Doyle Thai fd94eb5afd Mobs battle with hero, engine architect. changes
Mobs battle in real-time with the hero when in range. Start encapsulating
logic into entityStateSwitch() to organise entity properties changing
between different states.

Introduce basic concept of memory management in MemoryArena. Begin passing
around a memory object to track memory usage and eventually delegate
memory allocations through. Remove the old memory tracker in the debug
object and incorporate into engine primarily.

Add a debug console for logging information and events to the screen in
a console-like fashion. Debug is now initialised after the game, this is
so that you can pass the game's memory arena and font file to the debug
services. Debug services now properly initialise debug element positions
from this information and not through the update routine.
2016-07-19 21:19:26 +10:00

438 lines
13 KiB

#include <STB/stb_image.h>
#include <STB/stb_truetype.h>
#include "Dengine/Platform.h"
#include "Dengine/AssetManager.h"
#include "Dengine/Debug.h"
#include <STB/stb_image_write.h>
Texture *asset_getTexture(AssetManager *assetManager, const enum TexList type)
if (type < texlist_count)
return &assetManager->textures[type];
return NULL;
TexAtlas *asset_getTextureAtlas(AssetManager *assetManager, const enum TexList type)
if (type < texlist_count)
return &assetManager->texAtlas[type];
return NULL;
Animation *asset_getAnim(AssetManager *assetManager, i32 type)
if (type < animlist_count)
return &assetManager->anims[type];
return NULL;
const i32 asset_loadTextureImage(AssetManager *assetManager,
const char *const path, const enum TexList type)
/* Open the texture image */
i32 imgWidth, imgHeight, bytesPerPixel;
u8 *image =
stbi_load(path, &imgWidth, &imgHeight, &bytesPerPixel, 0);
if (imgWidth != imgHeight)
"worldTraveller_gameInit() warning: Sprite sheet is not square: "
"%dx%dpx\n", imgWidth, imgHeight);
if (!image)
printf("stdbi_load() failed: %s\n", stbi_failure_reason());
return -1;
Texture tex = texture_gen(CAST(GLuint)(imgWidth), CAST(GLuint)(imgHeight),
CAST(GLint)(bytesPerPixel), image);
assetManager->textures[type] = tex;
return 0;
Shader *asset_getShader(AssetManager *assetManager, const enum ShaderList type)
if (type < shaderlist_count)
return &assetManager->shaders[type];
return NULL;
INTERNAL GLuint createShaderFromPath(MemoryArena *arena, const char *const path, GLuint shadertype)
PlatformFileRead file = {0};
i32 status = platform_readFileToBuffer(arena, path, &file);
if (status)
return status;
const GLchar *source = CAST(char *)file.buffer;
GLuint result = glCreateShader(shadertype);
glShaderSource(result, 1, &source, NULL);
GLint success;
GLchar infoLog[512];
glGetShaderiv(result, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &success);
if (!success)
glGetShaderInfoLog(result, 512, NULL, infoLog);
printf("glCompileShader() failed: %s\n", infoLog);
platform_closeFileRead(arena, &file);
return result;
INTERNAL i32 shaderLoadProgram(Shader *const shader, const GLuint vertexShader,
const GLuint fragmentShader)
shader->id = glCreateProgram();
glAttachShader(shader->id, vertexShader);
glAttachShader(shader->id, fragmentShader);
GLint success;
GLchar infoLog[512];
glGetProgramiv(shader->id, GL_LINK_STATUS, &success);
if (!success)
glGetProgramInfoLog(shader->id, 512, NULL, infoLog);
printf("glLinkProgram failed: %s\n", infoLog);
return -1;
return 0;
const i32 asset_loadShaderFiles(AssetManager *assetManager, MemoryArena *arena,
const char *const vertexPath,
const char *const fragmentPath,
const enum ShaderList type)
GLuint vertexShader = createShaderFromPath(arena, vertexPath, GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
GLuint fragmentShader =
createShaderFromPath(arena, fragmentPath, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
Shader shader;
i32 result = shaderLoadProgram(&shader, vertexShader, fragmentShader);
if (result)
return result;
assetManager->shaders[type] = shader;
return 0;
/* Individual glyph bitmap generated from STB used for creating a font sheet */
typedef struct GlyphBitmap
v2 dimensions;
u32 *pixels;
i32 codepoint;
} GlyphBitmap;
const i32 asset_loadTTFont(AssetManager *assetManager, MemoryArena *arena,
const char *filePath)
PlatformFileRead fontFileRead = {0};
platform_readFileToBuffer(arena, filePath, &fontFileRead);
stbtt_fontinfo fontInfo = {0};
stbtt_InitFont(&fontInfo, fontFileRead.buffer,
stbtt_GetFontOffsetForIndex(fontFileRead.buffer, 0));
/* Initialise Assetmanager Font */
Font *font = &assetManager->font;
font->codepointRange = V2i(32, 127);
v2 codepointRange = font->codepointRange;
const i32 numGlyphs = CAST(i32)(codepointRange.y - codepointRange.x);
GlyphBitmap *glyphBitmaps =
PLATFORM_MEM_ALLOC(arena, numGlyphs, GlyphBitmap);
v2 largestGlyphDimension = V2(0, 0);
const f32 targetFontHeight = 15.0f;
f32 scaleY = stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(&fontInfo, targetFontHeight);
i32 ascent, descent, lineGap;
stbtt_GetFontVMetrics(&fontInfo, &ascent, &descent, &lineGap);
ascent = CAST(i32)(ascent * scaleY);
descent = CAST(i32)(descent * scaleY);
lineGap = CAST(i32)(lineGap * scaleY);
font->metrics = CAST(FontMetrics){ascent, descent, lineGap};
font->charMetrics = PLATFORM_MEM_ALLOC(arena, numGlyphs, CharMetrics);
/* Use STB_TrueType to generate a series of bitmap characters */
i32 glyphIndex = 0;
for (i32 codepoint = CAST(i32) codepointRange.x;
codepoint < CAST(i32) codepointRange.y; codepoint++)
// NOTE(doyle): ScaleX if not specified, is then calculated based on the
// ScaleY component
i32 width, height, xOffset, yOffset;
u8 *const monoBitmap =
stbtt_GetCodepointBitmap(&fontInfo, 0, scaleY, codepoint, &width,
&height, &xOffset, &yOffset);
u8 *source = monoBitmap;
u32 *colorBitmap = PLATFORM_MEM_ALLOC(arena, width * height, u32);
u32 *dest = colorBitmap;
// NOTE(doyle): STB generates 1 byte per pixel bitmaps, we use 4bpp, so
// duplicate the alpha byte (essentially) for all RGBA components
for (i32 y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (i32 x = 0; x < width; x++)
u8 monoByte = *source++;
*dest++ = (monoByte << 24) | (monoByte << 16) |
(monoByte << 8) | (monoByte << 0);
/* Get individual character metrics */
i32 advance, leftSideBearing;
stbtt_GetCodepointHMetrics(&fontInfo, codepoint, &advance,
advance = CAST(i32)(advance * scaleY);
leftSideBearing = CAST(i32)(leftSideBearing * scaleY);
font->charMetrics[glyphIndex] =
CAST(CharMetrics){advance, leftSideBearing, NULL,
V2i(xOffset, yOffset), V2i(width, height)};
/* Store bitmap into intermediate storage */
stbtt_FreeBitmap(monoBitmap, NULL);
// TODO(doyle): Dimensions is used twice in font->trueSize and this
glyphBitmaps[glyphIndex].dimensions = V2i(width, height);
glyphBitmaps[glyphIndex].codepoint = codepoint;
glyphBitmaps[glyphIndex++].pixels = colorBitmap;
if (height > CAST(f32)largestGlyphDimension.h)
largestGlyphDimension.h = CAST(f32)height;
if (width > CAST(f32)largestGlyphDimension.w)
largestGlyphDimension.w = CAST(f32)width;
if ((largestGlyphDimension.h - CAST(i32)targetFontHeight) >= 50)
"asset_loadTTFont() warning: The loaded font file has a glyph "
"considerably larger than our target .. font packing is "
* NOTE(doyle): Use rasterised TTF bitmap-characters combine them all into
* one bitmap as an atlas. We determine how many glyphs we can fit per row
* by determining the largest glyph size we have.
* For the amount of glyphs we fit per row, we iterate through them and
* write each row of the glyph adjacent to the next until we finish writing
* all pixels for the glyphs, then move onto the next set of glyphs.
font->maxSize = largestGlyphDimension;
i32 glyphsPerRow = (MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE / CAST(i32)font->maxSize.w);
i32 glyphsPerCol = MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE / CAST(i32)font->maxSize.h;
if ((glyphsPerRow * glyphsPerCol) <= numGlyphs)
"asset_loadTTFont() warning: The target font height creates a "
"glyph sheet that exceeds the available space!");
u32 *fontBitmap = PLATFORM_MEM_ALLOC(arena, bitmapSize, u32);
// Check value to determine when a row of glyphs is completely printed
i32 verticalPixelsBlitted = 0;
i32 startingGlyphIndex = 0;
i32 glyphsRemaining = numGlyphs;
i32 glyphsOnCurrRow =
(glyphsPerRow < glyphsRemaining) ? glyphsPerRow : glyphsRemaining;
// TODO(doyle): We copy over the bitmap direct to the font sheet, should we
// align the baselines up so we don't need to do baseline adjusting at
// render?
i32 atlasIndex = 0;
for (i32 row = 0; row < MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE; row++)
u32 *destRow = fontBitmap + (row * MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE);
for (i32 glyphIndex = 0; glyphIndex < glyphsOnCurrRow;
i32 activeGlyphIndex = startingGlyphIndex + glyphIndex;
GlyphBitmap activeGlyph = glyphBitmaps[activeGlyphIndex];
/* Store the location of glyph into atlas */
if (verticalPixelsBlitted == 0)
TexAtlas *fontAtlas = &assetManager->texAtlas[texlist_font];
ASSERT(activeGlyph.codepoint < ARRAY_COUNT(fontAtlas->texRect));
v2 origin =
V2(CAST(f32)(glyphIndex * font->maxSize.w), CAST(f32) row);
#if 1
fontAtlas->texRect[atlasIndex++] =
math_getRect(origin, V2(CAST(f32) font->maxSize.w,
CAST(f32) font->maxSize.h));
v2i fontSize =
font->charMetrics[activeGlyph.codepoint - 32].trueSize;
fontAtlas->texRect[atlasIndex++] = math_getRect(
origin, V2(CAST(f32) fontSize.x, CAST(f32) fontSize.y));
/* Copy over exactly one row of pixels */
i32 numPixelsToPad = CAST(i32)font->maxSize.w;
if (verticalPixelsBlitted < activeGlyph.dimensions.h)
const i32 srcPitch =
CAST(i32) activeGlyph.dimensions.w * verticalPixelsBlitted;
const u32 *src = activeGlyph.pixels + srcPitch;
const i32 numPixelsToCopy = CAST(i32)activeGlyph.dimensions.w;
for (i32 count = 0; count < numPixelsToCopy; count++)
*destRow++ = *src++;
* NOTE(doyle): If the glyph is smaller than largest glyph
* available size, don't advance src pointer any further
* (NULL/mixes up rows), instead just advance the final bitmap
* pointer by the remaining distance
numPixelsToPad =
CAST(i32)(font->maxSize.w - activeGlyph.dimensions.w);
destRow += numPixelsToPad;
/* A row of glyphs has been fully formed on the atlas */
if (verticalPixelsBlitted++ >= font->maxSize.h)
verticalPixelsBlitted = 0;
startingGlyphIndex += glyphsPerRow;
glyphsRemaining -= glyphsPerRow;
if (glyphsRemaining <= 0)
else if (glyphsRemaining <= glyphsPerRow)
// NOTE(doyle): This allows us to modify the glyph iterator to
// prevent over-running of the available glyphs
glyphsOnCurrRow = glyphsRemaining;
Texture tex = texture_gen(MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, 4,
CAST(u8 *) fontBitmap);
assetManager->textures[texlist_font] = tex;
/* save out a 4 channel image */
stbi_write_png("out.png", MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, 4, fontBitmap,
PLATFORM_MEM_FREE(arena, fontBitmap, bitmapSize);
font->tex = &assetManager->textures[texlist_font];
font->atlas = &assetManager->texAtlas[texlist_font];
for (i32 i = 0; i < numGlyphs; i++)
i32 glyphBitmapSizeInBytes = CAST(i32) glyphBitmaps[i].dimensions.w *
CAST(i32) glyphBitmaps[i].dimensions.h *
PLATFORM_MEM_FREE(arena, glyphBitmaps[i].pixels, glyphBitmapSizeInBytes);
PLATFORM_MEM_FREE(arena, glyphBitmaps, numGlyphs * sizeof(GlyphBitmap));
platform_closeFileRead(arena, &fontFileRead);
return 0;
void asset_addAnimation(AssetManager *assetManager, MemoryArena *arena,
i32 texId, i32 animId, i32 *frameIndex, i32 numFrames,
f32 frameDuration)
ASSERT(assetManager && frameIndex)
Animation anim = {0};
anim.atlas = asset_getTextureAtlas(assetManager, texId);
anim.frameIndex = PLATFORM_MEM_ALLOC(arena, numFrames, i32);
for (i32 i = 0; i < numFrames; i++) anim.frameIndex[i] = frameIndex[i];
anim.numFrames = numFrames;
anim.frameDuration = frameDuration;
assetManager->anims[animId] = anim;