/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ // $$ __$$\ $$ | $$ | $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\\__$$ __|$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ // $$ / $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ / $$ |$$ / \__|$$ / $$ | $$ | $$ / $$ |$$ | $$ | // $$$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$$$$$$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$$$$$$ | // $$ __$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ __$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ __$$< // $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$\ $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | // $$ | $$ |$$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$ |\$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$$$$$ |$$ | $$ | // \__| \__|\________|\________|\______/ \______/ \__| \__| \__| \______/ \__| \__| // // dqn_allocator.cpp // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ // NOTE: [$AREN] Dqn_Arena ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DQN_API Dqn_ArenaBlock *Dqn_Arena_BlockInit(uint64_t reserve, uint64_t commit, bool track_alloc, bool alloc_can_leak) { Dqn_usize const page_size = g_dqn_library->os_page_size; uint64_t real_reserve = reserve ? reserve : DQN_ARENA_RESERVE_SIZE; uint64_t real_commit = commit ? commit : DQN_ARENA_COMMIT_SIZE; real_reserve = Dqn_AlignUpPowerOfTwo(real_reserve, page_size); real_commit = DQN_MIN(Dqn_AlignUpPowerOfTwo(real_commit, page_size), real_reserve); DQN_ASSERTF(DQN_ARENA_HEADER_SIZE < real_commit && real_commit <= real_reserve, "%I64u < %I64u <= %I64u", DQN_ARENA_HEADER_SIZE, real_commit, real_reserve); DQN_ASSERTF(page_size, "Call Dqn_Library_Init() to initialise the known page size"); Dqn_OSMemCommit mem_commit = real_reserve == real_commit ? Dqn_OSMemCommit_Yes : Dqn_OSMemCommit_No; Dqn_ArenaBlock *result = DQN_CAST(Dqn_ArenaBlock *)Dqn_OS_MemReserve(real_reserve, mem_commit, Dqn_OSMemPage_ReadWrite); if (!result) return result; if (mem_commit == Dqn_OSMemCommit_No && !Dqn_OS_MemCommit(result, real_commit, Dqn_OSMemPage_ReadWrite)) { Dqn_OS_MemRelease(result, real_reserve); return result; } result->used = DQN_ARENA_HEADER_SIZE; result->commit = real_commit; result->reserve = real_reserve; if (track_alloc) Dqn_Debug_TrackAlloc(result, result->reserve, alloc_can_leak); return result; } DQN_API Dqn_ArenaBlock *Dqn_Arena_BlockInitFlags(uint64_t reserve, uint64_t commit, uint8_t arena_flags) { bool track_alloc = (arena_flags & Dqn_ArenaFlag_NoAllocTrack) == 0; bool alloc_can_leak = arena_flags & Dqn_ArenaFlag_AllocCanLeak; Dqn_ArenaBlock *result = Dqn_Arena_BlockInit(reserve, commit, track_alloc, alloc_can_leak); if (result && ((arena_flags & Dqn_ArenaFlag_NoPoison) == 0)) Dqn_ASAN_PoisonMemoryRegion(DQN_CAST(char *)result + DQN_ARENA_HEADER_SIZE, result->commit - DQN_ARENA_HEADER_SIZE); return result; } DQN_API Dqn_Arena Dqn_Arena_InitSize(uint64_t reserve, uint64_t commit, uint8_t flags) { Dqn_Arena result = {}; result.flags = flags; result.curr = Dqn_Arena_BlockInitFlags(reserve, commit, flags); return result; } static void Dqn_Arena_BlockDeinit_(Dqn_Arena const *arena, Dqn_ArenaBlock *block) { Dqn_usize release_size = block->reserve; if (Dqn_Bit_IsNotSet(arena->flags, Dqn_ArenaFlag_NoAllocTrack)) Dqn_Debug_TrackDealloc(block); Dqn_ASAN_UnpoisonMemoryRegion(block, block->commit); Dqn_OS_MemRelease(block, release_size); } DQN_API void Dqn_Arena_Deinit(Dqn_Arena *arena) { for (Dqn_ArenaBlock *block = arena ? arena->curr : nullptr; block; ) { Dqn_ArenaBlock *block_to_free = block; block = block->prev; Dqn_Arena_BlockDeinit_(arena, block_to_free); } } DQN_API bool Dqn_Arena_CommitTo(Dqn_Arena *arena, uint64_t pos) { if (!arena || !arena->curr) return false; Dqn_ArenaBlock *curr = arena->curr; if (pos <= curr->commit) return true; uint64_t real_pos = pos; if (!DQN_CHECK(pos <= curr->reserve)) real_pos = curr->reserve; Dqn_usize end_commit = Dqn_AlignUpPowerOfTwo(real_pos, g_dqn_library->os_page_size); Dqn_usize commit_size = end_commit - curr->commit; char *commit_ptr = DQN_CAST(char *) curr + curr->commit; if (!Dqn_OS_MemCommit(commit_ptr, commit_size, Dqn_OSMemPage_ReadWrite)) return false; bool poison = DQN_ASAN_POISON && ((arena->flags & Dqn_ArenaFlag_NoPoison) == 0); if (poison) Dqn_ASAN_PoisonMemoryRegion(commit_ptr, commit_size); curr->commit = end_commit; return true; } DQN_API bool Dqn_Arena_Commit(Dqn_Arena *arena, uint64_t size) { if (!arena || !arena->curr) return false; uint64_t pos = arena->curr->commit + size; bool result = Dqn_Arena_CommitTo(arena, pos); return result; } DQN_API void *Dqn_Arena_Alloc(Dqn_Arena *arena, uint64_t size, uint8_t align, Dqn_ZeroMem zero_mem) { if (!arena) return nullptr; if (!arena->curr) arena->curr = Dqn_Arena_BlockInitFlags(DQN_ARENA_RESERVE_SIZE, DQN_ARENA_COMMIT_SIZE, arena->flags); if (!arena->curr) return nullptr; try_alloc_again: Dqn_ArenaBlock *curr = arena->curr; bool poison = DQN_ASAN_POISON && ((arena->flags & Dqn_ArenaFlag_NoPoison) == 0); uint8_t real_align = poison ? DQN_MAX(align, DQN_ASAN_POISON_ALIGNMENT) : align; uint64_t offset_pos = Dqn_AlignUpPowerOfTwo(curr->used, real_align) + (poison ? DQN_ASAN_POISON_GUARD_SIZE : 0); uint64_t end_pos = offset_pos + size; if (end_pos > curr->reserve) { if (arena->flags & Dqn_ArenaFlag_NoGrow) return nullptr; Dqn_usize new_reserve = DQN_MAX(DQN_ARENA_HEADER_SIZE + size, DQN_ARENA_RESERVE_SIZE); Dqn_usize new_commit = DQN_MAX(DQN_ARENA_HEADER_SIZE + size, DQN_ARENA_COMMIT_SIZE); Dqn_ArenaBlock *new_block = Dqn_Arena_BlockInitFlags(new_reserve, new_commit, arena->flags); if (!new_block) return nullptr; new_block->prev = arena->curr; arena->curr = new_block; new_block->reserve_sum = new_block->prev->reserve_sum + new_block->prev->reserve; goto try_alloc_again; } Dqn_usize prev_arena_commit = curr->commit; if (end_pos > curr->commit) { Dqn_usize end_commit = Dqn_AlignUpPowerOfTwo(end_pos, g_dqn_library->os_page_size); Dqn_usize commit_size = end_commit - curr->commit; char *commit_ptr = DQN_CAST(char *)curr + curr->commit; if (!Dqn_OS_MemCommit(commit_ptr, commit_size, Dqn_OSMemPage_ReadWrite)) return nullptr; if (poison) Dqn_ASAN_PoisonMemoryRegion(commit_ptr, commit_size); curr->commit = end_commit; } void *result = DQN_CAST(char *) curr + offset_pos; curr->used = end_pos; Dqn_ASAN_UnpoisonMemoryRegion(result, size); if (zero_mem == Dqn_ZeroMem_Yes) { Dqn_usize reused_bytes = DQN_MIN(prev_arena_commit - offset_pos, size); DQN_MEMSET(result, 0, reused_bytes); } return result; } DQN_API void *Dqn_Arena_AllocContiguous(Dqn_Arena *arena, uint64_t size, uint8_t align, Dqn_ZeroMem zero_mem) { uint8_t prev_flags = arena->flags; arena->flags |= (Dqn_ArenaFlag_NoGrow | Dqn_ArenaFlag_NoPoison); void *memory = Dqn_Arena_Alloc(arena, size, align, zero_mem); arena->flags = prev_flags; return memory; } DQN_API void *Dqn_Arena_Copy(Dqn_Arena *arena, void const *data, uint64_t size, uint8_t align) { if (!arena || !data || size == 0) return nullptr; void *result = Dqn_Arena_Alloc(arena, size, align, Dqn_ZeroMem_No); if (result) DQN_MEMCPY(result, data, size); return result; } DQN_API void Dqn_Arena_PopTo(Dqn_Arena *arena, uint64_t init_used) { if (!arena) return; uint64_t used = DQN_MAX(DQN_ARENA_HEADER_SIZE, init_used); Dqn_ArenaBlock *curr = arena->curr; while (curr->reserve_sum >= used) { Dqn_ArenaBlock *block_to_free = curr; curr = curr->prev; Dqn_Arena_BlockDeinit_(arena, block_to_free); } arena->curr = curr; curr->used = used - curr->reserve_sum; char *poison_ptr = (char *)curr + Dqn_AlignUpPowerOfTwo(curr->used, DQN_ASAN_POISON_ALIGNMENT); Dqn_usize poison_size = ((char *)curr + curr->commit) - poison_ptr; Dqn_ASAN_PoisonMemoryRegion(poison_ptr, poison_size); } DQN_API void Dqn_Arena_Pop(Dqn_Arena *arena, uint64_t amount) { Dqn_ArenaBlock *curr = arena->curr; Dqn_usize used_sum = curr->reserve_sum + curr->used; if (!DQN_CHECK(amount <= used_sum)) amount = used_sum; Dqn_usize pop_to = used_sum - amount; Dqn_Arena_PopTo(arena, pop_to); } DQN_API uint64_t Dqn_Arena_Pos(Dqn_Arena const *arena) { uint64_t result = (arena && arena->curr) ? arena->curr->reserve_sum + arena->curr->used : 0; return result; } DQN_API void Dqn_Arena_Clear(Dqn_Arena *arena) { Dqn_Arena_PopTo(arena, 0); } DQN_API bool Dqn_Arena_OwnsPtr(Dqn_Arena const *arena, void *ptr) { bool result = false; uintptr_t uint_ptr = DQN_CAST(uintptr_t)ptr; for (Dqn_ArenaBlock const *block = arena ? arena->curr : nullptr; !result && block; ) { uintptr_t begin = DQN_CAST(uintptr_t) block + DQN_ARENA_HEADER_SIZE; uintptr_t end = begin + block->reserve; result = uint_ptr >= begin && uint_ptr <= end; } return result; } DQN_API Dqn_ArenaTempMem Dqn_Arena_TempMemBegin(Dqn_Arena *arena) { Dqn_ArenaTempMem result = {}; if (arena) { Dqn_ArenaBlock *curr = arena->curr; result = {arena, curr ? curr->reserve_sum + curr->used : 0}; } return result; }; DQN_API void Dqn_Arena_TempMemEnd(Dqn_ArenaTempMem mem) { Dqn_Arena_PopTo(mem.arena, mem.used_sum); }; Dqn_ArenaTempMemScope::Dqn_ArenaTempMemScope(Dqn_Arena *arena) { mem = Dqn_Arena_TempMemBegin(arena); } Dqn_ArenaTempMemScope::~Dqn_ArenaTempMemScope() { Dqn_Arena_TempMemEnd(mem); } // NOTE: [$CHUN] Dqn_ChunkPool ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DQN_API Dqn_ChunkPool Dqn_ChunkPool_Init(Dqn_Arena *arena, uint8_t align) { Dqn_ChunkPool result = {}; if (arena) { result.arena = arena; result.align = align; if (result.align == 0) result.align = DQN_CHUNK_POOL_DEFAULT_ALIGN; } return result; } DQN_API bool Dqn_ChunkPool_IsValid(Dqn_ChunkPool const *pool) { bool result = pool && pool->arena && pool->align; return result; } DQN_API void *Dqn_ChunkPool_Alloc(Dqn_ChunkPool *pool, Dqn_usize size) { void *result = nullptr; if (!Dqn_ChunkPool_IsValid(pool)) return result; Dqn_usize const required_size = sizeof(Dqn_ChunkPoolSlot) + pool->align + size; Dqn_usize const size_to_slot_offset = 5; // __lzcnt64(32) e.g. Dqn_ChunkPoolSlotSize_32B Dqn_usize slot_index = 0; if (required_size > 32) { #if defined(DQN_OS_WIN32) Dqn_usize dist_to_next_msb = __lzcnt64(required_size) + 1; #else Dqn_usize dist_to_next_msb = __builtin_clzll(required_size) + 1; #endif // NOTE: Round up if not PoT as the low bits are set. dist_to_next_msb -= DQN_CAST(Dqn_usize)(!Dqn_IsPowerOfTwo(required_size)); Dqn_usize const register_size = sizeof(Dqn_usize) * 8; DQN_ASSERT(register_size >= dist_to_next_msb + size_to_slot_offset); slot_index = register_size - dist_to_next_msb - size_to_slot_offset; } if (!DQN_CHECKF(slot_index < Dqn_ChunkPoolSlotSize_Count, "Chunk pool does not support the requested allocation size")) return result; Dqn_usize slot_size_in_bytes = 1ULL << (slot_index + size_to_slot_offset); DQN_ASSERT(required_size <= (slot_size_in_bytes << 0)); DQN_ASSERT(required_size >= (slot_size_in_bytes >> 1)); Dqn_ChunkPoolSlot *slot = nullptr; if (pool->slots[slot_index]) { slot = pool->slots[slot_index]; pool->slots[slot_index] = slot->next; DQN_MEMSET(slot->data, 0, size); DQN_ASSERT(Dqn_IsPowerOfTwoAligned(slot->data, pool->align)); } else { void *bytes = Dqn_Arena_Alloc(pool->arena, slot_size_in_bytes, alignof(Dqn_ChunkPoolSlot), Dqn_ZeroMem_Yes); slot = DQN_CAST(Dqn_ChunkPoolSlot *) bytes; // NOTE: The raw pointer is round up to the next 'pool->align'-ed // address ensuring at least 1 byte of padding between the raw pointer // and the pointer given to the user and that the user pointer is // aligned to the pool's alignment. // // This allows us to smuggle 1 byte behind the user pointer that has // the offset to the original pointer. slot->data = DQN_CAST(void *)Dqn_AlignDownPowerOfTwo(DQN_CAST(uintptr_t)slot + sizeof(Dqn_ChunkPoolSlot) + pool->align, pool->align); uintptr_t offset_to_original_ptr = DQN_CAST(uintptr_t)slot->data - DQN_CAST(uintptr_t)bytes; DQN_ASSERT(slot->data > bytes); DQN_ASSERT(offset_to_original_ptr <= sizeof(Dqn_ChunkPoolSlot) + pool->align); // NOTE: Store the offset to the original pointer behind the user's // pointer. DQN_MEMCPY(&(DQN_CAST(char *)slot->data)[-1], &offset_to_original_ptr, 1); } // NOTE: Smuggle the slot type in the next pointer so that we know, when the // pointer gets returned which free list to return the pointer to. result = slot->data; slot->next = DQN_CAST(Dqn_ChunkPoolSlot *)slot_index; return result; } DQN_API Dqn_Str8 Dqn_ChunkPool_AllocStr8FV(Dqn_ChunkPool *pool, DQN_FMT_ATTRIB char const *fmt, va_list args) { Dqn_Str8 result = {}; if (!Dqn_ChunkPool_IsValid(pool)) return result; Dqn_usize size_required = Dqn_CStr8_FVSize(fmt, args); result.data = DQN_CAST(char *) Dqn_ChunkPool_Alloc(pool, size_required + 1); if (result.data) { result.size = size_required; DQN_VSNPRINTF(result.data, DQN_CAST(int)(result.size + 1), fmt, args); } return result; } DQN_API Dqn_Str8 Dqn_ChunkPool_AllocStr8F(Dqn_ChunkPool *pool, DQN_FMT_ATTRIB char const *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); Dqn_Str8 result = Dqn_ChunkPool_AllocStr8FV(pool, fmt, args); va_end(args); return result; } DQN_API Dqn_Str8 Dqn_ChunkPool_AllocStr8Copy(Dqn_ChunkPool *pool, Dqn_Str8 string) { Dqn_Str8 result = {}; if (!Dqn_ChunkPool_IsValid(pool)) return result; if (!Dqn_Str8_HasData(string)) return result; char *data = DQN_CAST(char *)Dqn_ChunkPool_Alloc(pool, string.size + 1); if (!data) return result; DQN_MEMCPY(data, string.data, string.size); data[string.size] = 0; result = Dqn_Str8_Init(data, string.size); return result; } DQN_API void Dqn_ChunkPool_Dealloc(Dqn_ChunkPool *pool, void *ptr) { if (!Dqn_ChunkPool_IsValid(pool)) return; Dqn_usize offset_to_original_ptr = 0; DQN_MEMCPY(&offset_to_original_ptr, &(DQN_CAST(char *)ptr)[-1], 1); DQN_ASSERT(offset_to_original_ptr <= sizeof(Dqn_ChunkPoolSlot) + pool->align); char *original_ptr = DQN_CAST(char *)ptr - offset_to_original_ptr; Dqn_ChunkPoolSlot *slot = DQN_CAST(Dqn_ChunkPoolSlot *)original_ptr; Dqn_ChunkPoolSlotSize slot_index = DQN_CAST(Dqn_ChunkPoolSlotSize)(DQN_CAST(uintptr_t)slot->next); DQN_ASSERT(slot_index < Dqn_ChunkPoolSlotSize_Count); slot->next = pool->slots[slot_index]; pool->slots[slot_index] = slot; } // NOTE: [$ACAT] Dqn_ArenaCatalog ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DQN_API void Dqn_ArenaCatalog_Init(Dqn_ArenaCatalog *catalog, Dqn_ChunkPool *pool) { catalog->pool = pool; catalog->sentinel.next = &catalog->sentinel; catalog->sentinel.prev = &catalog->sentinel; } DQN_API Dqn_ArenaCatalogItem *Dqn_ArenaCatalog_Find(Dqn_ArenaCatalog *catalog, Dqn_Str8 label) { Dqn_ArenaCatalogItem *result = &catalog->sentinel; for (Dqn_ArenaCatalogItem *item = catalog->sentinel.next; item != &catalog->sentinel; item = item->next) { if (item->label == label) { result = item; break; } } return result; } DQN_API void Dqn_ArenaCatalog_AddLabelRef(Dqn_ArenaCatalog *catalog, Dqn_Arena *arena, Dqn_Str8 label) { // NOTE: We could use an atomic for appending to the sentinel but it is such // a rare operation to append to the catalog that we don't bother. Dqn_TicketMutex_Begin(&catalog->ticket_mutex); // NOTE: Create item in the catalog Dqn_ArenaCatalogItem *result = Dqn_ChunkPool_New(catalog->pool, Dqn_ArenaCatalogItem); if (result) { result->arena = arena; result->label = label; // NOTE: Add to the catalog (linked list) Dqn_ArenaCatalogItem *sentinel = &catalog->sentinel; result->next = sentinel; result->prev = sentinel->prev; result->next->prev = result; result->prev->next = result; Dqn_Atomic_AddU32(&catalog->arena_count, 1); } Dqn_TicketMutex_End(&catalog->ticket_mutex); } DQN_API void Dqn_ArenaCatalog_AddLabelCopy(Dqn_ArenaCatalog *catalog, Dqn_Arena *arena, Dqn_Str8 label) { Dqn_Str8 label_copy = Dqn_ChunkPool_AllocStr8Copy(catalog->pool, label); Dqn_ArenaCatalog_AddLabelRef(catalog, arena, label_copy); } DQN_API void Dqn_ArenaCatalog_AddF(Dqn_ArenaCatalog *catalog, Dqn_Arena *arena, DQN_FMT_ATTRIB char const *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); Dqn_Str8 label = Dqn_ChunkPool_AllocStr8FV(catalog->pool, fmt, args); va_end(args); Dqn_ArenaCatalog_AddLabelRef(catalog, arena, label); } DQN_API void Dqn_ArenaCatalog_AddFV(Dqn_ArenaCatalog *catalog, Dqn_Arena *arena, DQN_FMT_ATTRIB char const *fmt, va_list args) { Dqn_Str8 label = Dqn_ChunkPool_AllocStr8FV(catalog->pool, fmt, args); Dqn_ArenaCatalog_AddLabelRef(catalog, arena, label); } DQN_API Dqn_Arena *Dqn_ArenaCatalog_AllocLabelRef(Dqn_ArenaCatalog *catalog, Dqn_usize reserve, Dqn_usize commit, uint8_t arena_flags, Dqn_Str8 label) { Dqn_TicketMutex_Begin(&catalog->ticket_mutex); Dqn_Arena *result = Dqn_ChunkPool_New(catalog->pool, Dqn_Arena); Dqn_TicketMutex_End(&catalog->ticket_mutex); *result = Dqn_Arena_InitSize(reserve, commit, arena_flags); Dqn_ArenaCatalog_AddLabelRef(catalog, result, label); return result; } DQN_API Dqn_Arena *Dqn_ArenaCatalog_AllocLabelCopy(Dqn_ArenaCatalog *catalog, Dqn_usize reserve, Dqn_usize commit, uint8_t arena_flags, Dqn_Str8 label) { Dqn_Str8 label_copy = Dqn_ChunkPool_AllocStr8Copy(catalog->pool, label); Dqn_Arena *result = Dqn_ArenaCatalog_AllocLabelRef(catalog, reserve, commit, arena_flags, label_copy); return result; } DQN_API Dqn_Arena *Dqn_ArenaCatalog_AllocFV(Dqn_ArenaCatalog *catalog, Dqn_usize reserve, Dqn_usize commit, uint8_t arena_flags, DQN_FMT_ATTRIB char const *fmt, va_list args) { Dqn_Str8 label = Dqn_ChunkPool_AllocStr8FV(catalog->pool, fmt, args); Dqn_Arena *result = Dqn_ArenaCatalog_AllocLabelRef(catalog, reserve, commit, arena_flags, label); return result; } DQN_API Dqn_Arena *Dqn_ArenaCatalog_AllocF(Dqn_ArenaCatalog *catalog, Dqn_usize reserve, Dqn_usize commit, uint8_t arena_flags, DQN_FMT_ATTRIB char const *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); Dqn_Str8 label = Dqn_ChunkPool_AllocStr8FV(catalog->pool, fmt, args); Dqn_Arena *result = Dqn_ArenaCatalog_AllocLabelRef(catalog, reserve, commit, arena_flags, label); va_end(args); return result; }