@echo OFF setlocal set code_dir=%~dp0 if not exist Build mkdir Build pushd Build REM Flags ================================================================== REM MT Static CRT REM EHa- Disable exception handling REM GR- Disable C RTTI REM O2 Optimisation Level 2 REM Oi Use CPU Intrinsics REM Z7 Combine multi-debug files to one debug file REM wd4201 Nonstandard extension used: nameless struct/union REM Tp Treat header file as CPP source file set compile_flags=-MT -EHa -GR- -Od -Oi -Z7 -wd4201 -W4 -WX -D DQN_TEST_WITH_MAIN -nologo -analyze set linker_flags=-link -nologo set msvc_flags=-fsanitize=address set clang_flags=-fsanitize=address,undefined REM Compiler: MSVC cl ====================================================== where /q cl || ( echo [ERROR] cl is not found, please put MSVC's cl on the path exit /b 1 ) cl %compile_flags% %msvc_flags% %code_dir%\Misc\dqn_unit_tests.cpp -I %code_dir% /Fe:dqn_unit_tests_msvc %link_flags% || exit /b 1 REM Compiler: clang-cl ===================================================== where /q clang-cl || ( echo [WARN] Optional clang compile via clang-cl if it's in the path, please put clang-cl on the path for this feature exit /b 0 ) clang-cl -D DQN_TEST_WITH_MAIN %code_dir%\Misc\dqn_unit_tests.cpp -I %code_dir% /Fe:dqn_unit_tests_clang -link popd