Make dqn library work on x86

This commit is contained in:
doyle 2022-01-02 00:07:28 +11:00
parent bb14d9cd7a
commit 87c81d0861

View File

@ -1676,6 +1676,7 @@ DQN_API Dqn_u32 Dqn_SafeTruncateUSizeToU32 (Dqn_usize val);
DQN_API int Dqn_SafeTruncateUSizeToI32 (Dqn_usize val);
DQN_API int Dqn_SafeTruncateUSizeToInt (Dqn_usize val);
DQN_API Dqn_isize Dqn_SafeTruncateUSizeToISize(Dqn_usize val);
DQN_API Dqn_isize Dqn_SafeTruncateI64ToISize (Dqn_i64 val);
DQN_API Dqn_u32 Dqn_SafeTruncateU64ToU32 (Dqn_u64 val);
DQN_API Dqn_u16 Dqn_SafeTruncateU64ToU16 (Dqn_u64 val);
DQN_API Dqn_u8 Dqn_SafeTruncateU64ToU8 (Dqn_u64 val);
@ -3106,6 +3107,7 @@ DQN_API T *Dqn_ListAt(Dqn_List<T> *list, Dqn_isize index, Dqn_ListChunk<T> **at_
#define GENERIC_WRITE (0x40000000L)
#define GENERIC_EXECUTE (0x20000000L)
#define GENERIC_ALL (0x10000000L)
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL 0x00000080
#define CREATE_NEW 1
@ -3267,65 +3269,66 @@ DQN_API T *Dqn_ListAt(Dqn_List<T> *list, Dqn_isize index, Dqn_ListChunk<T> **at_
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
extern "C"
/*BOOL*/ int CreateDirectoryW (wchar_t const *lpPathName, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *lpSecurityAttributes);
/*BOOL*/ int RemoveDirectoryW (wchar_t const *lpPathName);
/*DWORD*/ unsigned long GetCurrentDirectoryW (unsigned long nBufferLength, wchar_t *lpBuffer);
/*BOOL*/ int __stdcall CreateDirectoryW (wchar_t const *lpPathName, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *lpSecurityAttributes);
/*BOOL*/ int __stdcall RemoveDirectoryW (wchar_t const *lpPathName);
/*DWORD*/ unsigned long __stdcall GetCurrentDirectoryW (unsigned long nBufferLength, wchar_t *lpBuffer);
/*BOOL*/ int FindNextFileW (void *hFindFile, WIN32_FIND_DATAW *lpFindFileData);
/*HANDLE*/ void *FindFirstFileExW (wchar_t const *lpFileName, FINDEX_INFO_LEVELS fInfoLevelId, void *lpFindFileData, FINDEX_SEARCH_OPS fSearchOp, void *lpSearchFilter, unsigned long dwAdditionalFlags);
/*DWORD*/ unsigned long GetFileAttributesExW (wchar_t const *lpFileName, GET_FILEEX_INFO_LEVELS fInfoLevelId, WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA *lpFileInformation);
/*BOOL*/ int GetFileSizeEx (void *hFile, LARGE_INTEGER *lpFileSize);
/*BOOL*/ int __stdcall FindNextFileW (void *hFindFile, WIN32_FIND_DATAW *lpFindFileData);
/*HANDLE*/ void * __stdcall FindFirstFileExW (wchar_t const *lpFileName, FINDEX_INFO_LEVELS fInfoLevelId, void *lpFindFileData, FINDEX_SEARCH_OPS fSearchOp, void *lpSearchFilter, unsigned long dwAdditionalFlags);
/*DWORD*/ unsigned long __stdcall GetFileAttributesExW (wchar_t const *lpFileName, GET_FILEEX_INFO_LEVELS fInfoLevelId, WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA *lpFileInformation);
/*BOOL*/ int __stdcall GetFileSizeEx (void *hFile, LARGE_INTEGER *lpFileSize);
/*BOOL*/ int MoveFileExW (wchar_t const *lpExistingFileName, wchar_t const *lpNewFileName, unsigned long dwFlags);
/*BOOL*/ int CopyFileW (wchar_t const *lpExistingFileName, wchar_t const *lpNewFileName, int bFailIfExists);
/*BOOL*/ int DeleteFileW (wchar_t const *lpExistingFileName);
/*HANDLE*/ void *CreateFileW (wchar_t const *lpFileName, unsigned long dwDesiredAccess, unsigned long dwShareMode, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *lpSecurityAttributes, unsigned long dwCreationDisposition, unsigned long dwFlagsAndAttributes, void *hTemplateFile);
/*BOOL*/ int ReadFile (void *hFile, void *lpBuffer, unsigned long nNumberOfBytesToRead, unsigned long *lpNumberOfBytesRead, struct OVERLAPPED *lpOverlapped);
/*BOOL*/ int CloseHandle (void *hObject);
/*BOOL*/ int __stdcall MoveFileExW (wchar_t const *lpExistingFileName, wchar_t const *lpNewFileName, unsigned long dwFlags);
/*BOOL*/ int __stdcall CopyFileW (wchar_t const *lpExistingFileName, wchar_t const *lpNewFileName, int bFailIfExists);
/*BOOL*/ int __stdcall DeleteFileW (wchar_t const *lpExistingFileName);
/*HANDLE*/ void * __stdcall CreateFileW (wchar_t const *lpFileName, unsigned long dwDesiredAccess, unsigned long dwShareMode, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *lpSecurityAttributes, unsigned long dwCreationDisposition, unsigned long dwFlagsAndAttributes, void *hTemplateFile);
/*BOOL*/ int __stdcall ReadFile (void *hFile, void *lpBuffer, unsigned long nNumberOfBytesToRead, unsigned long *lpNumberOfBytesRead, struct OVERLAPPED *lpOverlapped);
/*BOOL*/ int __stdcall WriteFile (void *hFile, void const *lpBuffer, unsigned long nNumberOfBytesToWrite, unsigned long *lpNumberOfBytesWritten, struct OVERLAPPED *lpOverlapped);
/*BOOL*/ int __stdcall CloseHandle (void *hObject);
/*HMODULE*/ void *LoadLibraryA (char const *lpFileName);
/*BOOL*/ int FreeLibrary (void *hModule);
/*FARPROC*/ void *GetProcAddress (void *hModule, char const *lpProcName);
/*HMODULE*/ void * __stdcall LoadLibraryA (char const *lpFileName);
/*BOOL*/ int __stdcall FreeLibrary (void *hModule);
/*FARPROC*/ void * __stdcall GetProcAddress (void *hModule, char const *lpProcName);
/*DWORD*/ unsigned long GetWindowModuleFileNameA (void *hwnd, char *pszFileName, unsigned int cchFileNameMax);
/*HMODULE*/ void *GetModuleHandleA (char const *lpModuleName);
/*DWORD*/ unsigned long GetModuleFileNameW (void *hModule, wchar_t *lpFilename, unsigned long nSize);
/*DWORD*/ unsigned long __stdcall GetWindowModuleFileNameA (void *hwnd, char *pszFileName, unsigned int cchFileNameMax);
/*HMODULE*/ void * __stdcall GetModuleHandleA (char const *lpModuleName);
/*DWORD*/ unsigned long __stdcall GetModuleFileNameW (void *hModule, wchar_t *lpFilename, unsigned long nSize);
/*DWORD*/ unsigned long WaitForSingleObject (void *hHandle, unsigned long dwMilliseconds);
/*DWORD*/ unsigned long __stdcall WaitForSingleObject (void *hHandle, unsigned long dwMilliseconds);
/*BOOL*/ int QueryPerformanceCounter (LARGE_INTEGER *lpPerformanceCount);
/*BOOL*/ int QueryPerformanceFrequency (LARGE_INTEGER *lpFrequency);
/*BOOL*/ int __stdcall QueryPerformanceCounter (LARGE_INTEGER *lpPerformanceCount);
/*BOOL*/ int __stdcall QueryPerformanceFrequency (LARGE_INTEGER *lpFrequency);
/*HANDLE*/ void *CreateThread (SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *lpThreadAttributes, size_t dwStackSize, unsigned long (*lpStartAddress)(void *), void *lpParameter, unsigned long dwCreationFlags, unsigned long *lpThreadId);
/*HANDLE*/ void *CreateSemaphoreA (SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *lpSecurityAttributes, long lInitialCount, long lMaxCount, char *lpName);
/*BOOL*/ int ReleaseSemaphore (void *semaphore, long lReleaseCount, long *lpPreviousCount);
void Sleep (unsigned long dwMilliseconds);
/*HANDLE*/ void * __stdcall CreateThread (SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *lpThreadAttributes, size_t dwStackSize, unsigned long (*lpStartAddress)(void *), void *lpParameter, unsigned long dwCreationFlags, unsigned long *lpThreadId);
/*HANDLE*/ void * __stdcall CreateSemaphoreA (SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *lpSecurityAttributes, long lInitialCount, long lMaxCount, char *lpName);
/*BOOL*/ int __stdcall ReleaseSemaphore (void *semaphore, long lReleaseCount, long *lpPreviousCount);
void __stdcall Sleep (unsigned long dwMilliseconds);
void *VirtualAlloc (void *lpAddress, size_t dwSize, unsigned long flAllocationType, unsigned long flProtect);
/*BOOL*/ int VirtualFree (void *lpAddress, size_t dwSize, unsigned long dwFreeType);
void * __stdcall VirtualAlloc (void *lpAddress, size_t dwSize, unsigned long flAllocationType, unsigned long flProtect);
/*BOOL*/ int __stdcall VirtualFree (void *lpAddress, size_t dwSize, unsigned long dwFreeType);
void GetSystemInfo (SYSTEM_INFO *system_info);
void GetSystemTime (SYSTEMTIME *lpSystemTime);
void GetSystemTimeAsFileTime (FILETIME *lpFileTime);
void GetLocalTime (SYSTEMTIME *lpSystemTime);
void __stdcall GetSystemInfo (SYSTEM_INFO *system_info);
void __stdcall GetSystemTime (SYSTEMTIME *lpSystemTime);
void __stdcall GetSystemTimeAsFileTime (FILETIME *lpFileTime);
void __stdcall GetLocalTime (SYSTEMTIME *lpSystemTime);
/*DWORD*/ unsigned long FormatMessageA (unsigned long dwFlags, void *lpSource, unsigned long dwMessageId, unsigned long dwLanguageId, char *lpBuffer, unsigned long nSize, va_list *Arguments);
/*DWORD*/ unsigned long GetLastError ();
/*DWORD*/ unsigned long __stdcall FormatMessageA (unsigned long dwFlags, void *lpSource, unsigned long dwMessageId, unsigned long dwLanguageId, char *lpBuffer, unsigned long nSize, va_list *Arguments);
/*DWORD*/ unsigned long __stdcall GetLastError ();
int MultiByteToWideChar (unsigned int CodePage, unsigned long dwFlags, char const *lpMultiByteStr, int cbMultiByte, wchar_t *lpWideCharStr, int cchWideChar);
int WideCharToMultiByte (unsigned int CodePage, unsigned long dwFlags, wchar_t const *lpWideCharStr, int cchWideChar, char *lpMultiByteStr, int cbMultiByte, char const *lpDefaultChar, bool *lpUsedDefaultChar);
int __stdcall MultiByteToWideChar (unsigned int CodePage, unsigned long dwFlags, char const *lpMultiByteStr, int cbMultiByte, wchar_t *lpWideCharStr, int cchWideChar);
int __stdcall WideCharToMultiByte (unsigned int CodePage, unsigned long dwFlags, wchar_t const *lpWideCharStr, int cchWideChar, char *lpMultiByteStr, int cbMultiByte, char const *lpDefaultChar, bool *lpUsedDefaultChar);
/*NTSTATUS*/ long BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider(void *phAlgorithm, wchar_t const *pszAlgId, wchar_t const *pszImplementation, unsigned long dwFlags);
/*NTSTATUS*/ long BCryptGenRandom (void *hAlgorithm, unsigned char *pbBuffer, unsigned long cbBuffer, unsigned long dwFlags);
/*NTSTATUS*/ long __stdcall BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider(void *phAlgorithm, wchar_t const *pszAlgId, wchar_t const *pszImplementation, unsigned long dwFlags);
/*NTSTATUS*/ long __stdcall BCryptGenRandom (void *hAlgorithm, unsigned char *pbBuffer, unsigned long cbBuffer, unsigned long dwFlags);
/*BOOLAPI*/ int InternetCrackUrlA (char const *lpszUrl, unsigned long dwUrlLength, unsigned long dwFlags, URL_COMPONENTSA *lpUrlComponents);
/*HANDLE*/ void *InternetOpenA (char const *lpszAgent, unsigned long dwAccessType, char const *lpszProxy, char const *lpszProxyBypass, unsigned long dwFlags);
/*HANDLE*/ void *InternetConnectA (void *hInternet, char const *lpszServerName, INTERNET_PORT nServerPort, char const *lpszUserName, char const *lpszPassword, unsigned long dwService, unsigned long dwFlags, unsigned long *dwContext);
/*BOOLAPI*/ int InternetSetOptionA (void *hInternet, unsigned long dwOption, void *lpBuffer, unsigned long dwBufferLength);
/*BOOLAPI*/ int InternetReadFile (void *hFile, void *lpBuffer, unsigned long dwNumberOfBytesToRead, unsigned long *lpdwNumberOfBytesRead);
/*BOOLAPI*/ int InternetCloseHandle (void *hInternet);
/*HANDLE*/ void *HttpOpenRequestA (void *hConnect, char const *lpszVerb, char const *lpszObjectName, char const *lpszVersion, char const *lpszReferrer, char const **lplpszAcceptTypes, unsigned long dwFlags, unsigned long *dwContext);
/*BOOLAPI*/ int HttpSendRequestA (void *hRequest, char const *lpszHeaders, unsigned long dwHeadersLength, void *lpOptional, unsigned long dwOptionalLength);
/*BOOLAPI*/ int __stdcall InternetCrackUrlA (char const *lpszUrl, unsigned long dwUrlLength, unsigned long dwFlags, URL_COMPONENTSA *lpUrlComponents);
/*HANDLE*/ void * __stdcall InternetOpenA (char const *lpszAgent, unsigned long dwAccessType, char const *lpszProxy, char const *lpszProxyBypass, unsigned long dwFlags);
/*HANDLE*/ void * __stdcall InternetConnectA (void *hInternet, char const *lpszServerName, INTERNET_PORT nServerPort, char const *lpszUserName, char const *lpszPassword, unsigned long dwService, unsigned long dwFlags, unsigned long *dwContext);
/*BOOLAPI*/ int __stdcall InternetSetOptionA (void *hInternet, unsigned long dwOption, void *lpBuffer, unsigned long dwBufferLength);
/*BOOLAPI*/ int __stdcall InternetReadFile (void *hFile, void *lpBuffer, unsigned long dwNumberOfBytesToRead, unsigned long *lpdwNumberOfBytesRead);
/*BOOLAPI*/ int __stdcall InternetCloseHandle (void *hInternet);
/*HANDLE*/ void * __stdcall HttpOpenRequestA (void *hConnect, char const *lpszVerb, char const *lpszObjectName, char const *lpszVersion, char const *lpszReferrer, char const **lplpszAcceptTypes, unsigned long dwFlags, unsigned long *dwContext);
/*BOOLAPI*/ int __stdcall HttpSendRequestA (void *hRequest, char const *lpszHeaders, unsigned long dwHeadersLength, void *lpOptional, unsigned long dwOptionalLength);
#endif // !defined(DQN_NO_WIN32_MINIMAL_HEADER)
#elif defined(DQN_OS_UNIX)
@ -5097,6 +5100,13 @@ DQN_API Dqn_isize Dqn_SafeTruncateUSizeToISize(Dqn_usize val)
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_isize Dqn_SafeTruncateI64ToISize(Dqn_i64 val)
DQN_ASSERT_MSG(val <= DQN_ISIZE_MAX, "[val=%zu, max=%zu]", val, DQN_ISIZE_MAX);
auto result = (val <= DQN_ISIZE_MAX) ? DQN_CAST(Dqn_isize)val : DQN_ISIZE_MAX;
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_u32 Dqn_SafeTruncateU64ToU32(Dqn_u64 val)
DQN_ASSERT_MSG(val <= DQN_U32_MAX, "%I64u <= %I64u", val, DQN_U32_MAX);
@ -5833,8 +5843,9 @@ DQN_API char *Dqn__FileRead(char const *file_path, Dqn_isize file_path_size, Dqn
return nullptr;
auto arena_undo = Dqn_ArenaBeginScope(arena);
auto *result = DQN_CAST(char *) Dqn__ArenaAllocate(arena, win_file_size.QuadPart + 1, alignof(char), Dqn_ZeroMem::No DQN_CALL_SITE_ARGS_INPUT);
Dqn_isize allocate_size = Dqn_SafeTruncateI64ToISize(win_file_size.QuadPart + 1);
auto arena_undo = Dqn_ArenaBeginScope(arena);
auto *result = DQN_CAST(char *) Dqn__ArenaAllocate(arena, allocate_size, alignof(char), Dqn_ZeroMem::No DQN_CALL_SITE_ARGS_INPUT);
// TODO(dqn): We need to chunk this and ensure that readfile read the bytes we wanted.
unsigned long bytes_read = 0;
@ -5845,7 +5856,7 @@ DQN_API char *Dqn__FileRead(char const *file_path, Dqn_isize file_path_size, Dqn
return nullptr;
if (file_size) *file_size = win_file_size.QuadPart;
if (file_size) *file_size = Dqn_SafeTruncateI64ToISize(win_file_size.QuadPart);
return result;
Dqn_isize file_size_ = 0;
@ -5916,20 +5927,20 @@ DQN_API Dqn_b32 Dqn_FileWriteFile(char const *file_path, Dqn_isize file_path_siz
Dqn_b32 result = false;
if (buffer_size > 0)
HANDLE file_handle = CreateFileW(file_path_w.str, // LPCWSTR lpFileName,
GENERIC_WRITE, // DWORD dwDesiredAccess,
0, // DWORD dwShareMode,
nullptr, // LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes,
CREATE_ALWAYS, // DWORD dwCreationDisposition,
nullptr // HANDLE hTemplateFile
void *file_handle = CreateFileW(file_path_w.str, // LPCWSTR lpFileName,
GENERIC_WRITE, // DWORD dwDesiredAccess,
0, // DWORD dwShareMode,
nullptr, // LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes,
CREATE_ALWAYS, // DWORD dwCreationDisposition,
nullptr // HANDLE hTemplateFile
if (file_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
return result;
DWORD bytes_written = 0;
result = WriteFile(file_handle, buffer, DQN_CAST(DWORD)buffer_size, &bytes_written, nullptr /*lpOverlapped*/);
unsigned long bytes_written = 0;
result = WriteFile(file_handle, buffer, DQN_CAST(unsigned long)buffer_size, &bytes_written, nullptr /*lpOverlapped*/);
DQN_ASSERT(bytes_written == buffer_size);
@ -7271,7 +7282,7 @@ DQN_API Dqn_StringW Dqn_WinCurrentDirW(Dqn_Arena *arena, Dqn_StringW suffix)
w_path[desired_size] = 0;
result = Dqn_StringW{w_path, desired_size - 1};
result = Dqn_StringW{w_path, DQN_CAST(Dqn_isize)(desired_size - 1)};
return result;