strings: Add more string helpers, add more string tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -1182,7 +1182,8 @@ struct Dqn_StringW
// Make a string from a pre-existing string.
DQN_API Dqn_String Dqn_String_Init (char const *string, Dqn_isize size);
DQN_API Dqn_String Dqn_String_Init (char const *string, Dqn_isize size);
DQN_API Dqn_String Dqn_String_InitCString(char const *string);
// Make an empty string from a the buffer. 1 byte is reserved for the null-terminator
DQN_API Dqn_String Dqn_String_InitMemory(char *buf, Dqn_isize capacity);
@ -1210,6 +1211,7 @@ DQN_API Dqn_String Dqn_String__Copy(Dqn_String const src, Dqn_ArenaAllocator *ar
DQN_API Dqn_String Dqn_String_TrimWhitespaceAround(Dqn_String src);
DQN_API Dqn_b32 operator== (Dqn_String const &lhs, Dqn_String const &rhs);
DQN_API Dqn_b32 operator!= (Dqn_String const &lhs, Dqn_String const &rhs);
// Append to the string if there's enough capacity. No reallocation is permitted, fails if not enough space
DQN_API Dqn_b32 Dqn_String_AppendFmtV (Dqn_String *str, char const *fmt, va_list va);
@ -1225,7 +1227,12 @@ DQN_API Dqn_b32 Dqn_String_Eq (Dqn_String const
DQN_API Dqn_b32 Dqn_String_EqInsensitive (Dqn_String const lhs, Dqn_String const rhs);
DQN_API Dqn_b32 Dqn_String_StartsWith (Dqn_String string, Dqn_String prefix, Dqn_StringEqCase eq_case = Dqn_StringEqCase::Sensitive);
DQN_API Dqn_b32 Dqn_String_StartsWithInsensitive(Dqn_String string, Dqn_String prefix);
DQN_API Dqn_b32 Dqn_String_EndsWith (Dqn_String string, Dqn_String prefix, Dqn_StringEqCase eq_case = Dqn_StringEqCase::Sensitive);
DQN_API Dqn_b32 Dqn_String_EndsWithInsensitive (Dqn_String string, Dqn_String prefix);
DQN_API Dqn_Array<Dqn_String> Dqn_String_Split (Dqn_String src, Dqn_ArenaAllocator *arena);
DQN_API Dqn_String Dqn_String_TrimPrefix (Dqn_String src, Dqn_String prefix, Dqn_StringEqCase eq_case = Dqn_StringEqCase::Sensitive);
DQN_API Dqn_String Dqn_String_TrimSuffix (Dqn_String src, Dqn_String suffix, Dqn_StringEqCase eq_case = Dqn_StringEqCase::Sensitive);
DQN_API Dqn_b32 Dqn_String_IsAllDigits (Dqn_String src);
DQN_API Dqn_u64 Dqn_String_ToU64 (Dqn_String str);
DQN_API Dqn_i64 Dqn_String_ToI64 (Dqn_String str);
@ -1704,12 +1711,12 @@ DQN_API Dqn_String Dqn_Hex_U8ArrayToString (Dqn_Array<Dqn_u8> const byte
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: Dqn_Str
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DQN_API Dqn_b32 Dqn_Str_Equals (char const *a, char const *b, Dqn_isize a_len = -1, Dqn_isize b_len = -1);
DQN_API char const *Dqn_Str_FindMulti (char const *buf, char const *find_list[], Dqn_isize const *find_string_lens, Dqn_isize find_len, Dqn_isize *match_index, Dqn_isize buf_len = -1);
DQN_API char const *Dqn_Str_Find (char const *buf, char const *find, Dqn_isize buf_len = -1, Dqn_isize find_len = -1, Dqn_b32 case_insensitive = false);
DQN_API char const *Dqn_Str_FileNameFromPath (char const *path, Dqn_isize len = -1, Dqn_isize *file_name_len = nullptr);
DQN_API Dqn_b32 Dqn_Str_Equals (char const *a, char const *b, Dqn_isize a_size = -1, Dqn_isize b_size = -1);
DQN_API char const *Dqn_Str_FindMulti (char const *buf, char const *find_list[], Dqn_isize const *find_string_sizes, Dqn_isize find_size, Dqn_isize *match_index, Dqn_isize buf_size = -1);
DQN_API char const *Dqn_Str_Find (char const *buf, char const *find, Dqn_isize buf_size = -1, Dqn_isize find_size = -1, Dqn_b32 case_insensitive = false);
DQN_API char const *Dqn_Str_FileNameFromPath (char const *path, Dqn_isize size = -1, Dqn_isize *file_name_size = nullptr);
DQN_API Dqn_isize Dqn_Str_Size (char const *a);
DQN_API Dqn_b32 Dqn_Str_Match (char const *src, char const *find, int find_len);
DQN_API Dqn_b32 Dqn_Str_Match (char const *src, char const *find, int find_size);
DQN_API char const *Dqn_Str_SkipToChar (char const *src, char ch);
DQN_API char const *Dqn_Str_SkipToNextAlphaNum (char const *src);
DQN_API char const *Dqn_Str_SkipToNextDigit (char const *src);
@ -1725,10 +1732,11 @@ DQN_API char const *Dqn_Str_SkipToNextWordInPlace (char const **src);
DQN_API char const *Dqn_Str_SkipWhitespaceInPlace (char const **src);
DQN_API char const *Dqn_Str_TrimWhitespaceAround (char const *src, Dqn_isize size, Dqn_isize *new_size);
DQN_API char const *Dqn_Str_TrimPrefix (char const *src, Dqn_isize size, char const *prefix, Dqn_isize prefix_size, Dqn_isize *trimmed_size);
DQN_API Dqn_b32 Dqn_Str_IsAllDigits (char const *src, Dqn_isize size);
// separator: The separator between the thousand-th digits, i.e. separator = ',' converts '1,234' to '1234'.
DQN_API Dqn_u64 Dqn_Str_ToU64 (char const *buf, int len = -1, char separator = ',');
DQN_API Dqn_i64 Dqn_Str_ToI64 (char const *buf, int len = -1, char separator = ',');
DQN_API Dqn_u64 Dqn_Str_ToU64 (char const *buf, int size = -1, char separator = ',');
DQN_API Dqn_i64 Dqn_Str_ToI64 (char const *buf, int size = -1, char separator = ',');
DQN_API Dqn_isize Dqn_StrW_Size (wchar_t const *a);
@ -1859,6 +1867,9 @@ DQN_API void Dqn_Win_DumpLastError(Dqn_String prefix); // Automatical
DQN_API Dqn_StringW Dqn_Win_UTF8ToWChar (Dqn_String src, Dqn_ArenaAllocator *arena);
DQN_API Dqn_String Dqn_Win_WCharToUTF8 (Dqn_StringW src, Dqn_ArenaAllocator *arena);
DQN_API Dqn_StringW Dqn_Win_GetExecutableDirectoryW(Dqn_ArenaAllocator *arena);
DQN_API Dqn_String Dqn_Win_GetExecutableDirectory (Dqn_ArenaAllocator *arena, Dqn_ArenaAllocator *tmp_arena);
// size: (Optional) The size of the current directory string returned
// suffix: (Optional) A suffix to append to the current working directory
// suffix_size: (Optional) The size of the suffix to append
@ -2897,6 +2908,9 @@ Dqn_b32 Dqn_List_Iterate(Dqn_List<T> *list, Dqn_ListIterator<T> *iterator)
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY 0x00000001
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN 0x00000002
// NOTE: GetModuleFileNameW
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Data Structures
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -3017,6 +3031,7 @@ Dqn_b32 Dqn_List_Iterate(Dqn_List<T> *list, Dqn_ListIterator<T> *iterator)
void *GetProcAddress (void *hmodule, char const *proc_name);
unsigned int GetWindowModuleFileNameA (void *hwnd, char *file_name, unsigned int file_name_max);
HMODULE GetModuleHandleA (char const *lpModuleName);
DWORD GetModuleFileNameW (HMODULE hModule, wchar_t *lpFilename, DWORD nSize);
DWORD WaitForSingleObject (HANDLE handle, DWORD milliseconds);
@ -3446,6 +3461,16 @@ DQN_API Dqn_String Dqn_String_Init(char const *string, Dqn_isize size)
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_String Dqn_String_InitCString(char const *string)
Dqn_String result = {};
result.str = DQN_CAST(char *)string;
result.size = Dqn_Str_Size(string);
result.cap = result.size;
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_String Dqn_String_InitMemory(char *buf, Dqn_isize capacity)
DQN_ASSERT(capacity > 0);
@ -3523,7 +3548,15 @@ DQN_API Dqn_String Dqn_String_TrimWhitespaceAround(Dqn_String const src)
DQN_API Dqn_b32 operator==(Dqn_String const &lhs, Dqn_String const &rhs)
Dqn_b32 result = lhs.size == rhs.size && (DQN_MEMCMP(lhs.str, rhs.str, lhs.size) == 0);
Dqn_b32 result = false;
if (lhs.size == rhs.size)
result = (lhs.str == rhs.str) || (DQN_MEMCMP(lhs.str, rhs.str, lhs.size) == 0);
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_b32 operator!=(Dqn_String const &lhs, Dqn_String const &rhs)
Dqn_b32 result = !(lhs == rhs);
return result;
@ -3595,6 +3628,25 @@ DQN_API Dqn_b32 Dqn_String_StartsWithInsensitive(Dqn_String string, Dqn_String p
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_b32 Dqn_String_EndsWith(Dqn_String string,
Dqn_String suffix,
Dqn_StringEqCase eq_case)
Dqn_b32 result = false;
if (suffix.size > string.size)
return result;
Dqn_String substring = Dqn_String{string.str + string.size - suffix.size, suffix.size, suffix.size};
result = Dqn_String_Eq(substring, suffix, eq_case);
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_b32 Dqn_String_EndsWithInsensitive(Dqn_String string, Dqn_String suffix)
Dqn_b32 result = Dqn_String_EndsWith(string, suffix, Dqn_StringEqCase::Insensitive);
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_Array<Dqn_String> Dqn_String_Split(Dqn_String src, Dqn_ArenaAllocator *arena)
enum StringSplitStage
@ -3644,6 +3696,41 @@ DQN_API Dqn_Array<Dqn_String> Dqn_String_Split(Dqn_String src, Dqn_ArenaAllocato
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_String Dqn_String_TrimPrefix(Dqn_String str, Dqn_String prefix, Dqn_StringEqCase eq_case)
Dqn_String result = str;
if (Dqn_String_StartsWith(str, prefix, eq_case))
result.str += prefix.size;
result.size -= prefix.size;
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_String Dqn_String_TrimSuffix(Dqn_String str, Dqn_String suffix, Dqn_StringEqCase eq_case)
Dqn_String result = str;
if (Dqn_String_EndsWith(str, suffix, eq_case))
result.size -= suffix.size;
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_b32 Dqn_String_IsAllDigits(Dqn_String src)
if (!src.str)
return false;
for (Dqn_isize ch_index = 0; ch_index < src.size; ch_index++)
if (!(src.str[ch_index] >= '0' && src.str[ch_index] <= '9'))
return false;
Dqn_b32 result = src.str && src.size;
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_u64 Dqn_String_ToU64(Dqn_String str)
Dqn_u64 result = Dqn_Str_ToU64(str.str, DQN_CAST(int)str.size);
@ -3712,6 +3799,7 @@ DQN_API Dqn_String Dqn_StringList_Build(Dqn_StringList const *list, Dqn_ArenaAll
DQN_MEMCOPY(result.str + result.size, node->string.str, node->string.size);
result.size += node->string.size;
result.str[result.size] = 0;
return result;
@ -4793,31 +4881,31 @@ DQN_API Dqn_String Dqn_Hex_U8ArrayToString(Dqn_Array<Dqn_u8> const bytes, Dqn_Ar
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: Dqn_Str
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DQN_API Dqn_b32 Dqn_Str_Equals(char const *a, char const *b, Dqn_isize a_len, Dqn_isize b_len)
DQN_API Dqn_b32 Dqn_Str_Equals(char const *a, char const *b, Dqn_isize a_size, Dqn_isize b_size)
if (a_len == -1) a_len = DQN_CAST(Dqn_isize)Dqn_Str_Size(a);
if (b_len == -1) b_len = DQN_CAST(Dqn_isize)Dqn_Str_Size(b);
if (a_len != b_len) return false;
return (DQN_MEMCMP(a, b, DQN_CAST(size_t)a_len) == 0);
if (a_size == -1) a_size = DQN_CAST(Dqn_isize)Dqn_Str_Size(a);
if (b_size == -1) b_size = DQN_CAST(Dqn_isize)Dqn_Str_Size(b);
if (a_size != b_size) return false;
return (DQN_MEMCMP(a, b, DQN_CAST(size_t)a_size) == 0);
DQN_API char const *Dqn_Str_FindMulti(char const *buf, char const *find_list[], Dqn_isize const *find_string_lens, Dqn_isize find_len, Dqn_isize *match_index, Dqn_isize buf_len)
DQN_API char const *Dqn_Str_FindMulti(char const *buf, char const *find_list[], Dqn_isize const *find_string_sizes, Dqn_isize find_size, Dqn_isize *match_index, Dqn_isize buf_size)
char const *result = nullptr;
if (find_len == 0) return result;
if (buf_len < 0) buf_len = DQN_CAST(Dqn_isize)Dqn_Str_Size(buf);
if (find_size == 0) return result;
if (buf_size < 0) buf_size = DQN_CAST(Dqn_isize)Dqn_Str_Size(buf);
char const *buf_end = buf + buf_len;
char const *buf_end = buf + buf_size;
for (; buf != buf_end; ++buf)
Dqn_isize remaining = static_cast<Dqn_isize>(buf_end - buf);
DQN_FOR_EACH(find_index, find_len)
DQN_FOR_EACH(find_index, find_size)
char const *find = find_list[find_index];
Dqn_isize find_str_len = find_string_lens[find_index];
if (remaining < find_str_len) continue;
Dqn_isize find_str_size = find_string_sizes[find_index];
if (remaining < find_str_size) continue;
if (strncmp(buf, find, DQN_CAST(size_t)find_str_len) == 0)
if (strncmp(buf, find, DQN_CAST(size_t)find_str_size) == 0)
result = buf;
*match_index = find_index;
@ -4829,21 +4917,21 @@ DQN_API char const *Dqn_Str_FindMulti(char const *buf, char const *find_list[],
return result;
DQN_API char const *Dqn_Str_Find(char const *buf, char const *find, Dqn_isize buf_len, Dqn_isize find_len, Dqn_b32 case_insensitive)
DQN_API char const *Dqn_Str_Find(char const *buf, char const *find, Dqn_isize buf_size, Dqn_isize find_size, Dqn_b32 case_insensitive)
if (find_len == 0) return nullptr;
if (buf_len < 0) buf_len = DQN_CAST(Dqn_isize)Dqn_Str_Size(buf);
if (find_len < 0) find_len = DQN_CAST(Dqn_isize)Dqn_Str_Size(find);
if (find_size == 0) return nullptr;
if (buf_size < 0) buf_size = DQN_CAST(Dqn_isize)Dqn_Str_Size(buf);
if (find_size < 0) find_size = DQN_CAST(Dqn_isize)Dqn_Str_Size(find);
char const *buf_end = buf + buf_len;
char const *buf_end = buf + buf_size;
char const *result = nullptr;
for (; buf != buf_end; ++buf)
Dqn_isize remaining = static_cast<Dqn_isize>(buf_end - buf);
if (remaining < find_len) break;
if (remaining < find_size) break;
Dqn_b32 matched = true;
for (Dqn_isize index = 0; index < find_len; index++)
for (Dqn_isize index = 0; index < find_size; index++)
char lhs = buf[index];
char rhs = find[index];
@ -4870,24 +4958,22 @@ DQN_API char const *Dqn_Str_Find(char const *buf, char const *find, Dqn_isize bu
return result;
DQN_API char const *Dqn_Str_FileNameFromPath(char const *path, Dqn_isize len, Dqn_isize *file_name_len)
DQN_API char const *Dqn_Str_FileNameFromPath(char const *path, Dqn_isize size, Dqn_isize *file_name_size)
char const *result = path;
Dqn_isize result_len = len == -1 ? Dqn_Str_Size(path) : len;
for (Dqn_isize i = (result_len - 1); i >= 0; --i)
char const *result = path;
Dqn_isize result_size = size <= -1 ? Dqn_Str_Size(path) : size;
for (Dqn_isize i = (result_size - 1); i >= 0; --i)
if (result[i] == '\\' || result[i] == '/')
char const *file_end = result + result_len;
char const *file_end = result + result_size;
result = result + (i + 1);
result_len = DQN_CAST(Dqn_isize)(file_end - result);
result_size = DQN_CAST(Dqn_isize)(file_end - result);
if (file_name_len)
*file_name_len = result_len;
if (file_name_size) *file_name_size = result_size;
return result;
@ -4903,10 +4989,10 @@ DQN_API Dqn_isize Dqn_Str_Size(char const *src)
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_b32 Dqn_Str_Match(char const *src, char const *find, int find_len)
DQN_API Dqn_b32 Dqn_Str_Match(char const *src, char const *find, int find_size)
if (find_len == -1) find_len = Dqn_Safe_TruncateUSizeToInt(Dqn_Str_Size(find));
auto result = DQN_CAST(Dqn_b32)(strncmp(src, find, DQN_CAST(size_t)find_len) == 0);
if (find_size == -1) find_size = Dqn_Safe_TruncateUSizeToInt(Dqn_Str_Size(find));
Dqn_b32 result = (DQN_MEMCMP(src, find, DQN_CAST(size_t)find_size) == 0);
return result;
@ -5014,40 +5100,44 @@ DQN_API char const *Dqn_Str_TrimWhitespaceAround(char const *src, Dqn_isize size
DQN_API char const *Dqn_Str_TrimPrefix(char const *src, Dqn_isize size, char const *prefix, Dqn_isize prefix_size, Dqn_isize *trimmed_size)
if (size <= -1) size = Dqn_Str_Size(src);
if (prefix_size <= -1) prefix_size = Dqn_Str_Size(prefix);
char const *result = src;
if (size >= prefix_size)
Dqn_b32 prefix_matched = true;
for (Dqn_isize prefix_index = 0;
prefix_index < prefix_size && prefix_matched;
char prefix_ch = prefix[prefix_index];
char src_ch = src[prefix_index];
prefix_matched = src_ch == prefix_ch;
if (prefix_size > size)
return result;
if (prefix_matched)
result += prefix_size;
*trimmed_size = size - prefix_size;
if (DQN_MEMCMP(src, prefix, prefix_size) == 0)
result += prefix_size;
if (trimmed_size) *trimmed_size = size - prefix_size;
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_b32 Dqn_Str_IsAllDigits(char const *src, Dqn_isize size)
if (!src) return false;
if (size <= -1) size = Dqn_Str_Size(src);
for (Dqn_isize ch_index = 0; ch_index < size; ch_index++)
if (!(src[ch_index] >= '0' && src[ch_index] <= '9'))
return false;
Dqn_b32 result = src && size > 0;
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_u64 Dqn_Str_ToU64(char const *buf, int len, char separator)
DQN_API Dqn_u64 Dqn_Str_ToU64(char const *buf, int size, char separator)
Dqn_u64 result = 0;
if (!buf) return result;
if (len == -1) len = Dqn_Safe_TruncateUSizeToInt(Dqn_Str_Size(buf));
if (len == 0) return result;
if (size == -1) size = Dqn_Safe_TruncateUSizeToInt(Dqn_Str_Size(buf));
if (size == 0) return result;
char const *buf_ptr = Dqn_Str_SkipWhitespace(buf);
len -= static_cast<int>(buf_ptr - buf);
for (int buf_index = 0; buf_index < len; ++buf_index)
size -= DQN_CAST(int)(buf_ptr - buf);
for (int buf_index = 0; buf_index < size; ++buf_index)
char ch = buf_ptr[buf_index];
if (buf_index && ch == separator)
@ -5065,24 +5155,24 @@ DQN_API Dqn_u64 Dqn_Str_ToU64(char const *buf, int len, char separator)
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_i64 Dqn_Str_ToI64(char const *buf, int len, char separator)
DQN_API Dqn_i64 Dqn_Str_ToI64(char const *buf, int size, char separator)
Dqn_i64 result = 0;
if (!buf) return result;
if (len == -1) len = Dqn_Safe_TruncateUSizeToInt(Dqn_Str_Size(buf));
if (len == 0) return result;
if (size == -1) size = Dqn_Safe_TruncateUSizeToInt(Dqn_Str_Size(buf));
if (size == 0) return result;
char const *buf_ptr = Dqn_Str_SkipWhitespace(buf);
len -= static_cast<int>(buf_ptr - buf);
size -= static_cast<int>(buf_ptr - buf);
Dqn_b32 negative = (buf[0] == '-');
if (negative)
for (int buf_index = 0; buf_index < len; ++buf_index)
for (int buf_index = 0; buf_index < size; ++buf_index)
char ch = buf_ptr[buf_index];
if (buf_index && ch == separator) continue;
@ -5690,6 +5780,47 @@ DQN_API Dqn_String Dqn_Win_WCharToUTF8(Dqn_StringW src, Dqn_ArenaAllocator *aren
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_StringW Dqn_Win_GetExecutableDirectoryW(Dqn_ArenaAllocator *arena)
// NOTE: Max size from MSDN, using \\? syntax, but the ? bit can be expanded
// even more so the max size is kind of not well defined.
wchar_t buffer[32767 + 128 /*fudge*/];
int file_path_size = GetModuleFileNameW(nullptr /*module*/, buffer, Dqn_ArrayCountI(buffer));
int directory_size = file_path_size;
for (int index = directory_size - 1; index >= 0; index--, directory_size--)
if (buffer[index] == '\\')
Dqn_StringW result = {};
if (directory_size != 0)
auto *str = Dqn_ArenaAllocator_NewArray(arena, wchar_t, directory_size + 1, Dqn_ZeroMem::No);
if (str)
DQN_MEMCOPY(str, buffer, sizeof(wchar_t) * directory_size);
str[directory_size] = 0;
result = Dqn_StringW{str, directory_size, directory_size};
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_String Dqn_Win_GetExecutableDirectory(Dqn_ArenaAllocator *arena, Dqn_ArenaAllocator *tmp_arena)
Dqn_ArenaAllocatorAutoRegion tmp_mem_region = Dqn_ArenaAllocator_AutoRegion(tmp_arena);
Dqn_StringW exe_dir_w = Dqn_Win_GetExecutableDirectoryW(tmp_arena);
Dqn_String result = Dqn_Win_WCharToUTF8(exe_dir_w, arena);
return result;
DQN_API Dqn_String Dqn_Win_CurrentDir(Dqn_ArenaAllocator *arena, Dqn_ArenaAllocator *tmp_arena, Dqn_String suffix)
Dqn_StringW w_suffix = Dqn_Win_UTF8ToWChar(suffix, tmp_arena);
@ -900,147 +900,224 @@ void Dqn_Test_PerfCounter()
void Dqn_Test_Str()
Dqn_TestingState testing_state = {};
DQN_TEST_DECLARE_GROUP_SCOPED(testing_state, "Dqn_Str");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: Dqn_Str_ToI64
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DQN_TEST_DECLARE_GROUP_SCOPED(testing_state, "Dqn_Str_ToI64");
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Convert nullptr");
Dqn_i64 result = Dqn_Str_ToI64(nullptr);
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result == 0);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "To I64: Convert nullptr");
Dqn_i64 result = Dqn_Str_ToI64(nullptr);
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result == 0);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Convert empty string");
Dqn_i64 result = Dqn_Str_ToI64("");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result == 0);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "To I64: Convert empty string");
Dqn_i64 result = Dqn_Str_ToI64("");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result == 0);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Convert \"1\"");
Dqn_i64 result = Dqn_Str_ToI64("1");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result == 1);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "To I64: Convert \"1\"");
Dqn_i64 result = Dqn_Str_ToI64("1");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result == 1);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Convert \"-0\"");
Dqn_i64 result = Dqn_Str_ToI64("-0");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result == 0);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "To I64: Convert \"-0\"");
Dqn_i64 result = Dqn_Str_ToI64("-0");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result == 0);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Convert \"-1\"");
Dqn_i64 result = Dqn_Str_ToI64("-1");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result == -1);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "To I64: Convert \"-1\"");
Dqn_i64 result = Dqn_Str_ToI64("-1");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result == -1);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Convert \"1.2\"");
Dqn_i64 result = Dqn_Str_ToI64("1.2");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result == 1);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "To I64: Convert \"1.2\"");
Dqn_i64 result = Dqn_Str_ToI64("1.2");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result == 1);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Convert \"1,234\"");
Dqn_i64 result = Dqn_Str_ToI64("1,234");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result == 1234);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "To I64: Convert \"1,234\"");
Dqn_i64 result = Dqn_Str_ToI64("1,234");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result == 1234);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Convert \"1,2\"");
Dqn_i64 result = Dqn_Str_ToI64("1,2");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result == 12);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "To I64: Convert \"1,2\"");
Dqn_i64 result = Dqn_Str_ToI64("1,2");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result == 12);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Convert \"12a3\"");
Dqn_i64 result = Dqn_Str_ToI64("12a3");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result == 12);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "To I64: Convert \"12a3\"");
Dqn_i64 result = Dqn_Str_ToI64("12a3");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result == 12);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: Dqn_Str_ToU64
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DQN_TEST_DECLARE_GROUP_SCOPED(testing_state, "Dqn_Str_ToU64");
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Convert nullptr");
Dqn_u64 result = Dqn_Str_ToU64(nullptr);
DQN_TEST_EXPECT_MSG(testing_state, result == 0, "result: %zu", result);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "To U64: Convert nullptr");
Dqn_u64 result = Dqn_Str_ToU64(nullptr);
DQN_TEST_EXPECT_MSG(testing_state, result == 0, "result: %zu", result);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Convert empty string");
Dqn_u64 result = Dqn_Str_ToU64("");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT_MSG(testing_state, result == 0, "result: %zu", result);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "To U64: Convert empty string");
Dqn_u64 result = Dqn_Str_ToU64("");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT_MSG(testing_state, result == 0, "result: %zu", result);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Convert \"1\"");
Dqn_u64 result = Dqn_Str_ToU64("1");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT_MSG(testing_state, result == 1, "result: %zu", result);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "To U64: Convert \"1\"");
Dqn_u64 result = Dqn_Str_ToU64("1");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT_MSG(testing_state, result == 1, "result: %zu", result);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Convert \"-0\"");
Dqn_u64 result = Dqn_Str_ToU64("-0");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT_MSG(testing_state, result == 0, "result: %zu", result);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "To U64: Convert \"-0\"");
Dqn_u64 result = Dqn_Str_ToU64("-0");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT_MSG(testing_state, result == 0, "result: %zu", result);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Convert \"-1\"");
Dqn_u64 result = Dqn_Str_ToU64("-1");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT_MSG(testing_state, result == 0, "result: %zu", result);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "To U64: Convert \"-1\"");
Dqn_u64 result = Dqn_Str_ToU64("-1");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT_MSG(testing_state, result == 0, "result: %zu", result);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Convert \"1.2\"");
Dqn_u64 result = Dqn_Str_ToU64("1.2");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT_MSG(testing_state, result == 1, "result: %zu", result);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "To U64: Convert \"1.2\"");
Dqn_u64 result = Dqn_Str_ToU64("1.2");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT_MSG(testing_state, result == 1, "result: %zu", result);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Convert \"1,234\"");
Dqn_u64 result = Dqn_Str_ToU64("1,234");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT_MSG(testing_state, result == 1234, "result: %zu", result);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "To U64: Convert \"1,234\"");
Dqn_u64 result = Dqn_Str_ToU64("1,234");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT_MSG(testing_state, result == 1234, "result: %zu", result);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Convert \"1,2\"");
Dqn_u64 result = Dqn_Str_ToU64("1,2");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT_MSG(testing_state, result == 12, "result: %zu", result);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "To U64: Convert \"1,2\"");
Dqn_u64 result = Dqn_Str_ToU64("1,2");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT_MSG(testing_state, result == 12, "result: %zu", result);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Convert \"12a3\"");
Dqn_u64 result = Dqn_Str_ToU64("12a3");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT_MSG(testing_state, result == 12, "result: %zu", result);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "To U64: Convert \"12a3\"");
Dqn_u64 result = Dqn_Str_ToU64("12a3");
DQN_TEST_EXPECT_MSG(testing_state, result == 12, "result: %zu", result);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: Dqn_Str_Find
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DQN_TEST_DECLARE_GROUP_SCOPED(testing_state, "Dqn_Str_Find");
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "String (char) is not in buffer");
char const buf[] = "836a35becd4e74b66a0d6844d51f1a63018c7ebc44cf7e109e8e4bba57eefb55";
char const find[] = "2";
char const *result = Dqn_Str_Find(buf, find, Dqn_CharCountI(buf), Dqn_CharCountI(find));
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result == nullptr);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Find: String (char) is not in buffer");
char const buf[] = "836a35becd4e74b66a0d6844d51f1a63018c7ebc44cf7e109e8e4bba57eefb55";
char const find[] = "2";
char const *result = Dqn_Str_Find(buf, find, Dqn_CharCountI(buf), Dqn_CharCountI(find));
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result == nullptr);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "String (char) is in buffer");
char const buf[] = "836a35becd4e74b66a0d6844d51f1a63018c7ebc44cf7e109e8e4bba57eefb55";
char const find[] = "6";
char const *result = Dqn_Str_Find(buf, find, Dqn_CharCountI(buf), Dqn_CharCountI(find));
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result != nullptr);
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result[0] == '6' && result[1] == 'a');
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Find: String (char) is in buffer");
char const buf[] = "836a35becd4e74b66a0d6844d51f1a63018c7ebc44cf7e109e8e4bba57eefb55";
char const find[] = "6";
char const *result = Dqn_Str_Find(buf, find, Dqn_CharCountI(buf), Dqn_CharCountI(find));
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result != nullptr);
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result[0] == '6' && result[1] == 'a');
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: Dqn_Str_FileNameFromPath
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "File name from Windows path");
Dqn_isize file_name_size = 0;
char const buf[] = "C:\\ABC\\test.exe";
char const *result = Dqn_Str_FileNameFromPath(buf, Dqn_CharCountI(buf), &file_name_size);
DQN_TEST_EXPECT_MSG(testing_state, file_name_size == 8, "size: %I64d", file_name_size);
DQN_TEST_EXPECT_MSG(testing_state, Dqn_String_Init(result, file_name_size) == DQN_STRING("test.exe"), "%.*s", file_name_size, result);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "File name from Linux path");
Dqn_isize file_name_size = 0;
char const buf[] = "/ABC/test.exe";
char const *result = Dqn_Str_FileNameFromPath(buf, Dqn_CharCountI(buf), &file_name_size);
DQN_TEST_EXPECT_MSG(testing_state, file_name_size == 8, "size: %I64d", file_name_size);
DQN_TEST_EXPECT_MSG(testing_state, Dqn_String_Init(result, file_name_size) == DQN_STRING("test.exe"), "%.*s", file_name_size, result);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: Dqn_Str_TrimPrefix
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Trim prefix");
char const prefix[] = "@123";
char const buf[] = "@123string";
Dqn_isize trimmed_size = 0;
char const *result = Dqn_Str_TrimPrefix(buf, Dqn_CharCountI(buf), prefix, Dqn_CharCountI(prefix), &trimmed_size);
DQN_TEST_EXPECT_MSG(testing_state, trimmed_size == 6, "size: %I64d", trimmed_size);
DQN_TEST_EXPECT_MSG(testing_state, Dqn_String_Init(result, trimmed_size) == DQN_STRING("string"), "%.*s", trimmed_size, result);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Trim prefix, nullptr trimmed size");
char const prefix[] = "@123";
char const buf[] = "@123string";
char const *result = Dqn_Str_TrimPrefix(buf, Dqn_CharCountI(buf), prefix, Dqn_CharCountI(prefix), nullptr);
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: Dqn_Str_IsAllDigits
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Is all digits fails on non-digit string");
char const buf[] = "@123string";
Dqn_b32 result = Dqn_Str_IsAllDigits(buf, Dqn_CharCountI(buf));
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result == false);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Is all digits fails on nullptr");
Dqn_b32 result = Dqn_Str_IsAllDigits(nullptr, 0);
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result == false);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Is all digits fails on nullptr w/ size");
Dqn_b32 result = Dqn_Str_IsAllDigits(nullptr, 1);
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result == false);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Is all digits fails on 0 size w/ string");
char const buf[] = "@123string";
Dqn_b32 result = Dqn_Str_IsAllDigits(buf, 0);
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result == false);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Is all digits success");
char const buf[] = "23";
Dqn_b32 result = Dqn_Str_IsAllDigits(buf, Dqn_CharCountI(buf));
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, DQN_CAST(bool)result == true);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Is all digits fails on whitespace");
char const buf[] = "23 ";
Dqn_b32 result = Dqn_Str_IsAllDigits(buf, Dqn_CharCountI(buf));
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, DQN_CAST(bool)result == false);
@ -1113,6 +1190,78 @@ void Dqn_Test_String()
DQN_TEST_EXPECT_MSG(testing_state, string.str[1] == 'B', "string[1]: %c", string.str[1]);
DQN_TEST_EXPECT_MSG(testing_state, string.str[2] == 0, "string[2]: %c", string.str[2]);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: Dqn_Str_Trim[Prefix/Suffix]
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Trim prefix with matching prefix");
Dqn_String input = DQN_STRING("nft/abc");
Dqn_String result = Dqn_String_TrimPrefix(input, DQN_STRING("nft/"));
DQN_TEST_EXPECT_MSG(testing_state, result == DQN_STRING("abc"), "%.*s", DQN_STRING_FMT(result));
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Trim prefix with non matching prefix");
Dqn_String input = DQN_STRING("nft/abc");
Dqn_String result = Dqn_String_TrimPrefix(input, DQN_STRING(" ft/"));
DQN_TEST_EXPECT_MSG(testing_state, result == input, "%.*s", DQN_STRING_FMT(result));
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Trim suffix with matching suffix");
Dqn_String input = DQN_STRING("nft/abc");
Dqn_String result = Dqn_String_TrimSuffix(input, DQN_STRING("abc"));
DQN_TEST_EXPECT_MSG(testing_state, result == DQN_STRING("nft/"), "%.*s", DQN_STRING_FMT(result));
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Trim suffix with non matching suffix");
Dqn_String input = DQN_STRING("nft/abc");
Dqn_String result = Dqn_String_TrimSuffix(input, DQN_STRING("ab"));
DQN_TEST_EXPECT_MSG(testing_state, result == input, "%.*s", DQN_STRING_FMT(result));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: Dqn_String_IsAllDigits
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Is all digits fails on non-digit string");
Dqn_b32 result = Dqn_String_IsAllDigits(DQN_STRING("@123string"));
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result == false);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Is all digits fails on nullptr");
Dqn_b32 result = Dqn_String_IsAllDigits(Dqn_String_Init(nullptr, 0));
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result == false);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Is all digits fails on nullptr w/ size");
Dqn_b32 result = Dqn_String_IsAllDigits(Dqn_String_Init(nullptr, 1));
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result == false);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Is all digits fails on string w/ 0 size");
char const buf[] = "@123string";
Dqn_b32 result = Dqn_String_IsAllDigits(Dqn_String_Init(buf, 0));
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, result == false);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Is all digits success");
Dqn_b32 result = Dqn_String_IsAllDigits(DQN_STRING("23"));
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, DQN_CAST(bool)result == true);
DQN_TEST_START_SCOPE(testing_state, "Is all digits fails on whitespace");
Dqn_b32 result = Dqn_String_IsAllDigits(DQN_STRING("23 "));
DQN_TEST_EXPECT(testing_state, DQN_CAST(bool)result == false);
void Dqn_Test_StringBuilder()
Reference in New Issue
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