#include #define STB_VORBIS_HEADER_ONLY #include #include "Dengine/Assets.h" #include "Dengine/Audio.h" #include "Dengine/Debug.h" #include "Dengine/MemoryArena.h" #define AL_CHECK_ERROR() alCheckError_(__FILE__, __LINE__); void alCheckError_(const char *file, int line) { // NOTE(doyle): OpenAL error stack is 1 deep ALenum errorCode; while ((errorCode = alGetError()) != AL_NO_ERROR) { printf("OPENAL "); switch(errorCode) { case AL_INVALID_NAME: printf("INVALID_NAME | "); break; case AL_INVALID_ENUM: printf("INVALID_ENUM | "); break; case AL_INVALID_VALUE: printf("INVALID_VALUE | "); break; case AL_INVALID_OPERATION: printf("INVALID_OPERATION | "); break; case AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: printf("OUT_OF_MEMORY | "); break; default: printf("UNRECOGNISED ERROR CODE | "); break; } printf("Error %08x, %s (%d)\n", errorCode, file, line); } }; const i32 audio_init(AudioManager *audioManager) { #ifdef DENGINE_DEBUG ASSERT(audioManager); #endif /* Clear error stack */ alGetError(); ALboolean enumerateAudioDevice = alcIsExtensionPresent(NULL, "ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT"); const ALCchar *device = NULL; if (enumerateAudioDevice == AL_TRUE) { // TODO(doyle): Actually allow users to choose device to output /* The OpenAL specification says that the list of devices is organized as a string devices are separated with a NULL character and the list is terminated by two NULL characters. alcGetString with NULL = get all device spcifiers not a particular one */ device = alcGetString(NULL, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER); const ALCchar *next = device + 1; size_t len = 0; printf("Devices list:\n"); printf("----------\n"); while (device && *device != '\0' && next && *next != '\0') { printf("%s\n", device); len = common_strlen(device); device += (len + 1); next += (len + 2); } printf("----------\n"); } /* Get audio device */ ALCdevice *deviceAL = alcOpenDevice(device); if (!deviceAL) { printf("alcOpenDevice() failed: Failed to init OpenAL device.\n"); return -1; } /* Set device context */ ALCcontext *contextAL = alcCreateContext(deviceAL, NULL); alcMakeContextCurrent(contextAL); if (!contextAL) { printf("alcCreateContext() failed: Failed create AL context.\n"); return -1; } AL_CHECK_ERROR(); for (i32 i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(audioManager->sourceList); i++) { alGenSources(1, &audioManager->sourceList[i].id); AL_CHECK_ERROR(); audioManager->sourceList[i].isFree = TRUE; } return 0; } INTERNAL inline u32 getSourceId(AudioManager *audioManager, AudioRenderer *audioRenderer) { u32 result = audioManager->sourceList[audioRenderer->sourceIndex].id; return result; } INTERNAL i32 rendererAcquire(MemoryArena_ *arena, AudioManager *audioManager, AudioRenderer *audioRenderer) { #ifdef DENGINE_DEBUG ASSERT(arena && audioManager && audioRenderer); #endif u32 checkSource = getSourceId(audioManager, audioRenderer); if (alIsSource(checkSource) == AL_TRUE) { #if 0 DEBUG_LOG( "rendererAcquire(): Renderer has not been released before " "acquiring, force release by stopping stream"); #endif audio_stopVorbis(arena, audioManager, audioRenderer); } // TODO(doyle): Super bad linear O(n) search for every audio-enabled entity i32 vacantSource = AUDIO_SOURCE_UNASSIGNED; for (i32 i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(audioManager->sourceList); i++) { if (audioManager->sourceList[i].isFree) { vacantSource = i; audioManager->sourceList[i].isFree = FALSE; break; } } if (vacantSource == AUDIO_SOURCE_UNASSIGNED) { DEBUG_LOG("rendererAcquire(): Failed to acquire free source, all busy"); return -1; } audioRenderer->sourceIndex = vacantSource; /* Generate audio data buffers */ alGenBuffers(ARRAY_COUNT(audioRenderer->bufferId), audioRenderer->bufferId); AL_CHECK_ERROR(); //alSourcef(audioRenderer->sourceId[0], AL_PITCH, 2.0f); return 0; } INTERNAL const i32 rendererRelease(MemoryArena_ *arena, AudioManager *audioManager, AudioRenderer *audioRenderer) { i32 result = 0; u32 alSourceId = getSourceId(audioManager, audioRenderer); if (alIsSource(alSourceId) == AL_FALSE) { DEBUG_LOG( "rendererRelease(): Trying to release invalid source, early exit"); result = -1; return result; } /* NOTE(doyle): Doing an alSourceRewind will result in the source going to the AL_INITIAL state, but the properties of the source (position, velocity, etc.) will not change. */ alSourceRewind(alSourceId); AL_CHECK_ERROR(); // TODO(doyle): We can possible remove this by just attaching the null buffer .. ALint numProcessedBuffers; alGetSourcei(alSourceId, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &numProcessedBuffers); if (numProcessedBuffers > 0) { alSourceUnqueueBuffers(alSourceId, numProcessedBuffers, audioRenderer->bufferId); } AL_CHECK_ERROR(); // NOTE(doyle): Any buffer queued up that has not been played cannot be // deleted without being played once. We can set the source buffers to NULL // (0) to free up the buffer, since we still hold the reference ids for the // buffer in our audio structure we can delete it afterwards .. alSourcei(alSourceId, AL_BUFFER, 0); alDeleteBuffers(ARRAY_COUNT(audioRenderer->bufferId), audioRenderer->bufferId); AL_CHECK_ERROR(); for (i32 i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(audioRenderer->bufferId); i++) { audioRenderer->bufferId[i] = 0; } if (audioRenderer->isStreaming) { stb_vorbis_close(audioRenderer->audio->file); // TODO(doyle): Mem free // PLATFORM_MEM_FREE(arena, audioRenderer->audio, sizeof(AudioVorbis)); } u32 sourceIndexToFree = audioRenderer->sourceIndex; audioRenderer->sourceIndex = AUDIO_SOURCE_UNASSIGNED; audioRenderer->audio = NULL; audioRenderer->numPlays = 0; audioRenderer->isStreaming = FALSE; audioRenderer->state = audiostate_stopped; audioManager->sourceList[sourceIndexToFree].isFree = TRUE; return result; } INTERNAL i32 initRendererForPlayback(MemoryArena_ *arena, AudioManager *audioManager, AudioRenderer *audioRenderer, AudioVorbis *vorbis, i32 numPlays) { #ifdef DENGINE_DEBUG ASSERT(audioManager && audioRenderer && vorbis); if (numPlays != AUDIO_REPEAT_INFINITE && numPlays <= 0) { DEBUG_LOG("audio_streamPlayVorbis() warning: Number of plays is less than 0"); } #endif i32 result = rendererAcquire(arena, audioManager, audioRenderer); if (result) { DEBUG_LOG("audio_streamPlayVorbis() failed: Could not acquire renderer"); return result; } /* Determine format */ audioRenderer->format = AL_FORMAT_MONO16; if (vorbis->info.channels == 2) audioRenderer->format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; else if (vorbis->info.channels != 1) { #ifdef DENGINE_DEBUG DEBUG_LOG( "audio_streamPlayVorbis() warning: Unexpected channel format"); #endif } audioRenderer->numPlays = numPlays; return result; } #include const i32 audio_playVorbis(MemoryArena_ *arena, AudioManager *audioManager, AudioRenderer *audioRenderer, AudioVorbis *vorbis, i32 numPlays) { i32 result = initRendererForPlayback(arena, audioManager, audioRenderer, vorbis, numPlays); i16 *soundSamples; i32 channels, sampleRate; i32 numSamples = stb_vorbis_decode_memory( vorbis->data, vorbis->size, &channels, &sampleRate, &soundSamples); alBufferData(audioRenderer->bufferId[0], audioRenderer->format, soundSamples, numSamples * vorbis->info.channels * sizeof(i16), vorbis->info.sample_rate); // NOTE(doyle): stb_vorbis specific implementation requires free() // TODO(doyle): Object pool this and use our malloc to avoid dependency in Audio.c free(soundSamples); audioRenderer->audio = vorbis; audioRenderer->isStreaming = FALSE; audioRenderer->state = audiostate_playing; return result; } const i32 audio_streamPlayVorbis(MemoryArena_ *arena, AudioManager *audioManager, AudioRenderer *audioRenderer, AudioVorbis *vorbis, i32 numPlays) { // TODO(doyle): Streaming leaks memory, we don't free the "copy audio" ASSERT(INVALID_CODE_PATH); i32 result = initRendererForPlayback(arena, audioManager, audioRenderer, vorbis, numPlays); // NOTE(doyle): We make a copy of the audio vorbis file using all the same // data except the file pointer. If the same sound is playing twice // simultaneously, we need unique file pointers into the data to track song // position uniquely AudioVorbis *copyAudio = MEMORY_PUSH_STRUCT(arena, AudioVorbis); *copyAudio = *vorbis; i32 error; copyAudio->file = stb_vorbis_open_memory(copyAudio->data, copyAudio->size, &error, NULL); audioRenderer->audio = copyAudio; audioRenderer->isStreaming = TRUE; audioRenderer->state = audiostate_playing; return result; } const i32 audio_stopVorbis(MemoryArena_ *arena, AudioManager *audioManager, AudioRenderer *audioRenderer) { i32 result = 0; u32 alSourceId = getSourceId(audioManager, audioRenderer); if (alIsSource(alSourceId) == AL_TRUE) { alSourceStop(alSourceId); AL_CHECK_ERROR(); result = rendererRelease(arena, audioManager, audioRenderer); audioRenderer->state = audiostate_stopped; } else { #ifdef DENGINE_DEBUG if (audioRenderer->audio) { DEBUG_LOG( "audio_streamStopVorbis(): Tried to stop invalid source, but " "renderer has valid audio ptr"); } #endif result = -1; } return result; } const i32 audio_pauseVorbis(AudioManager *audioManager, AudioRenderer *audioRenderer) { i32 result = 0; u32 alSourceId = getSourceId(audioManager, audioRenderer); if (alIsSource(alSourceId) == AL_TRUE) { alSourcePause(alSourceId); AL_CHECK_ERROR(); audioRenderer->state = audiostate_paused; } else { DEBUG_LOG("audio_streamPauseVorbis(): Tried to pause invalid source"); result = -1; } return result; } const i32 audio_resumeVorbis(AudioManager *audioManager, AudioRenderer *audioRenderer) { i32 result = 0; u32 alSourceId = getSourceId(audioManager, audioRenderer); if (alIsSource(alSourceId) == AL_TRUE) { alSourcePlay(alSourceId); AL_CHECK_ERROR(); audioRenderer->state = audiostate_playing; } else { #ifdef DENGINE_DEBUG DEBUG_LOG("audio_resumeVorbis(): Tried to resume invalid source") #endif result = -1; } return result; } #define AUDIO_CHUNK_SIZE_ 65536 const i32 audio_updateAndPlay(MemoryArena_ *arena, AudioManager *audioManager, AudioRenderer *audioRenderer) { AudioVorbis *audio = audioRenderer->audio; if (!audio) return 0; u32 alSourceId = getSourceId(audioManager, audioRenderer); if (alIsSource(alSourceId) == AL_FALSE) { DEBUG_LOG("audio_updateAndPlay(): Update failed on invalid source id"); return -1; } ALint audioState; alGetSourcei(alSourceId, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &audioState); AL_CHECK_ERROR(); if (audioState == AL_STOPPED || audioState == AL_INITIAL) { if (audioState == AL_STOPPED) { if (audioRenderer->numPlays != AUDIO_REPEAT_INFINITE) audioRenderer->numPlays--; if (audioRenderer->numPlays == AUDIO_REPEAT_INFINITE || audioRenderer->numPlays > 0) { // TODO(doyle): Delete and recreate fixes clicking when reusing // buffers alDeleteBuffers(ARRAY_COUNT(audioRenderer->bufferId), audioRenderer->bufferId); AL_CHECK_ERROR(); alGenBuffers(ARRAY_COUNT(audioRenderer->bufferId), audioRenderer->bufferId); AL_CHECK_ERROR(); } else { i32 result = rendererRelease(arena, audioManager, audioRenderer); return result; } } if (audioRenderer->isStreaming) { stb_vorbis_seek_start(audio->file); for (i32 i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(audioRenderer->bufferId); i++) { i16 audioChunk[AUDIO_CHUNK_SIZE_] = {0}; stb_vorbis_get_samples_short_interleaved( audio->file, audio->info.channels, audioChunk, AUDIO_CHUNK_SIZE_); alBufferData(audioRenderer->bufferId[i], audioRenderer->format, audioChunk, AUDIO_CHUNK_SIZE_ * sizeof(i16), audio->info.sample_rate); AL_CHECK_ERROR(); } alSourceQueueBuffers(alSourceId, ARRAY_COUNT(audioRenderer->bufferId), audioRenderer->bufferId); } else { alSourceQueueBuffers(alSourceId, 1, audioRenderer->bufferId); } AL_CHECK_ERROR(); alSourcePlay(alSourceId); AL_CHECK_ERROR(); } else if (audioState == AL_PLAYING) { ALint numProcessedBuffers; alGetSourcei(alSourceId, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &numProcessedBuffers); AL_CHECK_ERROR(); if (numProcessedBuffers > 0) { // TODO(doyle): Possibly wrong, we should pass in all processed buffers? ALint numBuffersToUnqueue = 1; ALuint emptyBufferId; alSourceUnqueueBuffers(alSourceId, numBuffersToUnqueue, &emptyBufferId); AL_CHECK_ERROR(); i16 audioChunk[AUDIO_CHUNK_SIZE_] = {0}; i32 sampleCount = stb_vorbis_get_samples_short_interleaved( audio->file, audio->info.channels, audioChunk, AUDIO_CHUNK_SIZE_); /* There are still samples to play */ if (sampleCount > 0) { alBufferData(emptyBufferId, audioRenderer->format, audioChunk, sampleCount * audio->info.channels * sizeof(i16), audio->info.sample_rate); AL_CHECK_ERROR(); alSourceQueueBuffers(alSourceId, 1, &emptyBufferId); AL_CHECK_ERROR(); } } } return 0; }