _____|$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ // $$ / \__|$$ / $$ |$$$$\ $$ | $$ | $$ / $$ | $$ | $$$$\ $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ / \__| // $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ $$\$$ | $$ | $$$$$$$$ | $$ | $$ $$\$$ |$$$$$\ $$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$\ // $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ \$$$$ | $$ | $$ __$$ | $$ | $$ \$$$$ |$$ __| $$ __$$< \____$$\ // $$ | $$\ $$ | $$ |$$ |\$$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |\$$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$\ $$ | // \$$$$$$ | $$$$$$ |$$ | \$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$$$$$\ $$ | \$$ |$$$$$$$$\ $$ | $$ |\$$$$$$ | // \______/ \______/ \__| \__| \__| \__| \__|\______|\__| \__|\________|\__| \__| \______/ // // dqn_containers.cpp // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ // NOTE: [$CARR] DN_CArray //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template DN_ArrayEraseResult DN_CArray_EraseRange(T* data, DN_USize *size, DN_USize begin_index, DN_ISize count, DN_ArrayErase erase) { DN_ArrayEraseResult result = {}; if (!data || !size || *size == 0 || count == 0) return result; DN_ASSERTF(count != -1, "There's a bug with negative element erases, see the DN_VArray section in dn_docs.cpp"); // NOTE: Caculate the end index of the erase range DN_ISize abs_count = DN_ABS(count); DN_USize end_index = 0; if (count < 0) { end_index = begin_index - (abs_count - 1); if (end_index > begin_index) end_index = 0; } else { end_index = begin_index + (abs_count - 1); if (end_index < begin_index) end_index = (*size) - 1; } // NOTE: Ensure begin_index < one_past_end_index if (end_index < begin_index) { DN_USize tmp = begin_index; begin_index = end_index; end_index = tmp; } // NOTE: Ensure indexes are within valid bounds begin_index = DN_MIN(begin_index, *size); end_index = DN_MIN(end_index, *size - 1); // NOTE: Erase the items in the range [begin_index, one_past_end_index) DN_USize one_past_end_index = end_index + 1; DN_USize erase_count = one_past_end_index - begin_index; if (erase_count) { T *end = data + *size; T *dest = data + begin_index; if (erase == DN_ArrayErase_Stable) { T *src = dest + erase_count; DN_MEMMOVE(dest, src, (end - src) * sizeof(T)); } else { T *src = end - erase_count; DN_MEMCPY(dest, src, (end - src) * sizeof(T)); } *size -= erase_count; } result.items_erased = erase_count; result.it_index = begin_index; return result; } template T *DN_CArray_MakeArray(T* data, DN_USize *size, DN_USize max, DN_USize count, DN_ZeroMem zero_mem) { if (!data || !size || count == 0) return nullptr; if (!DN_CHECKF((*size + count) <= max, "Array is out of space (user requested +%zu items, array has %zu/%zu items)", count, *size, max)) return nullptr; // TODO: Use placement new? Why doesn't this work? T *result = data + *size; *size += count; if (zero_mem == DN_ZeroMem_Yes) DN_MEMSET(result, 0, sizeof(*result) * count); return result; } template T *DN_CArray_InsertArray(T *data, DN_USize *size, DN_USize max, DN_USize index, T const *items, DN_USize count) { T *result = nullptr; if (!data || !size || !items || count <= 0 || ((*size + count) > max)) return result; DN_USize clamped_index = DN_MIN(index, *size); if (clamped_index != *size) { char const *src = DN_CAST(char *)(data + clamped_index); char const *dest = DN_CAST(char *)(data + (clamped_index + count)); char const *end = DN_CAST(char *)(data + (*size)); DN_USize bytes_to_move = end - src; DN_MEMMOVE(DN_CAST(void *) dest, src, bytes_to_move); } result = data + clamped_index; DN_MEMCPY(result, items, sizeof(T) * count); *size += count; return result; } template T DN_CArray_PopFront(T* data, DN_USize *size, DN_USize count) { T result = {}; if (!data || !size || *size <= 0) return result; result = data[0]; DN_USize pop_count = DN_MIN(count, *size); DN_MEMMOVE(data, data + pop_count, (*size - pop_count) * sizeof(T)); *size -= pop_count; return result; } template T DN_CArray_PopBack(T* data, DN_USize *size, DN_USize count) { T result = {}; if (!data || !size || *size <= 0) return result; DN_USize pop_count = DN_MIN(count, *size); result = data[(*size - 1)]; *size -= pop_count; return result; } template DN_ArrayFindResult DN_CArray_Find(T *data, DN_USize size, T const &value) { DN_ArrayFindResult result = {}; if (!data || size <= 0) return result; for (DN_USize index = 0; !result.data && index < size; index++) { T *item = data + index; if (*item == value) { result.data = item; result.index = index; } } return result; } #if !defined(DN_NO_VARRAY) // NOTE: [$VARR] DN_VArray //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template DN_VArray DN_VArray_InitByteSize(DN_USize byte_size) { DN_VArray result = {}; result.data = DN_CAST(T *)DN_OS_MemReserve(byte_size, DN_OSMemCommit_No, DN_OSMemPage_ReadWrite); if (result.data) result.max = byte_size / sizeof(T); return result; } template DN_VArray DN_VArray_Init(DN_USize max) { DN_VArray result = DN_VArray_InitByteSize(max * sizeof(T)); DN_ASSERT(result.max >= max); return result; } template DN_VArray DN_VArray_InitSlice(DN_Slice slice, DN_USize max) { DN_USize real_max = DN_MAX(slice.size, max); DN_VArray result = DN_VArray_Init(real_max); if (DN_VArray_IsValid(&result)) DN_VArray_AddArray(&result, slice.data, slice.size); return result; } template DN_VArray DN_VArray_InitCArray(T const (&items)[N], DN_USize max) { DN_USize real_max = DN_MAX(N, max); DN_VArray result = DN_VArray_InitSlice(DN_Slice_Init(items, N), real_max); return result; } template void DN_VArray_Deinit(DN_VArray *array) { DN_OS_MemRelease(array->data, array->max * sizeof(T)); *array = {}; } template bool DN_VArray_IsValid(DN_VArray const *array) { bool result = array->data && array->size <= array->max; return result; } template DN_Slice DN_VArray_Slice(DN_VArray const *array) { DN_Slice result = {}; if (array) result = DN_Slice_Init(array->data, array->size); return result; } template T *DN_VArray_AddArray(DN_VArray *array, T const *items, DN_USize count) { T *result = DN_VArray_MakeArray(array, count, DN_ZeroMem_No); if (result) DN_MEMCPY(result, items, count * sizeof(T)); return result; } template T *DN_VArray_AddCArray(DN_VArray *array, T const (&items)[N]) { T *result = DN_VArray_AddArray(array, items, N); return result; } template T *DN_VArray_Add(DN_VArray *array, T const &item) { T *result = DN_VArray_AddArray(array, &item, 1); return result; } template T *DN_VArray_MakeArray(DN_VArray *array, DN_USize count, DN_ZeroMem zero_mem) { if (!DN_VArray_IsValid(array)) return nullptr; if (!DN_CHECKF((array->size + count) < array->max, "Array is out of space (user requested +%zu items, array has %zu/%zu items)", count, array->size, array->max)) return nullptr; if (!DN_VArray_Reserve(array, count)) return nullptr; // TODO: Use placement new T *result = array->data + array->size; array->size += count; if (zero_mem == DN_ZeroMem_Yes) DN_MEMSET(result, 0, count * sizeof(T)); return result; } template T *DN_VArray_Make(DN_VArray *array, DN_ZeroMem zero_mem) { T *result = DN_VArray_MakeArray(array, 1, zero_mem); return result; } template T *DN_VArray_InsertArray(DN_VArray *array, DN_USize index, T const *items, DN_USize count) { T *result = nullptr; if (!DN_VArray_IsValid(array)) return result; if (DN_VArray_Reserve(array, array->size + count)) result = DN_CArray_InsertArray(array->data, &array->size, array->max, index, items, count); return result; } template T *DN_VArray_InsertCArray(DN_VArray *array, DN_USize index, T const (&items)[N]) { T *result = DN_VArray_InsertArray(array, index, items, N); return result; } template T *DN_VArray_Insert(DN_VArray *array, DN_USize index, T const &item) { T *result = DN_VArray_InsertArray(array, index, &item, 1); return result; } template T *DN_VArray_PopFront(DN_VArray *array, DN_USize count) { T *result = DN_CArray_PopFront(array->data, &array->size, count); return result; } template T *DN_VArray_PopBack(DN_VArray *array, DN_USize count) { T *result = DN_CArray_PopBack(array->data, &array->size, count); return result; } template DN_ArrayEraseResult DN_VArray_EraseRange(DN_VArray *array, DN_USize begin_index, DN_ISize count, DN_ArrayErase erase) { DN_ArrayEraseResult result = {}; if (!DN_VArray_IsValid(array)) return result; result = DN_CArray_EraseRange(array->data, &array->size, begin_index, count, erase); return result; } template void DN_VArray_Clear(DN_VArray *array, DN_ZeroMem zero_mem) { if (array) { if (zero_mem == DN_ZeroMem_Yes) DN_MEMSET(array->data, 0, array->size * sizeof(T)); array->size = 0; } } template bool DN_VArray_Reserve(DN_VArray *array, DN_USize count) { if (!DN_VArray_IsValid(array) || count == 0) return false; DN_USize real_commit = (array->size + count) * sizeof(T); DN_USize aligned_commit = DN_AlignUpPowerOfTwo(real_commit, g_dn_core->os_page_size); if (array->commit >= aligned_commit) return true; bool result = DN_OS_MemCommit(array->data, aligned_commit, DN_OSMemPage_ReadWrite); array->commit = aligned_commit; return result; } #endif // !defined(DN_NO_VARRAY) #if !defined(DN_NO_SARRAY) // NOTE: [$SARR] DN_SArray //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template DN_SArray DN_SArray_Init(DN_Arena *arena, DN_USize size, DN_ZeroMem zero_mem) { DN_SArray result = {}; if (!arena || !size) return result; result.data = DN_Arena_NewArray(arena, T, size, zero_mem); if (result.data) result.max = size; return result; } template DN_SArray DN_SArray_InitSlice(DN_Arena *arena, DN_Slice slice, DN_USize size, DN_ZeroMem zero_mem) { DN_USize max = DN_MAX(slice.size, size); DN_SArray result = DN_SArray_Init(arena, max, DN_ZeroMem_No); if (DN_SArray_IsValid(&result)) { DN_SArray_AddArray(&result, slice.data, slice.size); if (zero_mem == DN_ZeroMem_Yes) DN_MEMSET(result.data + result.size, 0, (result.max - result.size) * sizeof(T)); } return result; } template DN_SArray DN_SArray_InitCArray(DN_Arena *arena, T const (&array)[N], DN_USize size, DN_ZeroMem zero_mem) { DN_SArray result = DN_SArray_InitSlice(arena, DN_Slice_Init(DN_CAST(T *)array, N), size, zero_mem); return result; } template DN_SArray DN_SArray_InitBuffer(T *buffer, DN_USize size) { DN_SArray result = {}; result.data = buffer; result.max = size; return result; } template bool DN_SArray_IsValid(DN_SArray const *array) { bool result = array && array->data && array->size <= array->max; return result; } template DN_Slice DN_SArray_Slice(DN_SArray const *array) { DN_Slice result = {}; if (array) result = DN_Slice_Init(DN_CAST(T *)array->data, array->size); return result; } template T *DN_SArray_MakeArray(DN_SArray *array, DN_USize count, DN_ZeroMem zero_mem) { if (!DN_SArray_IsValid(array)) return nullptr; T *result = DN_CArray_MakeArray(array->data, &array->size, array->max, count, zero_mem); return result; } template T *DN_SArray_Make(DN_SArray *array, DN_ZeroMem zero_mem) { T *result = DN_SArray_MakeArray(array, 1, zero_mem); return result; } template T *DN_SArray_AddArray(DN_SArray *array, T const *items, DN_USize count) { T *result = DN_SArray_MakeArray(array, count, DN_ZeroMem_No); if (result) DN_MEMCPY(result, items, count * sizeof(T)); return result; } template T *DN_SArray_AddCArray(DN_SArray *array, T const (&items)[N]) { T *result = DN_SArray_AddArray(array, items, N); return result; } template T *DN_SArray_Add(DN_SArray *array, T const &item) { T *result = DN_SArray_AddArray(array, &item, 1); return result; } template T *DN_SArray_InsertArray(DN_SArray *array, DN_USize index, T const *items, DN_USize count) { T *result = nullptr; if (!DN_SArray_IsValid(array)) return result; result = DN_CArray_InsertArray(array->data, &array->size, array->max, index, items, count); return result; } template T *DN_SArray_InsertCArray(DN_SArray *array, DN_USize index, T const (&items)[N]) { T *result = DN_SArray_InsertArray(array, index, items, N); return result; } template T *DN_SArray_Insert(DN_SArray *array, DN_USize index, T const &item) { T *result = DN_SArray_InsertArray(array, index, &item, 1); return result; } template T DN_SArray_PopFront(DN_SArray *array, DN_USize count) { T result = DN_CArray_PopFront(array->data, &array->size, count); return result; } template T DN_SArray_PopBack(DN_SArray *array, DN_USize count) { T result = DN_CArray_PopBack(array->data, &array->size, count); return result; } template DN_ArrayEraseResult DN_SArray_EraseRange(DN_SArray *array, DN_USize begin_index, DN_ISize count, DN_ArrayErase erase) { DN_ArrayEraseResult result = {}; if (!DN_SArray_IsValid(array) || array->size == 0 || count == 0) return result; result = DN_CArray_EraseRange(array->data, &array->size, begin_index, count, erase); return result; } template void DN_SArray_Clear(DN_SArray *array) { if (array) array->size = 0; } #endif // !defined(DN_NO_SARRAY) #if !defined(DN_NO_FARRAY) // NOTE: [$FARR] DN_FArray //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template DN_FArray DN_FArray_Init(T const *array, DN_USize count) { DN_FArray result = {}; bool added = DN_FArray_AddArray(&result, array, count); DN_ASSERT(added); return result; } template DN_FArray DN_FArray_InitSlice(DN_Slice slice) { DN_FArray result = DN_FArray_Init(slice.data, slice.size); return result; } template DN_FArray DN_FArray_InitCArray(T const (&items)[K]) { DN_FArray result = DN_FArray_Init(items, K); return result; } template bool DN_FArray_IsValid(DN_FArray const *array) { bool result = array && array->size <= DN_ARRAY_UCOUNT(array->data); return result; } template DN_Slice DN_FArray_Slice(DN_FArray const *array) { DN_Slice result = {}; if (array) result = DN_Slice_Init(DN_CAST(T *)array->data, array->size); return result; } template T *DN_FArray_AddArray(DN_FArray *array, T const *items, DN_USize count) { T *result = DN_FArray_MakeArray(array, count, DN_ZeroMem_No); if (result) DN_MEMCPY(result, items, count * sizeof(T)); return result; } template T *DN_FArray_AddCArray(DN_FArray *array, T const (&items)[K]) { T *result = DN_FArray_MakeArray(array, K, DN_ZeroMem_No); if (result) DN_MEMCPY(result, items, K * sizeof(T)); return result; } template T *DN_FArray_Add(DN_FArray *array, T const &item) { T *result = DN_FArray_AddArray(array, &item, 1); return result; } template T *DN_FArray_MakeArray(DN_FArray *array, DN_USize count, DN_ZeroMem zero_mem) { if (!DN_FArray_IsValid(array)) return nullptr; T *result = DN_CArray_MakeArray(array->data, &array->size, N, count, zero_mem); return result; } template T *DN_FArray_Make(DN_FArray *array, DN_ZeroMem zero_mem) { T *result = DN_FArray_MakeArray(array, 1, zero_mem); return result; } template T *DN_FArray_InsertArray(DN_FArray *array, DN_USize index, T const *items, DN_USize count) { T *result = nullptr; if (!DN_FArray_IsValid(array)) return result; result = DN_CArray_InsertArray(array->data, &array->size, N, index, items, count); return result; } template T *DN_FArray_InsertCArray(DN_FArray *array, DN_USize index, T const (&items)[K]) { T *result = DN_FArray_InsertArray(array, index, items, K); return result; } template T *DN_FArray_Insert(DN_FArray *array, DN_USize index, T const &item) { T *result = DN_FArray_InsertArray(array, index, &item, 1); return result; } template T DN_FArray_PopFront(DN_FArray *array, DN_USize count) { T result = DN_CArray_PopFront(array->data, &array->size, count); return result; } template T DN_FArray_PopBack(DN_FArray *array, DN_USize count) { T result = DN_CArray_PopBack(array->data, &array->size, count); return result; } template DN_ArrayFindResult DN_FArray_Find(DN_FArray *array, T const &find) { DN_ArrayFindResult result = DN_CArray_Find(array->data, array->size, find); return result; } template DN_ArrayEraseResult DN_FArray_EraseRange(DN_FArray *array, DN_USize begin_index, DN_ISize count, DN_ArrayErase erase) { DN_ArrayEraseResult result = {}; if (!DN_FArray_IsValid(array) || array->size == 0 || count == 0) return result; result = DN_CArray_EraseRange(array->data, &array->size, begin_index, count, erase); return result; } template void DN_FArray_Clear(DN_FArray *array) { if (array) array->size = 0; } #endif // !defined(DN_NO_FARRAY) #if !defined(DN_NO_SLICE) template DN_Slice DN_Slice_Init(T* const data, DN_USize size) { DN_Slice result = {}; if (data) { result.data = data; result.size = size; } return result; } template DN_Slice DN_Slice_InitCArray(DN_Arena *arena, T const (&array)[N]) { DN_Slice result = DN_Slice_Alloc(arena, N, DN_ZeroMem_No); if (result.data) DN_MEMCPY(result.data, array, sizeof(T) * N); return result; } template DN_Slice DN_Slice_CopyPtr(DN_Arena *arena, T *const data, DN_USize size) { T *copy = DN_Arena_NewArrayCopy(arena, T, data, size); DN_Slice result = DN_Slice_Init(copy, copy ? size : 0); return result; } template DN_Slice DN_Slice_Copy(DN_Arena *arena, DN_Slice slice) { DN_Slice result = DN_Slice_CopyPtr(arena, slice.data, slice.size); return result; } template DN_Slice DN_Slice_Alloc(DN_Arena *arena, DN_USize size, DN_ZeroMem zero_mem) { DN_Slice result = {}; if (!arena || size == 0) return result; result.data = DN_Arena_NewArray(arena, T, size, zero_mem); if (result.data) result.size = size; return result; } #endif // !defined(DN_NO_SLICE) #if !defined(DN_NO_DSMAP) // NOTE: [$DMAP] DN_DSMap ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DN_U32 const DN_DS_MAP_DEFAULT_HASH_SEED = 0x8a1ced49; DN_U32 const DN_DS_MAP_SENTINEL_SLOT = 0; template DN_DSMap DN_DSMap_Init(DN_Arena *arena, DN_U32 size, DN_DSMapFlags flags) { DN_DSMap result = {}; if (!DN_CHECKF(DN_IsPowerOfTwo(size), "Power-of-two size required, given size was '%u'", size)) return result; if (size <= 0) return result; if (!DN_CHECK(arena)) return result; result.arena = arena; result.pool = DN_Pool_Init(arena, DN_POOL_DEFAULT_ALIGN); result.hash_to_slot = DN_Arena_NewArray(result.arena, DN_U32, size, DN_ZeroMem_Yes); result.slots = DN_Arena_NewArray(result.arena, DN_DSMapSlot, size, DN_ZeroMem_Yes); result.occupied = 1; // For sentinel result.size = size; result.initial_size = size; result.flags = flags; DN_ASSERTF(result.hash_to_slot && result.slots, "We pre-allocated a block of memory sufficient in size for the 2 arrays. Maybe the pointers needed extra space because of natural alignment?"); return result; } template void DN_DSMap_Deinit(DN_DSMap *map, DN_ZeroMem zero_mem) { if (!map) return; // TODO(doyle): Use zero_mem (void)zero_mem; DN_Arena_Deinit(map->arena); *map = {}; } template bool DN_DSMap_IsValid(DN_DSMap const *map) { bool result = map && map->arena && map->hash_to_slot && // Hash to slot mapping array must be allocated map->slots && // Slots array must be allocated (map->size & (map->size - 1)) == 0 && // Must be power of two size map->occupied >= 1; // DN_DS_MAP_SENTINEL_SLOT takes up one slot return result; } template DN_U32 DN_DSMap_Hash(DN_DSMap const *map, DN_DSMapKey key) { DN_U32 result = 0; if (!map) return result; if (key.type == DN_DSMapKeyType_U64NoHash) { result = DN_CAST(DN_U32)key.u64; return result; } if (key.type == DN_DSMapKeyType_BufferAsU64NoHash) { result = key.hash; return result; } DN_U32 seed = map->hash_seed ? map->hash_seed : DN_DS_MAP_DEFAULT_HASH_SEED; if (map->hash_function) { map->hash_function(key, seed); } else { // NOTE: Courtesy of Demetri Spanos (which this hash table was inspired // from), the following is a hashing function snippet provided for // reliable, quick and simple quality hashing functions for hash table // use. // Source: https://github.com/demetri/scribbles/blob/c475464756c104c91bab83ed4e14badefef12ab5/hashing/ub_aware_hash_functions.c char const *key_ptr = nullptr; DN_U32 len = 0; DN_U32 h = seed; switch (key.type) { case DN_DSMapKeyType_BufferAsU64NoHash: /*FALLTHRU*/ case DN_DSMapKeyType_U64NoHash: DN_INVALID_CODE_PATH; /*FALLTHRU*/ case DN_DSMapKeyType_Invalid: break; case DN_DSMapKeyType_Buffer: key_ptr = DN_CAST(char const *)key.buffer_data; len = key.buffer_size; break; case DN_DSMapKeyType_U64: key_ptr = DN_CAST(char const *)&key.u64; len = sizeof(key.u64); break; } // Murmur3 32-bit without UB unaligned accesses // DN_U32 mur3_32_no_UB(const void *key, int len, DN_U32 h) // main body, work on 32-bit blocks at a time for (DN_U32 i = 0; i < len / 4; i++) { DN_U32 k; memcpy(&k, &key_ptr[i * 4], sizeof(k)); k *= 0xcc9e2d51; k = ((k << 15) | (k >> 17)) * 0x1b873593; h = (((h ^ k) << 13) | ((h ^ k) >> 19)) * 5 + 0xe6546b64; } // load/mix up to 3 remaining tail bytes into a tail block DN_U32 t = 0; uint8_t *tail = ((uint8_t *)key_ptr) + 4 * (len / 4); switch (len & 3) { case 3: t ^= tail[2] << 16; case 2: t ^= tail[1] << 8; case 1: { t ^= tail[0] << 0; h ^= ((0xcc9e2d51 * t << 15) | (0xcc9e2d51 * t >> 17)) * 0x1b873593; } } // finalization mix, including key length h = ((h ^ len) ^ ((h ^ len) >> 16)) * 0x85ebca6b; h = (h ^ (h >> 13)) * 0xc2b2ae35; result = h ^ (h >> 16); } return result; } template DN_U32 DN_DSMap_HashToSlotIndex(DN_DSMap const *map, DN_DSMapKey key) { DN_ASSERT(key.type != DN_DSMapKeyType_Invalid); DN_U32 result = DN_DS_MAP_SENTINEL_SLOT; if (!DN_DSMap_IsValid(map)) return result; result = key.hash & (map->size - 1); for (;;) { if (result == DN_DS_MAP_SENTINEL_SLOT) // Sentinel is reserved result++; if (map->hash_to_slot[result] == DN_DS_MAP_SENTINEL_SLOT) // Slot is vacant, can use return result; DN_DSMapSlot *slot = map->slots + map->hash_to_slot[result]; if (slot->key.type == DN_DSMapKeyType_Invalid || (slot->key.hash == key.hash && slot->key == key)) return result; result = (result + 1) & (map->size - 1); } } template DN_DSMapResult DN_DSMap_Find(DN_DSMap const *map, DN_DSMapKey key) { DN_DSMapResult result = {}; if (DN_DSMap_IsValid(map)) { DN_U32 index = DN_DSMap_HashToSlotIndex(map, key); if (index != DN_DS_MAP_SENTINEL_SLOT && map->hash_to_slot[index] == DN_DS_MAP_SENTINEL_SLOT) { result.slot = map->slots; // NOTE: Set to sentinel value } else { result.slot = map->slots + map->hash_to_slot[index]; result.found = true; } result.value = &result.slot->value; } return result; } template DN_DSMapResult DN_DSMap_Make(DN_DSMap *map, DN_DSMapKey key) { DN_DSMapResult result = {}; if (!DN_DSMap_IsValid(map)) return result; DN_U32 index = DN_DSMap_HashToSlotIndex(map, key); if (map->hash_to_slot[index] == DN_DS_MAP_SENTINEL_SLOT) { // NOTE: Create the slot if (index != DN_DS_MAP_SENTINEL_SLOT) map->hash_to_slot[index] = map->occupied++; // NOTE: Check if resize is required bool map_is_75pct_full = (map->occupied * 4) > (map->size * 3); if (map_is_75pct_full) { if (!DN_DSMap_Resize(map, map->size * 2)) return result; result = DN_DSMap_Make(map, key); } else { result.slot = map->slots + map->hash_to_slot[index]; result.slot->key = key; // NOTE: Assign key to new slot if ((key.type == DN_DSMapKeyType_Buffer || key.type == DN_DSMapKeyType_BufferAsU64NoHash) && !key.no_copy_buffer) { result.slot->key.buffer_data = DN_Pool_NewArrayCopy(&map->pool, char, key.buffer_data, key.buffer_size); } } } else { result.slot = map->slots + map->hash_to_slot[index]; result.found = true; } result.value = &result.slot->value; DN_ASSERT(result.slot->key.type != DN_DSMapKeyType_Invalid); return result; } template DN_DSMapResult DN_DSMap_Set(DN_DSMap *map, DN_DSMapKey key, T const &value) { DN_DSMapResult result = {}; if (!DN_DSMap_IsValid(map)) return result; result = DN_DSMap_Make(map, key); result.slot->value = value; return result; } template DN_DSMapResult DN_DSMap_FindKeyU64(DN_DSMap const *map, DN_U64 key) { DN_DSMapKey map_key = DN_DSMap_KeyU64(map, key); DN_DSMapResult result = DN_DSMap_Find(map, map_key); return result; } template DN_DSMapResult DN_DSMap_MakeKeyU64(DN_DSMap *map, DN_U64 key) { DN_DSMapKey map_key = DN_DSMap_KeyU64(map, key); DN_DSMapResult result = DN_DSMap_Make(map, map_key); return result; } template DN_DSMapResult DN_DSMap_SetKeyU64(DN_DSMap *map, DN_U64 key, T const &value) { DN_DSMapKey map_key = DN_DSMap_KeyU64(map, key); DN_DSMapResult result = DN_DSMap_Set(map, map_key, value); return result; } template DN_DSMapResult DN_DSMap_FindKeyStr8(DN_DSMap const *map, DN_Str8 key) { DN_DSMapKey map_key = DN_DSMap_KeyStr8(map, key); DN_DSMapResult result = DN_DSMap_Find(map, map_key); return result; } template DN_DSMapResult DN_DSMap_MakeKeyStr8(DN_DSMap *map, DN_Str8 key) { DN_DSMapKey map_key = DN_DSMap_KeyStr8(map, key); DN_DSMapResult result = DN_DSMap_Make(map, map_key); return result; } template DN_DSMapResult DN_DSMap_SetKeyStr8(DN_DSMap *map, DN_Str8 key, T const &value) { DN_DSMapKey map_key = DN_DSMap_KeyStr8(map, key); DN_DSMapResult result = DN_DSMap_Set(map, map_key); return result; } template bool DN_DSMap_Resize(DN_DSMap *map, DN_U32 size) { if (!DN_DSMap_IsValid(map) || size < map->occupied || size < map->initial_size) return false; DN_Arena *prev_arena = map->arena; DN_Arena new_arena = {}; new_arena.flags = prev_arena->flags; new_arena.label = prev_arena->label; new_arena.prev = prev_arena->prev; new_arena.next = prev_arena->next; DN_DSMap new_map = DN_DSMap_Init(&new_arena, size, map->flags); if (!DN_DSMap_IsValid(&new_map)) return false; new_map.initial_size = map->initial_size; for (DN_U32 old_index = 1 /*Sentinel*/; old_index < map->occupied; old_index++) { DN_DSMapSlot *old_slot = map->slots + old_index; DN_DSMapKey old_key = old_slot->key; if (old_key.type == DN_DSMapKeyType_Invalid) continue; DN_DSMap_Set(&new_map, old_key, old_slot->value); } if ((map->flags & DN_DSMapFlags_DontFreeArenaOnResize) == 0) DN_DSMap_Deinit(map, DN_ZeroMem_No); *map = new_map; // Update the map inplace map->arena = prev_arena; // Restore the previous arena pointer, it's been de-init-ed *map->arena = new_arena; // Re-init the old arena with the new data map->pool.arena = map->arena; return true; } template bool DN_DSMap_Erase(DN_DSMap *map, DN_DSMapKey key) { if (!DN_DSMap_IsValid(map)) return false; DN_U32 index = DN_DSMap_HashToSlotIndex(map, key); if (index == 0) return true; DN_U32 slot_index = map->hash_to_slot[index]; if (slot_index == DN_DS_MAP_SENTINEL_SLOT) return false; // NOTE: Mark the slot as unoccupied map->hash_to_slot[index] = DN_DS_MAP_SENTINEL_SLOT; DN_DSMapSlot *slot = map->slots + slot_index; if (!slot->key.no_copy_buffer) DN_Pool_Dealloc(&map->pool, DN_CAST(void *)slot->key.buffer_data); *slot = {}; // TODO: Optional? if (map->occupied > 1 /*Sentinel*/) { // NOTE: Repair the hash chain, e.g. rehash all the items after the removed // element and reposition them if necessary. for (DN_U32 probe_index = index;;) { probe_index = (probe_index + 1) & (map->size - 1); if (map->hash_to_slot[probe_index] == DN_DS_MAP_SENTINEL_SLOT) break; DN_DSMapSlot *probe = map->slots + map->hash_to_slot[probe_index]; DN_U32 new_index = probe->key.hash & (map->size - 1); if (index <= probe_index) { if (index < new_index && new_index <= probe_index) continue; } else { if (index < new_index || new_index <= probe_index) continue; } map->hash_to_slot[index] = map->hash_to_slot[probe_index]; map->hash_to_slot[probe_index] = DN_DS_MAP_SENTINEL_SLOT; index = probe_index; } // NOTE: We have erased a slot from the hash table, this leaves a gap // in our contiguous array. After repairing the chain, the hash mapping // is correct. // We will now fill in the vacant spot that we erased using the last // element in the slot list. if (map->occupied >= 3 /*Ignoring sentinel, at least 2 other elements to unstable erase*/) { DN_U32 last_index = map->occupied - 1; if (last_index != slot_index) { // NOTE: Copy in last slot to the erase slot DN_DSMapSlot *last_slot = map->slots + last_index; map->slots[slot_index] = *last_slot; // NOTE: Update the hash-to-slot mapping for the value that was copied in DN_U32 hash_to_slot_index = DN_DSMap_HashToSlotIndex(map, last_slot->key); map->hash_to_slot[hash_to_slot_index] = slot_index; *last_slot = {}; // TODO: Optional? } } } map->occupied--; bool map_is_below_25pct_full = (map->occupied * 4) < (map->size * 1); if (map_is_below_25pct_full && (map->size / 2) >= map->initial_size) DN_DSMap_Resize(map, map->size / 2); return true; } template bool DN_DSMap_EraseKeyU64(DN_DSMap *map, DN_U64 key) { DN_DSMapKey map_key = DN_DSMap_KeyU64(map, key); bool result = DN_DSMap_Erase(map, map_key); return result; } template bool DN_DSMap_EraseKeyStr8(DN_DSMap *map, DN_Str8 key) { DN_DSMapKey map_key = DN_DSMap_KeyStr8(map, key); bool result = DN_DSMap_Erase(map, map_key); return result; } template DN_DSMapKey DN_DSMap_KeyBuffer(DN_DSMap const *map, void const *data, DN_USize size) { DN_ASSERT(size > 0 && size <= UINT32_MAX); DN_DSMapKey result = {}; result.type = DN_DSMapKeyType_Buffer; result.buffer_data = data; result.buffer_size = DN_CAST(DN_U32) size; result.hash = DN_DSMap_Hash(map, result); return result; } template DN_DSMapKey DN_DSMap_KeyBufferAsU64NoHash(DN_DSMap const *map, void const *data, DN_U32 size) { DN_DSMapKey result = {}; result.type = DN_DSMapKeyType_BufferAsU64NoHash; result.buffer_data = data; result.buffer_size = DN_CAST(DN_U32) size; DN_ASSERT(size >= sizeof(result.hash)); DN_MEMCPY(&result.hash, data, sizeof(result.hash)); return result; } template DN_DSMapKey DN_DSMap_KeyU64(DN_DSMap const *map, DN_U64 u64) { DN_DSMapKey result = {}; result.type = DN_DSMapKeyType_U64; result.u64 = u64; result.hash = DN_DSMap_Hash(map, result); return result; } template DN_DSMapKey DN_DSMap_KeyStr8(DN_DSMap const *map, DN_Str8 string) { DN_DSMapKey result = DN_DSMap_KeyBuffer(map, string.data, string.size); return result; } #endif // !defined(DN_NO_DSMAP) #if !defined(DN_NO_LIST) // NOTE: [$LIST] DN_List ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template DN_List DN_List_Init(DN_USize chunk_size) { DN_List result = {}; result.chunk_size = chunk_size; return result; } template DN_List DN_List_InitCArray(DN_Arena *arena, DN_USize chunk_size, T const (&array)[N]) { DN_List result = DN_List_Init(arena, chunk_size); DN_FOR_UINDEX (index, N) DN_List_Add(&result, array[index]); return result; } template DN_List DN_List_InitSliceCopy(DN_Arena *arena, DN_USize chunk_size, DN_Slice slice) { DN_List result = DN_List_Init(arena, chunk_size); DN_FOR_UINDEX (index, slice.size) DN_List_Add(&result, slice.data[index]); return result; } template DN_API bool DN_List_AttachTail_(DN_List *list, DN_ListChunk *tail) { if (!tail) return false; if (list->tail) { list->tail->next = tail; tail->prev = list->tail; } list->tail = tail; if (!list->head) list->head = list->tail; return true; } template DN_API DN_ListChunk *DN_List_AllocArena_(DN_List *list, DN_Arena *arena, DN_USize count) { auto *result = DN_Arena_New(arena, DN_ListChunk, DN_ZeroMem_Yes); DN_ArenaTempMem tmem = DN_Arena_TempMemBegin(arena); if (!result) return nullptr; DN_USize items = DN_MAX(list->chunk_size, count); result->data = DN_Arena_NewArray(arena, T, items, DN_ZeroMem_Yes); result->size = items; if (!result->data) { DN_Arena_TempMemEnd(tmem); result = nullptr; } DN_List_AttachTail_(list, result); return result; } template DN_API DN_ListChunk *DN_List_AllocPool_(DN_List *list, DN_Pool *pool, DN_USize count) { auto *result = DN_Pool_New(pool, DN_ListChunk); if (!result) return nullptr; DN_USize items = DN_MAX(list->chunk_size, count); result->data = DN_Pool_NewArray(pool, T, items); result->size = items; if (!result->data) { DN_Pool_Dealloc(result); result = nullptr; } DN_List_AttachTail_(list, result); return result; } template DN_API T *DN_List_MakeArena(DN_List *list, DN_Arena *arena, DN_USize count) { if (list->chunk_size == 0) list->chunk_size = 128; if (!list->tail || (list->tail->count + count) > list->tail->size) { if (!DN_List_AllocArena_(list, arena, count)) return nullptr; } T *result = list->tail->data + list->tail->count; list->tail->count += count; list->count += count; return result; } template DN_API T *DN_List_MakePool(DN_List *list, DN_Pool *pool, DN_USize count) { if (list->chunk_size == 0) list->chunk_size = 128; if (!list->tail || (list->tail->count + count) > list->tail->size) { if (!DN_List_AllocPool_(list, pool, count)) return nullptr; } T *result = list->tail->data + list->tail->count; list->tail->count += count; list->count += count; return result; } template DN_API T *DN_List_AddArena(DN_List *list, DN_Arena *arena, T const &value) { T *result = DN_List_MakeArena(list, arena, 1); *result = value; return result; } template DN_API T *DN_List_AddPool(DN_List *list, DN_Pool *pool, T const &value) { T *result = DN_List_MakePool(list, pool, 1); *result = value; return result; } template DN_API bool DN_List_AddCArray(DN_List *list, T const (&array)[N]) { if (!list) return false; for (T const &item : array) { if (!DN_List_Add(list, item)) return false; } return true; } template DN_API void DN_List_AddListArena(DN_List *list, DN_Arena *arena, DN_List other) { if (!list) return; // TODO(doyle): Copy chunk by chunk for (DN_ListIterator it = {}; DN_List_Iterate(&other, &it, 0 /*start_index*/); ) DN_List_AddArena(list, arena, *it.data); } template DN_API void DN_List_AddListPool(DN_List *list, DN_Pool *pool, DN_List other) { if (!list) return; // TODO(doyle): Copy chunk by chunk for (DN_ListIterator it = {}; DN_List_Iterate(&other, &it, 0 /*start_index*/); ) DN_List_AddPool(list, pool, *it.data); } template void DN_List_Clear(DN_List *list) { if (!list) return; list->head = list->tail = nullptr; list->count = 0; } template DN_API bool DN_List_Iterate(DN_List *list, DN_ListIterator *it, DN_USize start_index) { bool result = false; if (!list || !it || list->chunk_size <= 0) return result; if (it->init) { it->index++; } else { *it = {}; if (start_index == 0) { it->chunk = list->head; } else { DN_List_At(list, start_index, &it->chunk); if (list->chunk_size > 0) it->chunk_data_index = start_index % list->chunk_size; } it->init = true; } if (it->chunk) { if (it->chunk_data_index >= it->chunk->count) { it->chunk = it->chunk->next; it->chunk_data_index = 0; } if (it->chunk) { it->data = it->chunk->data + it->chunk_data_index++; result = true; } } if (!it->chunk) DN_ASSERT(result == false); return result; } template DN_API T *DN_List_At(DN_List *list, DN_USize index, DN_ListChunk **at_chunk) { if (!list || index >= list->count || !list->head) return nullptr; // NOTE: Scan forwards to the chunk we need. We don't have random access to chunks DN_ListChunk **chunk = &list->head; DN_USize running_index = index; for (; (*chunk) && running_index >= (*chunk)->size; chunk = &((*chunk)->next)) running_index -= (*chunk)->size; T *result = nullptr; if (*chunk) result = (*chunk)->data + running_index; if (result && at_chunk) *at_chunk = *chunk; return result; } template DN_Slice DN_List_ToSliceCopy(DN_List const *list, DN_Arena *arena) { // TODO(doyle): Chunk memcopies is much faster DN_Slice result = DN_Slice_Alloc(arena, list->count, DN_ZeroMem_No); if (result.size) { DN_USize slice_index = 0; DN_MSVC_WARNING_PUSH DN_MSVC_WARNING_DISABLE(6011) // Dereferencing NULL pointer 'x' for (DN_ListIterator it = {}; DN_List_Iterate(DN_CAST(DN_List *)list, &it, 0);) result.data[slice_index++] = *it.data; DN_MSVC_WARNING_POP DN_ASSERT(slice_index == result.size); } return result; } #endif // !defined(DN_NO_LIST) // NOTE: [$SLIC] DN_Slice ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DN_API DN_Str8 DN_Slice_Str8Render(DN_Arena *arena, DN_Slice array, DN_Str8 separator) { DN_Str8 result = {}; if (!arena) return result; DN_USize total_size = 0; for (DN_USize index = 0; index < array.size; index++) { if (index) total_size += separator.size; DN_Str8 item = array.data[index]; total_size += item.size; } result = DN_Str8_Alloc(arena, total_size, DN_ZeroMem_No); if (result.data) { DN_USize write_index = 0; for (DN_USize index = 0; index < array.size; index++) { if (index) { DN_MEMCPY(result.data + write_index, separator.data, separator.size); write_index += separator.size; } DN_Str8 item = array.data[index]; DN_MEMCPY(result.data + write_index, item.data, item.size); write_index += item.size; } } return result; } DN_API DN_Str8 DN_Slice_Str8RenderSpaceSeparated(DN_Arena *arena, DN_Slice array) { DN_Str8 result = DN_Slice_Str8Render(arena, array, DN_STR8(" ")); return result; } DN_API DN_Str16 DN_Slice_Str16Render(DN_Arena *arena, DN_Slice array, DN_Str16 separator) { DN_Str16 result = {}; if (!arena) return result; DN_USize total_size = 0; for (DN_USize index = 0; index < array.size; index++) { if (index) total_size += separator.size; DN_Str16 item = array.data[index]; total_size += item.size; } result = {DN_Arena_NewArray(arena, wchar_t, total_size + 1, DN_ZeroMem_No), total_size}; if (result.data) { DN_USize write_index = 0; for (DN_USize index = 0; index < array.size; index++) { if (index) { DN_MEMCPY(result.data + write_index, separator.data, separator.size * sizeof(result.data[0])); write_index += separator.size; } DN_Str16 item = array.data[index]; DN_MEMCPY(result.data + write_index, item.data, item.size * sizeof(result.data[0])); write_index += item.size; } } result.data[total_size] = 0; return result; } DN_API DN_Str16 DN_Slice_Str16RenderSpaceSeparated(DN_Arena *arena, DN_Slice array) { DN_Str16 result = DN_Slice_Str16Render(arena, array, DN_STR16(L" ")); return result; } #if !defined(DN_NO_DSMAP) // NOTE: [$DMAP] DN_DSMap ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DN_API DN_DSMapKey DN_DSMap_KeyU64NoHash(DN_U64 u64) { DN_DSMapKey result = {}; result.type = DN_DSMapKeyType_U64NoHash; result.u64 = u64; result.hash = DN_CAST(DN_U32) u64; return result; } DN_API bool DN_DSMap_KeyEquals(DN_DSMapKey lhs, DN_DSMapKey rhs) { bool result = false; if (lhs.type == rhs.type && lhs.hash == rhs.hash) { switch (lhs.type) { case DN_DSMapKeyType_Invalid: result = true; break; case DN_DSMapKeyType_U64NoHash: result = true; break; case DN_DSMapKeyType_U64: result = lhs.u64 == rhs.u64; break; case DN_DSMapKeyType_BufferAsU64NoHash: /*FALLTHRU*/ case DN_DSMapKeyType_Buffer: { if (lhs.buffer_size == rhs.buffer_size) result = DN_MEMCMP(lhs.buffer_data, rhs.buffer_data, lhs.buffer_size) == 0; } break; } } return result; } DN_API bool operator==(DN_DSMapKey lhs, DN_DSMapKey rhs) { bool result = DN_DSMap_KeyEquals(lhs, rhs); return result; } #endif // !defined(DN_NO_DSMAP)