@echo off setlocal set root=%~dp0 set home=%root%\home set cmder_root=%root%\Cmder set installer_root=%root%\Installer set vim_root=%home%\vimfiles set tools_root=%root%\Tools set compiler_root=%tools_root%\Compiler if not exist %home% mkdir %home% if not exist %installer_root% mkdir %installer_root% if not exist %tools_root% mkdir %tools_root% if not exist %compiler_root% mkdir %compiler_root% REM REM Cmder REM set cmder_version=v1.3.16 set cmder_zip=%installer_root%\win32_cmder_%cmder_version%.7z if exist "%cmder_root%" ( echo - [Cache] Cmder already installed at %cmder_root% ) else ( call :DownloadFile https://github.com/cmderdev/cmder/releases/download/%cmder_version%/cmder.7z "%cmder_zip%" || exit /b call :Unzip "%cmder_zip%" "%cmder_root%" || exit /b ) REM REM Misc Tools REM clang-format: C/C++ formatting tool REM ctags: C/C++ code annotation generator REM scanmapset: Bind capslock to escape via registry REM uncap: Bind capslock to escape via run-time program call :CopyFile "%installer_root%\win32_clang_format.exe" "%cmder_root%\bin\clang-format.exe" || exit /b call :CopyFile "%installer_root%\win32_ctags.exe" "%cmder_root%\bin\ctags.exe" || exit /b call :CopyFile "%installer_root%\win32_scanmapset.exe" "%cmder_root%\bin\scanmapset.exe" || exit /b call :CopyFile "%installer_root%\win32_uncap.exe" "%cmder_root%\bin\uncap.exe" || exit /b REM REM GVim, Vim Plug, Vim Config REM set gvim_zip=%installer_root%\win32_gvim_x64.7z set gvim_path=%tools_root%\GVim if exist "%gvim_path%" ( echo - [Cache] GVim already installed at %gvim_path% ) else ( call :DownloadFile https://tuxproject.de/projects/vim/complete-x64.7z %gvim_zip% || exit /b call :Unzip "%gvim_zip%" "%gvim_path%" || exit /b ) call :CopyFile "%installer_root%\_vimrc" "%home%" || exit /b call :CopyFile "%installer_root%\win32_gvim_fullscreen.dll" "%gvim_path%\gvim_fullscreen.dll" || exit /b set vim_plug_path=%vim_root%\autoload set vim_plug=%vim_plug_path%\plug.vim if exist "%vim_plug%" ( echo - [Cache] Vim Plug already installed at %vim_plug% ) else ( if not exist "%vim_plug_path%" mkdir "%vim_plug_path%" call :DownloadFile https://raw.githubusercontent.com/junegunn/vim-plug/master/plug.vim "%vim_plug%" || exit /b ) REM REM ripgrep REM set rg_zip=%installer_root%\win32_rg_v12.1.1.7z set rg_exe=%cmder_root%\bin\rg.exe if exist "%rg_exe%" ( echo - [Cache] rg already installed at %rg_exe% ) else ( call :Unzip "%rg_zip%" "%cmder_root%\bin" || exit /b ) REM REM Zig REM set zig_version=0.7.0 set zig_file=zig-windows-x86_64-%zig_version%.zip set zig_zip=%installer_root%\win32_%zig_file% set zig_path=%compiler_root%\zig-windows-x86_64-%zig_version% if exist "%zig_path%" ( echo - [Cache] Zig already installed at %zig_path% ) else ( call :DownloadFile https://ziglang.org/download/%zig_version%/%zig_file% %zig_zip% || exit /b call :Unzip "%zig_zip%" "%compiler_root%" || exit /b ) REM REM Python REM set python_version= set python_version_nodot=3902 set python_url=https://github.com/winpython/winpython/releases/download/3.0.20201028/Winpython64-%python_version%.exe set python_zip=%installer_root%\win32_Winpython64-%python_version%.exe set python_path=%tools_root%\WPy64-%python_version_nodot% if exist "%python_path%" ( echo - [Cache] Python already installed at %python_path% ) else ( call :DownloadFile %python_url% "%python_zip%" || exit /b call :Unzip "%python_zip%" "%tools_root%" || exit /b ) REM REM Generate Cmder Startup Config File REM set cmder_config_file=%cmder_root%\config\user_profile.cmd echo - Generate cmder config at %cmder_config_file% echo @echo off> %cmder_config_file% echo set PATH=%zig_path%;%python_path%\python-3.9.0.amd64;%%PATH%%>> "%cmder_config_file%" echo set PYTHONHOME=%python_path%\python-3.9.0.amd64>> "%cmder_config_file%" echo set HOME=%cmder_root%\..\Home>> "%cmder_config_file%" echo set HOMEPATH=%cmder_root%\..\Home>> "%cmder_config_file%" echo set USERPROFILE=%cmder_root%\..\Home>> "%cmder_config_file%" echo alias gvim=%cmder_root%\..\Tools\GVim\gvim.exe $*>> "%cmder_config_file%" echo - Setup complete! Launch %cmder_root%\cmder.exe [or restart Cmder instance if you're updating an existing installation] exit /b REM REM Functions REM :DownloadFile set url=%~1 set dest_file=%~2 echo - [Download File] %url% to %dest_file% if not exist %dest_file% powershell -Command "[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; Invoke-WebRequest %url% -OutFile %dest_file%" if not exist %dest_file% echo Failed to download file from %url% exit /b %ERRORLEVEL% :CopyFile set src_file=%~1 set dest_file=%~2 copy /Y %src_file% %dest_file% > nul if exist "%dest_file%" echo - [Copy File] %src_file% to %dest_file% if not exist "%dest_file%" echo - [Copy File] Failed to copy file from %src_file% to %dest_file% exit /b %ERRORLEVEL% :Unzip set zip_file=%~1 set dest=%~2 echo - [Unzip] %zip_file% to %dest% %installer_root%\win32_7za.exe x -y -o%dest% %zip_file% if not exist %dest% echo - [Unzip] Failed to unzip %zip_file% to %dest% exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%