
59 lines
2.7 KiB
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@echo OFF
2023-08-26 17:27:37 +10:00
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set script_dir_backslash=%~dp0
set script_dir=%script_dir_backslash:~0,-1%
2021-08-09 09:03:15 +10:00
if not exist Build mkdir Build
pushd Build
2023-08-25 23:49:03 +10:00
REM Flags ======================================================================================
2023-08-26 17:27:37 +10:00
REM EHa- Disable exception handling
REM GR- Disable C RTTI
REM O2 Optimisation Level 2
REM Oi Use CPU Intrinsics
REM Z7 Combine multi-debug files to one debug file
2025-02-14 00:27:42 +11:00
set common_flags=-D DN_UNIT_TESTS_WITH_KECCAK -D DN_USE_STD_PRINTF %script_dir%\dqn_unit_tests_main.cpp
2023-08-26 17:27:37 +10:00
2023-08-30 00:14:31 +10:00
set msvc_driver_flags=%common_flags% -MT -EHa -GR- -Od -Oi -Z7 -wd4201 -W4 -nologo
REM Optionally pass `-analyze` to `msvc_compile_flags` for more checks, but,
REM it slows down compilation by around 5s on my old laptop.
set msvc_compile_flags=%msvc_driver_flags% -analyze -fsanitize=address /Fe:dqn_unit_tests_msvc
2023-08-26 17:27:37 +10:00
set clang_compile_flags=%msvc_driver_flags% -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined /Fe:dqn_unit_tests_clang
set zig_compile_flags=%common_flags% -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined -o dqn_unit_tests_zig
set msvc_link_flags=-link
set clang_link_flags=%msvc_link_flags%
2023-08-26 17:27:37 +10:00
REM msvc =======================================================================================
2023-08-26 17:34:02 +10:00
set has_msvc=1
where /q cl || set has_msvc=0
if %has_msvc% == 1 (
echo [BUILD] MSVC's cl detected, compiling ...
set msvc_cmd=cl %msvc_compile_flags% %msvc_link_flags%
powershell -Command "$time = Measure-Command { !msvc_cmd! | Out-Default }; Write-Host '[BUILD] msvc:'$time.TotalSeconds's'; exit $LASTEXITCODE" || exit /b 1
2023-08-26 17:27:37 +10:00
REM REM clang-cl ===================================================================================
2023-08-31 22:10:47 +10:00
set has_clang_cl=1
where /q clang-cl || set has_clang_cl=0
if %has_clang_cl% == 1 (
echo [BUILD] clang-cl detected, compiling ...
set clang_cmd=clang-cl %clang_compile_flags% %clang_link_flags%
powershell -Command "$time = Measure-Command { !clang_cmd! | Out-Default }; Write-Host '[BUILD] clang-cl:'$time.TotalSeconds's'; exit $LASTEXITCODE" || exit /b 1
2023-08-26 00:00:44 +10:00
2023-08-26 17:27:37 +10:00
REM zig ========================================================================================
REM TODO(doyle):Can't build "Misc\dqn_unit_tests.cpp|1 col 1| error: unable to build C object: FileNotFound"
REM set has_zig=1
REM where /q zig || set has_zig=0
REM if %has_zig% == 1 (
REM echo [BUILD] zig detected, compiling ...
REM set zig_cmd=zig c++ %zig_compile_flags%
REM powershell -Command "$time = Measure-Command { !zig_cmd! | Out-Default }; Write-Host '[BUILD] zig:'$time.TotalSeconds's'; exit $LASTEXITCODE" || exit /b 1
2023-08-27 18:07:13 +10:00
exit /b 1