#include "Dengine/AssetManager.h" #include "Dengine/Math.h" #include "WorldTraveller/WorldTraveller.h" //TODO(doyle): This is temporary! Maybe abstract into our platform layer, or //choose to load assets outside of WorldTraveller! #include INTERNAL void updateBufferObject(Renderer *const renderer, RenderQuad *const quads, const i32 numQuads) { // TODO(doyle): We assume that vbo and vao are assigned const i32 numVertexesInQuad = 4; renderer->numVertexesInVbo = numQuads * numVertexesInQuad; glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, renderer->vbo); glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, numQuads * sizeof(RenderQuad), quads, GL_STREAM_DRAW); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } void worldTraveller_gameInit(GameState *state, v2i windowSize) { AssetManager *assetManager = &state->assetManager; /* Initialise assets */ asset_loadTextureImage(assetManager, "data/textures/WorldTraveller/TerraSprite1024.png", texlist_hero); asset_loadTextureImage(assetManager, "data/textures/WorldTraveller/Terrain.png", texlist_terrain); TexAtlas *terrainAtlas = asset_getTextureAtlas(assetManager, texlist_terrain); f32 atlasTileSize = 128.0f; terrainAtlas->texRect[terraincoords_ground] = V4(384.0f, 512.0f, 384.0f + atlasTileSize, 512.0f + atlasTileSize); asset_loadShaderFiles(assetManager, "data/shaders/sprite.vert.glsl", "data/shaders/sprite.frag.glsl", shaderlist_sprite); asset_loadTTFont(assetManager, "C:/Windows/Fonts/Arial.ttf"); glCheckError(); state->state = state_active; state->tileSize = 64; state->currWorldIndex = 0; /* Init world tiles */ i32 highestSquaredValue = 1; while (squared(highestSquaredValue) < ARRAY_COUNT(state->world[0].tiles)) highestSquaredValue++; const i32 worldSize = highestSquaredValue - 1; // NOTE(doyle): Origin is center of the world for (i32 i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(state->world); i++) { for (i32 y = 0; y < worldSize; y++) { for (i32 x = 0; x < worldSize; x++) { i32 packedDimension = y * worldSize + x; World *world = state->world; world[i].texType = texlist_terrain; world[i].tiles[packedDimension].pos = V2(CAST(f32) x, CAST(f32) y); } } } /* Init hero */ Entity heroEnt = {V2(0.0f, 0.0f), V2(0.0f, 0.0f), V2(58.0f, 98.0f), direction_east, asset_getTexture(assetManager, texlist_hero), TRUE, 0, 0, 0}; SpriteAnim heroAnimIdle = {NULL, 1, 0, 1.0f, 1.0f}; // TODO(doyle): Get rid of heroAnimIdle.rect = (v4 *)calloc(1, sizeof(v4)); heroAnimIdle.rect[0] = V4(746.0f, 1018.0f, 804.0f, 920.0f); heroEnt.anim[heroEnt.freeAnimIndex++] = heroAnimIdle; SpriteAnim heroAnimWalk = {NULL, 3, 0, 0.10f, 0.10f}; // TODO(doyle): Get rid of heroAnimWalk.rect = (v4 *)calloc(heroAnimWalk.numRects, sizeof(v4)); heroAnimWalk.rect[0] = V4(641.0f, 1018.0f, 699.0f, 920.0f); heroAnimWalk.rect[1] = heroAnimIdle.rect[0]; heroAnimWalk.rect[2] = V4(849.0f, 1018.0f, 904.0f, 920.0f); heroEnt.anim[heroEnt.freeAnimIndex++] = heroAnimWalk; heroEnt.currAnimIndex = 0; state->heroIndex = state->freeEntityIndex; state->entityList[state->freeEntityIndex++] = heroEnt; Entity *hero = &state->entityList[state->heroIndex]; Texture *heroSheet = hero->tex; v2 sheetSize = V2(CAST(f32)heroSheet->width, CAST(f32)heroSheet->height); if (sheetSize.x != sheetSize.y) { printf( "worldTraveller_gameInit() warning: Sprite sheet is not square: " "%dx%dpx\n", CAST(i32) sheetSize.w, CAST(i32) sheetSize.h); } /* Create a NPC */ SpriteAnim npcAnim = {NULL, 2, 0, 0.3f, 0.3f}; // TODO(doyle): Get rid of npcAnim.rect = (v4 *)calloc(2, sizeof(v4)); npcAnim.rect[0] = V4(944.0f, 918.0f, 1010.0f, 816.0f); npcAnim.rect[1] = V4(944.0f, 812.0f, 1010.0f, 710.0f); Entity npcEnt = {V2(300.0f, 300.0f), V2(0.0f, 0.0f), hero->size, direction_null, hero->tex, TRUE, 0, 0, 0}; npcEnt.anim[npcEnt.freeAnimIndex++] = npcAnim; state->entityList[state->freeEntityIndex++] = npcEnt; /* Init renderer */ Renderer *renderer = &state->renderer; renderer->size = V2(CAST(f32)windowSize.x, CAST(f32)windowSize.y); // NOTE(doyle): Value to map a screen coordinate to NDC coordinate renderer->vertexNdcFactor = V2(1.0f / renderer->size.w, 1.0f / renderer->size.h); renderer->shader = asset_getShader(assetManager, shaderlist_sprite); shader_use(renderer->shader); const mat4 projection = mat4_ortho(0.0f, renderer->size.w, 0.0f, renderer->size.h, 0.0f, 1.0f); shader_uniformSetMat4fv(renderer->shader, "projection", projection); glCheckError(); /* Create buffers */ glGenVertexArrays(1, &renderer->vao); glGenBuffers(1, &renderer->vbo); glCheckError(); /* Bind buffers */ glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, renderer->vbo); glBindVertexArray(renderer->vao); /* Configure VAO */ const GLuint numVertexElements = 4; const GLuint vertexSize = sizeof(v4); glEnableVertexAttribArray(0); glVertexAttribPointer(0, numVertexElements, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, vertexSize, (GLvoid *)0); glCheckError(); /* Unbind */ glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); glBindVertexArray(0); glCheckError(); } INTERNAL void parseInput(GameState *state, const f32 dt) { /* Equations of Motion f(t) = position m f'(t) = velocity m/s f"(t) = acceleration m/s^2 The user supplies an acceleration, a, and by integrating f"(t) = a, where a is a constant, acceleration f'(t) = a*t + v, where v is a constant, old velocity f (t) = (a/2)*t^2 + v*t + p, where p is a constant, old position */ Entity *hero = &state->entityList[state->heroIndex]; v2 ddPos = V2(0, 0); if (state->keys[GLFW_KEY_SPACE]) { } if (state->keys[GLFW_KEY_RIGHT]) { ddPos.x = 1.0f; hero->direction = direction_east; } if (state->keys[GLFW_KEY_LEFT]) { ddPos.x = -1.0f; hero->direction = direction_west; } if (state->keys[GLFW_KEY_UP]) { ddPos.y = 1.0f; } if (state->keys[GLFW_KEY_DOWN]) { ddPos.y = -1.0f; } if (ddPos.x != 0.0f && ddPos.y != 0.0f) { // NOTE(doyle): Cheese it and pre-compute the vector for diagonal using // pythagoras theorem on a unit triangle // 1^2 + 1^2 = c^2 ddPos = v2_scale(ddPos, 0.70710678118f); } f32 epsilon = 20.0f; v2 epsilonDpos = v2_sub(V2(epsilon, epsilon), V2(absolute(hero->dPos.x), absolute(hero->dPos.y))); if (epsilonDpos.x >= 0.0f && epsilonDpos.y >= 0.0f) { hero->dPos = V2(0.0f, 0.0f); // TODO(doyle): Change index to use some meaningful name like a string // or enum for referencing animations, in this case 0 is idle and 1 is // walking if (hero->currAnimIndex == 1) { SpriteAnim *currAnim = &hero->anim[hero->currAnimIndex]; currAnim->currDuration = currAnim->duration; currAnim->currRectIndex = 0; hero->currAnimIndex = 0; } } else if (hero->currAnimIndex == 0) { SpriteAnim *currAnim = &hero->anim[hero->currAnimIndex]; currAnim->currDuration = currAnim->duration; currAnim->currRectIndex = 0; hero->currAnimIndex = 1; } f32 heroSpeed = CAST(f32)(22.0f * METERS_TO_PIXEL); // m/s^2 if (state->keys[GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SHIFT]) { heroSpeed = CAST(f32)(22.0f * 5.0f * METERS_TO_PIXEL); } ddPos = v2_scale(ddPos, heroSpeed); // TODO(doyle): Counteracting force on player's acceleration is arbitrary ddPos = v2_sub(ddPos, v2_scale(hero->dPos, 5.5f)); /* NOTE(doyle): Calculate new position from acceleration with old velocity new Position = (a/2) * (t^2) + (v*t) + p, acceleration = (a/2) * (t^2) old velocity = (v*t) */ v2 ddPosNew = v2_scale(v2_scale(ddPos, 0.5f), squared(dt)); v2 dPos = v2_scale(hero->dPos, dt); v2 newHeroP = v2_add(v2_add(ddPosNew, dPos), hero->pos); b32 heroCollided = FALSE; if (hero->collides == TRUE) { for (i32 i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(state->entityList); i++) { if (i == state->heroIndex) continue; Entity entity = state->entityList[i]; if (entity.collides) { v4 heroRect = V4(newHeroP.x, newHeroP.y, (newHeroP.x + hero->size.x), (newHeroP.y + hero->size.y)); v4 entityRect = getEntityScreenRect(entity); if (((heroRect.z >= entityRect.x && heroRect.z <= entityRect.z) || (heroRect.x >= entityRect.x && heroRect.x <= entityRect.z)) && ((heroRect.w <= entityRect.y && heroRect.w >= entityRect.w) || (heroRect.y <= entityRect.y && heroRect.y >= entityRect.w))) { heroCollided = TRUE; break; } } } } if (heroCollided) { hero->dPos = V2(0.0f, 0.0f); } else { // f'(t) = curr velocity = a*t + v, where v is old velocity hero->dPos = v2_add(hero->dPos, v2_scale(ddPos, dt)); hero->pos = newHeroP; } } void worldTraveller_gameUpdateAndRender(GameState *state, const f32 dt) { /* Update */ parseInput(state, dt); glCheckError(); AssetManager *assetManager = &state->assetManager; Renderer *renderer = &state->renderer; World *const world = &state->world[state->currWorldIndex]; TexAtlas *const worldAtlas = asset_getTextureAtlas(assetManager, world->texType); Texture *const worldTex = asset_getTexture(assetManager, world->texType); f32 texNdcFactor = 1.0f / MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE; RenderQuad worldQuads[ARRAY_COUNT(world->tiles)] = {0}; i32 quadIndex = 0; /* Render background tiles */ const v2 tileSize = V2(CAST(f32) state->tileSize, CAST(f32) state->tileSize); for (i32 i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(world->tiles); i++) { Tile tile = world->tiles[i]; v2 tilePosInPixel = v2_scale(tile.pos, tileSize.x); if ((tilePosInPixel.x < renderer->size.w && tilePosInPixel.x >= 0) && (tilePosInPixel.y < renderer->size.h && tilePosInPixel.y >= 0)) { const v4 texRect = worldAtlas->texRect[terraincoords_ground]; const v4 tileRect = getRect(tilePosInPixel, tileSize); RenderQuad tileQuad = renderer_createQuad( &state->renderer, tileRect, texRect, worldTex); worldQuads[quadIndex++] = tileQuad; } } updateBufferObject(renderer, worldQuads, quadIndex); renderer_object(renderer, V2(0.0f, 0.0f), renderer->size, 0.0f, V3(0, 0, 0), worldTex); Font *font = &assetManager->font; char *string = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; i32 strLen = 52; quadIndex = 0; RenderQuad *stringQuads = CAST(RenderQuad *)calloc(strLen, sizeof(RenderQuad)); f32 baseline = 100.0f; f32 xPosOnScreen = 20.0f; f32 yPosOnScreen = baseline; for (i32 i = 0; i < strLen; i++) { // NOTE(doyle): Atlas packs fonts tightly, so offset the codepoint to // its actual atlas index, i.e. we skip the first 31 glyphs i32 codepoint = string[i]; i32 relativeIndex = codepoint - font->codepointRange.x; CharMetrics charMetric = font->charMetrics[relativeIndex]; i32 charBaseline = (font->maxSize.h - charMetric.trueSize.h); if (codepoint == 'a') { yPosOnScreen = baseline - charBaseline; } else { yPosOnScreen = baseline; } const v4 charRectOnScreen = getRect( V2(xPosOnScreen, yPosOnScreen), V2(CAST(f32) font->maxSize.w, CAST(f32) font->maxSize.h)); xPosOnScreen += charMetric.advance; /* Get texture out */ v4 charTexRect = font->atlas->texRect[relativeIndex]; renderer_flipTexCoord(&charTexRect, FALSE, TRUE); RenderQuad charQuad = renderer_createQuad( &state->renderer, charRectOnScreen, charTexRect, font->tex); stringQuads[quadIndex++] = charQuad; } updateBufferObject(&state->renderer, stringQuads, quadIndex); renderer_object(&state->renderer, V2(0.0f, 100.0f), renderer->size, 0.0f, V3(0, 0, 0), font->tex); free(stringQuads); /* Render entities */ ASSERT(state->freeEntityIndex < ARRAY_COUNT(state->entityList)); for (i32 i = 0; i < state->freeEntityIndex; i++) { Entity *const entity = &state->entityList[i]; SpriteAnim *anim = &entity->anim[entity->currAnimIndex]; v4 texRect = anim->rect[anim->currRectIndex]; anim->currDuration -= dt; if (anim->currDuration <= 0.0f) { anim->currRectIndex++; anim->currRectIndex = anim->currRectIndex % anim->numRects; texRect = anim->rect[anim->currRectIndex]; anim->currDuration = anim->duration; } if (entity->direction == direction_east) { // NOTE(doyle): Flip the x coordinates to flip the tex renderer_flipTexCoord(&texRect, TRUE, FALSE); } RenderQuad entityQuad = renderer_createDefaultQuad(&state->renderer, texRect, entity->tex); updateBufferObject(&state->renderer, &entityQuad, 1); renderer_entity(&state->renderer, entity, 0.0f, V3(0, 0, 0)); } // TODO(doyle): Clean up lines // Renderer::~Renderer() { glDeleteVertexArrays(1, &this->quadVAO); } }