Accelerate textured triangle rendering using SIMD
This commit is contained in:
@ -1104,8 +1104,8 @@ extern "C" void DTR_Update(PlatformRenderBuffer *const platformRenderBuffer,
DTRRender_TexturedTriangle(&renderBuffer, screenVA, screenVB, screenVC, texA, texB,
texC, &state->mesh.tex, modelCol);
DTRRender_TexturedTriangle(input, &renderBuffer, screenVA, screenVB, screenVC, texA,
texB, texC, &state->mesh.tex, modelCol);
bool DEBUG_WIREFRAME = false;
@ -17,14 +17,23 @@ void DTRAsset_InitGlobalState()
FILE_SCOPE void MemcopyInternal(u8 *dest, u8 *src, size_t numBytes)
FILE_SCOPE void MemcopyInternal(u8 *const dest, u8 *const src, size_t numBytes)
if (!dest || !src || numBytes == 0) return;
for (size_t i = 0; i < numBytes; i++)
dest[i] = src[i];
FILE_SCOPE void AssetDqnArrayMemAPICallback(DqnMemAPICallbackInfo info, DqnMemAPICallbackResult *result)
// NOTE: Dynamic array allocations just requests space at the first option it
// can take. Realloc will reallocate in place if there's space. Otherwise
// it'll create a new block and reallocate there by copying the old data over.
// So this does waste space. But is a quick way to reroute allocations into
// a MemStack. It's main intended purpose is for one-shot loading data that you
// don't know how much space you need in your DArray. After filling out
// the dynamic array you then compact the data manually using memcopys into
// a new block and discard the old data.
FILE_SCOPE void DumbDynamicArrayMemAPICallback(DqnMemAPICallbackInfo info, DqnMemAPICallbackResult *result)
DQN_ASSERT(info.type != DqnMemAPICallbackType_Invalid);
DqnMemStack *stack = static_cast<DqnMemStack *>(info.userContext);
@ -40,27 +49,7 @@ FILE_SCOPE void AssetDqnArrayMemAPICallback(DqnMemAPICallbackInfo info, DqnMemAP
case DqnMemAPICallbackType_Free:
DqnMemStackBlock **blockPtr = &stack->block;
while (*blockPtr && (*blockPtr)->memory != info.ptrToFree)
// NOTE(doyle): Ensure that the base ptr of each block is always
// actually aligned so we don't ever miss finding the block if
// the allocator had to realign the pointer from the base
// address.
size_t memBaseAddr = (size_t)((*blockPtr)->memory);
DQN_ASSERT(DQN_ALIGN_POW_N(memBaseAddr, stack->byteAlign) ==
blockPtr = &((*blockPtr)->prevBlock);
DQN_ASSERT(*blockPtr && (*blockPtr)->memory == info.ptrToFree);
DqnMemStackBlock *blockToFree = *blockPtr;
*blockPtr = blockToFree->prevBlock;
@ -189,7 +178,7 @@ bool DTRAsset_LoadWavefrontObj(const PlatformAPI api, DqnMemStack *const memStac
size_t fileSize = file.size;
DqnMemAPI memAPI = {};
memAPI.callback = AssetDqnArrayMemAPICallback;
memAPI.callback = DumbDynamicArrayMemAPICallback;
memAPI.userContext = memStack;
enum WavefVertexType {
@ -199,6 +188,23 @@ bool DTRAsset_LoadWavefrontObj(const PlatformAPI api, DqnMemStack *const memStac
// TODO(doyle): We should profile, reading it out to WavefModel format and
// then copying it over, versus just reading the file twice. First pass is
// to count the number of vertexes etc. for each section we need. Then the
// second pass we can allocate directly the number we need and reparse it.
// I have a feeling that, in general that's a better idea, atleast it gets
// rid of alot of stupid copying code and memstack juggling.
// NOTE(doyle): We pre-process the data into an intermediate format that
// more accurately represents the file format. Since there's no metadata
// inside Wavefront objects, we don't know how many vertexes/texUV/normals
// there are- which makes it hard to allocate "nicely" out of our memory
// stack.
// So we preprocess. Then once we know the final amount, copy over the data
// to a new memstack block such that all the data is compacted together in
// memory for locality. Then just throw away the intermediate
// representation.
WavefModel dummy_ = {};
WavefModel *obj = &dummy_;
@ -410,11 +416,17 @@ bool DTRAsset_LoadWavefrontObj(const PlatformAPI api, DqnMemStack *const memStac
DQN_ASSERT(obj->groupNameIndex + 1 < DQN_ARRAY_COUNT(obj->groupName));
// TODO(doyle): Broken since I don't "copy" it over to our
// final DTRMesh. Below I copy over the data so that all the
// allocations are compacted together but don't copy this
// yet. Which means the name gets trashed atm.
#if 0
obj->groupName[obj->groupNameIndex++] =
(char *)DqnMemStack_Push(memStack, (nameLen + 1) * sizeof(char));
for (i32 i = 0; i < nameLen; i++)
obj->groupName[obj->groupNameIndex - 1][i] = namePtr[i];
while (scan && (*scan == ' ' || *scan == '\n'))
@ -121,7 +121,9 @@ void inline DTRDebug_BeginCycleCount(enum DTRDebugCycleCount tag)
if (globalDebug.input && globalDebug.input->canUseRdtsc)
globalDebug.cycleCount[tag] = __rdtsc();
DTRDebugCycles *const cycles = &globalDebug.cycles[tag];
cycles->tmpStartCycles = __rdtsc();
@ -132,7 +134,8 @@ void inline DTRDebug_EndCycleCount(enum DTRDebugCycleCount tag)
if (globalDebug.input && globalDebug.input->canUseRdtsc)
globalDebug.cycleCount[tag] = __rdtsc() - globalDebug.cycleCount[tag];
DTRDebugCycles *const cycles = &globalDebug.cycles[tag];
cycles->totalCycles += __rdtsc() - cycles->tmpStartCycles;
@ -214,9 +217,16 @@ void DTRDebug_Update(DTRState *const state,
DTRDebug_PushText("TrianglesRendered: %'lld", debug->counter[DTRDebugCounter_RenderTriangle]);
for (i32 i = 0; i < DQN_ARRAY_COUNT(debug->cycleCount); i++)
DTRDebugCycles emptyDebugCycles = {};
for (i32 i = 0; i < DQN_ARRAY_COUNT(debug->cycles); i++)
DTRDebug_PushText("%d: %'lld cycles", i, debug->cycleCount[i]);
DTRDebugCycles *const cycles = &globalDebug.cycles[i];
u64 invocations = (cycles->numInvokes == 0) ? 1 : cycles->numInvokes;
u64 avgCycles = cycles->totalCycles / invocations;
DTRDebug_PushText("%d: %'lld avg cycles", i, avgCycles);
*cycles = emptyDebugCycles;
@ -47,6 +47,14 @@ enum DTRDebugCycleCount
typedef struct DTRDebugCycles
u64 totalCycles;
u64 numInvokes;
u64 tmpStartCycles; // Used to calculate the number of cycles elapsed
} DTRDebugCycles;
typedef struct DTRDebug
struct DTRFont *font;
@ -57,9 +65,9 @@ typedef struct DTRDebug
DqnV2 displayP;
i32 displayYOffset;
u64 cycleCount[DTRDebugCycleCount_Count];
u64 counter [DTRDebugCounter_Count];
u64 totalSetPixels;
DTRDebugCycles cycles [DTRDebugCycleCount_Count];
u64 counter[DTRDebugCounter_Count];
u64 totalSetPixels;
} DTRDebug;
extern DTRDebug globalDebug;
@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
#include "external/stb_rect_pack.h"
#include "external/stb_truetype.h"
#include <intrin.h>
FILE_SCOPE const f32 COLOR_EPSILON = 0.9f;
FILE_SCOPE inline DqnV4 PreMultiplyAlpha1(const DqnV4 color)
@ -497,7 +499,8 @@ FILE_SCOPE void DebugBarycentricInternal(DqnV2 p, DqnV2 a, DqnV2 b, DqnV2 c, f32
*u = 1.0f - *v - *w;
void DTRRender_TexturedTriangle(DTRRenderBuffer *const renderBuffer, DqnV3 p1, DqnV3 p2, DqnV3 p3,
void DTRRender_TexturedTriangle(PlatformInput *const input,
DTRRenderBuffer *const renderBuffer, DqnV3 p1, DqnV3 p2, DqnV3 p3,
DqnV2 uv1, DqnV2 uv2, DqnV2 uv3, DTRBitmap *const texture,
DqnV4 color, const DTRRenderTransform transform)
@ -549,125 +552,287 @@ void DTRRender_TexturedTriangle(DTRRenderBuffer *const renderBuffer, DqnV3 p1, D
const DqnV3 b = p2;
const DqnV3 c = p3;
DqnV2i startP = min;
f32 oldSignedArea1 = ((b.x - a.x) * (startP.y - a.y)) - ((b.y - a.y) * (startP.x - a.x));
f32 oldSignedArea2 = ((c.x - b.x) * (startP.y - b.y)) - ((c.y - b.y) * (startP.x - b.x));
f32 oldSignedArea3 = ((a.x - c.x) * (startP.y - c.y)) - ((a.y - c.y) * (startP.x - c.x));
f32 signedArea1 = ((b.x - a.x) * (startP.y - a.y)) - ((b.y - a.y) * (startP.x - a.x));
f32 signedArea1DeltaX = a.y - b.y;
f32 signedArea1DeltaY = b.x - a.x;
f32 signedArea2 = ((c.x - b.x) * (startP.y - b.y)) - ((c.y - b.y) * (startP.x - b.x));
f32 signedArea2DeltaX = b.y - c.y;
f32 signedArea2DeltaY = c.x - b.x;
f32 signedArea3 = ((a.x - c.x) * (startP.y - c.y)) - ((a.y - c.y) * (startP.x - c.x));
f32 signedArea3DeltaX = c.y - a.y;
f32 signedArea3DeltaY = a.x - c.x;
f32 signedAreaParallelogram = signedArea1 + signedArea2 + signedArea3;
if (signedAreaParallelogram == 0) return;
f32 invSignedAreaParallelogram = 1 / signedAreaParallelogram;
// Scan and Render
const u32 zBufferPitch = renderBuffer->width;
const f32 BARYCENTRIC_EPSILON = 0.1f;
u8 *texturePtr = texture->memory;
const u32 texturePitch = texture->bytesPerPixel * texture->dim.w;
for (i32 bufferY = min.y; bufferY < max.y; bufferY++)
const u32 zBufferPitch = renderBuffer->width;
if (input->canUseSSE2)
f32 signedArea1Row = signedArea1;
f32 signedArea2Row = signedArea2;
f32 signedArea3Row = signedArea3;
DqnV2i startP = min;
f32 edge1SignedAreaPixel1 = ((b.x - a.x) * (startP.y - a.y)) - ((b.y - a.y) * (startP.x - a.x));
f32 edge1SignedAreaPixel1DeltaX = a.y - b.y;
f32 edge1SignedAreaPixel1DeltaY = b.x - a.x;
for (i32 bufferX = min.x; bufferX < max.x; bufferX++)
f32 edge2SignedAreaPixel1 = ((c.x - b.x) * (startP.y - b.y)) - ((c.y - b.y) * (startP.x - b.x));
f32 edge2SignedAreaPixel1DeltaX = b.y - c.y;
f32 edge2SignedAreaPixel1DeltaY = c.x - b.x;
f32 edge3SignedAreaPixel1 = ((a.x - c.x) * (startP.y - c.y)) - ((a.y - c.y) * (startP.x - c.x));
f32 edge3SignedAreaPixel1DeltaX = c.y - a.y;
f32 edge3SignedAreaPixel1DeltaY = a.x - c.x;
f32 signedAreaParallelogramPixel1 = edge1SignedAreaPixel1 + edge2SignedAreaPixel1 + edge3SignedAreaPixel1;
if (signedAreaParallelogramPixel1 == 0) return;
f32 invSignedAreaParallelogramPixel1 = 1 / signedAreaParallelogramPixel1;
__m128 zero_4x = _mm_set_ps1(0.0f);
__m128 two_4x = _mm_set_ps1(2.0f);
__m128 invSignedAreaParallelogram4x = _mm_set_ps1(invSignedAreaParallelogramPixel1);
__m128 triangleZ = _mm_set_ps(0, b.z, a.z, c.z);
__m128 signedAreaPixelDeltaX = _mm_set_ps(0, edge3SignedAreaPixel1DeltaX, edge2SignedAreaPixel1DeltaX, edge1SignedAreaPixel1DeltaX);
__m128 signedAreaPixelDeltaY = _mm_set_ps(0, edge3SignedAreaPixel1DeltaY, edge2SignedAreaPixel1DeltaY, edge1SignedAreaPixel1DeltaY);
__m128 signedAreaPixel1 = _mm_set_ps(0, edge3SignedAreaPixel1, edge2SignedAreaPixel1, edge1SignedAreaPixel1);
__m128 signedAreaPixel2 = _mm_add_ps(signedAreaPixel1, signedAreaPixelDeltaX);
// NOTE: Step size of 2 pixels across X
signedAreaPixelDeltaX = _mm_mul_ps(signedAreaPixelDeltaX, two_4x);
const DqnV2 uv2SubUv1 = uv2 - uv1;
const DqnV2 uv3SubUv1 = uv3 - uv1;
const u32 IS_GREATER_MASK = 0xF;
for (i32 bufferY = min.y; bufferY < max.y; bufferY++)
if (signedArea1Row >= 0 && signedArea2Row >= 0 && signedArea3Row >= 0)
__m128 signedArea1 = signedAreaPixel1;
__m128 signedArea2 = signedAreaPixel2;
for (i32 bufferX = min.x; bufferX < max.x; bufferX += 2)
f32 barycentricB = signedArea3Row * invSignedAreaParallelogram;
f32 barycentricC = signedArea1Row * invSignedAreaParallelogram;
__m128 isGreater1 = _mm_cmpge_ps(signedArea1, zero_4x);
i32 isGreaterResult1 = _mm_movemask_ps(isGreater1);
if ((isGreaterResult1 & IS_GREATER_MASK) == IS_GREATER_MASK)
const f32 EPSILON = 0.1f;
__m128 barycentric = _mm_mul_ps(signedArea1, invSignedAreaParallelogram4x);
__m128 barycentricZ = _mm_mul_ps(triangleZ, barycentric);
f32 debugSignedArea1 = ((b.x - a.x) * (bufferY - a.y)) - ((b.y - a.y) * (bufferX - a.x));
f32 debugSignedArea2 = ((c.x - b.x) * (bufferY - b.y)) - ((c.y - b.y) * (bufferX - b.x));
f32 debugSignedArea3 = ((a.x - c.x) * (bufferY - c.y)) - ((a.y - c.y) * (bufferX - c.x));
i32 zBufferIndex = bufferX + (bufferY * zBufferPitch);
f32 pixelZValue = ((f32 *)&barycentricZ)[0] +
((f32 *)&barycentricZ)[1] +
((f32 *)&barycentricZ)[2];
f32 currZValue = renderBuffer->zBuffer[zBufferIndex];
if (pixelZValue > currZValue)
renderBuffer->zBuffer[zBufferIndex] = pixelZValue;
u8 *texturePtr = texture->memory;
const u32 texturePitch = texture->bytesPerPixel * texture->dim.w;
f32 deltaSignedArea1 = debugSignedArea1 - signedArea1Row;
f32 deltaSignedArea2 = debugSignedArea2 - signedArea2Row;
f32 deltaSignedArea3 = debugSignedArea3 - signedArea3Row;
DQN_ASSERT(deltaSignedArea1 < EPSILON && deltaSignedArea2 < EPSILON &&
deltaSignedArea3 < EPSILON)
f32 barycentricB = ((f32 *)&barycentric)[2];
f32 barycentricC = ((f32 *)&barycentric)[0];
DqnV2 uv = uv1 + (uv2SubUv1 * barycentricB) + (uv3SubUv1 * barycentricC);
f32 debugBarycentricA, debugBarycentricB, debugBarycentricC;
DebugBarycentricInternal(DqnV2_2i(bufferX, bufferY), a.xy, b.xy, c.xy,
&debugBarycentricA, &debugBarycentricB,
const f32 EPSILON = 0.1f;
DQN_ASSERT(uv.x >= 0 && uv.x < 1.0f + EPSILON);
DQN_ASSERT(uv.y >= 0 && uv.y < 1.0f + EPSILON);
uv.x = DqnMath_Clampf(uv.x, 0.0f, 1.0f);
uv.y = DqnMath_Clampf(uv.y, 0.0f, 1.0f);
f32 texelXf = uv.x * texture->dim.w;
f32 texelYf = uv.y * texture->dim.h;
DQN_ASSERT(texelXf >= 0 && texelXf < texture->dim.w);
DQN_ASSERT(texelYf >= 0 && texelYf < texture->dim.h);
f32 deltaBaryB = DQN_ABS(barycentricB - debugBarycentricB);
f32 deltaBaryC = DQN_ABS(barycentricC - debugBarycentricC);
i32 texelX = (i32)texelXf;
i32 texelY = (i32)texelYf;
u32 texel1 = *(u32 *)(texturePtr + (texelX * texture->bytesPerPixel) +
(texelY * texturePitch));
DqnV4 color1;
color1.a = (f32)(texel1 >> 24);
color1.b = (f32)((texel1 >> 16) & 0xFF);
color1.g = (f32)((texel1 >> 8) & 0xFF);
color1.r = (f32)((texel1 >> 0) & 0xFF);
color1 *= DTRRENDER_INV_255;
color1 = DTRRender_SRGB1ToLinearSpaceV4(color1);
DqnV4 blend = color * color1;
SetPixel(renderBuffer, bufferX, bufferY, blend, ColorSpace_Linear);
DQN_ASSERT(deltaBaryB < EPSILON && deltaBaryC < EPSILON)
i32 zBufferIndex = bufferX + (bufferY * zBufferPitch);
f32 pixelZValue = a.z + (barycentricB * (b.z - a.z)) + (barycentricC * (c.z - a.z));
f32 currZValue = renderBuffer->zBuffer[zBufferIndex];
DQN_ASSERT(zBufferIndex < (renderBuffer->width * renderBuffer->height));
if (pixelZValue > currZValue)
__m128 isGreater2 = _mm_cmpge_ps(signedArea2, zero_4x);
i32 isGreaterResult2 = _mm_movemask_ps(isGreater2);
i32 bufferX1 = bufferX + 1;
if ((isGreaterResult2 & IS_GREATER_MASK) == IS_GREATER_MASK && bufferX1 < max.x)
renderBuffer->zBuffer[zBufferIndex] = pixelZValue;
const bool DEBUG_SAMPLE_TEXTURE = true;
DqnV2 uv = uv1 + ((uv2 - uv1) * barycentricB) + ((uv3 - uv1) * barycentricC);
__m128 barycentric = _mm_mul_ps(signedArea2, invSignedAreaParallelogram4x);
__m128 barycentricZ = _mm_mul_ps(triangleZ, barycentric);
const f32 EPSILON = 0.1f;
DQN_ASSERT(uv.x >= 0 && uv.x < 1.0f + EPSILON);
DQN_ASSERT(uv.y >= 0 && uv.y < 1.0f + EPSILON);
i32 zBufferIndex = bufferX1 + (bufferY * zBufferPitch);
f32 pixelZValue = ((f32 *)&barycentricZ)[0] +
((f32 *)&barycentricZ)[1] +
((f32 *)&barycentricZ)[2];
f32 currZValue = renderBuffer->zBuffer[zBufferIndex];
if (pixelZValue > currZValue)
renderBuffer->zBuffer[zBufferIndex] = pixelZValue;
u8 *texturePtr = texture->memory;
const u32 texturePitch = texture->bytesPerPixel * texture->dim.w;
uv.x = DqnMath_Clampf(uv.x, 0.0f, 1.0f);
uv.y = DqnMath_Clampf(uv.y, 0.0f, 1.0f);
f32 barycentricB = ((f32 *)&barycentric)[2];
f32 barycentricC = ((f32 *)&barycentric)[0];
DqnV2 uv = uv1 + (uv2SubUv1 * barycentricB) + (uv3SubUv1 * barycentricC);
f32 texelXf = uv.x * texture->dim.w;
f32 texelYf = uv.y * texture->dim.h;
DQN_ASSERT(texelXf >= 0 && texelXf < texture->dim.w);
DQN_ASSERT(texelYf >= 0 && texelYf < texture->dim.h);
const f32 EPSILON = 0.1f;
DQN_ASSERT(uv.x >= 0 && uv.x < 1.0f + EPSILON);
DQN_ASSERT(uv.y >= 0 && uv.y < 1.0f + EPSILON);
uv.x = DqnMath_Clampf(uv.x, 0.0f, 1.0f);
uv.y = DqnMath_Clampf(uv.y, 0.0f, 1.0f);
i32 texelX = (i32)texelXf;
i32 texelY = (i32)texelYf;
f32 texelXf = uv.x * texture->dim.w;
f32 texelYf = uv.y * texture->dim.h;
DQN_ASSERT(texelXf >= 0 && texelXf < texture->dim.w);
DQN_ASSERT(texelYf >= 0 && texelYf < texture->dim.h);
u32 texel1 = *(u32 *)(texturePtr + (texelX * texture->bytesPerPixel) +
(texelY * texturePitch));
i32 texelX = (i32)texelXf;
i32 texelY = (i32)texelYf;
DqnV4 color1;
color1.a = (f32)(texel1 >> 24);
color1.b = (f32)((texel1 >> 16) & 0xFF);
color1.g = (f32)((texel1 >> 8) & 0xFF);
color1.r = (f32)((texel1 >> 0) & 0xFF);
u32 texel1 = *(u32 *)(texturePtr + (texelX * texture->bytesPerPixel) +
(texelY * texturePitch));
color1 *= DTRRENDER_INV_255;
color1 = DTRRender_SRGB1ToLinearSpaceV4(color1);
DqnV4 blend = color * color1;
SetPixel(renderBuffer, bufferX, bufferY, blend, ColorSpace_Linear);
DqnV4 color1;
color1.a = (f32)(texel1 >> 24);
color1.b = (f32)((texel1 >> 16) & 0xFF);
color1.g = (f32)((texel1 >> 8) & 0xFF);
color1.r = (f32)((texel1 >> 0) & 0xFF);
color1 *= DTRRENDER_INV_255;
color1 = DTRRender_SRGB1ToLinearSpaceV4(color1);
DqnV4 blend = color * color1;
SetPixel(renderBuffer, bufferX1, bufferY, blend, ColorSpace_Linear);
signedArea1 = _mm_add_ps(signedArea1, signedAreaPixelDeltaX);
signedArea2 = _mm_add_ps(signedArea2, signedAreaPixelDeltaX);
signedArea1Row += signedArea1DeltaX;
signedArea2Row += signedArea2DeltaX;
signedArea3Row += signedArea3DeltaX;
signedAreaPixel1 = _mm_add_ps(signedAreaPixel1, signedAreaPixelDeltaY);
signedAreaPixel2 = _mm_add_ps(signedAreaPixel2, signedAreaPixelDeltaY);
DqnV2i startP = min;
f32 signedArea1 = ((b.x - a.x) * (startP.y - a.y)) - ((b.y - a.y) * (startP.x - a.x));
f32 signedArea1DeltaX = a.y - b.y;
f32 signedArea1DeltaY = b.x - a.x;
signedArea1 += signedArea1DeltaY;
signedArea2 += signedArea2DeltaY;
signedArea3 += signedArea3DeltaY;
f32 signedArea2 = ((c.x - b.x) * (startP.y - b.y)) - ((c.y - b.y) * (startP.x - b.x));
f32 signedArea2DeltaX = b.y - c.y;
f32 signedArea2DeltaY = c.x - b.x;
f32 signedArea3 = ((a.x - c.x) * (startP.y - c.y)) - ((a.y - c.y) * (startP.x - c.x));
f32 signedArea3DeltaX = c.y - a.y;
f32 signedArea3DeltaY = a.x - c.x;
f32 signedAreaParallelogram = signedArea1 + signedArea2 + signedArea3;
if (signedAreaParallelogram == 0) return;
f32 invSignedAreaParallelogram = 1 / signedAreaParallelogram;
for (i32 bufferY = min.y; bufferY < max.y; bufferY++)
f32 signedArea1Row = signedArea1;
f32 signedArea2Row = signedArea2;
f32 signedArea3Row = signedArea3;
for (i32 bufferX = min.x; bufferX < max.x; bufferX++)
if (signedArea1Row >= 0 && signedArea2Row >= 0 && signedArea3Row >= 0)
f32 barycentricB = signedArea3Row * invSignedAreaParallelogram;
f32 barycentricC = signedArea1Row * invSignedAreaParallelogram;
const f32 EPSILON = 0.1f;
f32 debugSignedArea1 = ((b.x - a.x) * (bufferY - a.y)) - ((b.y - a.y) * (bufferX - a.x));
f32 debugSignedArea2 = ((c.x - b.x) * (bufferY - b.y)) - ((c.y - b.y) * (bufferX - b.x));
f32 debugSignedArea3 = ((a.x - c.x) * (bufferY - c.y)) - ((a.y - c.y) * (bufferX - c.x));
f32 deltaSignedArea1 = DQN_ABS(debugSignedArea1 - signedArea1Row);
f32 deltaSignedArea2 = DQN_ABS(debugSignedArea2 - signedArea2Row);
f32 deltaSignedArea3 = DQN_ABS(debugSignedArea3 - signedArea3Row);
DQN_ASSERT(deltaSignedArea1 < EPSILON && deltaSignedArea2 < EPSILON &&
deltaSignedArea3 < EPSILON)
f32 debugBarycentricA, debugBarycentricB, debugBarycentricC;
DebugBarycentricInternal(DqnV2_2i(bufferX, bufferY), a.xy, b.xy, c.xy,
&debugBarycentricA, &debugBarycentricB,
f32 deltaBaryB = DQN_ABS(barycentricB - debugBarycentricB);
f32 deltaBaryC = DQN_ABS(barycentricC - debugBarycentricC);
DQN_ASSERT(deltaBaryB < EPSILON && deltaBaryC < EPSILON)
i32 zBufferIndex = bufferX + (bufferY * zBufferPitch);
f32 pixelZValue =
a.z + (barycentricB * (b.z - a.z)) + (barycentricC * (c.z - a.z));
f32 currZValue = renderBuffer->zBuffer[zBufferIndex];
DQN_ASSERT(zBufferIndex < (renderBuffer->width * renderBuffer->height));
if (pixelZValue > currZValue)
renderBuffer->zBuffer[zBufferIndex] = pixelZValue;
if (texture)
u8 *texturePtr = texture->memory;
const u32 texturePitch = texture->bytesPerPixel * texture->dim.w;
DqnV2 uv =
uv1 + ((uv2 - uv1) * barycentricB) + ((uv3 - uv1) * barycentricC);
const f32 EPSILON = 0.1f;
DQN_ASSERT(uv.x >= 0 && uv.x < 1.0f + EPSILON);
DQN_ASSERT(uv.y >= 0 && uv.y < 1.0f + EPSILON);
uv.x = DqnMath_Clampf(uv.x, 0.0f, 1.0f);
uv.y = DqnMath_Clampf(uv.y, 0.0f, 1.0f);
f32 texelXf = uv.x * texture->dim.w;
f32 texelYf = uv.y * texture->dim.h;
DQN_ASSERT(texelXf >= 0 && texelXf < texture->dim.w);
DQN_ASSERT(texelYf >= 0 && texelYf < texture->dim.h);
i32 texelX = (i32)texelXf;
i32 texelY = (i32)texelYf;
u32 texel1 = *(u32 *)(texturePtr + (texelX * texture->bytesPerPixel) +
(texelY * texturePitch));
DqnV4 color1;
color1.a = (f32)(texel1 >> 24);
color1.b = (f32)((texel1 >> 16) & 0xFF);
color1.g = (f32)((texel1 >> 8) & 0xFF);
color1.r = (f32)((texel1 >> 0) & 0xFF);
color1 *= DTRRENDER_INV_255;
color1 = DTRRender_SRGB1ToLinearSpaceV4(color1);
DqnV4 blend = color * color1;
SetPixel(renderBuffer, bufferX, bufferY, blend, ColorSpace_Linear);
SetPixel(renderBuffer, bufferX, bufferY, color, ColorSpace_Linear);
signedArea1Row += signedArea1DeltaX;
signedArea2Row += signedArea2DeltaX;
signedArea3Row += signedArea3DeltaX;
signedArea1 += signedArea1DeltaY;
signedArea2 += signedArea2DeltaY;
signedArea3 += signedArea3DeltaY;
@ -881,12 +1046,10 @@ void DTRRender_Triangle(DTRRenderBuffer *const renderBuffer, DqnV3 p1, DqnV3 p2,
if (signedAreaParallelogram == 0) return;
f32 invSignedAreaParallelogram = 1 / signedAreaParallelogram;
// Scan and Render
const u32 zBufferPitch = renderBuffer->width;
const f32 BARYCENTRIC_EPSILON = 0.1f;
const u32 zBufferPitch = renderBuffer->width;
for (i32 bufferY = min.y; bufferY < max.y; bufferY++)
f32 signedArea1Row = signedArea1;
@ -903,6 +1066,7 @@ void DTRRender_Triangle(DTRRenderBuffer *const renderBuffer, DqnV3 p1, DqnV3 p2,
i32 zBufferIndex = bufferX + (bufferY * zBufferPitch);
f32 pixelZValue = a.z + (barycentricB * (b.z - a.z)) + (barycentricC * (c.z - a.z));
f32 currZValue = renderBuffer->zBuffer[zBufferIndex];
DQN_ASSERT(zBufferIndex < (renderBuffer->width * renderBuffer->height));
if (pixelZValue > currZValue)
renderBuffer->zBuffer[zBufferIndex] = pixelZValue;
@ -919,7 +1083,6 @@ void DTRRender_Triangle(DTRRenderBuffer *const renderBuffer, DqnV3 p1, DqnV3 p2,
signedArea2 += signedArea2DeltaY;
signedArea3 += signedArea3DeltaY;
// Debug
@ -958,8 +1121,7 @@ void DTRRender_Triangle(DTRRenderBuffer *const renderBuffer, DqnV3 p1, DqnV3 p2,
void DTRRender_Bitmap(DTRRenderBuffer *const renderBuffer,
DTRBitmap *const bitmap, DqnV2 pos,
void DTRRender_Bitmap(DTRRenderBuffer *const renderBuffer, DTRBitmap *const bitmap, DqnV2 pos,
const DTRRenderTransform transform, DqnV4 color)
if (!bitmap || !bitmap->memory || !renderBuffer) return;
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ void DTRRender_Text (DTRRenderBuffer *const renderBuffer, const DTRFo
void DTRRender_Line (DTRRenderBuffer *const renderBuffer, DqnV2i a, DqnV2i b, DqnV4 color);
void DTRRender_Rectangle (DTRRenderBuffer *const renderBuffer, DqnV2 min, DqnV2 max, DqnV4 color, const DTRRenderTransform transform = DTRRender_DefaultTransform());
void DTRRender_Triangle (DTRRenderBuffer *const renderBuffer, DqnV3 p1, DqnV3 p2, DqnV3 p3, DqnV4 color, const DTRRenderTransform transform = DTRRender_DefaultTriangleTransform());
void DTRRender_TexturedTriangle(DTRRenderBuffer *const renderBuffer, DqnV3 p1, DqnV3 p2, DqnV3 p3, DqnV2 uv1, DqnV2 uv2, DqnV2 uv3, DTRBitmap *const texture, DqnV4 color, const DTRRenderTransform transform = DTRRender_DefaultTriangleTransform());
void DTRRender_TexturedTriangle(PlatformInput *const input, DTRRenderBuffer *const renderBuffer, DqnV3 p1, DqnV3 p2, DqnV3 p3, DqnV2 uv1, DqnV2 uv2, DqnV2 uv3, DTRBitmap *const texture, DqnV4 color, const DTRRenderTransform transform = DTRRender_DefaultTriangleTransform());
void DTRRender_Bitmap (DTRRenderBuffer *const renderBuffer, DTRBitmap *const bitmap, DqnV2 pos, const DTRRenderTransform transform = DTRRender_DefaultTransform(), DqnV4 color = DqnV4_4f(1, 1, 1, 1));
void DTRRender_Clear (DTRRenderBuffer *const renderBuffer, DqnV3 color);
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ REM wd4100 unused argument parameters
REM wd4201 nonstandard extension used: nameless struct/union
REM wd4189 local variable is initialised but not referenced
REM wd4505 unreferenced local function not used will be removed
set CompileFlags=-EHsc -GR- -Oi -MT -Z7 -W4 -wd4100 -wd4201 -wd4189 -wd4505 -Od -FAsc /I..\src\external\
set CompileFlags=-EHsc -GR- -Oi -MT -Z7 -W4 -wd4100 -wd4201 -wd4189 -wd4505 -O2 -FAsc /I..\src\external\
set DLLFlags=/Fm%ProjectName% /Fo%ProjectName% /Fa%ProjectName% /Fe%ProjectName%
set Win32Flags=/FmWin32DTRenderer /FeWin32DTRenderer
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ REM ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
del *.pdb >NUL 2>NUL
cl %CompileFlags% %Win32Flags% ..\src\Win32DTRenderer.cpp /link %LinkLibraries% %LinkFlags%
REM cl %CompileFlags% %DLLFlags% ..\src\UnityBuild\UnityBuild.cpp /LD /link ..\src\external\easy\easy_profiler.lib /PDB:%ProjectName%_%TimeStamp%.pdb /export:DTR_Update %LinkFlags%
cl %CompileFlags% %DLLFlags% ..\src\UnityBuild\UnityBuild.cpp /LD /link /PDB:%ProjectName%_%TimeStamp%.pdb /export:DTR_Update %LinkFlags%
cl %CompileFlags% %DLLFlags% ..\src\UnityBuild\UnityBuild.cpp /LD /link /PDB:%ProjectName%_%TimeStamp%.pdb /export:DTR_Update %LinkFlags%
set LastError=%ERRORLEVEL%
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