Rudimentary resolution changer, window icon

This commit is contained in:
Doyle Thai 2016-11-28 19:11:38 +11:00
parent aeeef1a60f
commit eb4b0e1714
6 changed files with 196 additions and 81 deletions

View File

@ -305,35 +305,47 @@ Texture *asset_texLoadImage(AssetManager *assetManager, MemoryArena_ *arena,
/* Open the texture image */
i32 imgWidth, imgHeight, bytesPerPixel;
u8 *image =
stbi_load(path, &imgWidth, &imgHeight, &bytesPerPixel, 0);
asset_imageLoad(&imgWidth, &imgHeight, &bytesPerPixel, path, TRUE);
if (imgWidth != imgHeight)
Texture *result = NULL;
if (image)
result = asset_texGetFreeSlot(assetManager, arena, key);
*result = textureGen(CAST(GLuint)(imgWidth), CAST(GLuint)(imgHeight),
CAST(GLint)(bytesPerPixel), image);
return result;
u8 *asset_imageLoad(i32 *width, i32 *height, i32 *bpp, const char *const path,
b32 flipVertically)
u8 *image = stbi_load(path, width, height, bpp, 0);
if (*width != *height)
"asset_texLoadImage() warning: Sprite sheet is not square: "
"%dx%dpx\n", imgWidth, imgHeight);
*width, *height);
if (!image)
printf("stdbi_load() failed: %s\n", stbi_failure_reason());
return NULL;
Texture *result = asset_texGetFreeSlot(assetManager, arena, key);
*result = textureGen(CAST(GLuint)(imgWidth), CAST(GLuint)(imgHeight),
CAST(GLint)(bytesPerPixel), image);
return result;
return image;
void asset_imageFree(u8 *image) { stbi_image_free(image); }
* Animation Asset Managing

View File

@ -340,17 +340,17 @@ INTERNAL void addAsteroidWithSpec(GameWorldState *world,
i32 randValue = rand();
if (!spec)
i32 randX = (randValue % (i32)world->worldSize.w);
i32 randY = (randValue % (i32)world->worldSize.h);
i32 randX = (randValue % (i32)world->size.w);
i32 randY = (randValue % (i32)world->size.h);
v2 midpoint = v2_scale(world->worldSize, 0.5f);
v2 midpoint = v2_scale(world->size, 0.5f);
Rect topLeftQuadrant = {V2(0, midpoint.y),
V2(midpoint.x, world->worldSize.y)};
V2(midpoint.x, world->size.y)};
Rect botLeftQuadrant = {V2(0, 0), midpoint};
Rect topRightQuadrant = {midpoint, world->worldSize};
Rect topRightQuadrant = {midpoint, world->size};
Rect botRightQuadrant = {V2(midpoint.x, 0),
V2(world->worldSize.x, midpoint.y)};
V2(world->size.x, midpoint.y)};
// NOTE(doyle): Off-screen so asteroids "float" into view. There's no
// particular order, just pushing things offscreen when they get
@ -577,9 +577,9 @@ INTERNAL void gameUpdate(GameState *state, Memory *memory, f32 dt)
u8 *arenaBase = state->transientArena.base + state->transientArena.size;
memory_arenaInit(&world->entityArena, arenaBase, entityArenaSize);
world->camera.min = V2(0, 0);
world->camera.max = state->renderer.size;
world->worldSize = state->renderer.size;
world->camera.min = V2(0, 0);
world->camera.max = state->renderer.size;
world->size = state->renderer.size;
{ // Init null entity
Entity *nullEntity = &world->entityList[world->entityIndex++];
@ -617,8 +617,8 @@ INTERNAL void gameUpdate(GameState *state, Memory *memory, f32 dt)
for (i32 i = 0; i < world->numStarP; i++)
i32 randX = rand() % (i32)world->worldSize.x;
i32 randY = rand() % (i32)world->worldSize.y;
i32 randX = rand() % (i32)world->size.x;
i32 randY = rand() % (i32)world->size.y;
world->starPList[i] = V2i(randX, randY);
@ -821,15 +821,15 @@ INTERNAL void gameUpdate(GameState *state, Memory *memory, f32 dt)
/* Loop entity around world */
if (entity->pos.y >= world->worldSize.h)
if (entity->pos.y >= world->size.h)
entity->pos.y = 0;
else if (entity->pos.y < 0)
entity->pos.y = world->worldSize.h;
entity->pos.y = world->size.h;
if (entity->pos.x >= world->worldSize.w)
if (entity->pos.x >= world->size.w)
entity->pos.x = 0;
else if (entity->pos.x < 0)
entity->pos.x = world->worldSize.w;
entity->pos.x = world->size.w;
i32 collisionIndex = moveEntity(world, &state->transientArena, entity,
i, ddP, dt, ddPSpeedInMs);
@ -1007,57 +1007,104 @@ INTERNAL void startMenuUpdate(GameState *state, Memory *memory, f32 dt)
v2 screenCenter = v2_scale(renderer->size, 0.5f);
const char *const title = "Asteroids";
v2 titleDim = asset_fontStringDimInPixels(arial25, title);
v2 halfTitleDim = v2_scale(titleDim, 0.5f);
v2 titleP = v2_add(screenCenter, V2(0, 40));
titleP = v2_sub(titleP, halfTitleDim);
renderer_stringFixed(renderer, transientArena, arial25, title, titleP,
V2(0, 0), 0, V4(1, 0, 0, 1), 0);
{ // Draw blinking Start Game prompt
menuState->startMenuGameStartBlinkTimer -= dt;
if (menuState->startMenuGameStartBlinkTimer < 0.0f)
if (menuState->optionsShow)
if (platform_queryKey(&inputBuffer->keys[keycode_o],
readkeytype_one_shot, KEY_DELAY_NONE) ||
readkeytype_one_shot, KEY_DELAY_NONE))
menuState->startMenuGameStartBlinkTimer = 1.0f;
menuState->startMenuToggleShow =
(menuState->startMenuToggleShow) ? FALSE : TRUE;
menuState->optionsShow = FALSE;
f32 textYOffset = arial25->size * 1.5f;;
const char *const title = "Options";
v2 p = v2_add(screenCenter, V2(0, textYOffset));
renderer_stringFixedCentered(renderer, transientArena, arial25,
title, p, V2(0, 0), 0, V4(1, 0, 1, 1),
const char *const resolutionLabel = "Resolution";
p = v2_add(screenCenter, V2(0, 0));
renderer_stringFixedCentered(renderer, transientArena, arial25,
resolutionLabel, p, V2(0, 0), 0,
V4(1, 0, 1, 1), 0);
const char *const resSizeLabel = "< 800x600 >";
p = v2_add(screenCenter, V2(0, -textYOffset));
renderer_stringFixedCentered(renderer, transientArena, arial25,
resSizeLabel, p, V2(0, 0), 0,
V4(1, 0, 1, 1), 0);
if (platform_queryKey(&inputBuffer->keys[keycode_enter],
readkeytype_one_shot, KEY_DELAY_NONE))
menuState->newResolutionRequest = TRUE;
menuState->newResolution = V2(800, 600);
renderer->size = menuState->newResolution;
GameWorldState *world = GET_STATE_DATA(
state, &state->persistentArena, GameWorldState);
world->size = menuState->newResolution;
world->camera.max = menuState->newResolution;
/* Draw title text */
const char *const title = "Asteroids";
v2 p = v2_add(screenCenter, V2(0, 40));
renderer_stringFixedCentered(renderer, transientArena, arial25, title,
p, V2(0, 0), 0, V4(1, 0, 0, 1), 0);
/* Draw blinking start game prompt */
menuState->startPromptBlinkTimer -= dt;
if (menuState->startPromptBlinkTimer < 0.0f)
menuState->startPromptBlinkTimer = 1.0f;
menuState->startPromptShow =
(menuState->startPromptShow) ? FALSE : TRUE;
if (menuState->startMenuToggleShow)
if (menuState->startPromptShow)
const char *const gameStart = "Press enter to start";
v2 gameStartDim = asset_fontStringDimInPixels(arial25, gameStart);
v2 halfGameStartDim = v2_scale(gameStartDim, 0.5f);
v2 gameStartP = v2_add(screenCenter, V2(0, -40));
gameStartP = v2_sub(gameStartP, halfGameStartDim);
renderer_stringFixed(renderer, transientArena, arial25, gameStart,
gameStartP, V2(0, 0), 0, V4(1, 1, 0, 1), 0);
v2 p = v2_add(screenCenter, V2(0, -40));
renderer_stringFixedCentered(renderer, transientArena, arial25,
gameStart, p, V2(0, 0), 0,
V4(1, 1, 0, 1), 0);
const char *const optionPrompt = "Press [o] for options ";
v2 dim = asset_fontStringDimInPixels(arial25, optionPrompt);
v2 halfDim = v2_scale(dim, 0.5f);
v2 p = v2_add(screenCenter, V2(0, -120));
p = v2_sub(p, halfDim);
renderer_stringFixed(renderer, transientArena, arial25, optionPrompt, p,
V2(0, 0), 0, V4(1, 1, 0, 1), 0);
{ // Draw show options prompt
const char *const optionPrompt = "Press [o] for options ";
v2 p = v2_add(screenCenter, V2(0, -120));
renderer_stringFixedCentered(renderer, transientArena, arial25,
optionPrompt, p, V2(0, 0), 0, V4(1, 1, 0, 1),
if (platform_queryKey(&inputBuffer->keys[keycode_enter],
readkeytype_one_shot, KEY_DELAY_NONE))
state->currState = appstate_GameWorldState;
if (platform_queryKey(&inputBuffer->keys[keycode_enter],
readkeytype_one_shot, KEY_DELAY_NONE))
GameWorldState *world =
GET_STATE_DATA(state, &state->persistentArena, GameWorldState);
GameWorldState *world =
GET_STATE_DATA(state, &state->persistentArena, GameWorldState);
state->currState = appstate_GameWorldState;
else if (platform_queryKey(&inputBuffer->keys[keycode_o],
readkeytype_one_shot, KEY_DELAY_NONE))
menuState->optionsShow = TRUE;
ui_endState(uiState, inputBuffer);

View File

@ -97,6 +97,14 @@ INTERNAL void scrollCallback(GLFWwindow *window, double xOffset, double yOffset)
INTERNAL void setGlfwWindowHints()
i32 main(void)
@ -105,10 +113,7 @@ i32 main(void)
i32 windowWidth = 1600;
i32 windowHeight = 900;
@ -181,6 +186,19 @@ i32 main(void)
glfwSetWindowUserPointer(window, CAST(void *)(gameState));
i32 width, height;
char *iconPath = "data/textures/Asteroids/icon.png";
u8 *pixels = asset_imageLoad(&width, &height, NULL, iconPath, FALSE);
if (pixels)
GLFWimage image = {width, height, pixels};
glfwSetWindowIcon(window, 1, &image);
@ -252,6 +270,19 @@ i32 main(void)
startTime = endTime;
StartMenuState *menuState =
ASTEROID_GET_STATE_DATA(gameState, StartMenuState);
if (menuState)
if (menuState->newResolutionRequest)
windowSize = menuState->newResolution;
glfwSetWindowSize(window, (i32)windowSize.w, (i32)windowSize.h);
menuState->newResolutionRequest = FALSE;

View File

@ -41,8 +41,13 @@ TexAtlas *asset_atlasGet(AssetManager *const assetManager,
const char *const key);
Texture *asset_texGetFreeSlot(AssetManager *const assetManager,
MemoryArena_ *const arena, const char *const key);
Texture *asset_loadTextureImage(AssetManager *assetManager, MemoryArena_ *arena,
const char *const path, const char *const key);
Texture *asset_texLoadImage(AssetManager *assetManager, MemoryArena_ *arena,
const char *const path, const char *const key);
u8 *asset_imageLoad(i32 *width, i32 *height, i32 *bpp, const char *const path,
b32 flipVertically);
void asset_imageFree(u8 *image);

View File

@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ typedef struct GameWorldState
i32 numAudioRenderers;
f32 pixelsPerMeter;
v2 worldSize;
Rect camera;
v2 size;
// TODO(doyle): Ensure we change this if it gets too big
b32 collisionTable[entitytype_count][entitytype_count];
@ -54,8 +54,13 @@ typedef struct GameWorldState
typedef struct StartMenuState
f32 startMenuGameStartBlinkTimer;
b32 startMenuToggleShow;
f32 startPromptBlinkTimer;
b32 startPromptShow;
b32 optionsShow;
b32 newResolutionRequest;
v2 newResolution;
} StartMenuState;
typedef struct GameState

View File

@ -3,10 +3,9 @@
#include "Dengine/Common.h"
#include "Dengine/Math.h"
#include "Dengine/Assets.h"
#include "Dengine/AssetManager.h"
/* Forward Declaration */
typedef struct AssetManager AssetManager;
typedef struct Font Font;
typedef struct Entity Entity;
typedef struct MemoryArena MemoryArena_;
@ -125,6 +124,22 @@ inline void renderer_stringFixed(Renderer *const renderer, MemoryArena_ *arena,
pivotPoint, rotate, color, flags);
inline void renderer_stringFixedCentered(Renderer *const renderer,
MemoryArena_ *arena, Font *const font,
const char *const string, v2 pos,
v2 pivotPoint, Radians rotate,
v4 color, RenderFlags flags)
Rect staticCamera = {V2(0, 0), renderer->size};
v2 dim = asset_fontStringDimInPixels(font, string);
v2 halfDim = v2_scale(dim, 0.5f);
pos = v2_sub(pos, halfDim);
renderer_string(renderer, arena, staticCamera, font, string, pos,
pivotPoint, rotate, color, flags);
void renderer_entity(Renderer *renderer, MemoryArena_ *transientArena,
Rect camera, Entity *entity, v2 pivotPoint, Degrees rotate,
v4 color, RenderFlags flags);