This commit is contained in:
doyle 2022-07-09 00:40:23 +10:00
parent 5ca251047a
commit d2ce3e36ba
2 changed files with 351 additions and 276 deletions

win_helpers.bat Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
REM Win Helpers - Version 2
call %*
goto exit
REM call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile <url> <dest>
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
set url=%~1
set dest_file=%~2
if exist "!dest_file!" (
echo - [DownloadFile/Cached] !url! to !dest_file!
) else (
echo - [DownloadFile] !url! to !dest_file!
call powershell -NoLogo -NoProfile -NonInteractive -Command "[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'; Invoke-WebRequest !url! -OutFile !dest_file! -UserAgent [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.PSUserAgent]::FireFox"
if exist "!dest_file!" (
exit /B 0
) else (
echo [Download File] Failed to download file from !url!
exit /B 1
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
set src_file=%~1
set dest_file=%~2
if not exist "!src_file!" (
echo - [OverwriteCopy] File to copy does not exist [file=%src_file%]
exit /B 1
echo - [OverwriteCopy] !src_file! to !dest_file!
call copy /Y !src_file! !dest_file! > nul
exit /B 0
REM call win_helpers.bat :Unzip <path/to/7z.exe> <zip_file> <dest>
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
set zip7_exe=%~1
set zip_file=%~2
set dest=%~3
if not exist "!zip7_exe!" (
echo - [Unzip] Failed, 7zip exe not found [path=%zip7_exe%]
exit /B 1
if not exist "!zip_file!" (
echo - [Unzip] Failed, zip to unzip does not exist [path=%zip_file%]
exit /B 1
if exist !dest! (
echo - [Unzip/Cached] !zip_file! to !dest!
) else (
echo - [Unzip] !zip_file! to !dest!
call !zip7_dir!\7z.exe x -y -spe -o!dest! !zip_file!
exit /B 0
REM call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck [sha256|md5|...] <file> <hash>
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
set algorithm=%~1
set file=%~2
set expected=%~3
if not exist "!file!" (
echo - [FileHashCheck] File does not exist [file=%file%]
exit /B 1
REM Calculate hash
for /F "tokens=2 delims= " %%c in ('powershell -NoLogo -NoProfile -NonInteractive Get-FileHash -algorithm !algorithm! \"!file!\" ') do ( set "actual=%%c" )
REM Verify Hash
if /I "!expected!" neq "!actual!" (
echo - [FileHashCheck] !file!
echo !algorithm! hash does not match, failing.
echo Expected: !expected!
echo Actual: !actual!
exit /B 1
echo - [Verify] !algorithm! Hash OK: !file! !expected!
exit /B 0
REM call win_helpers.bat :Move <src> <dest>
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
set src=%~1
set dest=%~2
if not exist "!src!" (
echo - [Move] File/path does not exist [file=%src%]
exit /B 1
echo - [Move] Move "!src!" to "!dest!"
robocopy "!src!" "!dest!" /E /MOVE /NP /NJS /NJS /NS /NC /NFL /NDL
exit /B 0
REM call win_helpers.bat :MakeBatchShortcut <name> <src> <dest_dir>
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM NOTE we make a batch file instead of a symlink because symlinks require
REM admin privileges in windows ...
set name=%~1
set executable=%~2
set dest_dir=%~3
if not exist "!executable!" (
echo - [MakeBatchShortcut] Executable to make shortcut to does not exist [executable=%executable%]
if not exist "!dest_dir!" (
echo - [MakeBatchShortcut] Shortcut destination directory does not exist [dir=%dest_dir%]
echo - [MakeBatchShortcut] Shortcut [name=!name!, exe=!executable!, dest=!dest_dir!]
echo @echo off> "!dest_dir!\!name!.bat"
echo !executable! %%*>> "!dest_dir!\!name!.bat"
exit /B 0
exit /B

View File

@ -55,11 +55,11 @@ set zip7_bootstrap_dir=!tools_dir!\!zip7_bootstrap_label!
set zip7_bootstrap_exe=!zip7_bootstrap_dir!\7za.exe
if not exist "!zip7_bootstrap_exe!" (
call :DownloadFile "!zip7_bootstrap_version!.zip" "!zip7_bootstrap_zip!" || exit /B
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!zip7_bootstrap_zip!" "!zip7_bootstrap_sha256!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "!zip7_bootstrap_version!.zip" "!zip7_bootstrap_zip!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!zip7_bootstrap_zip!" "!zip7_bootstrap_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
if not exist "!zip7_bootstrap_dir!" powershell "Expand-Archive !zip7_bootstrap_zip! -DestinationPath !zip7_bootstrap_dir!" || exit /B
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!zip7_bootstrap_exe!" "!zip7_bootstrap_exe_sha256!" || exit /B
if not exist "!zip7_bootstrap_dir!" powershell "Expand-Archive !zip7_bootstrap_zip! -DestinationPath !zip7_bootstrap_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!zip7_bootstrap_exe!" "!zip7_bootstrap_exe_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM 7zip
@ -77,12 +77,12 @@ set zip7_dir=!tools_dir!\!zip7_label!
set zip7_exe=!zip7_dir!\7z.exe
if not exist "!zip7_exe!" (
call :DownloadFile "!zip7_version!-x64.exe" "!zip7_zip!" || exit /B
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!zip7_zip!" "!zip7_sha256!" || exit /B
"!zip7_bootstrap_exe!" x -y -o"!zip7_dir!" !zip7_zip! || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "!zip7_version!-x64.exe" "!zip7_zip!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!zip7_zip!" "!zip7_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
"!zip7_bootstrap_exe!" x -y -o"!zip7_dir!" !zip7_zip! || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!zip7_exe!" "!zip7_exe_sha256!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!zip7_exe!" "!zip7_exe_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM Terminal
echo set PATH=!zip7_dir!;%%PATH%%>> "!tmp_terminal_script!"
@ -102,12 +102,12 @@ set gpg_w32_bin_dir=!gpg_w32_dir!\bin
set gpg_w32_exe=!gpg_w32_bin_dir!\gpg.exe
if not exist "!gpg_w32_exe!" (
call :DownloadFile "!gpg_w32_version!_!gpg_w32_date!.exe" "!gpg_w32_zip!" || exit /B
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!gpg_w32_zip!" "!gpg_w32_sha256!" || exit /B
call :Unzip "!gpg_w32_zip!" "!gpg_w32_dir!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "!gpg_w32_version!_!gpg_w32_date!.exe" "!gpg_w32_zip!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!gpg_w32_zip!" "!gpg_w32_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Unzip "!zip7_exe!" "!gpg_w32_zip!" "!gpg_w32_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!gpg_w32_exe!" "!gpg_w32_exe_sha256!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!gpg_w32_exe!" "!gpg_w32_exe_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
set PATH="!gpg_w32_bin_dir!";!PATH!
REM Terminal
@ -121,9 +121,9 @@ REM Download & verify the tools we want for development
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Wezterm
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
set wezterm_sha256=c634e98fa9715766bbb00cbc3c8a23d1d558c8cd5716ad2efca45ed4e0ef82f9
set wezterm_exe_sha256=b9b5bae20d0679127ca0c4da276dff3b7b32310bfbfaede26a9b8ecb55e295ce
set wezterm_version=20220408-101518-b908e2dd
set wezterm_sha256=1161E189A227C3CC34F128916F9C97DD33582EF24F54CF9893D8487FA753DCD0
set wezterm_exe_sha256=845BF220A6A57F17DFCA725859EB88B1FCA50E8D3D39A41DB01A49726F6E6260
set wezterm_version=20220624-141144-bd1b7c5d
set wezterm_label=wezterm_win64_!wezterm_version!
set wezterm_zip=!downloads_dir!\!wezterm_label!.zip
@ -131,14 +131,14 @@ set wezterm_dir=!tools_dir!\!wezterm_label!
set wezterm_exe=!wezterm_dir!\wezterm-gui.exe
if not exist "!wezterm_exe!" (
call :DownloadFile!wezterm_version!/WezTerm-windows-!wezterm_version!.zip "!wezterm_zip!" || exit /B
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!wezterm_zip!" "!wezterm_sha256!" || exit /B
call :Unzip "!wezterm_zip!" "!wezterm_dir!" || exit /B
call :Move "!wezterm_dir!\wezterm-windows-!wezterm_version!" "!wezterm_dir!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile!wezterm_version!/WezTerm-windows-!wezterm_version!.zip "!wezterm_zip!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!wezterm_zip!" "!wezterm_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Unzip "!zip7_exe!" "!wezterm_zip!" "!wezterm_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Move "!wezterm_dir!\wezterm-windows-!wezterm_version!" "!wezterm_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!wezterm_exe!" "!wezterm_exe_sha256!" || exit /B
call :CopyAndAlwaysOverwriteFile "!installer_dir!\os_wezterm.lua" "!wezterm_dir!\wezterm.lua" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!wezterm_exe!" "!wezterm_exe_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :OverwriteCopy "!installer_dir!\os_wezterm.lua" "!wezterm_dir!\wezterm.lua" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Jetbrains Mono Font
@ -153,12 +153,12 @@ set jetbrains_mono_dir=!tools_dir!\!jetbrains_mono_label!
set jetbrains_mono_file=!jetbrains_mono_dir!\fonts\ttf\JetBrainsMono-Regular.ttf
if not exist "!jetbrains_mono_file!" (
call :DownloadFile!jetbrains_mono_version!.zip "!jetbrains_mono_zip!" || exit /B
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!jetbrains_mono_zip!" "!jetbrains_mono_sha256!" || exit /B
call :Unzip "!jetbrains_mono_zip!" "!jetbrains_mono_dir!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile!jetbrains_mono_version!.zip "!jetbrains_mono_zip!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!jetbrains_mono_zip!" "!jetbrains_mono_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Unzip "!zip7_exe!" "!jetbrains_mono_zip!" "!jetbrains_mono_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!jetbrains_mono_file!" "!jetbrains_mono_file_sha256!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!jetbrains_mono_file!" "!jetbrains_mono_file_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Programming
@ -177,13 +177,13 @@ set cmake_bin_dir=!cmake_dir!\bin
set cmake_exe=!cmake_dir!\bin\cmake.exe
if not exist "!cmake_exe!" (
call :DownloadFile "!cmake_version!/cmake-!cmake_version!" "!cmake_zip!" || exit /B
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!cmake_zip!" "!cmake_sha256!" || exit /B
call :Unzip "!cmake_zip!" "!cmake_dir!" || exit /B
call :Move "!cmake_dir!/cmake-!cmake_version!-windows-x86_64" "!cmake_dir!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "!cmake_version!/cmake-!cmake_version!" "!cmake_zip!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!cmake_zip!" "!cmake_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Unzip "!zip7_exe!" "!cmake_zip!" "!cmake_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Move "!cmake_dir!/cmake-!cmake_version!-windows-x86_64" "!cmake_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!cmake_exe!" "!cmake_exe_sha256!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!cmake_exe!" "!cmake_exe_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
echo set PATH=!cmake_bin_dir!;%%PATH%%>> "!tmp_terminal_script!"
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -199,13 +199,13 @@ set ctags_dir=!tools_dir!\!ctags_label!
set ctags_exe=!ctags_dir!\ctags.exe
if not exist "!ctags_exe!" (
call :DownloadFile "!ctags_version!/ctags-!ctags_version!" "!ctags_zip!" || exit /B
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!ctags_zip!" "!ctags_sha256!" || exit /B
call :Unzip "!ctags_zip!" "!ctags_dir!" || exit /B
call :Move "!ctags_dir!/ctags-!ctags_version!-windows-x86_64" "!ctags_dir!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "!ctags_version!/ctags-!ctags_version!" "!ctags_zip!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!ctags_zip!" "!ctags_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Unzip "!zip7_exe!" "!ctags_zip!" "!ctags_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Move "!ctags_dir!/ctags-!ctags_version!-windows-x86_64" "!ctags_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!ctags_exe!" "!ctags_exe_sha256!" || exit /B
call :MakeBatchShortcutInBinDir "ctags" "!ctags_exe!"
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!ctags_exe!" "!ctags_exe_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :MakeBatchShortcut "ctags" "!ctags_exe!" "!bin_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -222,12 +222,12 @@ set git_install_dir=!tools_dir!\!git_label!
set git_exe=!git_install_dir!\cmd\git.exe
if not exist "!git_exe!" (
call :DownloadFile "!git_version!.windows.2/PortableGit-!git_version!.2-64-bit.7z.exe" "!git_zip!" || exit /B
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!git_zip!" "!git_sha256!" || exit /B
call :Unzip "!git_zip!" "!git_install_dir!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "!git_version!.windows.2/PortableGit-!git_version!.2-64-bit.7z.exe" "!git_zip!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!git_zip!" "!git_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Unzip "!zip7_exe!" "!git_zip!" "!git_install_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!git_exe!" "!git_exe_sha256!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!git_exe!" "!git_exe_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM Terminal
echo set PATH=!git_install_dir!\cmd;%%PATH%%>> "!tmp_terminal_script!"
@ -237,38 +237,53 @@ echo set PATH=!git_install_dir!\usr\bin;%%PATH%%>> "!tmp_terminal_script!"
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
set llvm_exe_12_0_1_sha256=9f0748de7f946c210a030452de226986bab46a0121d7236ea0e7b5079cb6dfef
set llvm_exe_sha256=568AF18A583341BD3A4C84D8852AFF97218A67033B565C76BCD58C3430C2E0A5
set llvm_version=14.0.5
REM NOTE: This list must be in descending order, latest version at the top. This
REM ensures the latest version is processed last and some variables rely on
REM this.
set llvm_version_list=14.0.6 !llvm_version_list!
set llvm_version_list=13.0.1 !llvm_version_list!
set llvm_version_list=12.0.1 !llvm_version_list!
set llvm_version_list=11.1.0 !llvm_version_list!
set llvm_label=llvm_win64_!llvm_version!
set llvm_zip=!downloads_dir!\!llvm_label!.exe
set llvm_dir=!tools_dir!\!llvm_label!
set llvm_bin_dir=!llvm_dir!\bin
set llvm_exe=!llvm_bin_dir!\clang.exe
for %%a in (%llvm_version_list%) do (
set llvm_version=%%a
set llvm_exe_sha256=none
set llvm_gpg_key=!downloads_dir!\llvm_tstellar_gpg_key.asc
set llvm_gpg_sig=!llvm_zip!.sig
if "!llvm_version!"=="14.0.6" set llvm_exe_sha256=D557B79BC09A01141AC7D940016F52CE1DB081E31D7968F0D9B6F4C192D8F8CC
if "!llvm_version!"=="13.0.1" set llvm_exe_sha256=E3F26820AC446CB7C471CCE49F6646B4346AA5380D11790CEAA7BF494A94B21D
if "!llvm_version!"=="12.0.1" set llvm_exe_sha256=9f0748de7f946c210a030452de226986bab46a0121d7236ea0e7b5079cb6dfef
if "!llvm_version!"=="11.1.0" set llvm_exe_sha256=F72591F8A02E4B7573AA2FCD2999A3EA76FE729E2468E5414853617268798DFD
if not exist "!llvm_exe!" (
call :DownloadFile "" "!llvm_gpg_key!" || exit /B
call :DownloadFile "!llvm_version!/LLVM-!llvm_version!-win64.exe" "!llvm_zip!" || exit /B
set llvm_label=llvm_win64_!llvm_version!
set llvm_zip=!downloads_dir!\!llvm_label!.exe
set llvm_dir=!tools_dir!\!llvm_label!
set llvm_bin_dir=!llvm_dir!\bin
set llvm_exe=!llvm_bin_dir!\clang.exe
REM Version 14.0.5 doesn't ship with signatures?
REM call :DownloadFile "!llvm_version!/LLVM-!llvm_version!-win64.exe.sig" "!llvm_gpg_sig!" || exit /B
REM gpg --import "!llvm_gpg_key!" || exit /B
REM gpg --verify "!llvm_gpg_sig!" "!llvm_zip!" || exit /B
set llvm_gpg_key=!downloads_dir!\llvm_tstellar_gpg_key.asc
set llvm_gpg_sig=!llvm_zip!.sig
call :Unzip "!llvm_zip!" "!llvm_dir!" || exit /B
if not exist "!llvm_exe!" (
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "" "!llvm_gpg_key!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "!llvm_version!/LLVM-!llvm_version!-win64.exe" "!llvm_zip!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM Version 14.0.5 doesn't ship with signatures?
REM call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "!llvm_version!/LLVM-!llvm_version!-win64.exe.sig" "!llvm_gpg_sig!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM gpg --import "!llvm_gpg_key!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM gpg --verify "!llvm_gpg_sig!" "!llvm_zip!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Unzip "!zip7_exe!" "!llvm_zip!" "!llvm_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!llvm_exe!" "!llvm_exe_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :MakeBatchShortcut "clang-!llvm_version!" "!llvm_bin_dir!\clang.exe" "!bin_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :MakeBatchShortcut "clang++-!llvm_version!" "!llvm_bin_dir!\clang++.exe" "!bin_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :MakeBatchShortcut "clang-cl-!llvm_version!" "!llvm_bin_dir!\clang-cl.exe" "!bin_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!llvm_exe!" "!llvm_exe_sha256!" || exit /B
call :MakeBatchShortcutInBinDir "clang-!llvm_version!" "!llvm_bin_dir!\clang.exe"
call :MakeBatchShortcutInBinDir "clang++-!llvm_version!" "!llvm_bin_dir!\clang++.exe"
call :MakeBatchShortcutInBinDir "clang-cl++-!llvm_version!" "!llvm_bin_dir!\clang-cl++.exe"
REM Clang Format
set clang_format=!home_dir!\
call :CopyAndAlwaysOverwriteFile "!llvm_dir!\share\clang\" "!clang_format!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :OverwriteCopy "!llvm_dir!\share\clang\" "!clang_format!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM Terminal
echo set PATH=!llvm_bin_dir!;%%PATH%%>> "!tmp_terminal_script!"
@ -287,13 +302,13 @@ set mingw_bin_dir=!mingw_dir!\bin
set mingw_exe=!mingw_bin_dir!\gcc.exe
if not exist "!mingw_exe!" (
call :DownloadFile \" targetting Win64/Personal Builds/mingw-builds/!mingw_version!/threads-posix/seh/x86_64-!mingw_version!-release-posix-seh-rt_v6-rev0.7z\" !mingw_zip! || exit /B
call :FileHashCheck sha256 !mingw_zip! !mingw_sha256! || exit /B
call :Unzip !mingw_zip! !mingw_dir! || exit /B
call :Move !mingw_dir!\mingw64 !mingw_dir! || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile \" targetting Win64/Personal Builds/mingw-builds/!mingw_version!/threads-posix/seh/x86_64-!mingw_version!-release-posix-seh-rt_v6-rev0.7z\" !mingw_zip! || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 !mingw_zip! !mingw_sha256! || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Unzip "!zip7_exe!" !mingw_zip! !mingw_dir! || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Move !mingw_dir!\mingw64 !mingw_dir! || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!mingw_exe!" "!mingw_exe_sha256!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!mingw_exe!" "!mingw_exe_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM Terminal
echo set PATH=!mingw_bin_dir!;%%PATH%%>> "!tmp_terminal_script!"
@ -311,13 +326,13 @@ set ninja_dir=!tools_dir!\!ninja_label!
set ninja_exe=!ninja_dir!\ninja.exe
if not exist "!ninja_exe!" (
call :DownloadFile "!ninja_version!/" "!ninja_zip!" || exit /B
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!ninja_zip!" "!ninja_sha256!" || exit /B
call :Unzip "!ninja_zip!" "!ninja_dir!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "!ninja_version!/" "!ninja_zip!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!ninja_zip!" "!ninja_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Unzip "!zip7_exe!" "!ninja_zip!" "!ninja_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!ninja_exe!" "!ninja_exe_sha256!" || exit /B
call :MakeBatchShortcutInBinDir "ninja" "!ninja_exe!"
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!ninja_exe!" "!ninja_exe_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :MakeBatchShortcut "ninja" "!ninja_exe!" "!bin_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM nodejs
@ -332,13 +347,13 @@ set nodejs_dir=!tools_dir!\!nodejs_label!
set nodejs_exe=!nodejs_dir!\node.exe
if not exist "!nodejs_exe!" (
call :DownloadFile "!nodejs_version!/node-v!nodejs_version!-win-x64.7z" "!nodejs_zip!" || exit /B
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!nodejs_zip!" "!nodejs_sha256!" || exit /B
call :Unzip "!nodejs_zip!" "!nodejs_dir!" || exit /B
call :Move "!nodejs_dir!\node-v!nodejs_version!-win-x64" "!nodejs_dir!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "!nodejs_version!/node-v!nodejs_version!-win-x64.7z" "!nodejs_zip!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!nodejs_zip!" "!nodejs_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Unzip "!zip7_exe!" "!nodejs_zip!" "!nodejs_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Move "!nodejs_dir!\node-v!nodejs_version!-win-x64" "!nodejs_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!nodejs_exe!" "!nodejs_exe_sha256!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!nodejs_exe!" "!nodejs_exe_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM Terminal
echo set PATH=!nodejs_dir!;%%PATH%%>> "!tmp_terminal_script!"
@ -359,13 +374,13 @@ set python_bin_dir=!python_dir!\python-!python_version_dot!.amd64\
set python_exe=!python_bin_dir!\python.exe
if not exist "!python_exe!" (
call :DownloadFile "!python_version!.exe" "!python_zip!" || exit /B
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!python_zip!" "!python_sha256!" || exit /B
call :Unzip "!python_zip!" "!python_dir!" || exit /B
call :Move "!python_dir!\WPy64-!python_version_nodot!" "!python_dir!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "!python_version!.exe" "!python_zip!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!python_zip!" "!python_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Unzip "!zip7_exe!" "!python_zip!" "!python_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Move "!python_dir!\WPy64-!python_version_nodot!" "!python_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!python_exe!" "!python_exe_sha256!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!python_exe!" "!python_exe_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
set python_bin_dir=!python_dir!\python-!python_version_dot!.amd64
set python_scripts_bin_dir=!python_bin_dir!\Scripts
@ -388,13 +403,13 @@ set renderdoc_dir=!tools_dir!\!renderdoc_label!
set renderdoc_exe=!renderdoc_dir!\qrenderdoc.exe
if not exist "!renderdoc_exe!" (
call :DownloadFile "!renderdoc_version!/RenderDoc_!renderdoc_version!" "!renderdoc_zip!" || exit /B
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!renderdoc_zip!" "!renderdoc_sha256!" || exit /B
call :Unzip "!renderdoc_zip!" "!renderdoc_dir!" || exit /B
call :Move "!renderdoc_dir!\RenderDoc_!renderdoc_version!_64" "!renderdoc_dir!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "!renderdoc_version!/RenderDoc_!renderdoc_version!" "!renderdoc_zip!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!renderdoc_zip!" "!renderdoc_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Unzip "!zip7_exe!" "!renderdoc_zip!" "!renderdoc_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Move "!renderdoc_dir!\RenderDoc_!renderdoc_version!_64" "!renderdoc_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!renderdoc_exe!" "!renderdoc_exe_sha256!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!renderdoc_exe!" "!renderdoc_exe_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Zeal
@ -409,13 +424,13 @@ set zeal_dir=!tools_dir!\!zeal_label!
set zeal_exe=!zeal_dir!\zeal.exe
if not exist "!zeal_exe!" (
call :DownloadFile "!zeal_version!/zeal-portable-!zeal_version!-windows-x64.7z" "!zeal_zip!" || exit /B
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!zeal_zip!" "!zeal_sha256!" || exit /B
call :Unzip "!zeal_zip!" "!zeal_dir!" || exit /B
call :Move "!zeal_dir!\zeal-portable-!zeal_version!-windows-x64" "!zeal_dir!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "!zeal_version!/zeal-portable-!zeal_version!-windows-x64.7z" "!zeal_zip!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!zeal_zip!" "!zeal_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Unzip "!zip7_exe!" "!zeal_zip!" "!zeal_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Move "!zeal_dir!\zeal-portable-!zeal_version!-windows-x64" "!zeal_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!zeal_exe!" "!zeal_exe_sha256!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!zeal_exe!" "!zeal_exe_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -430,15 +445,15 @@ set zig_dir=!tools_dir!\!zig_label!
set zig_exe=!zig_dir!\zig.exe
if not exist "!zig_exe!" (
call :DownloadFile "!zig_version!/zig-windows-x86_64-!zig_version!.zip" "!zig_zip!" || exit /B
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!zig_zip!" "!zig_sha256!" || exit /B
call :Unzip "!zig_zip!" "!zig_dir!" || exit /B
call :Move "!zig_dir!\zig-windows-x86_64-!zig_version!" "!zig_dir!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "!zig_version!/zig-windows-x86_64-!zig_version!.zip" "!zig_zip!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!zig_zip!" "!zig_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Unzip "!zip7_exe!" "!zig_zip!" "!zig_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Move "!zig_dir!\zig-windows-x86_64-!zig_version!" "!zig_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!zig_exe!" "!zig_exe_sha256!" || exit /B
call :MakeBatchShortcutInBinDir "zig" "!zig_exe!"
call :MakeBatchShortcutInBinDir "zig-!zig_version!" "!zig_exe!"
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!zig_exe!" "!zig_exe_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :MakeBatchShortcut "zig" "!zig_exe!" "!bin_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :MakeBatchShortcut "zig-!zig_version!" "!zig_exe!" "!bin_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -448,8 +463,8 @@ set msvc_version=14.32
set msvc_sdk_version=20348
set msvc_dir=!tools_dir!\msvc_win64_!msvc_version!_win10_sdk_!msvc_sdk_version!
if not exist "!msvc_dir!" (
call "!python_exe!" !installer_dir!\ --accept-license --msvc-version !msvc_version! --sdk-version !msvc_sdk_version! || exit /B
call :Move "msvc" "!msvc_dir!" || exit /B
call "!python_exe!" !installer_dir!\ --accept-license --msvc-version !msvc_version! --sdk-version !msvc_sdk_version! || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Move "msvc" "!msvc_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM Put the compiler into the path temporarily for compiling some programs on
@ -464,11 +479,11 @@ REM Symget
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM set symget_dir=!tools_dir!\symget
REM if not exist "!symget_dir!" (
REM call !git_exe! clone !symget_dir! || exit /B
REM call !git_exe! clone !symget_dir! || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM call !git_exe! -C !symget_dir! pull origin main || exit /B
REM call !git_exe! -C !symget_dir! checkout 79b026f || exit /B
REM call !git_exe! -C !symget_dir! pull origin main || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM call !git_exe! -C !symget_dir! checkout 79b026f || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Odin
@ -478,7 +493,7 @@ set odin_dir=!tools_dir!\odin_win64
set odin_exe=!odin_dir!\odin.exe
if not exist "!odin_dir!" (
call !git_exe! clone !odin_dir! || exit /B
call !git_exe! clone !odin_dir! || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM Extract current git hash of the repository. Remove the last character as
@ -487,8 +502,8 @@ for /F "tokens=1 USEBACKQ" %%F IN (`"!git_exe!" -C !odin_dir! rev-parse --short
set odin_curr_git_hash=!odin_curr_git_hash:~0,-1!
if !odin_curr_git_hash! neq !odin_git_hash! (
call !git_exe! -C !odin_dir! pull origin master || exit /B
call !git_exe! -C !odin_dir! checkout !odin_git_hash! || exit /B
call !git_exe! -C !odin_dir! pull origin master || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call !git_exe! -C !odin_dir! checkout !odin_git_hash! || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
if not exist "!odin_exe!" (
@ -497,7 +512,7 @@ if not exist "!odin_exe!" (
call :MakeBatchShortcutInBinDir "odin" "!odin_exe!"
call win_helpers.bat :MakeBatchShortcut "odin" "!odin_exe!" "!bin_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM QoL/Tools
@ -505,10 +520,10 @@ REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM clink - Bash style tab completion in terminal
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
set clink_sha256=A31C5433FBD6CB295AC1569EAB6B13B1169AFF6D6F0F6A5538BCA35E25B59C28
set clink_exe_sha256=83BC9F48E4FB54FD35F472AB017A9CA71A49496C6AD474E57A496FEB44492E46
set clink_version=1.3.23
set clink_git_hash=5d5aed
set clink_sha256=00A516A9D072E46ADF381156703E54CDF086A1F078D006971E6D96DFA0186881
set clink_exe_sha256=7448FD3BE1CB698A154AAA9F2EB27146B81EE266F27BFE993B342C22C25E520A
set clink_version=1.3.35
set clink_git_hash=5e327d
set clink_label=clink_win64_!clink_version!
set clink_zip=!downloads_dir!\!clink_label!.zip
@ -517,24 +532,24 @@ set clink_exe=!clink_dir!\clink_x64.exe
set clink_bat=!clink_dir!\clink.bat
if not exist "!clink_exe!" (
call :DownloadFile "!clink_version!/clink.!clink_version!.!clink_git_hash!.zip" "!clink_zip!" || exit /B
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!clink_zip!" "!clink_sha256!" || exit /B
call :Unzip "!clink_zip!" "!clink_dir!" || exit /B
call :Move "!clink_dir!\clink_!clink_version!" "!clink_dir!" || exit /B
call :CopyAndAlwaysOverwriteFile "!clink_dir!\_default_inputrc" "!clink_dir!\default_inputrc" || exit /B
call :CopyAndAlwaysOverwriteFile "!clink_dir!\_default_settings" "!clink_dir!\default_settings" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "!clink_version!/clink.!clink_version!.!clink_git_hash!.zip" "!clink_zip!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!clink_zip!" "!clink_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Unzip "!zip7_exe!" "!clink_zip!" "!clink_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Move "!clink_dir!\clink_!clink_version!" "!clink_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :OverwriteCopy "!clink_dir!\_default_inputrc" "!clink_dir!\default_inputrc" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :OverwriteCopy "!clink_dir!\_default_settings" "!clink_dir!\default_settings" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!clink_exe!" "!clink_exe_sha256!" || exit /B
call :MakeBatchShortcutInBinDir "clink" "!clink_bat!"
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!clink_exe!" "!clink_exe_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :MakeBatchShortcut "clink" "!clink_bat!" "!bin_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM Clink Completion Addon
set clink_completions_dir=!tools_dir!\clink-completions
if not exist "!clink_completions_dir!" (
call !git_exe! clone !clink_completions_dir! || exit /B
call !git_exe! clone !clink_completions_dir! || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call !git_exe! -C !clink_completions_dir! pull origin master || exit /B
call !git_exe! -C !clink_completions_dir! checkout 9ab9342 || exit /B
call !git_exe! -C !clink_completions_dir! pull origin master || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call !git_exe! -C !clink_completions_dir! checkout 9ab9342 || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM Terminal Script
echo set CLINK_PATH=!clink_completions_dir!>> "!tmp_terminal_script!
@ -552,12 +567,12 @@ set dependencies_dir=!tools_dir!\!dependencies_label!
set dependencies_exe=!dependencies_dir!\DependenciesGui.exe
if not exist "!dependencies_exe!" (
call :DownloadFile "!dependencies_version!/" "!dependencies_zip!" || exit /B
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!dependencies_zip!" "!dependencies_sha256!" || exit /B
call :Unzip "!dependencies_zip!" "!dependencies_dir!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "!dependencies_version!/" "!dependencies_zip!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!dependencies_zip!" "!dependencies_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Unzip "!zip7_exe!" "!dependencies_zip!" "!dependencies_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!dependencies_exe!" "!dependencies_exe_sha256!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!dependencies_exe!" "!dependencies_exe_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM everything (void tools search program)
@ -572,12 +587,12 @@ set everything_dir=!tools_dir!\!everything_label!
set everything_exe=!everything_dir!\everything.exe
if not exist "!everything_exe!" (
call :DownloadFile "!everything_version!" "!everything_zip!" || exit /B
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!everything_zip!" "!everything_sha256!" || exit /B
call :Unzip "!everything_zip!" "!everything_dir!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "!everything_version!" "!everything_zip!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!everything_zip!" "!everything_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Unzip "!zip7_exe!" "!everything_zip!" "!everything_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!everything_exe!" "!everything_exe_sha256!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!everything_exe!" "!everything_exe_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM fzf
@ -592,14 +607,14 @@ set fzf_dir=!tools_dir!
set fzf_exe=!fzf_dir!\fzf_win64_!fzf_version!.exe
if not exist "!fzf_exe!" (
call :DownloadFile "!fzf_version!/fzf-!fzf_version!" "!fzf_zip!" || exit /B
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!fzf_zip!" "!fzf_sha256!" || exit /B
call :Unzip "!fzf_zip!" "!fzf_dir!" || exit /B
move /Y "!fzf_dir!\fzf.exe" "!fzf_exe!" 1>NUL || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "!fzf_version!/fzf-!fzf_version!" "!fzf_zip!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!fzf_zip!" "!fzf_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Unzip "!zip7_exe!" "!fzf_zip!" "!fzf_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
move /Y "!fzf_dir!\fzf.exe" "!fzf_exe!" 1>NUL || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!fzf_exe!" "!fzf_exe_sha256!" || exit /B
call :MakeBatchShortcutInBinDir "fzf" "!fzf_exe!"
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!fzf_exe!" "!fzf_exe_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :MakeBatchShortcut "fzf" "!fzf_exe!" "!bin_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM Terminal
REM Use FD for FZF to make it ultra fast
@ -619,15 +634,15 @@ set nvim_dir=!tools_dir!\!nvim_label!
set nvim_exe=!nvim_dir!\bin\nvim.exe
if not exist "!nvim_exe!" (
call :DownloadFile "!nvim_version!/" "!nvim_zip!" || exit /B
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!nvim_zip!" "!nvim_sha256!" || exit /B
call :Unzip "!nvim_zip!" "!nvim_dir!" || exit /B
call :Move "!nvim_dir!\nvim-win64" "!nvim_dir!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "!nvim_version!/" "!nvim_zip!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!nvim_zip!" "!nvim_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Unzip "!zip7_exe!" "!nvim_zip!" "!nvim_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Move "!nvim_dir!\nvim-win64" "!nvim_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!nvim_exe!" "!nvim_exe_sha256!" || exit /B
call :MakeBatchShortcutInBinDir "nvim" "!nvim_exe!"
call :MakeBatchShortcutInBinDir "nvim-qt" "!nvim_dir!\bin\nvim-qt.exe"
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!nvim_exe!" "!nvim_exe_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :MakeBatchShortcut "nvim" "!nvim_exe!" "!bin_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :MakeBatchShortcut "nvim-qt" "!nvim_dir!\bin\nvim-qt.exe" "!bin_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Neovide
@ -642,14 +657,14 @@ set neovide_dir=!tools_dir!\!neovide_label!
set neovide_exe=!neovide_dir!\neovide.exe
if not exist "!neovide_exe!" (
call :DownloadFile "!neovide_version!/" "!neovide_zip!" || exit /B
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!neovide_zip!" "!neovide_sha256!" || exit /B
call :Unzip "!neovide_zip!" "!neovide_dir!" || exit /B
call :Move "!neovide_dir!\neovide-windows" "!neovide_dir!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "!neovide_version!/" "!neovide_zip!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!neovide_zip!" "!neovide_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Unzip "!zip7_exe!" "!neovide_zip!" "!neovide_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Move "!neovide_dir!\neovide-windows" "!neovide_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!neovide_exe!" "!neovide_exe_sha256!" || exit /B
call :MakeBatchShortcutInBinDir "neovide" "!neovide_exe!"
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!neovide_exe!" "!neovide_exe_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :MakeBatchShortcut "neovide" "!neovide_exe!" "!bin_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Vim Configuration
@ -657,13 +672,13 @@ REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Nvim Config
set nvim_init_dir=!home_dir!\AppData\Local\nvim
if not exist "!nvim_init_dir!" mkdir "!nvim_init_dir!"
call :CopyAndAlwaysOverwriteFile "!installer_dir!\os_nvim_init.vim" "!nvim_init_dir!\init.vim"
call win_helpers.bat :OverwriteCopy "!installer_dir!\os_nvim_init.vim" "!nvim_init_dir!\init.vim"
REM Vim Package Manager
set vim_plug_dir=!nvim_init_dir!\autoload
set vim_plug=!vim_plug_dir!\plug.vim
if not exist "!vim_plug_dir!" mkdir "!vim_plug_dir!"
call :DownloadFile "" "!vim_plug!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "" "!vim_plug!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM Install Python NVIM module, for :py3 support
set PYTHONHOME=!python_bin_dir!
@ -682,12 +697,12 @@ set imhex_dir=!tools_dir!\!imhex_label!
set imhex_exe=!imhex_dir!\imhex.exe
if not exist "!imhex_exe!" (
call :DownloadFile "!imhex_version!/" "!imhex_zip!" || exit /B
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!imhex_zip!" "!imhex_sha256!" || exit /B
call :Unzip "!imhex_zip!" "!imhex_dir!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "!imhex_version!/" "!imhex_zip!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!imhex_zip!" "!imhex_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Unzip "!zip7_exe!" "!imhex_zip!" "!imhex_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!imhex_exe!" "!imhex_exe_sha256!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!imhex_exe!" "!imhex_exe_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Keypirinha
@ -702,13 +717,13 @@ set keypirinha_dir=!tools_dir!\!keypirinha_label!
set keypirinha_exe=!keypirinha_dir!\keypirinha.exe
if not exist "!keypirinha_exe!" (
call :DownloadFile "!keypirinha_version!/keypirinha-!keypirinha_version!-x64-portable.7z" "!keypirinha_zip!" || exit /B
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!keypirinha_zip!" "!keypirinha_sha256!" || exit /B
call :Unzip "!keypirinha_zip!" "!keypirinha_dir!" || exit /B
call :Move "!keypirinha_dir!\keypirinha" "!keypirinha_dir!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "!keypirinha_version!/keypirinha-!keypirinha_version!-x64-portable.7z" "!keypirinha_zip!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!keypirinha_zip!" "!keypirinha_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Unzip "!zip7_exe!" "!keypirinha_zip!" "!keypirinha_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Move "!keypirinha_dir!\keypirinha" "!keypirinha_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!keypirinha_exe!" "!keypirinha_exe_sha256!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!keypirinha_exe!" "!keypirinha_exe_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Misc Tools
@ -716,10 +731,10 @@ REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM ctags: C/C++ code annotation generator
REM scanmapset: Bind capslock to escape via registry
REM uncap: Bind capslock to escape via run-time program
call :CopyAndAlwaysOverwriteFile "!installer_dir!\win_clang_merge_compilation_command_files.bat" "!bin_dir!\clang_merge_compilation_command_files.bat" || exit /B
call :CopyAndAlwaysOverwriteFile "!installer_dir!\win_scanmapset.exe" "!bin_dir!\scanmapset.exe" || exit /B
call :CopyAndAlwaysOverwriteFile "!installer_dir!\win_uncap.exe" "!bin_dir!\uncap.exe" || exit /B
call :CopyAndAlwaysOverwriteFile "!installer_dir!\os_clang_format_style_file" "!home_dir!\_clang-format" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :OverwriteCopy "!installer_dir!\win_clang_merge_compilation_command_files.bat" "!bin_dir!\clang_merge_compilation_command_files.bat" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :OverwriteCopy "!installer_dir!\win_scanmapset.exe" "!bin_dir!\scanmapset.exe" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :OverwriteCopy "!installer_dir!\win_uncap.exe" "!bin_dir!\uncap.exe" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :OverwriteCopy "!installer_dir!\os_clang_format_style_file" "!home_dir!\_clang-format" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM MobaXTerm
@ -734,12 +749,12 @@ set mobaxterm_dir=!tools_dir!\!mobaxterm_label!
set mobaxterm_exe=!mobaxterm_dir!\MobaXterm_Personal_21.2.exe
if not exist "!mobaxterm_exe!" (
call :DownloadFile "!mobaxterm_version!.zip" !mobaxterm_zip! || exit /B
call :FileHashCheck sha256 !mobaxterm_zip! !mobaxterm_sha256! || exit /B
call :Unzip !mobaxterm_zip! !mobaxterm_dir! || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "!mobaxterm_version!.zip" !mobaxterm_zip! || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 !mobaxterm_zip! !mobaxterm_sha256! || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Unzip "!zip7_exe!" !mobaxterm_zip! !mobaxterm_dir! || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!mobaxterm_exe!" "!mobaxterm_exe_sha256!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!mobaxterm_exe!" "!mobaxterm_exe_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM O&O ShutUp10 (Privacy Tool for Windows)
@ -751,7 +766,7 @@ set oo_shutup_10_dir=!tools_dir!
set oo_shutup_10_file=!oo_shutup_10_dir!\oo_shutup_10.exe
if not exist "!oo_shutup_10_file!" (
if not exist "!oo_shutup_10_dir!" mkdir "!oo_shutup_10_dir!"
call :DownloadFile "" "!oo_shutup_10_file!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "" "!oo_shutup_10_file!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -767,12 +782,12 @@ set process_hacker_dir=!tools_dir!\!process_hacker_label!
set process_hacker_exe=!process_hacker_dir!\64bit\ProcessHacker.exe
if not exist "!process_hacker_exe!" (
call :DownloadFile "!process_hacker_version!/processhacker-!process_hacker_version!" "!process_hacker_zip!" || exit /B
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!process_hacker_zip!" "!process_hacker_sha256!" || exit /B
call :Unzip "!process_hacker_zip!" "!process_hacker_dir!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "!process_hacker_version!/processhacker-!process_hacker_version!" "!process_hacker_zip!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!process_hacker_zip!" "!process_hacker_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Unzip "!zip7_exe!" "!process_hacker_zip!" "!process_hacker_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!process_hacker_exe!" "!process_hacker_exe_sha256!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!process_hacker_exe!" "!process_hacker_exe_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM ripgrep
@ -787,13 +802,13 @@ set rg_dir=!tools_dir!\!rg_label!
set rg_exe=!rg_dir!\rg.exe
if not exist "!rg_exe!" (
call :DownloadFile "!rg_version!/ripgrep-!rg_version!" "!rg_zip!" || exit /B
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!rg_zip!" "!rg_sha256!" || exit /B
call :Unzip "!rg_zip!" "!rg_dir!" || exit /B
call :Move "!rg_dir!\ripgrep-!rg_version!-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc" "!rg_dir!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "!rg_version!/ripgrep-!rg_version!" "!rg_zip!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!rg_zip!" "!rg_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Unzip "!zip7_exe!" "!rg_zip!" "!rg_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Move "!rg_dir!\ripgrep-!rg_version!-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc" "!rg_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!rg_exe!" "!rg_exe_sha256!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!rg_exe!" "!rg_exe_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM Terminal
echo set PATH=!rg_dir!;%%PATH%%>> "!tmp_terminal_script!"
@ -811,13 +826,13 @@ set fd_dir=!tools_dir!\!fd_label!
set fd_exe=!fd_dir!\fd.exe
if not exist "!fd_exe!" (
call :DownloadFile "!fd_version!/fd-v!fd_version!" "!fd_zip!" || exit /B
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!fd_zip!" "!fd_sha256!" || exit /B
call :Unzip "!fd_zip!" "!fd_dir!" || exit /B
call :Move "!fd_dir!\fd-v!fd_version!-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc" "!fd_dir!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "!fd_version!/fd-v!fd_version!" "!fd_zip!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!fd_zip!" "!fd_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Unzip "!zip7_exe!" "!fd_zip!" "!fd_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Move "!fd_dir!\fd-v!fd_version!-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc" "!fd_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!fd_exe!" "!fd_exe_sha256!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!fd_exe!" "!fd_exe_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM Terminal
echo set PATH=!fd_dir!;%%PATH%%>> "!tmp_terminal_script!"
@ -841,18 +856,18 @@ set geth_gpg_key=!installer_dir!\win_geth_windows_builder_gpg_key.asc
set geth_gpg_sig=!geth_zip!.asc
if not exist "!geth_exe!" (
call :DownloadFile "!geth_version!.zip" "!geth_zip!" || exit /B
call :DownloadFile "!geth_version!.zip.asc" "!geth_gpg_sig!" || exit /B
call :FileHashCheck md5 "!geth_zip!" "!geth_md5!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "!geth_version!.zip" "!geth_zip!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "!geth_version!.zip.asc" "!geth_gpg_sig!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck md5 "!geth_zip!" "!geth_md5!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
gpg --import "!geth_gpg_key!" || exit /B
gpg --verify "!geth_gpg_sig!" "!geth_zip!" || exit /B
call :Unzip "!geth_zip!" "!geth_dir!" || exit /B
call :Move "!geth_dir!\geth-windows-amd64-!geth_version!" "!geth_dir!"
gpg --import "!geth_gpg_key!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
gpg --verify "!geth_gpg_sig!" "!geth_zip!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Unzip "!zip7_exe!" "!geth_zip!" "!geth_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Move "!geth_dir!\geth-windows-amd64-!geth_version!" "!geth_dir!"
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!geth_exe!" "!geth_exe_sha256!" || exit /B
call :MakeBatchShortcutInBinDir "geth" "!geth_exe!"
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!geth_exe!" "!geth_exe_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :MakeBatchShortcut "geth" "!geth_exe!" "!bin_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM remix_ide
@ -867,12 +882,12 @@ set remix_ide_dir=!tools_dir!\!remix_ide_label!
set remix_ide_exe=!remix_ide_dir!\Remix IDE.exe
if not exist "!remix_ide_exe!" (
call :DownloadFile "!remix_ide_version!/Remix-IDE-!remix_ide_version!" "!remix_ide_zip!" || exit /B
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!remix_ide_zip!" "!remix_ide_sha256!" || exit /B
call :Unzip "!remix_ide_zip!" "!remix_ide_dir!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "!remix_ide_version!/Remix-IDE-!remix_ide_version!" "!remix_ide_zip!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!remix_ide_zip!" "!remix_ide_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :Unzip "!zip7_exe!" "!remix_ide_zip!" "!remix_ide_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!remix_ide_exe!" "!remix_ide_exe_sha256!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!remix_ide_exe!" "!remix_ide_exe_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM solidity
@ -886,11 +901,12 @@ set solidity_exe=!solidity_dir!\!solidity_label!.exe
if not exist "!solidity_exe!" (
if not exist "!solidity_dir!" mkdir "!solidity_dir!"
call :DownloadFile "!solidity_version!/solc-windows.exe" "!solidity_exe!" || exit /B
call win_helpers.bat :DownloadFile "!solidity_version!/solc-windows.exe" "!solidity_exe!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call :FileHashCheck sha256 "!solidity_exe!" "!solidity_exe_sha256!" || exit /B
call :MakeBatchShortcutInBinDir "solc" "!solidity_exe!"
call win_helpers.bat :FileHashCheck sha256 "!solidity_exe!" "!solidity_exe_sha256!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :MakeBatchShortcut "solc" "!solidity_exe!" "!bin_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
call win_helpers.bat :MakeBatchShortcut "solc-!solidity_version!" "!solidity_exe!" "!bin_dir!" || exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Finish Terminal Script
@ -944,78 +960,4 @@ echo - Setup complete. Launch !tools_dir!\win_terminal.bat [or restart Wezterm i
echo - (Optional) A custom font is provided and requires manual intallation in Windows at !jetbrains_mono_file!
echo This font will be used in GVIM if it's available.
exit /B
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Functions
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
set url=%~1
set dest_file=%~2
set msg=[Download File] !url! to !dest_file!
if exist !dest_file! (
echo - [Cached] !msg!
) else (
echo - !msg!
call powershell -NoLogo -NoProfile -NonInteractive -Command "[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; Invoke-WebRequest !url! -OutFile !dest_file! -UserAgent [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.PSUserAgent]::FireFox"
if not exist !dest_file! echo [Download File] Failed to download file from !url!
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
set src_file=%~1
set dest_file=%~2
echo - [Copy] !src_file! to !dest_file!
call copy /Y !src_file! !dest_file! > nul
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
set zip_file=%~1
set dest=%~2
echo [Unzip] !zip_file! to !dest!
call !zip7_dir!\7z.exe x -y -spe -o!dest! !zip_file!
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
set algorithm=%~1
set file=%~2
set expected=%~3
REM Calculate hash
for /F "tokens=2 delims= " %%c in ('powershell -NoLogo -NoProfile -NonInteractive Get-FileHash -algorithm !algorithm! \"!file!\" ') do ( set "actual=%%c" )
REM Verify Hash
if /I "!expected!" neq "!actual!" (
echo - [Verify] !file!
echo !algorithm! hash does not match, failing.
echo Expected: !expected!
echo Actual: !actual!
exit /B -1
) else (
echo - [Verify] !algorithm! Hash OK: !file! !expected!
exit /B 0
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
set src=%~1
set dest=%~2
if exist !src! robocopy !src! !dest! /E /MOVE /NP /NJS /NJS /NS /NC /NFL /NDL
exit /B 0
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM NOTE we make a batch file instead of a symlink because symlinks require
REM admin privileges in windows ...
set script_name=%~1
set executable=%~2
echo @echo off> "!bin_dir!\!script_name!.bat"
echo !executable! %%*>> "!bin_dir!\!script_name!.bat"
exit /B 0